

Chapter 261: Beast Taming Competition

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

"Passed the examination?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed by his answer. "When did I even... take the examination?"

Before the other party could finish his words about the 2-star examination, the issue of the Howling Firmament Beast came up. Zhang Xuan didn't even know what the 2-star beast tamer examination was about, so how did he... suddenly pass the examination?

"The 2-star beast tamer examination is significantly easier than the 1-star examination. One just has to tame a Zongshi realm savage beast... Given that the Howling Firmament Beast has submitted to you, you have already met the criteria for promotion!"

Beast Tamer Lu said.

"Ah... It's that simple?" Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded.

He had to run about and undergo a Pill Discourse for the 1-star examination. He hadn't expected the 2-star examination to be so easy and straightforward.

Upon hearing his words, everyone became speechless.

Savage beasts who managed to reach Zongshi realm possess their own pride and do not submit easily to humans. This could be clearly seen from the fact that the Howling Firmament Beast had never submitted to anyone, even when Hall Master Feng and the others had taken care of it for more than a decade.

Zhang Xuan only happened to earn its gratitude by treating it when it was in a dire state, thus prompting its submission. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for one to tame a Zongshi realm beast so easily under normal conditions.

"Beast Tamer Zhang, I'm afraid that your 2-star beast tamer emblem won't be ready by today. At the earliest, I can only deliver it to you tomorrow. Why don't you remain here today? I also have something that I would like to discuss with you!"

Hall Master Feng smiled.

"This..." Zhang Xuan hesitated.

"The Howling Firmament Beast has reached Half-Zhizun, so its speed has increased tremendously. Even though the Red Lotus Ridge may be far, you can reach in two days. Besides, it's also getting dark, so it would be good for you to rest here for the night as well."

Hall Master Feng persuaded.

"Alright then!"

Lifting his head, Zhang Xuan realized that the sky had dimmed unknowingly while he was busy, and it was already nearing sunset. Thus, he nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Beast Tamer Zhang, this way."

Seeing the other party agree to the matter, Hall Master Feng was delighted. He immediately ushered him along.

"Let's go!" Zhang Xuan nodded and followed behind him.

Since the commotion had come to an end, the crowd gradually dispersed from the scene.


"Are you saying that... not only did Beast Tamer Zhang treat the Howling Firmament Beast but also tamed it?"

"And he treated an illness which even Grandmaster Qing Yang is incapable of solving?"

"You must be joking with me, surely?"

"The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast has reached Half-Zhizun?"

The news spread across the Beast Hall swiftly. Upon hearing the news, everyone's first reaction was disbelief. Shen Bi Ru, who was waiting outside, was completely dumbfounded.

She knew that Zhang laoshi had a tendency to cause an uproar wherever he went, but she didn't expect that he would cause such a huge commotion!

For him to see through an illness which even Grandmaster Qing Yang was unable to discern... When did this fellow become so adept in the Way of Medicine?

Furthermore, he tamed the Howling Firmament Beast and became a 2-star beast tamer...

"I wonder if Han Qiong will believe me if I tell her about it..."

After confirming the news again and again with Yun Tao, a bitter smile appeared on Shen Bi Ru's face.

Her best friend, Han Qiong, had spent a great effort before she managed to become an apprentice beast tamer. It had been several years since then, and she had been unable to complete the final step to becoming an official beast tamer. On the other hand, this fellow's original intention was to borrow a Beast Mount at the Beast Hall ...

Yet, not only did he become an official beast tamer, he even reached 2 stars... More importantly, he even managed to take the prized treasure of the Beast Hall for himself...

If she were to tell Han Qiong about this matter, she might just go insane on the spot.


As a 2-star beast tamer, Zhang Xuan was entitled to numerous privileges. For one, he was immediately given a residence in the Beast Hall. Knowing that Shen Bi Ru had no lodging here, Zhang Xuan had her move in to settle down first. On the other hand, he followed behind Hall Master Feng to a large and wide lounge.

"Beast Tamer Zhang possesses outstanding talents, and not to mention, you are a master teacher apprentice. This thing will probably be of use!"

After they sat down, Hall Master Feng smiled and passed an object to Zhang Xuan.

Casually grabbing it, Zhang Xuan took a look and was astonished.

"Enlightenment Jade?"

The Enlightenment Jade was the item which Zhao Ya's father, City Lord Zhao Feng, gave him back then in Tianxuan Kingdom. It is useful for raising one's Soul Depth.

"That's right!" Hall Master Feng nodded his head.

Zhang Xuan stared at him doubtfully.

Despite the huge amount of jade that Baiyu City mined throughout the years, only a single Enlightenment Jade was found. This showed how rare and valuable the object was, yet this Hall Master Feng was giving it to him so casually...

"I only happened to obtain it by coincidence. As a beast tamer, this object is completely useless to me. On the other hand, you are a master teacher apprentice, and since you're going to take the master teacher examination eventually, there's a need for you to raise your Soul Depth. Rather than allowing this item to collect dust in my storage, I might as well give it to you."

Sensing Zhang Xuan's doubt, Hall Master Feng explained.

Zhang Xuan nodded his head. Just as he was about to speak, Beast Tamer Lu grinned, "I realized that Beast Tamer Zhang has reached Tongxuan realm pinnacle, and you aren't too far from Half-Zongshi. I happen to still have the cultivation technique manual that I practiced back then, as well as a notebook on the epiphanies I had, so I'll give them to you! Even though you already have an incredible teacher and probably don't lack these, please accept this token of sincerity on my part."

As he said so, he retrieved a few books and passed them over.

Zhang Xuan flipped through them, and they were indeed manuals and cultivation pointers for reaching Half-Zongshi.

"I am not as wealthy as the other two and do not have many prized possessions. All I own is this sword. It was crafted by Grandmaster Blacksmith Qing Yanzi of Tianwu Kingdom personally, and I'll give it to you now!"

Beast Tamer Wang stroked his beard with a smile and passed forward a sword.

"Wait a moment..."

Seeing the three smiling elders stuffing objects at him, Zhang Xuan stopped them hurriedly.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

He didn't think that his reputation was so sound as to have three great 2-star beast tamers gift him with such treasures despite having just met.

"If there's anything on your mind, feel free to speak of it!"

"As expected of Beast Tamer Zhang, you sure are a frank person!" Hall Master Feng glanced at the other two before nodding. "Since that's the case, I'll get straight to the point. Actually, there's something that we require your help with."

"You require MY help?"

Zhang Xuan was stunned.

While Zhang Xuan had become a 2-star beast tamer, the same could be said of the other three. Besides, having served as leaders of the Beast Hall for many years, their connections far surpassed his. Zhang Xuan couldn't think of anything that might require his help.

Could it be...

"The Beast Pummeling Taming Method was created by my teacher. He has strictly instructed me to not impart it on to anyone, so..."

After digesting all of the books in the library of the Beast Hall, Zhang Xuan understood why everyone was so shocked by his feat of taming a savage beast by beating it up.

It was precisely due to the pure Heaven's Path zhenqi and the ability of the Library of Heaven's Path to peer into the flaws of savage beasts that he could easily tame them. Even if he wanted to impart it to them, they wouldn't be able to replicate his means. Furthermore, there was a risk that the existence of the Heaven's Path Divine Art might be revealed.

