

Chapter 341: Spirit Stone

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

The two geniuses weren't the only ones who were maddened by Zhang Xuan's casual and impertinent reaction. Mo Yu's eyebrows were also twitching and she nearly flew into a rage.

She already felt indignant for having to come over personally to invite this fellow, and yet, the other party still acted like that.

It was as if she meant nothing to him at all!

At the first meeting, others would at least greet her politely with 'paying respect to Princess Mo Yu' or 'my pleasure to meet you', trying their best to be as gentlemanly as they could be. Yet, the other party immediately came with a 'what are you doing here' as soon as he saw her...

Are we close buddies?

If not for my father nagging me, do you think that I'd be here?

I've met rude people before, but to think that you would top the list!

Breathing heavily in anger, Mo Yu gritted her teeth.

Upon recalling her father's instructions, she felt even more dismayed. Even so, knowing the identity of the man before her, she could only suppress her rage.

Her father's intentions for demanding for her presence couldn't be any clearer... He wanted the both of them to have some time with one another, and it would be best if there was any spark between them!

After all, this would be greatly beneficial to her.

The fight for the throne was callous. Even though Mo Hongyi's surname was Mo, he was neither from the main family nor was he a close kin. As a talented individual who was about to become a 2-star master teacher, if he truly set his eyes upon the throne, neither the crown prince nor the other princes would be a match for him.

Mo Yu, as a fellow master teacher, was the only one who could stand against him.

Thus, Emperor Mo Tianxue intended to groom Mo Yu for her to become the empress so as to prevent the royal insignia from falling into the hands of an outsider... And to do so, her husband would play an important role in consolidating her power.

In the entire capital, the two most talented individuals other than Mo Hongyi was Master Teacher Zhang Xuan and Liu laoshi.

Master Teacher Zhang Xuan possessed high standing and powerful cultivation. On top of that, he also had the backing of a powerful teacher. Even if some spark were to be ignited between Mo Yu and him, it would be difficult for Mo Yu to keep him in check.

But Liu laoshi was different.

Mo Tianxue had sent some men to look into his affairs and confirmed that the other party was a true-blue Tianwu Kingdom civilian. Due to the lack of talent, he was unable to take the master teacher examination... At the same time, his cultivation was also only at Tongxuan realm primary stage, which was considerably weak compared to the geniuses in the city.

Normally, this kind of person wouldn't be able to match up to Mo Yu. But no one could have imagined that he would possess divine medical skill which paved his way into becoming the head of the Physician Guild all of the sudden.

Even though physician wasn't a combat occupation, very few were willing to step on their toes. After all, no one could ensure that they wouldn't fall ill.

If some kind of relationship were to really sprout between him and Mo Yu, Mo Yu's seat on the throne would be further stabilized. At the very least, Mo Hongyi would have to think twice before vying for the top seat.

Thus, Mo Yu held back her displeasure and came here personally to invite Liu laoshi over. She thought that the other party would be flattered and overwhelmed by her presence, but in the end, the other party simply disregarded her.

She was a princess and a master teacher…

What was with this attitude toward her?

Gritting her teeth tightly, she harrumphed.

After bringing up her father, she thought that no matter how arrogant Liu Cheng was, he would at least defer to her father's standing. Yet, the other party simply frowned, "Your father? Why is he looking for me? I still have something to attend to so I don't have much time!"

Zhang Xuan wasn't too bothered with the emperor of the kingdom.

As a potential 2-star master teacher, he had the qualifications to do so as well.

However, when Mo Yu heard those words, she flew into a frenzy.

Even if you are the guild leader of the Physician Guild, your physician rank is still limited by your weak cultivation. Without a concrete rank to augment your standing, your position can only be considered to be an honorary one. What rights do you have to act so arrogantly?

Don't have much time?

How don't you just take the time to die...

On the other side, Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan were about to spurt blood as well.

The other party being disrespectful to the princess was already sufficient to leave them speechless. To think that he would go as far as to disregard the emperor...

Aren't you afraid of incurring Princess Mo Yu's wrath by doing this? Aren't you scared that she would kill you with a single slap?

"Father has come here specially to meet you, it wouldn't look good if you were to turn him down like that!" Gritting her silver teeth, Mo Yu harrumphed.

"Ah... Fine, bring me over!" Zhang Xuan gestured.

He wasn't intentionally trying to anger this proud princess. Rather, the days with her in the Beast Hall and Red Lotus City had made him feel relatively close to her, and thus, he forgot about his identity as Liu laoshi upon seeing her.

From the looks of it, it seemed like the mask and fake identity that the Master Teacher Pavilion prepared for the examination was truly impressive. After all, even Mo Yu was unable to find anything amiss about him.


Flinging her sleeves, Mo Yu led the way.

Seeing the two of them leave, Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan stared at one another in shock.

Wasn't this fellow just an ordinary teacher? Why would the emperor pay him a visit personally? Also, why would Princess Mo Yu tolerate him despite being at the peak of her anger?

Even Principal Xie didn't wield such prestige!

"Let's go over and take a look..."

Unable to hold back their curiosity, the duo hurriedly followed behind them.


Parked at the entrance of the academy was a massive carriage. Before Zhang Xuan and the others could reach the carriage, the yellow drape veiling the interiors of the carriage parted, and a middle-aged man carrying a majestic disposition walked down.

His eyes were filled with energy and his aura felt imposing as if a mighty dragon. Even from a distance, Zhang Xuan could already feel a strong pressure from him.

The middle-aged man was a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert, an existence who was just a step away from reaching Half-Zhizun.

"You must be Guild Leader Liu..."

Mo Tianxue walked up to Zhang Xuan with a smile.

As he proceeded forward, he examined the other party carefully.

A moment later, a commendatory gleam flashed across his eyes.

As the emperor of a country, he naturally carried a disposition which exerted immense pressure on others. Even if an expert of the same cultivation realm were to face him, the other party wouldn't be able to avoid feeling intimidated and anxious.

As expected of the person who solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma. Despite his young age, the other party was extremely composed. Just his mental fortitude in itself was something incomparable by most.

"May I know the reason behind His Majesty's visit?" Zhang Xuan asked doubtfully.

"Liu laoshi has solved nineteen questions of the Wall of Dilemma consecutively, thus becoming a legend in the kingdom. I happened to pass by here today, and out of admiration for you, I would like to invite you to the royal palace!"

Mo Tianxue said.

"Royal palace?" Zhang Xuan shook his head. "I appreciate your goodwill but I have some affairs to attend to at the Apothecary Guild today. Thus, I will have to turn down your offer!"

Zhang Xuan still had to look for pills containing spiritual energy at the Apothecary Guild before heading to the residence to impart Zhao Ya the Heaven's Path Sword Art. He truly didn't have the time to be visiting the royal palace at the moment.

"He rejected the emperor's invitation?"

Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan had been following behind Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu stealthily, and as soon as they caught up, they immediately heard those words and shuddered in fear.

Liu laoshi sure was daring!

It was bad enough to be disrespectful to Princess Mo Yu, but to reject the emperor's invitation to his face...

"Since Guild Leader Liu has something up, I won't impose on you then. Here is a token of my sincerity, please accept it!"

Despite the other party rejecting his goodwill, Mo Tianxue didn't fly into a rage. Instead, he simply gestured with a smile, and a eunuch quickly walked forward to present a jade box over.

As the head of the Physician Guild, the other party was worthy to be considered as a fellow peer.

Mo Tianxue waved his hand, and the eunuch opened the jade box. Concentrated spiritual energy immediately gushed out from within, stimulating one's blood.

A transparent rock of the size of a walnut was placed neatly within the jade box. Reflecting the rays of the sun, it was as brilliant as a diamond.

