

Chapter 266: Physician Bai Chan

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"That's right, I can do that!"

Seeing the physician entering unobstructed after flashing his physician emblem, a thought appeared in Zhang Xuan's mind.

"Let's go!"

Wasting no time at all, Zhang Xuan returned to the street where he came from with large strides.

"Do you intend to take the physician examination? I intend to take the examination as well, so we can go together. There is a Physician Guild in Tianwu Kingdom, and a roundabout trip should take a total of only five to six days. It won't take too much time."

Following behind him, Mo Yu asked.

To enter the Great Herb King's manor, one had to be a herb king, a poison master, or possess an invitation letter... Those three were too difficult to achieve, and the best chance Zhang Xuan had was to earn a physician emblem.

Mo Yu was an apprentice physician, and she intended to take the physician examination after becoming an official beast tamer. Watching Zhang Xuan treat the Howling Firmament Beast had deepened her understanding of the occupation, and accompanied with the knowledge she had accumulated throughout the years, it wouldn't be difficult for her to pass the examination and become an official physician once they found a Physician Guild.

"Five to six days?" Zhang Xuan shook his head. "There's no need for it, I have another idea in mind!"

There were too many possible deviations that could occur if he were to spend five to six days obtaining a physician emblem at Tianwu Kingdom. What if the Great Herb King was cured by another physician while he was away? What if the Great Herb King failed to hold on until Zhang Xuan's return? If so, he would have wasted his effort obtaining the physician emblem.

"Then what do we do? Do you want to gather medicinal herbs to become a herb king? However, the difficulty of achieving this is even higher, and you will suffer the oppression from other herb kings as well..."

Mo Yu was perplexed as to what Zhang Xuan was up to.

After the short commotion at the Great Herb King's manor, he should be aware that the Great Herb King don't meet with anyone except for the four types of people. Since Zhang Xuan does know where the Poison Hall is, it is impossible for him to become a poison master. On the other hand, if he has the invitation letter, he wouldn't have had to inquire Mo Yu about the matter. Therefore, the only solution is to become a herb king... But this is even harder than earning a physician emblem.

Despite its three thousand years of history, there were only thirteen herb kings in the Red Lotus City. They had already established a stable distribution of power among themselves, and if Zhang Xuan were to barge into the industry abruptly, it was highly possible that they might just make attempts on his life.

"We're here!"

Instead of answering the other party's doubts, Zhang Xuan simply smiled mysteriously. After walking around for a bit, he stopped abruptly.

Mo Yu lifted her gaze. They were at a luxurious medicinal herb trading market. It wasn't as busy as the street they were previously at, and there were only a few people browsing through the herbs.

"Atrocious! Do you take me for a fool? For you to dare to use such subpar products to swindle me, is it because you've found a new buyer and don't want to work with me anymore?"

Walking along the trading market, a bellow could be heard from a vendor not far away from them.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties dressed in a light green robe. On his chest, there was a physician emblem gleaming beneath the sun.

"It's Physician Bai Chan!"

Mo Yu frowned.

"Do you know him?" Zhang Xuan glanced at Mo Yu.

"Un, he's a 1-star physician in Tianwu Kingdom. Greedy and lustful, he likes to take advantage of others. In fact, there's nothing good that can be said about his character. To think that I would meet him here." Mo Yu harrumphed.

"Since his reputation isn't good, that makes it much convenient for me!" Zhang Xuan smiled. "Let's go and take a look!"

Mo Yu nodded.

"Physician Bai, you are already an old customer of mine. No matter who I swindle, I can't possibly swindle you. This is already the best Green Bamboo Grass in my possession!"

Stepping forward, Zhang Xuan heard the negotiation between Physician Bai Chan and the vendor, "How about this, instead of five thousand, I will just charge you three thousand gold coins for each stalk. It'll just be thirty thousand for ten of them! This is already the lowest price I can offer you..."

"Thirty thousand? Twenty-five thousand and I'll take all of them!" Physician Bai Chan said impatiently.

"I will be making a loss at twenty-five thousand..." The vendor shook his head.

The duo was negotiating when Zhang Xuan approached with an agitated expression, "Physician Bai, what a coincidence! To think that you'll be here as well!"

"You are..."

Unable to recognize the foreign-looking face, Physician Bai Chan asked with a puzzled expression.

"I am an admirer of Physician Bai. I've long heard of your name, and I've been wanting to get to know you, but I wasn't able to find a chance. It must be fate that brought us together today!" Zhang Xuan said. "Boss, help me wrap these ten stalks of Green Bamboo Grass up. Here is thirty thousand!"

Zhang Xuan gave three ten-thousand gold bills.


Grabbing the gold bills, the vendor wrapped up the medicinal herbs immediately.

"Physician Bai, here you go!" Zhang Xuan passed the wrapped medicinal herbs to him.

"This..." Physician Bai was taken aback. Even though his words showed his embarrassment, his hands have, in actual fact, already grabbed hold of the gift, "How can I accept such a valuable gift from you when it's our first time meeting..."

"You're my idol, so it's only right for me to buy medicinal herbs for you."

Zhang Xuan smiled.

"What's this fellow up to?"

Following behind Zhang Xuan, Mo Yu was perplexed. How can it be possible for this miserly fellow to pay thirty thousand for someone else's medicinal herbs?

Isn't he is so money-minded and petty that he has to demand money from me every single day? Why is he being so generous now?

"Can it be that... he wants Physician Bai to bring us into the Great Herb King's manor?"

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Mo Yu's mind.

Since the other party was fawning on Physician Bai instead of going for the examination, this was probably the intention he has in mind.