It was clear that these three elders had something to request of him given how they were stuffing gifts toward him. However, there was no way that Zhang Xuan could teach them the Beast Pummeling Taming Art.

Thus, it was best for him to turn them down in advance.

In any case, teachers were highly respected in the world, and a teacher's words were absolute to his students. If Zhang Xuan's teacher instructed him to not impart the technique on to anyone, then he mustn't impart it regardless of the situation. Therefore by saying so, it would be hard for the three elders to persist on the issue. In a sense, it was the best excuse for the situation.

"Ah, every single beast tamer has their own secret technique. We won't ask for it if you are unwilling to impart it. However, our purpose isn't this!"

At this point, Hall Master Feng shook his head.

Just like how most established apothecaries have their own personal forging technique, most famous beast tamers also possess their own beast taming methods. On top of that, depending on one's disposition and cultivation technique, everyone has different beast taming methods that were compatible with them. Even if they were to learn the other party's means, it wasn't guaranteed that they would be able to replicate his accomplishments.

Rather than offending a rising beast tamer for an unlikely probability, they would rather not touch on the subject.

"It's not that?" Zhang Xuan was bewildered. "Can it be that... you three have some incurable disease, and you all want me to treat you? Are you suffering from the same symptoms as the Howling Firmament Beast, being unable to sleep at night as well? If it's really that bad, you can try Grandmaster Qing Yang's treatment method..."

"Cough cough!"

Upon hearing those words, Hall Master Feng and the others choked on their saliva.

They felt a cold sensation in the lower half of their body.

What the heck are you thinking about?

We merely require your help! If we allow you to ramble on like this, we might really end up as eunuchs...

"It's like that!" Afraid that they would lose their dignity if Zhang Xuan went on like that, Hall Master Feng hurriedly interjected. "Just like the Apothecary Guild, the Beast Hall has many branches as well. Since you're an official beast tamer, I probably won't have to explain too much."

"Un!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

After reading through the books in the library, Zhang Xuan had gained some understanding of the Beast Hall.

The Beast Hall wasn't just a singular entity. There were many branches just like the Xuanluo Mountain Range branch spread all over the world.

"Our Beast Hall is a Tier 2 Kingdom level branch, and we are under the jurisdiction of the Xuanyuan Kingdom Beast Hall."

There were many different tiers to the various branches as well.

The Xuanluo Mountain Range Beast Hall mainly dealt with the surrounding dozen or so Tier 2 Kingdoms, and it was considered as the lowest tier branch.

Xuanyuan Kingdom was the closest Conferred Kingdom in the area.

Kingdoms can be classified as Conferred, Tier 1, Tier 2, and unranked (Meaning, there's no master teacher backing the country, and that it is unqualified to be ranked).

Tianxuan Kingdom was an unranked kingdom. While Beiwu Kingdom, with 1-star master teachers holding reign in the kingdom, was a Tier 2 Kingdom.

Tianwu Kingdom, who had 2-star master teachers, was a Tier 1 Kingdom.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Kingdom had 3-star master teachers, thus it was ranked as a Conferred Kingdom. As a Conferred Kingdom, it was qualified to build a gigantic transportation portal to trade with other countries. As such, this solidified its standing as a trading hub, and its national power was on the constant rise.

"The Xuanyuan Kingdom conducts a Beast Taming Competition once every five years, and it invites young beast tamers from the various subordinate beast halls to participate."

Hall Master Feng explained.

"Since you officially became a beast tamer at our Xuanluo Mountain Range Beast Hall, you are considered as a member of our branch. I hope that... you can attend the competition in the name of our Beast Hall."

"Beast Taming Competition?"

"That's right. This Beast Taming Competition brings the various talented beast tamers from surrounding kingdoms together, and if you can stand out from the group and emerge victoriously, you will be highly regarded by the Beast Hall, and all kinds of resources will be devoted into grooming you. At the same time, the reputation of our branch will also grow."

After saying so, Hall Master Feng looked at Zhang Xuan expectantly.


Zhang Xuan didn't expect the request to be this. Glancing at Hall Master Feng, he asked, "When is the competition?"

If the competition was coming up soon, Zhang Xuan would reject them immediately.

His main priority at the moment was to deal with the deadly poison lingering in his body and take the master teacher examination.

The only reason why he took the beast tamer examination was for the fee exemption on using their Beast Mount.

"It will be held half a year later in Xuanyuan Royal City." Hall Master Feng said.

"Half a year later? That... I'll have to see if I have the time then!" Zhang Xuan didn't dare to agree immediately.

He didn't want to make empty promises.

"Despite your young age, you have already reached the level of a 2-star beast tamer. On top of that, you're skilled in the Way of Medicine and are a master teacher apprentice. If you were to join the competition, you will surely be able to achieve remarkable results..."

Seeing that Zhang Xuan was unmoved by his words, Hall Master Feng decided to throw in his trump card, "Furthermore, you'll be entitled to generous rewards if you win the competition!"

"The rewards aren't important. It's just that I might be busy during that period of time!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Rejected by the other party, Hall Master Feng and the others couldn't help but feel disappointed. However, before they could wallow in their disappointment for long, the other party's voice sounded once more.

"Ah, by the way... what are the rewards?




Chapter 262: Guiding Mo Yu

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

"The rewards of the competition differ every single time but it has always been very generous. More importantly, if you earn the acknowledgment of the Beast Hall, you might get an opportunity to study in higher tier kingdoms."

Hearing his question, Hall Master Feng hurriedly explained.

"In fact, the previous champion won the Tutelage Jade Token of a 3-star master teacher and a Flowing Water Beast Taming Method manual."

"You call this abundant?" Zhang Xuan was speechless.

He thought that the champion would obtain some incredible treasure, but a 3-star master teacher Tutelage Jade Token and a beast taming secret manual... To him, these were useless.

"If I win the championship and don't want their rewards, can I swap it for something else?" After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan asked.

"It depends on what you want!" Hall Master Feng looked at him with a perplexed gaze.

Even to him, the Tutelage Jade Token of a 3-star master teacher was a priceless treasure. Was this fellow unsatisfied even with this much? Does he still wish for something even more valuable?

"Can I trade those for a few cultivation technique manuals instead?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"Cultivation technique manuals? A few of them?"

Giant question marks hung on the faces of the three beast tamers.

Do you think that cultivation technique manuals are like cabbages in the market? Asking for... a few of them at once?

Zhang Xuan nodded his head. "Un. Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals. It'll be better if there is more of them. In fact, if possible, I would like a thousand books."

"A thousand books?"

Everyone's body swayed.

They thought that Zhang Xuan's 'a few' would mean a dozen or so. Yet, a thousand books... Are you trying to rob the entire Beast Hall of its wealth?

"What tier of cultivation technique are you looking at?" Hall Master Feng couldn't help but ask.

There were different tiers to cultivation techniques. The higher the tier, the more valuable it was. Finding even a single high-tier cultivation technique was difficult enough, needless to say, a thousand of it.

"Oh, I don't have any requirements on the tier, I'm fine with anything. All I require is a great quantity of Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals."


Everyone was taken aback.