"Spirit stone?"

"It's a spirit stone!"

Upon seeing the object, Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan's body trembled. At the same time, a flame ignited in their eyes.

Spirit stone was an ore mined from regions where spiritual energy was dense, and it was a commodity rarely seen even in Conferred Kingdoms. Every single one of them was incomparably valuable and rare, and it was an unparalleled treasure in boosting a cultivator's cultivation.

According to the rumors, only higher tiered kingdoms possessed the right to trade spirit stones, but even so, the demand still severely outstripped the supply! Even a 2-star master teacher would find it hard to obtain one... To think that the emperor would give such a valuable object to this Liu laoshi!

This gift was simply too big!

If they were in his place, they would have immediately become so agitated that they might even forget their own names.

They hurriedly turned to look at Liu laoshi... and he still had the same impassive expression on, as though he was unmoved by the other party's gift.

"No wonder... Just Liu laoshi's ability to maintain his composure in such a situation itself makes him already worthy of respect!"

Upon seeing this sight, the duo suddenly found themselves in awe of Liu laoshi.

That was a spirit stone! There was no cultivator whose breathing wouldn't hasten upon seeing it. Just by how Liu laoshi could remain calm before it already made him worthy of the emperor's respect...

Just as they were lamenting the innate difference among fellow humans, they heard the young teacher ask with a doubtful tone, "What's this?"


The duo's vision darkened, and they suddenly found themselves on the verge of tears.

To think that they felt deep respect for Liu laoshi when the truth was that... he didn't even recognize what it was!

They had wasted their respect on him...

"Cough cough!"

The proud Mo Tianxue, who was looking at Zhang Xuan expectantly in hopes of seeing the shock on the other party's face, choked on his saliva. He was rendered completely speechless by the other party.

Even if you haven't seen a spirit stone before, you should have at least heard of it!

Despite being so skilled in the Way of Medicine... how could you have never heard of spirit stones before...

Zhang Xuan had read many books in the Master Teacher Pavilion, but he had yet to assimilate the content of these books for his own. As such, he was still lacking in the common knowledge in the world.

The Library of Heaven's Path was similar to the search engines in his previous life. While one could easily search for answers on it... one had to know what to search for first. Otherwise, it would be useless!

That was to say, even though he could easily access the books in the Library of Heaven's Path, he didn't have perfect grasp over the knowledge contained within them yet.

The current situation was as such. A brilliant and extraordinary-looking stone was before him, but there were countless other stones in the world as well. How was he supposed to find this single stone among innumerable others among countless books?

"This is a spirit stone. It contains concentrated spiritual energy within it, allowing to cultivate efficiently..."

Mo Tianxue explained.

"Spirit stone?"

Upon hearing the name, Zhang Xuan immediately submerged his consciousness into the Library of Heaven's Path and a book instantaneously appeared before him. He quickly browsed through it.

A detailed description on the subject was written within the book: Spirit stones are ores formed from a dense congregation of spiritual energy, and they contain a concentrated volume of spiritual energy within it. The spiritual energy within it could be absorbed by a cultivator to increase the efficiency of his cultivation, thus solving the problem of limited spiritual energy in his environment...


Blinking his eyes in astonishment, Zhang Xuan's face gradually reddened in agitation.

Wasn't this what he was looking for? With this, he wouldn't have to head to the Apothecary Guild anymore!

He could just absorb the spiritual energy within the stone to reach Zongshi realm pinnacle!

"Thank you!"

Knowing how valuable this object was, Zhang Xuan hurriedly grabbed the spirit stone and kept it in his storage ring without even waiting for the other party to finish his explanation.


It was just a moment that he was nonchalant to the spirit stone, but in the next instant, he swiftly snatched it away, as though afraid that someone would take it away from him. Mo Tianxue and Mo Yu immediately flew into a frenzy.

The heck, your attitude is even more fickle than the weather!

Just as they were thinking that the other party was suffering from dissociative personality disorder, they saw the young man placing his hands behind his back and looking into the distance with a deep look, as though an expert who had seen through the vicissitudes of life.

"I won't take your item for free. How about this, I can conduct a free treatment for you!"

"..." Mo Tianxue and Mo Yu.

"..." Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan..




Chapter 342: Imparting Sword Art

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

The spirit stone was extremely important to Zhang Xuan at this moment. Since the other party was offering it to him, he had no reason to refuse it.

However, Zhang Xuan wouldn't accept the other party's gift for free either. Thus, he offered him to treat them once for free in return.

"Speaking of treatment, I really do require Guild Leader Liu's help!"

Recovering from his astonishment from the other party's actions, Mo Tianxue clasped his fist and said.

The main reason why he had chosen to befriend Liu laoshi was because he wanted to borrow the latter's medical skill. Since the other party had brought up the topic, he decided to grasp the opportunity.

"Execute a battle technique then!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

"Execute a battle technique?" Mo Tianxue was rendered speechless once more. Shouldn't you ask about the illness instead? What do you mean by execute a punching technique?

Laughing awkwardly, Mo Tianxue said, "It's not for me but... How about this, if Guild Leader Liu is free now, I would like to invite you to the royal palace."

"I have some matters to attend to at the moment. I'll head there after I'm done!" After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan said.

"Isn't Guild Leader Liu heading to the Apothecary Guild? Xiao Yu, you should accompany him there. As a 2-star apothecary, you should be well-versed with the matters there!"

Seeing the other party agree to his request, Mo Tianxue stroked his beard with a smile. "Besides, the both of you are incredible geniuses. It'll be good for you to get acquainted and learn from one another."

Mo Tianxue thought that it was a good opportunity to give the duo some time together. If sparks were to fly from their interaction, that would be for the best.

"The emperor is asking Princess Mo Yu to accompany him?"

"Clearly, he is trying to pair the princess with Liu laoshi..."

Upon seeing this sight, tears streamed down Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan's faces.

Regardless of whether it was her standing, beauty, or talent, Princess Mo Yu seemed to be favored by the heavens. No man could possibly reject her accompaniment.

The emperor's intentions couldn't be clearer. If not for fear of being too abrupt, he might have even betrothed her to him at this very instant. As secret admirers of Princess Mo Yu, their hearts shattered.

Just when they thought that Liu laoshi would agree delightfully to the matter, the latter frowned and shook his head, "There's no need for that..."

"No need?" Mo Tianxue was caught by surprise by the other party's response. "Isn't Liu laoshi heading to the Apothecary Guild? Even though my daughter isn't the best apothecary there, she is still a 2-star apothecary. With her connections there, you should be spared some hassle in obtaining what you need!"

Even the most skilled apothecary in Tianwu Kingdom Apothecary Guild, the guild leader, was only at 3-star. Thus, 2-star apothecaries possessed immense say within the guild.

"Oh, I'm not heading to the Apothecary Guild anymore. I still have matters to attend to, so I'll be bidding you all farewell here. After I'm done with my business, I will definitely pay the royal palace a visit!" Zhang Xuan clasped his fist and left.

The reason why he wanted to visit the Apothecary Guild was to look for a pill concentrated in spiritual energy for his cultivation. Having obtained a spirit stone, there was no need for him to do so anymore.

His greatest priority at this moment was to return to the residence to impart sword art to Zhao Ya.

After all, she was going to duel with someone two days later.

"You aren't going there anymore?"

Mo Tianxue blinked his eyes blankly.

On the other hand, Mo Yu gritted her teeth.

Her father's intentions couldn't be made any clearer, and yet, this fellow actually rejected the offer... On top of that, it was just a moment ago that he insisted on heading to the Apothecary Guild. But upon hearing that she was tagging along, he immediately changed his mind...

Am I that ugly? Do you have to be that frightened of me?