However, Zhang Xuan didn't understand Physician Bai Chan's character. She had heard numerous rumors about him back in Tianwu Kingdom. He was lustful, greedy, and incapable. It wasn't likely that he would even want to approach Great Herb King's manor.

After all, the Great Herb King's manor could be said to be a dangerous place. If he were to approach it despite not possessing the necessary capability, wouldn't he be courting death?

"Since you insist, I will accept it humbly!"

Mo Yu was still trying to fathom Zhang Xuan's thoughts when Physician Bai Chan had already kept the medicinal herbs.

"It's nothing! It's my honor to be able to purchase medicinal herbs for my idol!" Zhang Xuan chuckled. "Is Physician Bai free? Since we've met, I would like to treat you to a drink, as well as to express my admiration for you."

"This..." Physician Bai Chan hesitated for a moment.

This fellow suddenly appeared from nowhere, paid his bill, and invited him to a drink. Even though Physician Bai Chan was greedy, he couldn't help but be suspicious of the other party's intentions.

"Oh, looks like Physician Bai is a little hesitant because you don't know me!"

Seemingly guessing the thoughts of the other party, Zhang Xuan smiled. He walked to Mo Yu and said, "You should know her, she is my friend. With her here, there is nothing for you to worry about."

"Princess Mo Yu?"

Physician Bai Chan was astonished to see Mo Yu.

Even though she was merely an apprentice physician, she was the third princess of the kingdom. Her status was way above that of a 1-star physician like him.


Mo Yu didn't expect Zhang Xuan to make use of her name. Even so, she complied with him and nodded.

"Oh, you are a friend of our princess! I should be the one treating you then..."

Seeing that the young man was a friend of the princess and, from the looks of it, that their relationship seemed to be close, Physician Bai Chan didn't dare to behave arrogantly. He agreed to the invitation hurriedly with a polite smile.

"It doesn't matter who's the one treating. Since fate has brought us together, we should have a good drink. Let's go!"

Zhang Xuan led the way with a smile. The trio swiftly left the trading market and arrived at an isolated street.

"Why would we come here? I know a good tavern that serves excellent wine..."

Upon reaching the alley, Physician Bai Chan put up his guard. Even so, after considering the fact that the princess was tagging along and it was unlikely for anything to happen to him, he continued to follow behind Zhang Xuan.

"We can have our fill of wine later on. Actually... I have something that I would like to discuss with Physician Bai."

Zhang Xuan turned around.

"Oh, may I know what it is?" Physician Bai asked, bewildered by the situation.

"Actually, it's like that. I would like to borrow Physician Bai's emblem for awhile. Would you be so kind as to lend it to me?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"My emblem?" Physician Bai was taken aback. "How can I lend that to you! The emblem represents my identity as a physician, I can't lend it to others so easily..."

Before he could finish his words, the sight before him turned dark. A fist had already smashed into his face.


It was an exceptionally crisp sound. Knocked unconscious, Physician Bai Chan collapsed to the floor.

"When I asked you for it courteously, you should have just lent it to me instead of yapping away!"

He stretched out his hand to retrieve the physician emblem from the other party.

"You... What are you doing?"

Initially, Mo Yu thought that Zhang Xuan was going to have Physician Bai Chan lead them into the Great Herb King's manor. Yet, contrary to all her expectations, the other party knocked him out with a single fist. Mo Yu was completely dumbfounded.

"Oh, it's nothing much. I'm just borrowing his emblem to use!" Zhang Xuan explained.

"Borrow?" Mo Yu went into a frenzy. "This is equivalent to robbing an official physician! There'll be huge trouble once he reports this incident to the Physician Guild when he comes to..."

Every single occupation is protected by a guild of their own. If he were to file a report to the Physician Guild about how you swindled him, knocked him out, and stole his emblem, you'll definitely be in for deep trouble.

This is too reckless!

"Trouble? What kind of trouble? He doesn't know me anyway. I didn't tell him my name!" Zhang Xuan answered nonchalantly.

"Doesn't know you..." The moment she heard those words, Mo Yu nearly spurted blood. "He doesn't know you, but he knows me!"

"That's not a matter of mine. In any case, since you're a princess, you should be able to resolve the matter easily. If it really comes down to it..."

Zhang Xuan hesitated for a moment. "I'll overlook the money you owe me then. Besides, I spent thirty thousand gold coin to purchase medicinal herbs for him. In a way, I have already compensated him..."


Mo Yu staggered. At this moment, she was on the verge of going on a rampage.

The heck!

Do you have to be so darned?

He might not know you, but you brought me out into the picture just now. Even if he is unable to find you, he'll look for me!

And to bring up the money that I owe you...

How much does riding a savage beast cost?

What you robbed is the emblem of an official physician, and you expect me to bear the consequences... My reputation as a princess...

"Put down the emblem, let's find some other solutions... Ah, what are you up to?"

Just as she was about to stop Zhang Xuan, the other party did something which frightened Mo Yu once more.

That fellow had squatted down and stripped Physician Bai Chan of his clothes.

Is stealing an emblem not enough for you? To think that you would take his clothes as well...

But what Mo Yu was more concerned about was that she had actually become his accomplice...

Mo Yu felt as if she would faint at any moment.

"Make some preparations. We'll be going to the Great Herb King's manor now!"

Couldn't be bothered to argue with the other party over this matter, Zhang Xuan took off his outer layer of clothing and, in its place, put on Physician Bai Chan's clothes.

"Are we going to the Great Herb King's manor just like that? Physician Bai Chan may not be famous, but his name is marked on the emblem. If any other physician were to be there, we'll be exposed in an instant..."