If Zhang Xuan has no requirements on the tier, then... the cultivation technique manuals are truly inexpensive! While Zongshi realm secret manuals are valuable in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Kingdoms, they actually aren't worth much in Conferred Kingdoms.

As long as one had sufficient gold coins, he would be able to buy them easily... This fellow actually wanted to trade a 3-star master teacher Tutelage Jade Token for this?

This was a huge waste of the treasure!

Even in Conferred Kingdoms, 3-star master teachers stood at the very top of the pyramid. Their lessons were something that countless cultivators dreamt about, and yet, Zhang Xuan wanted to swap such an object for a bunch of useless cultivation techniques?

Why does it feel like Zhang Xuan was picking the shell of a clam over the pearl within?

One must know that a cultivator can only practice one cultivation technique. If he wants to change his cultivation technique, he has to start from scratch.

They might be able to understand it if Zhang Xuan had asked for a powerful cultivation technique, but to have no demand on the quality... He would only ruin his cultivation at this rate!

Upon realizing these facts, the three beast tamers stared at Zhang Xuan with strange gazes. This Beast Tamer Zhang's preferences... were simply too eccentric!

"If you don't have any requirements on the tier, your request actually isn't that difficult to fulfill. They should approve of it... However, the prerequisite is that you'll have to win the Beast Taming Competition first."

After hesitating for a moment, Hall Master Feng nodded his head.

There was a precedent of someone swapping the prize of the Beast Taming Competition for something else. As long as its value didn't exceed the prize by too much, and it was within their means, given that this would win them the goodwill of a talented beast tamer, the Beast Hall wouldn't object.

"Alright, I agree to your request!" Zhang Xuan replied.

As his cultivation realm rose, gathering cultivation techniques had been becoming increasingly difficult. It was just a matter of time before he would have to head to the Conferred Kingdoms, and having the backing of the Beast Hall would be for the best.

"That's great! We'll meet in Xuanyuan Royal City half a year from now then!"

Upon hearing Zhang Xuan agree, the eyes of the three beast tamers immediately lit up, and they clenched their fists in agitation.

Their Xuanluo Mountain Range Beast Hall had been at the very bottom of the competition every single time. Now with a talented beast tamer joining their ranks, they might be able to awe the other Beast Halls.

After resolving the issue regarding the Beast Taming Competition, they chatted for awhile longer. While they called it a chat, their actual purpose was to pry information from the other party. However, upon seeing that they were unable to get anything out of the other party's mouth, they decided to let the matter slip.

Whenever they reached a crucial point, that fellow would act ignorant. They were frustrated with his display but could do nothing about it.

If you say that you don't know about anything else, we can let it slip.

But as a senior to master teachers and a master teacher apprentice, you should at least know how the master teacher examination goes, right? Or at the very least, you should at least know how to raise one's Soul Depth, right?

In the end... It turned out that he knew nothing about them!

Fine, we'll tolerate it!

But given how skilled you are in the Way of Medicine, you should at least know some basic medical knowledge, right? Yet... How could you not know anything!

We'll tolerate that as well!

However... You are already a 2-star beast tamer. How can you not even know how to ride an aerial savage beast and the various branches of the Beast Hall...

Alright, assuming that we tolerated that as well, what about when we asked you about how large the Beast Forest is, how many apprentice beast tamers there are in it, how many apprentices a beast tamer could accept...

Aren't you going too far with your act!

If you don't wish to tell us anything, you can just say so. Acting ignorant about everything...

Is that fun?

Previously, when you tamed a beast, treated the Howling Firmament Beast, forged pills, and slapped everyone's faces, it seemed as if there is nothing you are incapable of. Yet, at this moment, you are acting like a fool. Seeing you in such a state, some might even think that you have dissociative identity disorder...

After chatting for a short while longer, the three beast tamers couldn't stand Zhang Xuan any further and bade farewell hurriedly.

"Ah, don't go... I still have a lot of things to talk to you about!" Zhang Xuan tried to stop them.


Executing their battle techniques, the three figures blurred and disappeared without a trace immediately.

Whoever who wants to talk to him, feel free to do so. We do not want to die of frustration...

"In short chat, I learned quite a lot of things."

Oblivious to the thoughts of the trio, Zhang Xuan reflected as he stood up.

While Hall Master Feng and the others were just beast tamers, they had a good grasp of the powers and situation of the surrounding kingdoms. They were quite knowledgeable about the various occupations, and their words had expanded his horizon.

Even though this world wasn't as modernized as the one Zhang Xuan was in before his transcension, the knowledge which grew throughout the ages here was much more profound than that of his previous world.

It had just been barely twenty days since Zhang Xuan has transcended, and his line of thoughts had yet to fully adapt to this world. Thus, he was unclear of numerous matters, and speaking to these veterans was extremely helpful in expanding his outlook.

After the days of journey and the events that took place at the Beast Hall, Zhang Xuan had become slightly fatigued. Under the guidance of an apprentice, he headed to the residence assigned to him.

Upon reaching the residence he saw an elegant and beautiful figure, reminiscent of a painting, standing at the entrance.

"Mo Yu?"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

It wasn't anyone else. It was the genius who had pitted herself against him for the entire day, the third princess of Tianwu Kingdom, Mo Yu.

"Beast Tamer Zhang!" Upon seeing Zhang Xuan, Mo Yu immediately walked forward to greet him.

"Xiaojie, were you waiting for me?" Zhang Xuan asked doubtfully.

It was already sunset by the time he was done treating the Howling Firmament Beast and after that, he chatted with the three beast tamers for around four hours. By modern standards, it was already around ten o'clock. Why would she be waiting at the entrance at such a timing?

"That's right. There is something which I am unable to comprehend no matter how much I ponder, so I came over personally to ask you about it." Mo Yu gritted her teeth.


"How can you be so sure that the pills had already formed in the cauldron when the cauldron was on the verge exploding?"

Mo Yu stared at Zhang Xuan.

No matter how much she contemplated, she was unable to understand how he did it.

As an official apothecary, she knew very well how difficult it was for a pill to be formed. A split second error in the timing could spell the difference between success and failure. It would take incredible coincidence for a pill to be formed at the very moment of the cauldron explosion. Even though Mo Yu witnessed everything with her own eyes, she nevertheless found the matter hard to believe.

It felt surreal.

"It's luck!" Zhang Xuan casually said.

With the Library of Heaven's Path overseeing the situation, Zhang Xuan had a complete grasp of the timing of the cauldron explosion and the formation of the pill. However, he couldn't possibly reveal the truth, so he could only make up an excuse.

"Luck?" Mo Yu shook her head. "There's no such thing as luck in pill forging! I will be truly grateful if Beast Tamer Zhang can enlighten me."

As a genius who dabbled in numerous occupation, Mo Yu possessed a strong desire for knowledge.

Initially, she didn't think much. However after returning, she tried recalling the matter, and to her surprize, she realized that the other party's understanding of medicinal herbs and control over flames were superior to even that of her teacher!

One must know that her teacher was a 2-star pinnacle grandmaster apothecary. Even in Tianwu Kingdom, he was an incredible existence.

A fellow who isn't even twenty being superior to her dignified teacher... How is this possible?

Thus... She concluded that Zhang Xuan had used trickery.