Oblivious to the misunderstanding he had caused, Zhang Xuan turned around and left.

Master teachers did possess sufficient prestige to disregard royalty. Even though the other party was the emperor of a Tier 1 Kingdom, he still had to think twice before doing anything to even an ordinary 2-star master teacher.

Putting aside the fact that master teachers were backed by the Master Teacher Pavilion, just the ability of a 2-star master teacher to rally experts was sufficient to wreck havoc in the kingdom.

All those who had benefited from their lessons in the past could be considered as their student. With the influence they wielded, destroying the royal family was nothing more than a walk in the park.

"Father, this fellow is getting out of hand!" After the other party disappeared in the distance, Mo Yu bellowed furiously.

"It is perfectly normal for talented people like him to be proud and unruly. The Zhang shi that you spoke of seems to be even more unruly than him, isn't that so?" Mo Tianxue replied.

With superior talents, it was inevitable that geniuses would tend to be proud and unruly. Besides, they had the qualifications to act in such a manner as well.

"Zhang shi possesses true capability. He isn't someone that fellow can compare with!" Mo Yu harrumphed.

Having accompanied Zhang shi from the Beast Hall to the Red Lotus City, she had a firsthand view of the other party's capability. While she couldn't say that his talents were unparalleled, she didn't think that he was too far from it. In a sense, Mo Yu viewed him as her idol. But this Liu Cheng... He was just an insignificant figure who hadn't even seen the wider world outside. He only happened to possess outstanding medical skills, how could he compare up to her idol?

"This isn't necessarily so. Not only is that Guild Leader Liu skilled in Way of Medicine, his aptitude for teaching is also top-notch!" Mo Tianxue chuckled. With a flick of his wrist, he produced a confidential document and passed it over. "Take a look at this!"

Mo Yu took it with a doubtful expression, and with a single glance, her eyes immediately widened. "He-he... With a single day of guidance, he made all of his students achieve a breakthrough in their cultivation? On top of that, he settled Mu Xueqing's pill poison?"

Mu Xueqing's father, Apothecary Mu, was one of Mo Yu's examiner during her apothecary examination, and she had met him several times. Through their interactions, she learned that Apothecary Mu was looking for a cure for his daughter's pill poison.

Given how Liu laoshi was able to become the head of the Physician Guild, his medical skill had to be outstanding. As such, while it was amazing for him to have resolved Mu Xueqing's pill poison, it wasn't beyond expectations. However, for the other party's entire class to achieve a breakthrough in just a single day of guidance... This wasn't something that just anyone was capable of!

Even her, a 1-star master teacher, was incapable of such a feat!

"Indeed. If he wasn't that formidable, I wouldn't have tried to pair him with you!" Mo Tianxue chuckled. "You should continue on reading. There's something even more interesting beyond that!"

Princess Mo Yu continued browsing downward and her hands suddenly trembled, "Zhang shi's student, Zhao Ya, fought with Mu Xueqing in a duel, and the result is a draw? And they are fighting once more two days later?"

"Un. If Mu Xueqing wins in this duel, it would mean that Liu laoshi's teaching capability has surpassed that of Zhang shi! Even if he isn't a master teacher, he would definitely contribute greatly to the country. Try thinking about it, if he were to conduct lessons in the military... What kind of effects would there be?"

Mo Tianxue said.

"That..." Mo Yu fell silent.

In just a single day of guidance, the other party's entire class managed to achieve a breakthrough in their cultivation. The benefits of the other party lecturing in the military were unimaginable. He might just singlehandedly induce the military might of the country to rise exponentially.

"Liu laoshi possess incredible medical skills and amazing teaching capability. Even though he is unable to match up to Zhang shi in pill forging and beast taming, the extent of his talent isn't inferior to the other party. It would definitely be beneficial to you to get close to such a person. But of course, you should also try to become closer with Zhang shi as well. If he were to speak up for you, regardless of how incredible Mo Hongyi is, he wouldn't be able to shake your position anymore!"

Mo Tianxue instructed gravely.

"Yes!" Mo Yu nodded. Suddenly, she thought of something and hesitated for a moment before asking, "Since we are intending to get on close terms with the two, should we stop the duel between Mu Xueqing and Zhao Ya?"

"Why should we stop it? Not only should we not stop it, we should even propagate it. We should make everyone aware of this matter and create a huge uproar! This way, we will be able to win his goodwill!"

Mo Tianxue declared confidently.

"The other party's intentions are clear. Since he didn't attempt to stop the duel between Mu Xueqing and Zhao Ya, then clearly, he wishes to make use of this matter to strike his name out. Since that's the case, we should give him a helping hand!"

Hearing Mo Tianxue's words, Mo Yu came to a realization. To be honest, she was also curious whether Zhang shi's student, Zhao Ya, or Guild Leader Liu's student, Mu Xueqing, would win?

But regardless of who wins, the fact that the two of them came to a draw in their first fight showed that Guild Leader Liu's teaching capability was in no way inferior to Zhang shi!

"I should watch their duel two days later..."

Mo Yu made up her mind.


After leaving the academy, Zhang Xuan double checked that no one was following him before diving into an alley and transforming into 'Yang shi'. Then, he walked into the residence.

"Old master, a few guards came by yesterday night to seek refuge with the young master. However, young master is away now, so what should we do with them?"

Upon seeing Yang shi, Sun Qiang stepped forward and greeted him before asking.

"Seek refuge with the young master?" Zhang Xuan asked doubtfully.

"That's right. They said that they were once guards of the Ji Clan and they have come here due to a promise with the young master..."

Sun Qiang added.

"Oh!" Zhang Xuan nodded as he recalled the matter.

Two days ago, when he just arrived in the capital, he offended a painter, Ji Mo gongzi, and the latter sent his men after him. In the end, the other party's men ended up being thrashed by him instead. He then fed them poison and commanded them to teach Ji Mo gongzi a lesson.

Given that Zhang Xuan was away due to his 2-star master teacher examination... These people had no choice but to escape here to prevent themselves from being killed by the men of the Ji Clan.

"I have heard this matter from Xuan lad, and it seems like he intends to have them serve as guards. As for the trauma they are suffering for, I will resolve it for them!" Zhang Xuan shook his hands casually.

While the cultivation of these people was nothing compared to Zhang Xuan, they were still Tongxuan realm experts. The residence would be much safer under their protection.

Even though it was unlikely that anyone would cause any matter here in deference to Zhang shi's name, it would still be best to prepare for the unexpected.

"Yes!" Even though he wasn't too sure what the old master was speaking of, Sun Qiang took note of it.

"Call Zhao Ya over!"

Walking to the hall and sitting down on the center seat, Zhang Xuan instructed.

Sun Qiang nodded and left. Soon, Zhao Ya walked into the hall.

"I have found a sword art compatible with you and I will impart it to you now. Regardless of who you are fighting with two days later, I hope that you can emerge victorious. Don't let me and your teacher down!"

Looking at the girl before him, Zhang Xuan spoke impassively.

"Grandteacher, rest assured! Zhao Ya will not disappoint you!" Zhao Ya clenched her jaws in determination.

"That's good. This is the secret manual for the sword art. After you've read through it, feel free to look for me to clarify any doubts!"

Zhang Xuan passed Zhao Ya the manual of the simplified version of the Heaven's Path Sword Art.

Knowing that the battle technique imparted by the grandteacher was couldn't be ordinary, she immediately started browsing through the technique seriously.

The Heaven's Path Sword Art had condensed innumerable profound concepts into simple ones that pointed straight toward the essence of swordsmanship. As such, it wasn't too difficult to learn the technique. In two hours, Zhao Ya managed to grasp the basics of the technique. However, it would still take some time before she manages to become adept in it.