Mo Yu was still wondering what the other party has in mind. In the end, what Zhang Xuan intended to do was to impersonate Physician Bai Chan in order to sneak into the Great Herb King's manor.

This may have been possible for any other occupations, but the physician emblem was marked with the name of its owner. The circle of physicians wasn't too large in Tianwu Kingdom, so it was highly probable that Zhang Xuan would be exposed instantly.

"What exposed?"

Before Mo Yu could finish her words, Zhang Xuan was already done putting on the clothes, and he turned to look at her.

Seeing the face of the young man, Mo Yu was stunned for a moment. Then, her body trembled violently, and her eyes widened into circles.

"Physician Bai Chan... No, that's not right. Is this... the ability of a disguiser? How is this possible..."




Chapter 267: Butler Lu

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

All she saw was that Zhang Xuan appeared identical to Physician Bai Chan, who was lying on the floor. If Mo Yu hadn't seen him put on the other party's clothes, she would have suspected that Physician Bai had a twin brother.

She had heard of disguising from others. However, in her opinion, it was just a way of tricking the eye. As long as one was careful, he would definitely be able to see through any disguise. However, the sight before her shattered her understanding of disguises.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xuan had turned into another person. Furthermore, she couldn't discern any differences between the disguised Zhang Xuan and the real Physician Bai Chan... How did this fellow manage to do it?

Can he really be a... professional disguiser?

Legend has it that there is an extremely formidable job in the Middle Nine Paths known as disguiser. Even though it doesn't add to one's fighting prowess, it allows one to impersonate anyone that he comes across perfectly. It is the best method to escape from any pursuit.

However, the occupation had long disappeared in the annals of history. No one had seen a disguiser for a very long time. Mo Yu only happened to overhear it from the conversation of some elders. All along, she had thought that it was just a legend, but to think that... it would be true!

Physician, beast tamer, apothecary, master teacher...

She thought that this was already his limit, but to think that he would be a disguiser as well!

Even when devoting an entire life to a single occupation, a normal cultivator may not even be able to master this one item. Yet, this fellow seemed to be capable of everything...

Does your family deal in occupations? Otherwise, how can you be so skilled in so many occupations when you aren't even twenty?

How is it possible for there to be such a monster in this world!

More importantly, if this fellow were just a monstrous genius, it wouldn't be anything... But his talents were matched with his eccentric nature!

Initially, she thought that this fellow just had a provocative mouth. Not even in her dreams could she expect that his actions... would be even more vicious!

In the Beast Hall, he stole a savage beast that she tamed with great difficulty. She thought that it was as bad as it could get. Yet, this time, he knocked out Physician Bai with a fist and left her to bear the consequences...

I am only here to offer help. Tell me, did I offend you?

With this blemish in my history, how can I take the physician examination in the future?

Upon thinking of this, Mo Yu felt an urge to enter a rampage.

"Let's go!"

Ignoring the conflicted Mo Yu, Zhang Xuan completed his preparations and, with big strides, began to head toward the Great Herb King's manor.

The Heaven's Path Disguise Art allowed him to alter the muscles and bones in his body as he pleased. Not only was his appearance identical to Physician Bai Chan, even his voice was remarkably similar. It was nearly impossible for anyone to tell that he was a fake.

This was precisely the reason why Zhang Xuan chose to impersonate a physician instead of taking the examination.

This way, he didn't have to worry about offending the Physician Guild.

On the other hand, given Mo Yu's status as a princess, wouldn't it be a joke if she were unable to resolve such a small issue?

Besides, his reason for impersonating him was to meet the Great Herb King and ask about the location of the Poison Hall. He wasn't committing any heinous crimes, so no harm was done.

"Damn it..."

Seeing the other party walk out of the alley, Mo Yu gritted her teeth and followed behind him.

Now that the other party had already dragged her down, it was too late for her to back out. She could only go along with him.

"It's easy to obtain a physician emblem, but as for treating Great Herb King... Let's see what you'll do when you can't say a single word!"

There were physicians who specialized in treating humans, and there were those who specialized in treating beasts. Since this fellow was able to treat the Howling Firmament Beast with ease, it was likely that he belonged to the latter group. When it comes to humans, he might not be able to showcase the same level of expertize.

If you aren't able to treat the Great Herb King, there is no point meeting him.

Walking through the streets, it didn't take long before they reached the Great Herb King's manor once more.

As before, the entrance was protected by guards. Aware of the fact that the Great Herb King wouldn't meet with any guests, even though a huge crowd has gathered outside, no one dared to rush forward to offer their name scroll.

After tidying up his clothes, Zhang Xuan tried to recall Physician Bai Chan's walking habits. Then, while imitating it as closely as he could, he walked toward the entrance.

"Look, another person is courting death!"

"Hehe, there are already quite a few brazen fellows who have been beaten to death today. This fellow sure is gutsy to dare to approach the manor!"

"Let's just watch the show. I bet that he won't even know how he died!"

Seeing Zhang Xuan walk over, the crowd in the surroundings began to gloat over his impending doom.

There were countless people who wished to visit the Great Herb King, and there was a reason why they had held themselves back. To head toward the entrance so leisurely, what else could he be doing if not seeking death?

"Halt!" Lifting his eyebrows, one of the guards blocked Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu's path.

"I am a physician!" Zhang Xuan whipped out his emblem.

"Physician?" The guard glanced at the emblem before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, the manor only allows the entry of physicians who are ranked 2-star and above!"

"2-star and above?" Zhang Xuan nearly spurted blood.