She contemplated over the various possibilities, but she realized that none of them could explain his feat. Thus, she made the trip here in hope that she could be enlightened.

"You wish to learn from me?"

Initially, Zhang Xuan thought that the other party would back off after a few nonsensical statements. Yet, to his astonishment, the other party continued to stare at him with an earnest look.

"Yes! I really wish to learn from you." Mo Yu looked at Zhang Xuan earnestly.


Satisfied with the other party's attitude, Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Without the airs of a princess, she was willing to lower her head to seek enlightenment. With such humility and intense desire for knowledge, it was no wonder that she was able to master so many occupations.

"Since you wish to learn, I'll tell you more!"

Toward those who sincerely desired to learn, Zhang Xuan wasn't selfish with his knowledge. Placing two hands behind his back, he spoke, "Pill forging is an art of melding medicinal herbs together to better bring out their medicinal properties. However, there are many factors that one has to consider in the process of doing so."

"If I'm not wrong, the cauldron that exploded then was forged using the Glacial Metal of the Glacial Metal Mountain at the northwest of Tianwu Kingdom. There were many processes to its forging, and the entire process took a total of forty-nine days. Even though it wasn't forged by an official blacksmith, it came from the hands of a famous 5-mo craftsman. After several refinements, it became exceptionally sturdy. However..."

At this point, his tone suddenly changed, "You've forged pills with this cauldron a total of eighteen times, and there were seven times when there were signs of cauldron explosion! Even though they were suppressed by using overwhelming energy eventually, the pressure had damaged the cauldron, creating numerous cracks in the interior of the cauldron. If that was just it, it wouldn't have been a big deal. However, if I'm not wrong, half a month ago, you forged an [Ice Soul Pill] using it. The clash between the lingering frost from back then and the heat from the forging of the Searing Sun Pill damaged the cauldron significantly."

"One should use their zhenqi to line the cauldron so as to prevent it from getting damaged. However, you didn't do so, and this caused several problems to appear with the cauldron. Even if it didn't explode this time, it is unlikely that it would last for long!"

"Now that we're done with the cauldron, let's talk about the environment where the pill forging was conducted. Given that it was an autumn evening, the surroundings were slightly chilly. When you first started the forging, you didn't warm the cauldron properly before raising the heat in your haste to show off your fire control mastery. Even though it did look flashy, it was equivalent to destroying one's own cauldron..."

At this point, Zhang Xuan lifted his head and smiled, "Mo Yu xiaojie, is what I've said... true?"


Trembling, Mo Yu's lower jaw fell to the ground.




Chapter 263: To the Poison Hall!

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Mo Yu's cauldron was a gift from her teacher when she first passed the 1-star apothecary examination. Thinking about it, she had forged pills with it eighteen times, and of which, there were signs of cauldron explosion seven times. Each time, her teacher would help her suppress the violent energy within.

And she did forge an Ice Soul Pill a month ago.

The other party's words were completely true.

Being able to tell all of these just by looking at her cauldron? Mind-blowing!

Mo Yu felt her entire body shudder in disbelief. It was as if she was dreaming.

"Of course, these are just the fundamentals. They give one a gauge on when a cauldron can explode, but it isn't sufficient to determine when exactly it will explode, how strong the explosion will be, and how long the cauldron will last."

Seeing the other party remain silent, Zhang Xuan continued.

"To ascertain this, one's grasp over medicinal herbs must reach a certain level. The main ingredients of the Searing Sun Pill are the nine yang attribute medicinal herbs. Only by maintaining a delicate balance among the nine herbs and have them counteract one another can one prevent the energies from conflicting. Once the balance is broken, it would be difficult to salvage the situation. It would be equivalent to lighting a bomb."

"Previously, when you followed my instructions strictly to place the medicinal herbs in, there was no problem at all. However, on the seventeenth step, you placed the Rooted Grass half a breath early."

"The Solar Flame Wood in the eleventh step and the Golden Sun Flower in the fourteenth step counteracted one another. Given the conditions of the cauldron then, it required twelve breaths and seven breaths respectively for their essences to meld with one another, and that was also the ideal and only timing to put in the next medicinal herb!"

"When you placed the Rooted Grass in, the two medicinal herbs had yet to meld together, and the yang attribute of both medicinal herbs were still in the midst of counteracting one another. Thus, it was as though you were lighting up a bomb, and a shock wave was induced. The strength of the shock wave wasn't sufficient to break the pills but it hastened the crumbling process. After which, when I had you throw in all of the other ingredients and increase the firepower, It was actually to deduce the impending impact, as well as the durability of the cauldron."

"Based on my calculations, I gauged that it was possible for the cauldron to last until the formation of the pill. Thus, I decided to have you continue forging." At this point, Zhang Xuan paused and looked at Mo Yu calmly. "Do you have any other questions?"

"I... No, that's all!"

Mo Yu was unable to calm down from her shock.

She thought that it was some secret technique that had allowed the other party to accurately gauge the situation of the pill forging. But now, she realized that even though he had indeed used a technique, as she has deduced, it wasn't something she could learn.

There were too many factors contained within it for her to do the same.

Equipment, medicinal herb, forging technique, environment, and even the state of mind during forging... She had to take all of that into account when doing her calculations. A single error could mean an entirely wrong answer.

A while ago, she was still thinking that she would work hard so as to quickly catch up with the other party in the field of pill forging. But at this moment, she realized that... the difference between them was so great that they weren't even on the same track.

It was no wonder why the other party was able to pass the Pill Debate. Just his understanding of pill forging was sufficient to send her into despair.

"If you don't have any more questions, I'm going to rest!"

Seeing that he had managed baffle Mo Yu after much effort, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

In truth, he was unable to tell any of it as well. If not for the Library of Heaven's Path, not to mention him, even a 5-star apothecary would be unable to analyze the moment of pill formation and cauldron explosion just through those minor details.

At the very least, one has to be 6-star to be able to do so.

"Beast Tamer Zhang, wait a moment..."

Seeing that the other party was about to enter the residence, Mo Yu hurriedly shouted.

"I heard that you're heading to Tianwu Kingdom?"

"How did you know?"

The moment he asked the question, he realized that it must have been Yun Tao.

However, he didn't have the intention to hide this fact. Thus, he nodded, "I'm heading to the Red Lotus Ridge."

"The Red Lotus Ridge is quite a remote location, and rarely do anyone travel there. Can it be that you're looking for the... Poison Hall?" Mo Yu asked.

The Xuanluo Mountain Range was lush and filled with countless savage beasts. In comparison, the Red Lotus Ridge seemed as though it had been razed by savage flames, and there was nothing there. There were practically no cultivators who would want to go there.

As a result, Legend has it there was a Poison Hall hidden in the depths of the mountains, and the poison masters there had laid lethal poison in the surroundings. Those who enter the depths of the Red Lotus Ridge would be afflicted with the poison and die swiftly.

No one knew for sure whether it was true or not because those who headed for the Poison Hall never returned. As time went by, it became one of the forbidden zones where no one dared to venture.

As such, it became a remote land which everyone avoided.

The reason why Zhang Xuan was heading there... was probably because of that Poison Hall.