Even so, she could already feel the overwhelming strength of the sword art.

It was even superior to Zheng Yang's spear art.

"Teacher, Pavilion Master Jiang requests an audience!"

Just as Zhang Xuan was done imparting Zhao Ya the Heaven's Path Sword Art, Liu Ling walked into the room.

"Bring him in..."

Zhang Xuan shook his hands casually when he suddenly froze. Slapping his head, an idea popped into his mind.

He was too used to operating in his identity as Zhang Xuan that he neglected Yang Xuan's standing.

As a 1-star master teacher, Zhang Xuan wasn't qualified to enter the 2-star library of the Master Teacher Pavilion. However, it should be easy for 'Yang shi' to enter!

In any case, this wasn't a huge matter in itself. If Yang Xuan were to raise the idea, Pavilion Master Jiang surely wouldn't stop him!




Chapter 343: Solution to the Innate Fetal Poison

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Following behind Liu Ling, Pavilion Master Jiang entered the hall.

"Paying respects to teacher!" Pavilion Master Jiang clasped his fist and bowed. Before he could speak, he heard his teacher ask, "Is there any books regarding 'Empyrean Kong shi' in the Master Teacher Pavilion?"

"Empyrean Kong shi?"

Pavilion Master Jiang was taken aback. "There are some records about Kong shi in the 2-star library, but it isn't too detailed..."

"Bring me there!" Hearing the other party confirm the matter, Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Even though the Innate Fetal Poison was still dormant at the moment, he couldn't rest easy knowing that there was a ticking time bomb on him.

It would be best if he could solve it as soon as possible.

"Yes!" Pavilion Master Jiang nodded.

The 2-star library of the Master Teacher Pavilion was only open to 2-star master teachers. However, given his teacher's capability, he was definitely a master teacher who surpassed 2-star. Thus, he was qualified to enter freely.

Thus, under Jiang Shu's lead, the duo headed to the Master Teacher Pavilion.

The residence wasn't too far from the residence, so it didn't take them too long before arriving at the 2-star library.

Insisting that Pavilion Master Jiang stay outside, Zhang Xuan walked in.

Even though the number of books in the 2-star library paled to that of the 1-star library, the quantity was still astonishing. Since Zhang Xuan had nothing urgent at hand, he began collecting them all into the Library of Heaven's Path.

It took him around half a day to collect all of the books in the 2-star library.

"Kong shi!"

As soon as that thought popped in his mind, two books appeared before him.

He casually flipped it open.

"Empyrean Kong shi possesses Innate Saint Soul Depth..."

A few matters concerning Kong shi were written on the two books.

Looking through the matters regarding Kong shi before he reached thirty-year-old twice, Zhang Xuan realized that something was amiss.

Not only was Kong shi talented, he was also extremely diligent in his cultivation. In order to raise his strength, he put himself in precarious situations; entering the deep sea, stepping into the wilderness, infiltrating underground caverns... At an age below thirty, he had already reached the level of a 9-star master teacher!

But after that, he seemed to have suddenly toned down. He traveled around the world to enlighten the masses, established the Master Teacher Pavilion, and brought order to the entire continent... While his deeds were still spectacular, he clearly wasn't as driven as he was in the past.

"Could… becoming a 9-star master teacher be the key to solving the Innate Fetal Poison?"

Gedeng, Zhang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

Unlike other occupations, master teachers had a strict requirement of one's cultivation. When Zhang Xuan was still at Tongxuan realm, he was still able to receive 2-star emblems from the Beast Hall and the Painter Guild. However, in the Master Teacher Pavilion, he wasn't even eligible to take the examination.

To become a 9-star master teacher, on top of possessing overwhelming Soul Depth, Zhang Xuan's cultivation had to reach an unimaginable level as well.

If he had to reach this level to solve the Innate Fetal Poison, then this was truly terrible news!

"I should test my hypothesis!"

A blank book appeared in his palm, and fetching a brush, Zhang Xuan wrote, "Reaching 9-star master teacher can solve the Innate Fetal Poison!"

He touched the book with his finger.


A book appeared in the Library of Heaven's Path. Quickly flipping through it, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows shot up.

There weren't any errors reflected in the book. In other words... this sentence was true!

"I have to reach 9-star master teacher to solve the Innate Fetal Poison... In other words, if I don't reach 9-star master teacher before thirty, I will die?"

Zhang Xuan's body swayed weakly and he found himself on the verge of tears.

The heck, did the world have a grudge with him?

Other cultivators like Zhao Ya and Yuan Tao possessed all kinds of amazing physical constitutions, and by awakening them, their cultivation would be raised exponentially as if riding on a rocket.

On the other hand, he was cursed with the Innate Fetal Poison which threatened to claim his life if he didn't become a 9-star master teacher before thirty!

Are you for real?

9-star master teachers were the greatest experts who could shake the entire continent with their stomp.

Every single one of them only managed to reach that realm after countless years of accumulation. To reach that level before thirty...

Even though the Library of Heaven's Path allowed him to raise his cultivation swiftly, where in the world was he supposed to find sufficient spiritual energy to sustain his cultivation? More importantly, where in the world was he supposed to find so many secret manuals for the compilation of subsequent levels of Heaven's Path Divine Art?

Dismayed, Zhang Xuan wrote another line.

"Other than becoming a 9-star master teacher, there are other solutions to solving the Innate Fetal Poison!"

He touched the book once more.


The book refreshed, and there were still no errors on it.

"There are other solutions to it..."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xuan immediately grew agitated.

However, his agitation only lasted for a short moment before bitterness crept onto his face.

So what if he knew that there were other solutions? If he didn't know what they were, they were no different from being non-existent.

Even if you know that transforming into a bird can allow you to soar in the skies... it doesn't mean a thing if you are unable to do so!

"Forget it. Since there are other solutions, I should be able to find them. Otherwise, I will just have to experiment slowly!"

Zhang Xuan consoled himself.

Even though the Library of Heaven's Path couldn't give him the solution to a problem, it could determine whether something was right or wrong. If it comes down to it, he would just have to try treatment methods one after another. He should at least stumble upon the right one eventually.

There was still some time before he reached thirty, so there wasn't much of a need for him to worry too much about it at the moment.

At this moment, the sun had already set. Zhang Xuan walked out of the library while stretching his back.

Leaving the Master Teacher Pavilion, he headed straight back to the academy and continued helping Lu Chong with the cultivation of the Poison Body. After which, he stepped into the small tutoring room and took out the spirit stone.

Spiritual energy flowed within the transparent and brilliant stone, and it felt warm and comfortable to the touch.

"Time to cultivate!"

With the spirit stone and the complete Zongshi realm Heaven's Path Divine Art in hand, there was no need for Zhang Xuan to hesitate.

Nothing was more concrete than strength.

Only with sufficient strength could Zhang Xuan win the deference of others without disguising as 'Yang Xuan'.

Placing the spirit stone in his palm, he closed his hands and started to cultivate according to the formula recorded in the Zongshi realm Heaven's Path Divine Art.


Spiritual energy immediately gushed into his meridians and turned into pure zhenqi before slowly accumulating in his dantian.

Under the infusion of spiritual energy, Zhang Xuan's cultivation rose swiftly.

Zongshi realm primary stage!

Zongshi realm intermediate stage!

An hour later, Zhang Xuan's cultivation had already reached Zongshi realm intermediate stage, and he was only a step away from reaching Zongshi realm advanced stage.


Just when he was going to attempt the breakthrough to Zongshi realm advanced stage, the spirit stone in his palm suddenly cracked and crumbled into dust.

The spiritual energy in the spirit stone had been completely depleted.