After hearing the elder say that all physicians could enter, Zhang Xuan immediately rushed off to look for an emblem. He didn't expect that there would be further conditions.

Even if he has the time, where in the world can he find a 2-star physician emblem?

1-star physicians were mostly Pixue realm and Tongxuan realm cultivators, so Zhang Xuan was able to deal with them easily. However, virtually all 2-star physicians were Zongshi realm experts. Even if Zhang Xuan intended to steal the emblem from them, there was no way he could succeed!

"Please leave!" Stepping forward, the guard gestured for them to leave.

Seeing the other party's actions and hearing his words, Mo Yu knew that it was a hopeless cause. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Zhang Xuan placed both his hands behind his back and his eyebrows shot up.


With imposing might, he bellowed, "I, Bai Chan, am a 1-star physician, but who says that 1-star physicians are inadequate to cure illnesses?"

Mo Yu felt her sight turning dark.

You're right in saying that a 1-star physician can cure illnesses... But even your 1-star ranking is fake. Where in the world does your confidence come from?

Aren't your guts a little too inflated!

Didn't you see what happened to the prince's retainer? If things go wrong, you might very well die...

Mo Yu's heart beat furiously in anxiety. She was already regretting following this fellow here.

"It's true that a 1-star physician can cure illnesses, but..."

The guard didn't expect a mere 1-star physician to speak so confidently, and he was overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. Just as he was about to continue speaking, the middle-aged man gestured grandly, and with a questioning tone, asked, "Did those 2-star and 3-star physicians who entered previously manage to cure your old master of his illness?"


The guard was taken aback.

Quite a few 2-star and 3-star physicians have come and left the manor, but until now, not a single person was able to deduce their old master's affliction, needless to say, cure him of his illness.

"One's emblem isn't representative of one's medical standards. Are you certain that you can take responsibility for delaying your old master's treatment?"

Raising his eyebrows, he bellowed sternly, "Hurry up and get out of the way!"


The several guards stared at one another. For a moment, they were unable to make up their minds.

While it was true that higher ranked physicians were more skilled, there were also rare experts who were unconcerned with the ranking of the Physician Guild.

If this fellow were truly capable and they obstructed his entry, none of them would be able to withstand the rage of their old master.

However, their superior had given instructions that only physicians of 2-star and above were allowed to enter. As such, they felt conflicted.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and a middle-aged man walked out.

"Butler Lu!" Upon seeing this middle-aged man, the guards immediately bowed.

"What's going on?"

The middle-aged man saw Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu standing a short distance from the manor's entrance, and the guards were blocking their way. A slight crease appeared on Butler Lu's forehead.

"This is Physician Bai Chan. He's a 1-star physician..." A guard quickly explained.

"A 1-star physician? Chase him out then!" Butler Lu waved his hands impatiently.

As the butler of the Great Herb King, he had met with numerous 2-star and 3-star physicians. As such, he didn't think highly of a mere 1-star physician.

"But he said that... we won't be able to take responsibility if we delay the treatment of the old master. He seemed confident of treating the old master's illness..."

The guard spoke hesitantly.

"How arrogant!" Harrumphing coldly, Butler Lu turned to Zhang Xuan, his eyes filled with contempt. "Did you claim that you are capable of treating the old master? Not even 2-star and 3-star physicians dare to say such words, where in the world does your confidence come from?"

These guards may not know much about the old master's illness, but as the butler of the manor, he was well aware. Several 3-star physicians had seen him, but they were helpless at diagnosing the root of his illness. If so, what can a mere 1-star physician do?

"It's none of your business where my confidence comes from! If you don't believe my words, we can make a bet!"

Zhang Xuan looked at him.

Butler Lu stared at Zhang Xuan with disdain, "What do you want to bet?"

"Whether I will be able to point out your illness through your punches!" Zhang Xuan said with his hands behind his back.

"What rubbish are you talking about? Butler Lu is still young and healthy, what kind of illnesses can he have?"

"It is clear that you are just an arrogant brat. I've met numerous 3-star physicians, and all of them make their diagnosis based on their examination of the patient. I've never heard of anyone who can diagnose someone just by observing his punches!"

"He is merely a boastful fellow, we should just chase him away!"

The guards roared furiously in unison.

Standing beside Zhang Xuan, Mo Yu felt her face heating up. She was just a step away from digging a hole and leaping into it.

Other physicians diagnosed patients through examining, smelling, and asking questions. It was unheard for one to examine someone through their punches... Do you think that this is a circus act?

Initially, Mo Yu thought that Zhang Xuan possessed an in-depth understanding of the Way of Medicine given how he was able to treat the Howling Firmament Beast. But in the end...

Are you sure you are treating a human, not a savage beast?

Due to the inability of a savage beast to speak, physicians often require them to move about in order to determine the root of the illness. For you to ask Butler Lu to do the same as well, are you trying to ascertain whether he is a savage beast?

Besides, the one who is sick is the Great Herb King. Why are you trying to diagnose the butler...


Butler Lu often came into contact with physicians, so he knew that such a situation only applied to savage beasts. Humiliated, his face grew beet-red. Just as he was about to criticize the other party, a blur flew across his eyes. A fist shot straight toward him.


A 1-star physician had actually dared to punch him at the entrance of the Great Herb King's manor! Butler Lu felt so angered that he was on the verge of exploding. His hands shot out immediately to counter the other party's fist.

"You're seeking death!"

"Impertinent fellow!"

The guards didn't expect Zhang Xuan to be so daring. They drew their weapons immediately and in an instant, a strong killing intent was released into the atmosphere. There were even some who had grabbed poisonous pills, prepared to throw them at any moment.