"You know of the Poison Hall?" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Zhang Xuan has only heard of the Poison Hall in the Red Lotus Ridge from Liu shi and the rest, and they weren't sure of its existence as well. Thus, hearing the matter from Mo Yu, he became agitated immediately.

"It is said that there's a Poison Hall in Red Lotus Ridge. However... no one knows of its specific location!" Mo Yu shook her head.

"It's fine as long as there is one there. I will find it eventually!" Zhang Xuan chuckled.

As long as there was truly a Poison Hall in the ridge, finding it wasn't a problem.

In the worst case scenario, Zhang Xuan would just try verifying the location of the Poison Hall using a map through the Library of Heaven's Path. Given its ability of discerning truth and false, even if Zhang Xuan wasn't able to pinpoint the exact location, he could at least avoid the wrong ones.

And the location which has no flaws would be the correct one.

"Speaking of which, the Red Lotus Ridge spans for several thousand kilometers. If you were to search every single acre of land, you would first die of exhaustion. Besides, there is lethal poison present in the surroundings of the Poison Hall. Even if you were to find the exact location, without someone to lead the way, it is impossible for you to enter."

At this point, Mo Yu paused for a moment and stared at Zhang Xuan with her beautiful eyes.

"If you wish to head for the Poison Hall, I can help you with the matter."

"You?" Zhang Xuan was taken aback. "You know of a way to enter the Poison Hall?"

"I don't know of a way, but I know of someone who does." Mo Yu chuckled mysteriously.

"Oh?" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect Mo Yu to possess such connections. If she could bring him in, it would save him a lot of trouble.

"If you teach me how to forge pills, I'll bring you to that person. How is it?" Mo Yu stared at Zhang Xuan intently.

"Deal!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

"Then when do we head out?"

"Tomorrow morning. Right, do you have an aerial savage beast?" Zhang Xuan glanced at her.

The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast had achieved Half-Zhizun and possessed astonishing speed. If her aerial savage beast were unable to keep up, she would just slow him down.


Hearing the other party's question, Mo Yu's eyes trembled. Gegege, the sound of her teeth crunched against one another could be heard, and her breathing hastened.

Are you intentionally rubbing salt on my wounds?


Only upon seeing her expression did Zhang Xuan recall that she once had an aerial savage beast, just that... it had betrayed her for him!

"Alright, how about you ride on the Howling Firmament Beast with me?"

The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast had a huge physique which was more than sufficient to ferry seven to eight people at once.


Only after hearing those words did Mo Yu's complexion improve. However, it didn't last for long.

"The Howling Firmament Beast is my tamed beast. If you wish to ride on it, you will have to pay a fee. When it was still at Zongshi realm, a trip to Tianwu Kingdom would cost around 20 Beast Bloodstone. Now that it has reached Half-Zhizun, its speed has increased significantly... I'll charge you double then. 40 Beast Bloodstone."

After calculating for a bit, Zhang Xuan said.

"Prepare the sum by tomorrow and pay in advance. Do not renege on the deal!"

There was information on the Beast Bloodstone within books in the Beast Hall.

Similar to gold coins, it was a common currency used by Beast Halls. The Beast Bloodstone was extremely useful in triggering a Bloodline Evolution in savage beasts.

While a cultivator absorbed spiritual energy from the air, a savage beast ate the Beast Bloodstone.


Mo Yu staggered.

Given how you are adept at so many occupations, do you have to be such a money-grubber?


Knowing that her blood would boil just talking to this fellow, she decided to leave before she could be angered to death.

However, after barely taking a few steps, the mutterings of the other party echoed behind her.

"Sigh, people nowadays sure are miserly. Despite saying that she is grateful to me, the moment I talk about money... she turns silent. Now, she even expects to sit on my aerial savage beast for free... If you don't have any money, you should say so earlier. You raised my expectations for nothing. To think that you are a princess, can a princess default on her payment?"

"You... Zhang Xuan, you better explain yourself! Who doesn't have money..."

Mo Yu could no longer hold herself back and turned around abruptly. Just as she was about to confront the fellow, he shook his head and entered the residence sighing.

"Damn it! Damn it! You stinky Zhang Xuan, darned Zhang Xuan, just you wait!"

Seeing him disappear into the residence, Mo Yu glared furiously at the mansion for a moment before stomping away with a puff.

Given how infuriated she was, it was unlikely she would be able to fall asleep tonight.

Feeling fatigued, Zhang Xuan went straight to bed after entering the residence.

The night passed silently.

Then the next morning, a 2-star beast tamer emblem was sent to the residence.

Keeping the residence in his storage ring, Zhang Xuan made some arrangements.

Shen Bi Ru's purpose was to guide Zhang Xuan to the Beast Hall and would be returning to Tianxuan Royal City. Initially, he intended to give her a lift on the Viridescent Eagle, but she refused him adamantly. Thus, Zhang Xuan decided to give her the Gold Alloyed Panther instead.

Possessing the two great aerial savage beasts, the Viridescent Eagle and the Howling Firmament Beast, the Gold Alloyed Panther was of no help to him. Rather, it would be of a greater help to Shen Bi Ru.

At the very least, no one would dare to cause her trouble in Tianxuan Royal City.

In a sense, this was Zhang Xuan's way of repaying the other party for the care and concern she had shown him on the journey.

After making arrangements with Shen Bi Ru, Zhang Xuan headed to the courtyard of the Howling Firmament Beast. At this point, he realized that there was a room-like infrastructure built on its back. It was forged using metal, and it was streamlined to the body of the Howling Firmament Beast. This way, no matter how strong the wind was during the flight, it would not shake.

Most of those riding on Beast Mounts didn't possess powerful cultivation, and there was a risk of them falling when traveling at high speeds. As such, the Beast Hall prepared these rooms on aerial savage beasts to prevent such cases.

The Howling Firmament Beast had a large physique, and as though reflecting that, the infrastructure on its back was around six to seven meter wide. There were table, chairs, and beds in it, and it didn't feel as if one was soaring in the air.

Not to mention two people, even with the Viridescent Eagle inside, it wouldn't feel cramped in the least.


Zhang Xuan bided Hall Master Feng and the others farewell before walking into the room.


The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast's powerful wings flapped, and the two humans and two beasts soared into the air.

Gazing at the Beast Hall and Xuanluo Mountain Range which was growing smaller by the second, Zhang Xuan smiled.

Poison Hall, here I come.




Chapter 264: Heaven's Path Disguise Art



White clouds floated by and the wind whistled.

The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast's massive body soared through the skies. Sensing the powerful aura of a Half-Zhizun, the other savage beasts immediately fled in fear.

In the housing on the savage beast's back, Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu were seated opposite to each other.

"There are so many savage beasts in the air. If not for the Howling Firmament Beast, even though our safety wouldn't have been a problem, we would still face quite some hassle with them."

Mo Yu said as she stared out of a window to observe the boundless sky.

Zhang Xuan nodded in agreement.

Through the books in the library, Zhang Xuan had gained some understanding on this matter.

The aerial space may seem peaceful like a safe haven, but in truth, it was actually no different from the world below. In the end, the strong still preyed on the weak.

If the savage beast one rode on wasn't strong enough, there was a probability of it being targeted and attacked by other savage beasts.

This was precisely the reason why the cost of savage beasts increased exponentially along with their cultivation realm.