"It crumbled? Just like that?" Seeing the spirit stone being depleted of its spiritual energy and crumbling into dust, Zhang Xuan scratched his head.

He thought that he should at least be able to reach Zongshi realm pinnacle with this spirit stone, but it seemed like... he was overestimating it.

There was no doubt that spirit stones were concentrated with spiritual energy, but there was still a limit to how much spiritual energy each spirit stone could contain.

If it was any other Zongshi realm cultivator, they might have been able to reach Zongshi realm pinnacle with a single spirit stone. However, Zhang Xuan was different.

The Heaven's Path zhenqi was incomparably pure, and it demanded an equal quality of the spiritual energy it absorbed as well. It would refuse spiritual energy with the slightest bit of impurity in them. Thus, almost half of the spiritual energy in the spirit stone ended up being wastes. It was already a huge blessing that Zhang Xuan was able to reach Zongshi realm intermediate stage despite the immense wastage!

"Since a single spirit stone is insufficient... Didn't the emperor ask me to treat someone's illness? Maybe I can try asking for a few more from him then..."

Having known the prowess of a spirit stone, Zhang Xuan began to devise a plan to obtain more of it.

Since the emperor was willing to gift a spirit stone to him, chances are that he had more of it. If he could lay his hands on a few more, he would be able to easily reach Zongshi realm pinnacle!

With such strength, even if he were to abandon his identity as a master teacher, no one would dare to stand in his way in Tianwu Kingdom.

When dawn arrived, he passed the bottle of poison to Lu Chong, taught him how to use it, and instructed him to continue tempering his Poison Body. After which, he left the classroom and headed toward the royal palace.


Tianwu royal palace.

"Emperor Tianxue, Prince Fei Xuan had traveled such a long distance to propose to Princess Mo Yu. With a matrimony occurs between Tianwu and Kunqian Kingdom, we would be able to deepen our trust and better support one another. If so, the other countries would surely dare not harbor any ambitious thoughts against us!"

In the royal court, an elder clasped his hand as he spoke to Mo Tianxue, who was sitting on the throne.

The elder was Envoy Ran Mu from Kunqian Kingdom.

A Zongshi realm pinnacle expert.

There was a twenty-four-year-old youngster standing beside him. He had a dashing appearance, but the arrogance on his face seemed to spoil the aesthetics of his features. Despite his young age, he was actually a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert!

At the current moment, the young man was gazing at Mo Yu with unconcealed admiration.

However, Mo Yu simply frowned. It seemed like not only was she uninterested in this prince, she even carried slight abhorrence for him.

"Envoy Ran Mu, there's no need to rush things. Mo Yu is the daughter that I dote the most on, so I propose that we discuss the matter slowly!" Mo Tianxue replied with a vague answer, neither agreeing nor disagreeing to Envoy Ran Mu's proposal.

"Emperor Tianxue has already said such words many times. The very reason why I am here with the prince this time around is to facilitate this matter!"

Envoy Ran Mu smiled, "I heard that something has happened to your guardian beast and that you have been using a formation to confine it. May I know if it is true?"

Mo Tianxue's face darkened, "What do you mean by that?"

"Hehe!" Envoy Ran Mu chuckled. "Since our Kunqian Kingdom is able to obtain such news, naturally, the other kingdoms should already know of it as well! As long as His Majesty agrees to the marriage, we will present a stalk of [Spirit Beast Grass] to you! I believe that with this, you should have no reason to reject us!"

"Spirit Beast Grass?"

Mo Tianxue frowned.

Just like cultivators, savage beasts had cultivation realms as well.

Savage beasts who surpassed Zhizun realm to reach a higher level of existence were known as spirit beasts.

Spirit Beast Grass was a medicinal herb which grew in areas where spiritual energy was dense. Spirit beasts are extremely fond of it, and they often fought with one another over it.

The value of a Spirit Beast Grass was in no way inferior to a spirit stone.

But of course, its rarity and value weren't what that appealed to Mo Tianxue. What Mo Tianxue was interested in was its ability to soothe the injuries of a savage beast.

On top of that, if a Zhizun realm savage beast could consume it frequently over a period of time, there was a good possibility that it might be able to advance to a spirit beast.

The main reason why Tianwu Kingdom had been able to become a Tier 1 Kingdom and deter the aggression of surrounding Tier 1 Kingdoms was mainly due to the existence of their Half-Zhizun guardian beast.

However, the guardian beast hadn't been in good condition recently. That was also the reason why Mo Tianxue approached Liu laoshi, hoping that the latter could treat it.

Even though a stalk of Spirit Beast Grass was probably insufficient to cure the guardian beast's illness, it could alleviate its condition.

However, Mo Tianxue was grooming Mo Yu with the intention of making her inherit the throne. How could he sell the future emperor of the country for a single stalk of Spirit Beast Grass? Just as he was about to reject the other party's offer, Mo Yu stepped forward.

"Father, since Prince Fei Xuan is proposing to me, may I offer my views on this matter?"

"Feel free!" Mo Tianxue nodded.

"In truth, I don't have any objections to getting married. However..."

Glancing at Prince Fei Xuan, Mo Yu spoke impassively, "You are also aware that I am a beast tamer. My tamed beast doesn't have a good temper, and if someone were to approach me, it would immediately fly into a temper. As such, I fear for Prince Fei Xuan's life if he were to marry me. Thus, only if he is capable of defeating my tamed beast will agree to the marriage!"

"Defeat your tamed beast? Do you mean it?" Prince Fei Xuan's eyes lit up.

"Of course!"

Chuckling lightly, Mo Yu raised her hand and a massive Viridescent Eagle flew into the hall.




Chapter 344: You Are the One Who Has a Problem With Your Head!

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric


Tilting its head up proudly, the Viridescent Eagle stared at Prince Fei Xuan arrogantly.

"Viridescent Eagle?" Prince Fei Xuan immediately identified the savage beast.

He wasn't a beast tamer, but he had a fundamental level of understanding of savage beasts. This savage beast was relatively strong as compared to other aerial savage beasts, but due to the limitations of its talents, it had a cultivation cap of Tongxuan realm pinnacle.

Prince Fei Xuan himself was a Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator as well, and given his numerous trump cards, it wasn't too a difficult task for him to defeat it.

As the prince of a kingdom, he cultivated the best cultivation technique and the most profound battle techniques. If he couldn't even triumph over a savage beast who was capable of mere brute force, it would truly be a huge embarrassment.

Chuckling lightly, he turned to Mo Yu and said, "Can I hold Princess Mo Yu to her words? As long as I defeat this Viridescent Eagle, will you agree to the marriage?"

"Un!" Mo Yu nodded her head. "However, if you lose, you'll have to leave immediately!"

"Of course! If I can't even defeat your tamed beast, what rights do I have to marry you?" Prince Fei Xuan's eyes were glowing with excitement.

Mo Yu's talent and beauty were well known even in the surrounding kingdoms, and many princes desired to take her hand in marriage.

In truth, he didn't bear too much hope for this proposal, so Mo Yu's offer came as an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

He might not be confident in anything else, but it definitely wasn't a problem to subdue a Tongxuan realm pinnacle savage beast for him.

"Your Highness..."

Envoy Ran Mu frowned as he examined the Viridescent Eagle carefully.

Different from ordinary humans, the source of a savage beast's strength was mainly derived from their physical body. Thus, when they weren't in combat, it was impossible to gauge their strength. As such, despite being at Zongshi realm pinnacle, Envoy Ran Mu was unable to determine how powerful the Viridescent Eagle.

Based on what he knew, the cultivation of a Viridescent Eagle shouldn't exceed Tongxuan realm pinnacle. Thus, it shouldn't be an opponent for the prince... However, as a master teacher, Princess Mo Yu should be aware of this as well. Her inconceivable confidence in this matter made him hesitate.