Before Butler Lu's palm could come into contact with the other party's fist, the physician who assaulted him backed away abruptly. With a calm expression, he placed his hands behind his back, as though nothing had happened at all.

"Men, take him down!"

Butler Lu roared.

The Red Lotus City was the territory of the Great Herb King, and his prestige mustn't be sullied. Regardless of what the other party was up to, whether he was a 1-star or 2-star physician, even if he were the prince of the kingdom, for causing trouble at the manor of Great Herb King, it was the death penalty!

"Take me down?"

Zhang Xuan shook his head. Staring at the middle-aged man before him, he said, "If you feel that you can continue enduring the hyperventilations you suffer at night, I can leave right now!"

"What did you say?"

Butler Lu froze at the other party's words. His face turned as pale as a sheet of paper.




Chapter 268: Entering the Courtyard

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Ever since he met a problem in his cultivation three years ago, he had been suffering from hyperventilation every night. He would feel as if a person was strangling his neck, torturing him to the verge of death.

He had consulted physicians, but regardless of 2-star or 3-star physicians, they were unable to identify the cause. They had prescribed him several different medications, but none of them were effective.

He thought that he would have to suffer the torture of the illness for his entire life, up till he steps into his grave. Yet, the seemingly unimpressive 1-star physician before him was able to point out his condition with a single glance.

Can he, in actual fact, be an expert despite being just a 1-star physician?

"May I know how to address you?"

Stopping his guards, who were on the verge of charging up to the other party, Butler Lu suppressed his shock with great effort and bowed politely.

"Tianwu Kingdom's Bai Chan!"

Zhang Xuan replied impassively.

"So you're Physician Bai Chan! May I invite you in for a talk?"

Butler Lu didn't want the entire city to know about his hyperventilation issue.

"Of course!" Zhang Xuan nodded.


Witnessing this sight, Mo Yu's pair of beautiful eyeballs nearly fell onto the ground.

No matter how slow she could be, it was obvious that Zhang Xuan's diagnosis of the other party's condition was correct. Otherwise, there was no reason for this Butler Lu's sudden change in attitude.

Without any questioning or a close-up examination, just by observing one punch, he was able to tell what the other party was suffering from...

To think that the method of diagnosing savage beasts would work on humans as well...

Why does the situation seem so incredulous?

Other people might have suspected the middle-aged physician of having looked into Butler Lu's condition beforehand, using it as a tool to enter the Great Herb King's manor. However, Mo Yu knew that Zhang Xuan hadn't even heard of the Great Herb King, so it was possible for him to know of this butler's condition.

The only possible explanation was that Zhang Xuan had diagnosed his condition on the spot.

To tame savage beasts through brute force, instructing her to forge a grade-2 pinnacle pill, diagnosing someone through observing their punches... She already knew from long ago that this fellow wasn't ordinary, but wasn't this... way too extraordinary?

"I should go over and take a look."

After a moment of shock, Mo Yu realized that the duo had already walked into the manor. She ran forward hurriedly in order to catch up with them.

Butler Lu had given the orders, so the guards didn't dare to block her way.

"Even though I don't know how that fellow managed to accurately diagnose Butler Lu's condition from just a punch, it would be futile if he isn't able to solve it!"

Mo Yu thought.

Red Lotus City was the greatest medicinal herb trading hub for the surrounding dozen or so kingdoms, and there were innumerable physicians who traveled in and out of it. Given the Great Herb King's esteemed position, if Butler Lu was injured, how could there not be any physician to treat him?

Since even 2-star and 3-star physicians were unable to cure his affliction, Mo Yu found it hard to believe that Zhang Xuan could cure him.

Mo Yu speculated as she walked into the courtyard. She was considering what she would do if Zhang Xuan failed to treat Butler Lu's illness when she caught sight of the duo who entered the manor before her.

With a single glance, Mo Yu staggered backward, nearly falling onto the floor.

At this moment, Butler Lu was standing respectfully before Zhang Xuan. As though a student, his eyes were filled with gratitude and admiration.


Mo Yu rubbed her eyes, fearful that they were playing tricks on her.

She entered the manor mere moments after the duo, and Butler Lu was clearly infuriated with the two of them just seconds earlier. What in the world happened to cause such an abrupt change in the situation?

If it weren't because of the fact that there was no one lying on the floor, she would have even suspected that the fellow had knocked Butler Lu out and disguised as him.

Thus, she walked forward, wanting to ask Zhang Xuan about the matter. But at this moment, Zhang Xuan waved his hands and said impatiently, "Alright, bring me to the Great Herb King!"

Mo Yu staggered once more.


What the heck are you getting impatient about?

This is the Great Herb King's manor! To get impatient with his butler, are you that tired of living?

Mo Yu thought that Butler Lu would definitely be displeased with Zhang Xuan's attitude. Yet, contrary to her expectations, the latter bowed so politely that it was as if he was bowing to his parents. "Yes, this way, please. I will bring you to the Great Herb King now!"

Mo Yu swayed violently, feeling giddy all of a sudden.

What in the world is going on?

Even though he identified your illness, you need not behave in such a manner!

Accurately diagnosing an illness and curing it are two different manners! To act in such a manner before the other party has treated you, aren't you lacking backbone?

The situation was too strange for Mo Yu to accept. She walked over to Zhang Xuan's side immediately and communicated to him telepathically.

"What is going on? Why would Butler Lu act..."

"Oh, I've just solved his problem!"

Zhang Xuan replied telepathically.

"So-Solved?" Mo Yu froze. A sudden vertigo overwhelmed her.

In that single minute, he solved the other party's illness?

Are you joking with me?