As much as it was a matter of speed, it was also a matter of safety.

"To find the Poison Hall, we'll have to first head to Red Lotus City!"

After a night of rest, Mo Yu finally managed to suppress her anger and reverted back to the prideful and cold princess.

"Red Lotus City?"

"Right, it is an ancient city at the foot of the Red Lotus Ridge. One has to pass through the city in order to enter the mountains. The person whom I spoke of previously lives in the city." Mo Yu nodded.

"Is he a poison master?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"No, he's a herb king!" Mo Yu replied.

"Herb king?" Zhang Xuan was puzzled.

Regardless of whether it was for pill forging or to treat illnesses, there was great demand for medicinal herbs. Herb kings were people who had special connections to those who cultivated, purchased. and sold these medicinal herbs.

Given the sinister nature of the Poison Hall, why would a herb king have ties with it?

"This is a classified secret of the kingdom. I only happened to overhear people speaking of it."

Frowning, Mo Yu explained, "The Poison Hall is hidden in the depths of the mountains. Every year, countless people attempt to scale the mountain in hopes of learning the Way of Poison. However, most of them end up dying because of the poisonous mist. Rumor has it that the only way to find the Poison Hall is through the herb kings. The reason is that the Poison Hall requires intermediaries to purchase a large amount of medicinal herbs for the crafting of poison, as well as to sell their poison... And the intermediaries are the herb kings! There is a total of thirteen herb kings in Red Lotus City, and the one that I'm bringing you to is the greatest of them all, the Great Herb King."

"The Great Herb King controls the flow of medicinal herbs in the Red Lotus City, and if anyone has connections to the Poison Hall, it must be him. However..."

Mo Yu hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I heard that the Great Herb King is already advanced in age and has gone into seclusion. It would be almost impossible for us to meet him and get him to bring us to the Poison Hall."

"Impossible? You said that you were going to bring me to the Poison Hall..." Zhang Xuan was speechless.

This person said that she would help me find the Poison Hall. Yet, it turns out that it would be impossible to meet with the Great Herb King and, not to mention, for him to bring me there. What kind of help is this?

"I only said that I will you to find that person. As for whether you can meet him and convince him, that's none of my business!"

Mo Yu said gleefully.

Aren't you always trying to anger me?

See how I'll get back at you!

"Ah, that seems to be the case!"

Recalling carefully, it was true that the other party only mentioned that she would bring him a person who knew the way to the Poison Hall. She had never said that she would bring him to the Poison Hall.

Zhang Xuan felt that he had been taken advantage of, having guided the other party in pill forging only to receive such a miserable amount of information in return.

All along, he had been the one to hoodwink others. To think that this fellow would get the better of him.

Even so, Zhang Xuan wasn't too bothered. Compared to his previous situation, at least he now had an idea of where he should begin to work from.


Mo Yu thought that the other party would panic upon hearing her words. In the end, he only said an 'Ah, that seems to be the case' and fell silent. Sneaking a peek at him, she saw a relaxed expression on the other party's face, as though none of it concerned him.

"Aren't you worried that the other party might refuse to meet you?" After a moment, Mo Yu couldn't hold back her curiosity anymore.

I said that the Great Herb King is advanced in age and doesn't meet anyone. Why isn't this fellow flustered at all?

"Of course I'm worried!" Zhang Xuan replied.

"Then, you..." Mo Yu blinked in surprize. Is this how you look when you're worried? I can't tell at all.

"But there's no use worrying about it. Rather than wasting my time, I might as well think about when you'll pay me my money..."

At this point, Zhang Xuan stared at her doubtfully, "Right, can it be that your identity as a princess is impersonated? Otherwise, how can you be so poor? Having not paid the fee, how can you be so thick-skinned as to ride on my Beast Mount?"


Mo Yu's slender body swayed violently.

She initially thought that she had finally won one over Zhang Xuan and would be able to admire the exasperated look on his face, but contrary to her expectations, he appeared completely calm. On the other hand, the moment he spoke, her rage soared once more.

Damn it!

I knew that nothing good can come out from this man's mouth...

Looks like I should avoid talking to him in the future. Otherwise, it would just be a matter of time before I die from his words...


Mo Yu ground her teeth together, but she didn't dare to say anything else. She decided to ignore the other party and pouted her mouth.

"Sigh, despite owing money, you refuse to let me speak about it. Why are people so thick-skinned these days?"

Muttering under his breath, Zhang Xuan stretched his back.


Mo Yu felt a strong regret for following this fellow to Red Lotus City.

On seeing her beauty, everyone would always act carefully for fear of offending her. Yet, this fellow managed to push her buttons with every single word he said. It was as if he wouldn't be content until he gave her a heart attack.

How can there be such a fellow in the world?

She thought that she would die from anger in the two-day journey, but unexpectedly, the fellow didn't pay her any attention. Rather, he sat quietly in a corner of the room and remained in... a daze.

"What is he up to?"

Initially, Mo Yu thought that the other party was intentionally putting on an act to vex her. However, his trance lasted for an entire day, and his eyes had reddened in fatigue. Deciding that it was unlikely for the other party to go such great lengths just to prank her, she became perplexed.

Speaking of provoking others, this fellow was capable of murdering with his words.

In terms of talents, even Mo Yu, a renowned genius, wasn't a match for him.

In terms of wisdom, he had been in a mindless daze. What was he up to?

Staring at the fellow before her, she realized that the more she knew about him, the less she comprehended.

Oblivious to the other party's confusion, Zhang Xuan was occupied inside the Library of Heaven's Path, fully engrossed in reading through the books.

Given that his awareness was immersed entirely within the library, it looked as if he was in a daze from the outside.

Zhang Xuan was able to access the books duplicated in the library with a single thought in his mind. However, while they were stored in the library, this knowledge didn't yet actually belong to him. He was still unable to utilize it freely under all situations.

Having transcended into this world for over twenty days, Zhang Xuan knew that he mustn't just rely on the Library of Heaven's Path if he wants to become a true master teacher. He has to read more books and learn more. Only with sufficient knowledge will he be able to reach greater heights.

While the golden book has the effect of assimilating the content within all of the books in the library into his very own knowledge, no one can tell when it would be formed. In any case, since Zhang Xuan didn't have Heaven's Path Divine Art for the Half-Zongshi realm to raise his cultivation and was free, he might as well read some more books and take in more knowledge. Perhaps, it might even turn out to be useful to him later on.

"Hm? To think that there would be so many books on disguising in the Tianxuan Kingdom's Book Collection Vault."

Sweeping through the innumerable books he had collected in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, Zhang Xuan stopped before a particular bookshelf all of a sudden.

There were more than a thousand books placed on it and all of them were about altering one's appearance and disguise.

"I heard that when Emperor Shen Zhui was younger, he once roamed around the world. Could he have collected these books then? After all, as an emperor, there are too many people who wish to take his life. It would be much safer for him to don a disguise."

An idea popped into Zhang Xuan's mind.

Rumor has it that Emperor Shen Zhui once traveled around the world when he was younger to train himself and to widen his boundaries. However, if he were to have walked around in his original appearance, he would have probably been killed by his enemies back then.

After all, the allure of a throne is too great.

Even blood-related brothers would brutally slaughter one another for that one and only seat.