"It's just a Viridescent Eagle, there's no need to worry about it!" Prince Fei Xuan shook his hands casually.

"Let's begin then!"

Chuckling softly, Mo Yu gestured to the Viridescent Eagle. With a piercing howl, the latter charged straight at Prince Fei Xuan, and its gigantic wings swooped down on him.

The thick and massive feathers of the Viridescent Eagle were no different from steel. Due to its incredible strength, even before the attack could land on Prince Fei Xuan, a huge gale had already been whipped up in the hall. Under its forceful might, cracks started appearing on the tough granite-tiled floor.

"Half-Zongshi? This..."

Sensing the incredible strength originating from the other party's wings, the confident Prince Fei Xuan nearly fell to the floor in shock.

Wasn't the strength of a mature Viridescent Eagle capped at Tongxuan realm pinnacle? How could this Viridescent Eagle possibly be at Half-Zongshi realm? Furthermore, given how adept it was at utilizing its strength, it was likely that it had already advanced to Half-Zongshi for some time already.

Even though it was only a small cultivation realm of a difference between the two realms, the difference in fighting prowess was, in fact, worlds apart.

"She got me!"

Prince Fei Xuan immediately realized that he had fallen for the other party's tricks. Alarmed, he quickly pushed against the floor and retreated.


However, before he could get far, the Viridescent Eagle's giant body was already in midair once more. Its steel claws tore through space, headed straight for him.

Not only was this fellow strong, its adaptability also far surpassed ordinary savage beasts. Upon realizing that its attack wouldn't work, it immediately changed its course of attack.

The Viridescent Eagle had two main offensive techniques: Wing Sweep and Steel Claw.

Since the first technique fell empty, it used the momentum from its sweep to push its body into the sky to launch the second technique.

Si la!

The air moaned under the pressure, and before Prince Fei Xuan could respond, the steel claw had already struck his chest, sending him crashing into a wall. Fresh blood spurted freely from his mouth.

"You've lost!"

Mo Yu beckoned with her hands, and the Viridescent Eagle immediately flew back to her side. Then, turning to Prince Fei Xuan, she spoke nonchalantly.


Struggling to his feet, Prince Fei Xuan's face was livid.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to subdue this Viridescent Eagle easily, but never in his dreams could he expect to be severely injured in just two moves.

This fellow was way too bizarre!

It seemed to understand the art of fighting, as though it was a human.

"You are cheating... Due to the limitations of its bloodline, the cultivation of a Viridescent Eagle can only reach Tongxuan realm pinnacle. How could this one be at Half-Zongshi realm?"

Only after consuming a recovery pill did Prince Fei Xuan's injuries alleviate slightly. Through gritted teeth, he protested.

"A loss is a loss! Why? Does Prince Fei Xuan hopes to renege on his words?" Mo Yu answered impassively.

This Viridescent Eagle was the one which Zhang Xuan tamed at the Beast Hall via his Beast Pummeling Taming Method back then. After its blood had been cleansed by Heaven's Path zhenqi, it managed to successfully advance to Half-Zongshi realm.

Not only so, due to the incredible purity of the Heaven's Path zhenqi, savage beasts whose bloodline was cleansed by it would find their primal instincts being replaced with rationality and intelligence.

This was precisely the reason why the Viridescent Eagle was able to swiftly change its course of attack in the middle of a battle and defeat Fei Xuan easily.

Back then, in Red Lotus City, as Zhang Xuan had managed to tame the Half-Zhizun Howling Firmament Beast, it no longer mattered whether he had this fellow or not. Thus, he returned it back to Mo Yu, and Mo Yu rode it back to Tianwu Royal City.

Even though she hadn't established a contract with it yet, it possessed a Trust Level of 30 with her. As such, it was extremely obedient to her.

"I..." Prince Fei Xuan's face turned scarlet. He wanted to retort, but not a single word would come out from his mouth.

He had just declared confidently that he would give up if he were to be defeated by the Viridescent Eagle. Given how he didn't even manage to withstand two blows, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he wasn't able to say anything at all.

Just as he was conflicted over how he should reply, a eunuch walked in.

"Your Majesty, Liu laoshi from Tianwu Academy requests for an audience!"

"Oh? Liu laoshi? Invite him in quickly!"

Mo Tianxue's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" The eunuch walked out of the room.

"Hmph!" Upon recalling that infuriating fellow, Mo Yu's face darkened.

She had always been the center of attention as far as she could remember, and this was the first time... Oh, second time that she had been treated like that.

Glancing at his daughter's expression, Mo Tianxue shook his head with a smile, "Xiao Yu, make sure to build a good relationship with Liu laoshi, you mustn't be that stubborn anymore! He's the ideal candidate that I have found for you!"

"Ideal candidate?"

Prince Fei Xuan and Envoy Ran Mu glanced at one another with an alarmed look.

It was no wonder why Emperor Tianxue kept turning them down with all kind of excuses. It seemed like he already found a suitable spouse for Princess Mo Yu in Tianwu Royal City.

"Hmph, I would like to see how incredible he is for Emperor Tianxue to act like that..."

Prince Fei Xuan's eyes narrowed into small slits. He immediately felt overwhelming hostility for this Liu laoshi even though he hadn't met the other party before.

A grim expression crept onto Envoy Ran Mu's face.

They had just arrived at Tianwu Royal City, so they hadn't heard of Liu laoshi's incredible feat of solving nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma in a single breath. Even so, to be so highly regarded by Emperor Tianxue, he couldn't help but feel a little curious about the other party.

Turning to the entrance of the hall, he saw a young man walking in beside a eunuch.

"Tongxuan realm primary stage?"

Glancing at one another, frowns appeared on Envoy Ran Mu and Prince Fei Xuan.

They were wondering what kind of talented young man this Liu laoshi would be, but contrary to the expectations they held, the other party was only a measly Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator.

He would be considered as an exceptional genius in remote countries such as Tianxuan Kingdom, but in Tier 1 Kingdoms, his achievements could only be considered to be slightly above average.

"Your Majesty!"

Walking up, this young man known as Liu laoshi casually clasped his fist.


Upon seeing his actions, the duo was even more perplexed.

Under normal circumstances, one should at least bow respectfully upon seeing the emperor. Even if the other party wasn't a subordinate of the emperor, he should at least bow in the capacity as a junior. Yet, this fellow... actually greeted him as a fellow peer?

Despite being in his twenties and possessing a cultivation realm of Tongxuan realm primary stage, he greeted the Zongshi realm pinnacle emperor as a fellow peer?

What kind of identity did he possess?

"Of the Three Great Clans in Tianwu Royal City, the high nobles, and authoritative officials... there doesn't seem to be anyone who goes with the surname of Liu?"

Envoy Ran Mu found the situation inconceivable.

Given how they were able to uncover the condition of Tianwu Kingdom's guardian beast, a classified secret, naturally, they were well aware of the various powers within the capital as well. However, they hadn't heard of any powerful figure that goes by the surname of Liu.

Even the Master Teacher Pavilion didn't seem to have any master teachers whose surname was Liu.

Besides, if he was a master teacher, he would be addressed as Liu shi instead.

"Liu laoshi, you sure kept me waiting, I thought that you would be visiting yesterday!"

Mo Tianxue smiled bitterly.

The other party was a genius physician, as well as the guild leader of the Physician Guild. Even though he was the emperor of the kingdom, he wasn't in a position to urge him into doing something. Thus, he could only wait silently in the royal palace. Even so, he didn't expect to end up waiting an entire day for the other party.