"He wasn't really ill, he was merely poisoned. I helped him expel the poison, so naturally, he's grateful to me for that." Sensing the other party's doubt, Zhang Xuan explained.

The reason why Butler Lu suffered hyperventilation in the middle of the night wasn't a fault in his cultivation. Rather, someone has secretly poisoned him.

The poison was extremely strange. Even 3-star physicians would be unable to identify it, needless to say, treat it.

However, Zhang Xuan was different. Possessing the Heaven's Path zhenqi, he was able to expel such a poisonous aura from the butler's body easily. The duration of a few breaths was more than what he required.

"Poisoned? Expelled the poison?"

Even though Zhang Xuan made it sound as though it was a simple task, Mo Yu went into a frenzy over his words.

Expelling poison is way harder than treating just an illness!

Otherwise, poison masters wouldn't have been such a fearsome existence.

Besides, only official poison masters, who are well-versed in the properties of poison, are capable of expelling poisonous aura from a person's body... Isn't it that you don't even know the location of the Poison Hall?

When did you learn how to expel poison?

Initially, Mo Yu had intended to return to Tianwu Kingdom right after bringing Zhang Xuan here. However, her curiosity toward this young man was growing by the moment. She felt impelled to follow him and witness personally what kind of unbelievable legends this fellow would continue to forge.


Oblivious to the thoughts flowing through Mo Yu's mind, Zhang Xuan examined the surroundings silently as he followed behind Butler Lu.

It was no wonder why the princess said that it was impossible to sneak in. Taking a good look at the interiors of the manor now, Zhang Xuan realized how true the other party's words were.

Putting aside the complicated layout within, the manor was packed with sentries. Most guards possessed a Pixue realm cultivation, and some of the commanders had even reached Tongxuan realm pinnacle.

Not just so, Zhang Xuan could also see several formation flags and formation core at the corners of the courtyard. If an intruder were to enter without knowing the position of the formation and stepped into one of them, it was highly likely that the person would be trapped for good.

And these guards and formations made up only the things that could be observed on the surface. Given the relationship between the Great Herb King and the Poison Hall, how could the defenses of the manor not include lethal poison?

Thus, despite Zhang Xuan's high cultivation, it was almost impossible for him to sneak into this manor.

With the butler leading the way, Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu didn't meet with any obstructions. Soon, they arrived at a vast hall.

Walking in, they saw more than ten middle-aged men and elders seated on chairs located by the sides. Each of them had donned an emblem on their chests.

With a single glance, Zhang Xuan felt astonished.

They were all physicians of at minimum 2-star, and three of them had even reached 3-star.

Even in a Tier 1 Kingdom, a 3-star physician could be considered to be a part of the highest echelon of the country. For three of them to be gathered here, the Great Herb King was indeed an impressive figure.

"Butler Lu, I thought that only physicians of 2-star and above are allowed to enter. Why did you bring a 1-star physician?"

Noticing Zhang Xuan, one of the 3-star physicians could not help but frown.

"Isn't this Physician Bai Chan? This isn't a place where you should be. Scram!"

Another physician recognized Zhang Xuan's disguised identity and harrumphed.

"Physician Mu Hong and Physician Cheng Feng, even though Physician Bai Chan is just a 1-star physician, his mastery in the Way of Medicine isn't mediocre. Thus, I specially invited him in." Seeing the contempt in the eyes of the two physicians, Butler Lu quickly explained.

"Did you say that his mastery in Medicine isn't mediocre? Butler Lu, you must be joking!"

The one who recognized Zhang Xuan, Physician Cheng Feng, sneered, "I've known him for over twenty years, do you think that I'm unaware of his standard?"

Even though Physician Bai Chan was merely a 1-star physician, due to his greedy and lustful nature, he had committed numerous atrocities, making him a notorious figure in the Tianwu Kingdom's Physician Guild. At one particular point in time, he almost had his physician license revoked. If not for his absurd luck at that crucial moment, that 1-star emblem on his chest would have long been gone.

Yet, Butler Lu said that his mastery in the Way of Medicine isn't mediocre... Even going to the extent of inviting him in...

"Butler Lu, you must have been mistaken!"

"I know this fellow as well, and he barely made it to qualify as a 1-star physician. How can his mastery in the Way of Medicine not be mediocre?"

"Do not be fooled by his flowery words..."

There were quite a few people within the group who had either heard of Physician Bai Chan or knew him personally, and all of them felt nothing but contempt toward him.

Despite being a 1-star physician, he didn't possess any true medical capability. In fact, he didn't even dare to treat anyone and made a living by trading medicinal herbs. When in the world did he become an expert?


Hearing everyone's words, Butler Lu was stunned as well. Clearly, he hadn't expected this formidable physician who resolved his issue so easily to have such a poor reputation.

Just as he was about to speak up in Physician Bai Chan's stead, a 3-star physician in the group interjected.

"Alright, who the hell cares whether he is a 1-star or 2-star physician. If he fails to produce any results later, he will be ashamed to remain here, so let's not waste our words. Our purpose here is to treat the Great Herb King. Butler Lu, since so many of us are gathered here already, shouldn't you bring us to meet the Great Herb King already?"

"Yes, I will now invite the old master here for everyone to examine!"

Seeing that the crowd was no longer pursuing the matter, Butler Lu arranged for Zhang Xuan to sit by the side before nodding his head in agreement.




Chapter 269: Let Me Take a Look

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Not long after Butler Lu's departure, an elder was carried in.

He looked significantly older than Shen Hong, and his skin was saturated with creases and age spots. Lying on a reclining chair, his breathing was faint, and it seemed that he would die at any moment now.