When Emperor Shen Zhui was traveling around the world, his cultivation had yet to mature. He probably collected these appearance altering and disguise books in consideration for his safety.

"Since there are so many books here, I might be able to form a Heaven's Path secret manual!"

Thinking so, Zhang Xuan started to organize the correct content within the books. Soon, they melded together to form a single book.

"It worked!"

A delighted gleam flashed through Zhang Xuan's eyes.

"The art of disguise is centered around intent. Changing one's appearance with pills and suppressing one's voice is actually the most mediocre type of disguise. A true disguise requires one to have absolute control over their muscles..."

The book was filled with knowledge on disguising oneself.

After having flipped through a few pages, Zhang Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It was no wonder why Liu Ling and the others could tell that something was amiss when he was disguised as Yang Xuan. After reading through this book, he realized how subpar his disguise then was.

It was due to the lack of powerful experts in Tianxuan Kingdom that no one could see through his disguise.

Otherwise, even if it weren't Tianwu Kingdom, Zhang Xuan's disguise would have been exposed in any other Tier 2 Kingdoms.

Very quickly, he finished reading the entire book.

"Even though these are just the fundamentals to disguising, I should be able to hide my appearance from most people!"

Even though the books in Tianxuan Kingdom covered just the bare fundamentals of disguising, after mastering these, Zhang Xuan was nevertheless able to easily alter his appearance to the extent that even Liu shi and the others would find it difficult to notice.

"This disguising method has a demanding requirement on one's control over their muscles as it works by moving muscles around to change one's appearance. It would be impossible for anyone else to cultivate this technique because being able to control every single muscle in their body is a nearly impossible. However, it's a different story for me! After cultivating the Heaven's Path Golden Body, the muscles in my body have gained immense flexibility and I am able to move them as I please."

Zhang Xuan smiled gently.

Just by reading through the Heaven's Path Disguise Art, Zhang Xuan had more or less mastered the skill.

At this moment, even without using pills for his disguise, Zhang Xuan was able to easily alter his appearance without anyone noticing anything amiss.

With this ability, even if Zhang Xuan was unable to defeat someone, he would be able to avoid him by altering his appearance.

This meant that Zhang Xuan had just gained another mean for survival.

"We've reached!"

Zhang Xuan was about to test out his disguising technique when Mo Yu's voice resounded.

Looking out of the windows, Zhang Xuan could see massive mountains appearing before his eyes.

The entire ridge extended for several thousand kilometers. The barren land was devoid of any greenery and its crimson surface was filled with sand and rocks.

"Is that the Red Lotus Ridge?"

The rise and fall of the geographical terrain extended toward the horizon, and one couldn't see the end with a single glance. It looked as though a massive red lotus had spread across the vast area of the earth.

It was no wonder why Mo Yu said that it would be impossible to locate the hall by casually fumbling around. Given the massive size of the ridge, it would be indeed difficult to discover an intentionally concealed Poison Hall.

"That's right. That over there is Red Lotus City!" Mo Yu pointed.

Following her finger, Zhang Xuan saw an ancient-looking city beneath the glow of the morning sun.




Chapter 265: The Great Herb King's Residence

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Unlike Tianxuan Royal City, this city was built using red-colored bricks, and it blended in perfectly with the entire Red Lotus Ridge, looking extremely ancient. In terms of size, it was much smaller in size and could not be compared with the Beast Hall.

"The Red Lotus City is older than even Tianwu Kingdom. It is said that it has more than three thousand years of history, and is the trading hub of medicinal herbs for the dozen or so countries around Tianwu! However, due to the influence of the Poison Hall, no one is willing to remain here for long. As such, it had been on a decline, and now it doesn't match up to even those third-rate cities."

Mo Yu explained.

The Red Lotus City belonged to Tianwu Kingdom, and as the princess of Tianwu Kingdom, Mo Yu was well aware of its background.

"The Howling Firmament Beast and Viridescent Eagle are too conspicuous, and we might attract unwanted trouble if we enter like that. It would be best if we enter by foot."

Even though the Red Lotus City was merely a small city at the borders, it acted as a major trading hub for medicinal herbs and poison. As such, there was a large traffic of experts from surrounding kingdoms through the city gates. Given the humongous size of the Viridescent Eagle and the Howling Firmament Beast, entering just like that would bring unwanted attention to themselves.

In terms of strength, there were few who could defeat the Half-Zhizun Howling Firmament Beast. However, there was a possibility of poison masters hiding within the city, and attracting scrutiny to themselves might be perilous. While Zhang Xuan and the others didn't fear a straightforward assault, it would be hard for them to guard against sneak attacks that used poison.

"Alright!" Zhang Xuan replied. He got the Howling Firmament Beast to land somewhere a distance away from the city and instructed the two beasts not to stray too far away before heading to the Red Lotus City together with Mo Yu.

Walking on the streets of the ancient city, surrounded by ancient buildings, it felt as though they had traveled into the past.

Despite the small city, there was quite a huge crowd on the streets. Lined along the long streets were vendors, and huge piles of medicinal herbs stacked up before them. There was a significant number of herbs which one usually couldn't find in any other market.

"Withering Earth Grass, Gossamer Cicada, Five Poison Silk Thread..."

Briefly glancing at the herbs, Zhang Xuan recognized quite a few of them and frowned.

These medicinal items contained lethal poison within them. They were rarely used in treatments and pill forging, and this was Zhang Xuan's first time seeing it sold in such great quantities.

"There must be poison masters here!"

Only poison masters would stock up on these items at great quantities. There was no need for ordinary apothecaries and physicians to store so much of them.

"There are poison masters here, but you won't be able to recognize any if he doesn't concoct poison before you!" Mo Yu said.

Zhang Xuan nodded in agreement.

Unlike master teachers, skills of a poison master are independent of his cultivation. Sometimes, a seemingly powerless child or a stumbling old lady is capable of concocting poison which even Zongshis are unable to withstand.

That's why it was hard to recognize poison masters. Even if a person with high cultivation realm were to purchase poisonous herbs, he may not necessarily be a poison master. On the other hand, an inconspicuous and fragile looking lady may just happen to be a famous assassin.

"If you wish to look for a poison master, you can sell medicinal herbs here. If you were to continue for three to five years, you might just meet with one." Mo Yu said. "There are plenty of people who are seeking vengeance but unable to raise their cultivation waiting here for an opportunity to be accepted into the tutelage of a poison master. However, those who succeed are among the minority."

"Three to five years?" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

I might already be dead by then… why not kill me with a stab of the knife right now.

While the Library of Heaven's Path revealed a person's occupation, the requirement was that the other party had to first execute a battle technique. Otherwise, the person had to be unconscious... If Zhang Xuan were to try to knock someone out here, endless trouble would surely ensue.

Others might think of him as a lunatic and chase him away.

"Let's first look for the Great Herb King!" Thinking of that, Zhang Xuan said.

"Indeed, the only clue we have at hand is the Great Herb King. However, have you ever wondered why everyone chose to sell medicinal herbs here despite being aware that the Great Herb King knows the location of the Poison Hall and is acquainted with poison masters?"

Mo Yu stared at Zhang Xuan.