"I had urgent matters to attend to yesterday!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

"I've said yesterday that I'll conduct one free treatment for you. Who's the one that's sick? Bring him here!"

After which, Zhang Xuan began scanning the surroundings, and soon, his eyes fell on Prince Fei Xuan and Envoy Ran Mu.

Under the other party's gaze, Prince Fei Xuan's eyebrows shot up.

He had already carried immense hostility for the other party even before his appearance, and yet, at this very moment, the other party was actually insinuating that he was ill. Infuriated, he almost exploded on the spot.

"You are Liu laoshi, right?"

Suppressing his rage, he stepped forward and asked coldly.

Zhang Xuan stared at him doubtfully.

"I am the second prince of Kunqian Kingdom. I am here to ask for Princess Mo Yu's hand in marriage..."

He emphasized on the word 'marriage' so as to see the other party's reaction to the matter. However, the other party seemed to be completely nonchalant to the matter, as though it was none of his affair.

Feeling humiliated by the other party's indifference, he harrumphed, "Since you're the candidate the emperor and the princess have decided on, do you dare to take me on in a duel?"

"Candidate the emperor and princess have decided on?"

Zhang Xuan was bewildered by the situation.

Is there something wrong with this fellow? How have I crossed you? You ask for your hand in marriage while I conduct my treatment, why in the world are you challenging me to a duel when I've only just walked into the hall?

Besides, what do you mean by I am the candidate those two have decided on'?

After a moment of contemplation, a thought suddenly flashed across Zhang Xuan's head, and he finally understood what was going on.

Didn't Mo Tianxue invite him over to treat someone?

This fellow kept rambling nonsense, so he must be that sick person...

Un, mental illness. It was harder to treat than typical illnesses plaguing the body. He should make full use of this opportunity to highlight the difficulty of the treatment as a leverage for more spirit stones. It would be best if he could obtain two more...

The very reason why he came here to conduct a treatment was to obtain spirit stones anyway. Even if the patient's symptom wasn't too severe, he would still have to exaggerate it to ask for more spirit stones.

However, judging from the complete nonsense this fellow was speaking, he was definitely severely ill. At the very least, his treatment would be worth two to three spirit stones!

After clearing up his thoughts, Zhang Xuan looked at Prince Fei Xuan with a look of satisfaction and nodded. Then, he turned to Mo Tianxue, and with a contemplative look, he said, "Your Majesty, this patient's illness is extremely severe! His illness lies in the head, and such illnesses are much more difficult to treat than ordinary illnesses. It will take me quite a bit of effort to cure him..."


Prince Fei Xuan thought that the other party's nod represented his consent toward the duel, but upon hearing these words, a mouthful of fresh blood spurted from him and he nearly fainted on the spot.

You're the one who is afflicted with mental illness, your whole family is afflicted with mental illness…


The character of Liu laoshi's surname is different from that of Liu Ling. Also, Liu Ling isn't a master teacher of Tianwu Kingdom.




Chapter 345: The Viridescent Eagle Who is Willing To Be Beaten Up

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric


Hearing the other party directly insulting the prince as mentally ill, Envoy Ran Mu's face darkened, "Our prince is very healthy, what kind of nonsense are you spouting?"

"He is healthy?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed. "Then... are you the one who is ill?"

Mo Tianxue had invited him over to conduct a treatment for someone, so naturally, someone here had to be ill. He had just met with the emperor and Mo Yu yesterday, so it was impossible for them to be the patients. The only ones left in this hall were the two of them, so who else could it be other than them?


Seething with rage, a mouthful of blood almost spurted from Envoy Ran Mu's mouth. With a reddened face, he flung his sleeves furiously and turned to the throne, "Emperor Tianxue, is this how your Tianwu Kingdom treats your guests? Our prince might not be the crown prince, but he's still a respected figure in our country, a king personally conferred by our emperor. To allow just anyone to insult him, isn't this a clear provocation toward our Kunqian Kingdom?"

"Envoy Ran Mu, calm down..."

Not expecting Liu laoshi to say such words, Mo Tianxue was put in an awkward position. He hurriedly explained, "Liu laoshi is a physician who I specially invited over to conduct a treatment. It is due to his failure to recognize you two that he unintentionally offended you. I hope that you can overlook this matter!"

After which, he turned to Zhang Xuan and explained, "Liu laoshi, the two of them are guests of our kingdom, not patients..."


Zhang Xuan nodded before turning to look at Prince Fei Xuan doubtfully.

Since he wasn't a patient, why would he utter such gibberish? Seemed like that Kunqian Kingdom was nothing after all. To think that even a mentally ill person could be conferred a king...

Sensing his intent behind the other party's gaze, Prince Fei Xuan nearly spurted blood and fainted.

What do you mean?

Why are your eyes filled with pity?

I am a prince of Kunqian Kingdom, a person who is second only to the emperor, the figure of admiration for innumerable people! I don't need your pity!

Looking at Prince Fei Xuan's maddened look, Mo Yu widened her eyes and she nearly burst into laughter.

It was no wonder why Liu laoshi was able to make her so angry. His ability to get on the nerves on others was truly unparalleled.

With just a few words, he was able to make the calm Prince Fei Xuan seething with so much rage that he was ready to kill anyone at this moment. In a sense, this was already a wonder in itself.

She was initially rather discontented with him as well, but seeing him leaving Prince Fei Xuan on the verge of erupting, her grudge with the other party vanished and she nodded her head in satisfaction

Forcefully suppressing his anger, Prince Fei Xuan glared at Liu laoshi coldly, "If you dare not duel with me, just say so. There's no need for you to come up with such excuses!"

He had lost his dignity before the princess just a moment ago, and at this moment, he was being mocked once again by this nobody. As a prideful prince of Kunqian Kingdom, this was something he couldn't accept!

"Duel? What do you want to compete in?"

Seeing how the other party was so adamant as to compete with him, Zhang Xuan felt slightly dismayed.

I'll conduct my treatment while you ask for Mo Yu's hand in marriage, why are you so intent on fighting with me?

"Simple. Princess Mo Yu has personally said that she would only marry a person who could defeat her tamed beast. If you can defeat her tamed beast, I'll admit defeat! How about it, do you have the guts to take on the challenge?"

Sneering coldly, Prince Fei Xuan flung his sleeves.

It was just a moment ago that he lost his pride to the Viridescent Eagle. Since this fellow dared to step on his toes, he wouldn't let him off the hook easily.

In any case, Princess Mo Yu was the one who decided the rules. If you're unable to pass this test as well, let's see how Mo Tianxue will respond to this matter.

In truth, the thought of Liu laoshi defeating the Viridescent Eagle had never flashed across his mind.

Despite being a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert, Prince Fei Xuan was defeated by the Viridescent Eagle in just two moves. Given how this young man before him was only at Tongxuan realm primary stage, how could he possibly withstand the attack of a Half-Zongshi realm savage beast?

"Defeat her savage beast?"

Turning around, Zhang Xuan finally noticed the Viridescent Eagle beside Mo Yu.

Even with the sharp senses of a savage beast, the Viridescent Eagle was unable to see through Zhang Xuan's disguise.

"That's right. If you dare not accept the challenge, I advise you to stop pestering Princess Mo Yu. She doesn't have any interest in weaklings like you!" The corners of Prince Fei Xuan's mouth curled up.


Zhang Xuan intended to simply disregard that arrogant lad, conduct whatever treatment required of him, and leave when a thought suddenly flashed through his mind and his eyes lit up.

Wasn't the other party a prince?

Then... he should have spirit stones, right?

At this moment, Prince Fei Xuan suddenly didn't look as hateful as before. Rather, in Zhang Xuan's view, he looked like a huge treasure trove instead. "It isn't anything much for me to defeat this savage beast, but... since you wish to compete with me, there should at least be some bet involved, right?"