It was no wonder why the manor strictly rejected all guests except for physicians. Given the current state of the Great Herb King, it was unlikely that he would be able to hold on for long.

"You are all highly famous physicians of the Physician Guild. I beseech you to save the old master!"

Butler Lu bowed to the crowd.

"Tell us about the condition of the Great Herb King in detail!" The 3-star physician, who interjected previously, said.

"Yes!" Knowing that physicians needed to know about the medical history of the patient, Butler Lu answered without any hesitation. "The old master used to be extremely healthy until a disease abruptly struck him half a month ago. He found himself without appetite, and his physical condition deteriorated continuously, day by day, to the point that he is now unable to speak. As for the cause... We've no idea as well. We only know that his physical condition is worsening by the moment and that no medicine he ate alleviated his condition."

"Ill all of a sudden? Can it be that he has been poisoned?" A physician asked.

Usually, when one becomes ill without any signs beforehand, it is highly likely that it is due to poison.

"We've taken into account that possibility and used a unique method to check, but there wasn't any sign of poison."

The Great Herb King had been reigning over the Red Lotus City for many years, and he had close ties with the Poison Hall. It shouldn't be a difficult task to check if he was poisoned.

Since they claimed that he wasn't poisoned, that was likely to be the case.

"Let me take a look!"

A 3-star physician approached the Great Herb King and examined him. A moment later, a deep crease appeared on his forehead.

"Lips are white, breathing is inconsistent, loose skin, deep age spots, spiritless eyes..." After taking a look, the physician shook his head. "These are signs that his lifespan is coming to an end!"

A person's lifespan is determined by fate, and if one has really come to the end of his lifespan, it is impossible for any physician, regardless of how capable they are, to offer any help.

Unless his cultivation reaches greater heights.

"While the title, Great Herb King, is well-known, it is actually a title that is passed on from one generation to the other. It has only been a few years since the old master had received the title, and he is currently only in his forties." Butler Lu hesitated for a moment before answering.

The Great Herb King of the Red Lotus City didn't refer specifically to anyone. Rather, it was like a noble conferment that could be passed on. Anyone who managed to become the Great Herb King would become the sovereign of the Red Lotus City.

"Still in his forties?"

The crowd was taken aback, and even Zhang Xuan was astounded.

No one would have doubted if Butler Lu said that the elder before them was in his nineties. Yet, for him to be in his forties...

At forty, a Zongshi realm expert should have been at the peak of his power. Regardless of strength, spirit, energy, or stamina, they should be at their best. It wasn't logical for his lifespan to reach its end at this age.

"Has he consumed the [Energy Rejuvenation Pill]?"

After hesitating for a moment, the 3-star physician asked.

Energy Rejuvenation Pill allows one's deteriorating physical condition to burst with strength once more. It is effective even on those who have reached the end of their lifespan.

"He has already consumed it, but... it isn't effective!" Butler Lu shook his head.

"Even the Energy Rejuvenation Pill is useless?"

This time, the 3-star physician wasn't the only one to frown. All of the physicians had grim expressions on their faces.

The Energy Rejuvenation Pill was a grade-2 pill, and it had mystical effects on Zongshi realm experts.

Its ineffectiveness meant that the physical condition of the Great Herb King had deteriorated to an unimaginable level.

"I know a set of acupuncture routine that can stimulate one's acupoints and recover their stamina. I can give it a try!"

Saying so, Physician Mu Hong stood up.

"I've heard of Physician Mu Hong's impressive acupuncture. It should be effective." The crowd nodded.

Without wasting any time, he retrieved his silver needles immediately and pierced them into the acupoints of the horizontally lying Great Herb King.

A moment later.

Shaking his head, Physician Mu Hong walked back.

His impressive acupuncture was renowned, but it was completely ineffective on the Great Herb King.

"I have the formula for a mystical medicine here, I can give it a try..."

Someone else stood up.

Just like that, the physicians tried all of their specialties while discussing the condition of the Great Herb King. The various means and theories they raised left Mo Yu electrified.

Those who were present were the most incredible grandmaster physicians within their country, and even the worst of the lot here was much more skilled than Grandmaster Qing Yang. As a mere apprentice physician, she had never experienced such a majestic gathering. She benefitted greatly from their conversation, and her knowledge in the Way of Medicine deepened significantly.


Suppressing the agitation in her heart, she turned to Zhang Xuan and with a glance, her expression darkened.

She thought that the fellow would, like her, immerse himself in the profound theories that were spoken here. Yet, he was sitting blankly on the spot.

She was familiar with this expression. This was the confused look of an amateur who couldn't understand a single word.

Do you not understand what they are saying?

How is this possible?

Unable to believe her eyes, she sent a telepathic message to him. "Zhang Xuan, I don't understand the [Extreme Treatment Method] that Physician Mu Hong spoke of. What does it mean?"

Taken aback by her sudden question, Zhang Xuan was stunned.

He hadn't browsed through much books on the Way of Medicine, so how could he know of these theories and terms?

He pondered for a moment before shaking his head, "I don't know either. I've never heard of it."

Mo Yu's vision turned gray.

Extreme Treatment Method was a diagnosis method that assumed the worst situation to determine the root of an illness. Needless to say physicians, even apprentices would have known it. Yet, this fellow said that he has never heard of it...

"Then... What about Observation Diagnosis Method?"

She asked once more.

"I've never heard of it either!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

There was only one 1-star physician in Tianxuan Kingdom, and he was Master Yuanyu. Zhang Xuan had never conversed with him about the Way of Medicine, so it wasn't wrong to say that he didn't know a single thing about medical theories.