"The Great Herb King isn't someone anyone can meet easily!" Mo Yu shook her head.

"Even so, we should give it a try."

Zhang Xuan also knew that it wouldn't be easy. However, since he was already here, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Perhaps, the other party might just meet him.

"Alright then! However, I'll just say this first. The Great Herb King isn't someone anyone can offend. Even though your cultivation isn't weak, it's best for you to keep a low profile here. Otherwise, you won't even know how you died!" Mo Yu advised.

"Rest easy, I'm not a rash person!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

"Fine, follow me!" Seeing the other party agreeing to the matter, Mo Yu led the way.

She seemed to be well-acquainted with the roads here, as though she had been to this Red Lotus City. After around an hour, a massive manor appeared before them.

Red bricked with an emerald roof, green trees, and a beautiful stream, this manor which contained some modern elements in its design seemed out of place in this ancient city. Several guards stood proudly at the door, exuding an astonishingly powerful aura.

"Tongxuan realm?"

With a glance, Zhang Xuan's expression turned grim.

The guards at the entrance were all Tongxuan realm primary stage experts.

In Tianxuan Kingdom, experts of such level were capable of rattling the lands with a stomp. Yet, over here, they acted as mere guards.

"This is the manor of the Great Herb King!" Mo Yu whispered telepathically to Zhang Xuan.

Even without her explanation, Zhang Xuan had already arrived at that conclusion. Just as he was about to speak, a young gentleman approached the entrance with two retainers beside him and passed a name scroll forward.

"I am the prince of Tier 2 Baili Kingdom, Qing Yu. I'm here to seek an audience with the Great Herb King."

Tier 2 Baili Kingdom was a country of equivalent standing as Beiwu Kingdom. It was significantly larger and more powerful than Tianxuan Kingdom.

"I'm sorry, the old master had instructed us to turn away all guests." A guard spoke expressionlessly, blocking his way.

"Audacious! Our master is the prince of a Tier 2 Kingdom. How dare you obstruct his path?" A retainer behind the young man bellowed. Stepping forward, he roared, "Get out of the way!"

"In the Red Lotus City, our old master is the ultimate authority. Even if the emperor comes personally, we will turn him away, needless to say, a prince from a Tier 2 Kingdom! Scram, otherwise don't blame us for getting nasty."

The guards narrowed their eyes. With a swift movement, all of them drew their swords.

"You're courting death!"

Upon hearing those words, the retainer flew into a rage. He charged forward, aiming his palm straight at the guard's neck. A powerful wind blew into the surroundings.

"Tongxuan realm intermediate stage?"

The retainer was actually a Tongxuan realm intermediate stage expert! It was no wonder why he would act so arrogantly.


At Tongxuan realm intermediate stage, one possesses 200 ding of strength. Before his hands could reach the guards, the compressed air as a result of his movements had already let out a piercing screech.

"Are you trying to barge into the Great Herb King's residence?"

The guard who spoke took a step back.

"So what if I'm trying to barge in?"

Prince Qing Yu's retainer harrumphed coldly. Not only did he not back down, he exerted even more strength into his palm.

"If that's the case, you can... die now!"

Sensing the increasing vigor in the other party's movements, the guards and harrumphed and flicked their wrists.


The retainer was covered in a white mist immediately.


Before the retainer could react, the white mist came into contact with his skin. His entire body convulsed, and soon afterward, white foam leaked out from his mouth. It wasn't long before he fell to the ground and his eyes rolled backward. Just like that, he met his end.


Qing Yu and his remaining retainer were shocked by the sight before them. They hurriedly retreated in fear.

The retainer charged forward to attack was significantly stronger than the two of them, but yet, he died before he could even touch the other party. The poison they used was simply too vicious.


After killing the retainer, the guards waved the two of them away.

This time, Yu Qing and his retainer didn't dare to say anything else. Carrying the corpse with them, they left in a hurry.


All of these happened within a few breaths. Taking this scene into sight, Zhang Xuan's expression became grim.

The other party was a prince from a Tier 2 Kingdom, yet the guards poisoned his retainer without any hesitation...

This was something that Zhang Xuan never expected.

It was no wonder why Mo Yu treated this matter with grave importance. This Great Herb King was indeed a difficult and cruel figure.

"Are we unable to enter, even with your name scroll?" After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan asked.

No matter what, Mo Yu was the princess of Tianwu Kingdom after all. Her prestige should be much greater than a Tier 2 Kingdom prince.

"That's right." Knowing Zhang Xuan's thoughts, Mo Yu shook her head. "The Red Lotus City may belong to Tianwu Kingdom in name, but it's actually a free zone. Even if a prince were here in person, he would be unable to interfere with the matter here, not to mention that I am a mere princess. Haven't you seen for yourself? Despite having his retainer killed before him, that prince didn't dare to say anything at all."

"Then... Is it possible to sneak in?"

"Sneak in? That's even more impossible! Since the Great Herb King is able to become the sovereign of this city, there is no doubt that he possesses incredible means. If anyone can sneak in that easily, his manor would have been patronized by countless people."

Mo Yu said.

"That's true..."

Zhang Xuan nodded.

Given the Great Herb King's position as the most powerful man in the chaotic Red Lotus City, if anyone could sneak into his manor freely, he would have already died hundreds of time by now.

"Yet another person seeking death!"

"Do you think that it'll be that easy to enter the Great Herb King's manor?"

"It's said that only three types of people are allowed to enter the manor. Herb kings, poison masters, and those with an invitation letter! Otherwise, it's best not to loiter here, or you might die without knowing why!"

"That's right!"


Seeing the prince from a Tier 2 Kingdom sent running, hushed discussions arose in the surroundings.

"Invitation letter? Old uncle, do you mean that anyone with an invitation letter can enter?"

Hearing the discussion, Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up. He walked up to the group and passed forward a gold bill.

"That's right!"

Grabbing over the gold bill, the elder smiled and nodded.

"Then, how does one obtain an invitation letter?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"That I don't know..."

The elder shook his head. However, he seemed to have recalled something all of a sudden and added, "Oh, there's another type of person who can enter with an invitation letter."

"Oh?" Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu's attention was piqued.

"The Great Herb King is old, and his physical condition hasn't been well recently. He has been inviting physicians the last few days, and all official physicians with a physician emblem in their hands are allowed to enter the manor." The elder said.

"Physician?" Zhang Xuan looked at the elder. "Is there a Physician Guild here?"

Physicians, just like the many other occupations, have an organization behind them, and it is called the Physician Guild.

Due to Tianxuan Kingdom's remote location, it didn't have a Physician Guild. If there was one in the Red Lotus City, Zhang Xuan could try taking the physician examination.

"How can there be a Physician Guild here? All of them are physicians who are stopping by to purchase medicinal herbs." Pointing forward, he continued, "Look, that person over there should be a physician!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Xuan directed his gaze to the manor immediately. A middle-aged man was walking up to the entrance.

"I am 2-star Physician Nie Yuan from Beichen Kingdom. The Great Herb King has invited me."

As he said so, he produced an emblem and passed it to one of the guards.

"It's Physician Nie Yuan, this way please!"

Upon seeing the emblem, the guards bowed hurriedly and opened up a path for him.

"Thank you!"

Physician Nie Yuan walked into the manor.