"Bet?" Prince Fei Xuan was stunned.

The loser loses the right to pursue Princess Mo Yu... Wasn't this the bet?

"How about this? As cultivators, spirit stones are of utmost importance to us. If I defeat this savage beast, you'll give me one spirit stone! On the other hand, if I lose, I'll give one to you. Do you dare to accept this wager?"

The corners of Zhang Xuan's mouth inched upward as he taunted the other party.

"Spirit stone?"

Prince Fei Xuan's eyes narrowed.

Spirit stones were incomparably valuable, and even as a prince, he only had one in his possession. His father had given it to him, and he intended to use it to advance to Half-Zongshi realm.

To use this spirit stone as a bet?

"Why? You don't dare? If you don't dare, let's drop this matter then. I'm not interested in dealing with that eagle anyway!"

Zhang Xuan stretched his back lazily.

"You... Why would I fear you!" Seeing the other party's casual and nonchalant attitude, Prince Fei Xuan could no longer rein himself back anymore. "Let's do just that then!"

"Your Highness..."

Envoy Ran Mu immediately tried to persuade him otherwise.

Spirit stone was a lacking resource even for Kunqian Kingdom's royal family. The only reason why Prince Fei Xuan was bestowed with one spirit stone was due to his standing as a king of the kingdom. It was a too big of a gamble to use it in a bet.

"Don't worry, he's just putting on a brave front. I don't believe that a mere Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator can triumph against a Half-Zongshi realm savage beast!" Prince Fei Xuan harrumphed.

The difference between each small cultivation realm was vast, especially between that of a Tongxuan realm and Half-Zongshi. At Half-Zongshi, one would have already attained the disposition of a 'grandmaster'.

Usually, even four to five Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivators working together would be unable to defeat a Half-Zongshi realm cultivator, needless to say, a mere Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator.

Without a doubt, Liu laoshi would be destroyed in an instant.

In his opinion, the only reason why the other party had raised such a bet was to scare him off.

With a flick of his wrist, Prince Fei Xuan took out a jade box and opened it. A transparent stone could be seen in it, and in a small area around it, one could see a dense congregation of spiritual energy.

Spirit stone!

"Here is my spirit stone. May I know where is yours?"

Holding his spirit stone up, Prince Fei Xuan turned to Liu laoshi.

"Mine? Of course I have it with me. If I were to lose, I'll definitely hand it over to you!" Zhang Xuan said. "If you don't believe me, you can verify it with His Majesty!"

His spirit stone had already been reduced to dust after being absorbed dry. Naturally, he couldn't take anything out. However, if he were to say that he didn't have a spirit stone now, the other party would probably back down in this instant.

"Liu laoshi does have a spirit stone. I gave him one as a present yesterday!"

Even though Mo Tianxue didn't know where Liu laoshi's confidence comes from, he hesitated for a moment and eventually nodded.

"Alright!" Prince Fei Xuan gestured grandly. "Go on then! Princess Mo Yu, I hope that you won't get your savage beast to go easy on the other party. Otherwise, don't blame me for not obeying the rules you set just a moment ago!"

While he did have the intention to humiliate Liu laoshi by inciting him to battle with the Viridescent Eagle, he also hoped to reverse his bet with Mo Yu through this matter.

Once that fellow loses, let's see how you can still marry him...

Mo Yu frowned. She hesitated for a moment, and eventually, she felt that she should say a thing or two to persuade the other party.

"Liu laoshi, you should reconsider your decision. My Viridescent Eagle has reached Half-Zongshi realm!"

With the other party's Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivation, he would surely be unable to withstand the attacks of the Half-Zongshi realm Viridescent Eagle.

Her father intended for her to befriend the other party, and if he were to be injured by her tamed beast before she could build an intimate relationship with him, it would be difficult to mend this tear in the future.

Hearing Mo Yu's words, Prince Fei Xuan was infuriated.

When I promised to fight your tamed beast, you immediately agreed to it happily, as though you couldn't wait for me to embarrass myself. Yet, when it's his turn, you started to hesitate. What in the world do you mean by that?

"I've already taken on the wager, and if you were to take back your words now, it'll be considered as your loss. Surely Princess Mo Yu wouldn't wish to see Liu laoshi suffering a defeat without even trying?"

Harrumphing coldly, Prince Fei Xuan said.

"Princess, thank you for your advice. However, it doesn't make a difference to me!"

Zhang Xuan nodded in response to Mo Yu's goodwill before turning his attention back to Prince Fei Xuan. "I will fight with this Viridescent Eagle, but I would like to clarify your definition of defeat first."

"Defeat refers to the Viridescent Eagle being reduced to state such that it dares not make a move against you..." Placing his hands behind his back, Prince Fei Xuan said.


Zhang Xuan nodded. Then, he turned to the Viridescent Eagle and beckoned with his forefinger, "Come over here and let me beat you up. I'll beat you until you are no longer able to retaliate!"

"Cough cough!"

Upon hearing those words, Princess Mo Yu and Emperor Mo Tianxue swayed from side to side and they nearly fainted.

The aggressive nature of savage beasts made them react violently to provocations. Not only did you beckon it with your finger, you even spoke such arrogant words...

Aren't you afraid that the Viridescent Eagle would kill you with a slap from its wings?

"You're courting death..."

Initially, Prince Fei Xuan was still fearful that the other party had some tricks up his sleeves. However, after hearing the other party utter such provocative words, Prince Fei Xuan's eyes immediately glowed in excitement.

Despite having not provoked the Viridescent Eagle, he was nearly beaten to his death. For the other party to actually taunt the Viridescent Eagle, wasn't he courting his own death?

He could already foresee the Viridescent Eagle going on a rampage and reducing this fellow to a lump of meat paste.


Just as what Prince Fei Xuan had expected, the eyes of the Viridescent Eagle immediately turned red, and it released a deafening howl which pierced through even the clouds.


It immediately moved its thick and massive wings as it shot out from Mo Yu's back.

"Be careful..."

Despite many months of being with the Viridescent Eagle, it was her second time seeing it fly into such a rage.

The first time was in the Beast Hall, when it was taunted by Zhang shi. However, Zhang shi possessed the strength to back his words up. On the other hand, this fellow was only a Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator, what the heck was he bragging for?

If the Viridescent Eagle were to kill him with a single flap of its wings, wouldn't the people from the Physician Guild charge in here and demand an explanation from them?

Just as Mo Yu was considering whether she should get the Viridescent Eagle to go easy to Liu laoshi, the scene that unfolded before her caused her eyes to abruptly widen in shock. Her slender frame shook, and she nearly passed out from astonishment.

Even the gleeful Prince Fei Xuan who thought that Liu laoshi was doomed had his mouth agape.

The furious Viridescent Eagle rushed up to Liu laoshi, only to use its beak to pull the latter's fist onto its body.

From the looks of it, it seemed as though it was pleading with the young man before it to beat it up.

Don't you feel insulted by him?

Don't you want to kill him?

What the heck is this then?

What was even worse was that upon seeing the other party clench his fist, the Viridescent Eagle immediately stopped moving. Spreading its wings open, it stood motionless on the spot, not attempting to dodge or retaliate at all. Instead, it looked expectantly at Liu laoshi as though it craved to be beaten up…

Despite being insulted, not only did the Viridescent Eagle not attempt to kill the other party, it was inviting the other party to hit it...

Prince Fei Xuan felt blood welling up at the back of his throat, threatening to spill out at any moment.

Can anyone tell me what is going on?


King conferred by our emperor (qinwang)

In this case, king refers more to a noble (such as duke and marquis) rather than the sovereign of a nation.