The corners of Mo Yu's mouth twitched violently.

Observation Diagnosis Method referred to the standard steps of determining an illness through observation of the patient. This was one of the topics that would surely be tested for the apprentice physician examination, and it wasn't possible for any single physician to not know of it. Yet, he said that he hasn't heard of it...

To not even know the basics of the Way of Medicine and still dare to pass off as a physician to treat the Great Herb King...

Brother, are you that sick of living, or are you that bored?

Mo Yu felt a stifling sensation in her chest. At the same time, she was also baffled.

Zhang Xuan isn't acquainted with the fundamentals of the Way of Medicine... but how was he able to diagnose the illness of the Howling Firmament Beast and Butler Lu accurately, and treat them?

While Mo Yu's thoughts were wandered, Zhang Xuan looked at the Great Herb King helplessly.

The Library of Heaven's Path could only compile a book when one executed a battle technique or when one was unconscious. Even though the Great Herb King was unable to speak a word, he was conscious.

His current situation was not much better than Shen Hong's back then, and if Zhang Xuan were to ask him to execute a battle technique for him... He would probably die before he could lift his fist.

On the other hand, if he were to reenact what he did with Shen Hong and knock the Great Herb King unconscious with a slap... It was highly likely that he would be cut into innumerable pieces before he could even read the contents of the book compiled.

Although this lounge seemed quiet, there were numerous experts lurking in the shadows.

If he were to make a move on the Great Herb King, these people would definitely charge out immediately.

"I must think of a way to knock this Great Herb King out open and aboveboard..."

Rubbing his glabella, Zhang Xuan scrabbled to find an excuse.

"I'm truly sorry. This is my first time seeing an illness like the Great Herb King's, and I am helpless before it!"

"Indeed, Butler Lu. We can't find any other possible solutions, sorry."

"My skills are still lacking..."

Mo Yu and Zhang Xuan were still deep in contemplation when Mu Hong and the others stood up and shook their heads in embarrassment.

In the end, they weren't even able to determine the illness of the other party, needless to say, treat him.


Looking at their expressions, Butler Lu couldn't help but reveal his disappointment.

Many physicians have come to and fro ever since the old master fell ill, and this wasn't his first time hearing such answers.

"Even though you weren't able to treat the old master, we're still grateful. The Great Herb King Manor will not allow all of you to make this trip for nothing..."

Shaking his head, Butler Lu was in the midst of addressing others when Physician Cheng Feng glanced at Zhang Xuan with a contemptuous gaze.

"Butler Lu, we have tried to diagnose the Great Herb King and discussed the matter, but if I'm not mistaken, this Physician Bai Chan whom you invited over has been sitting in the same spot throughout the whole time. Is it because he looks down on us, and does not think that we're worthy of his words? Or is it because he has an idea in mind and he doesn't want to discuss it with us?"

Hearing Physician Cheng Feng words, everyone was taken aback. At the same time, they recalled that the fellow named Bai Chan didn't seem to have spoken a single word throughout the entire diagnosis, as though a mute.

"This fellow has been seated the entire time!"

"Not just that, he didn't even say a single word."

"He's a mere 1-star physician, it would be weird if he could contribute to our discussions."

"It's because he knows that his skills are lacking that he chose not to speak. At the very least, he has avoided being mocked because of his words."

Recalling that the other party was just a 1-star physician, disdain flashed through their eyes.

A 1-star physician would be a respected figure anywhere else, just not here.

Given how even 3-star physicians didn't comprehend the illness, what could a 1-star physician possibly understand?

It was wise of him to choose to keep mum.

"It shouldn't be put like that. Since Butler Lu has specially invited him over and praised his mastery in the Way of Medicine, how can he possibly be afraid to speak up?" Physician Cheng Feng flashed a contemptuous smile at Zhang Xuan.

He was well aware of this Physician Bai Chan's standards.

He felt envious of the fact that Butler Lu had invited him personally and praised him in public. This was a treatment which even he didn't receive. Now that there was an opportunity to shame him, he found it a waste to let it slip by.


Butler Lu hesitated for a moment before turning to Zhang Xuan, "Physician Bai Chan..."

Since this Physician Bai was able to determine his illness with a glance, Butler Lu was confident in his medical skills. However, the other party hadn't spoken a word from the start to the end, and this had left him perplexed.

Only upon hearing Butler Lu call him did Zhang Xuan snap back to reality. With a puzzled look, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"The matter is like this!"

Butler Lu coughed, embarrassed by the fact that the fellow blanked out while the others were examining the old master. Then, he explained, "The other physicians were unable to determine the root of the old master's illness, and they would like to hear your opinion."

"They failed to even determine the root of the illness?"

Standing up, Zhang Xuan glanced at the crowd before shaking his head.

"Since they are unable to make it, I'll give it a try!"




Chapter 270: Zhang Xuan's Secret Art

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove


"Who did you say is unable to make it?"

"Being a mere 1-star physician... how dare you speak such arrogant words!"

The crowd burst into an uproar immediately.

What do you mean by we are unable to make it and that you'll give it a try... Do you mean that you are more skilled than us?

Despite being a measly 1-star physician, how can you be so confident?

"What arrogant words. Bai Chan, you sure became capable in just a few days!"

Even Physician Cheng Feng hadn't expected him to say such words. He narrowed his eyes angrily at Zhang Xuan.

"Ignorant lad, how dare you utter such conceited words. I would like to see what you are capable of then!" Physician Mu Hong flung his sleeves in displeasure.

Even we 2-star and 3-star physicians aren't able to determine the root of the illness and treat it, so what is a 1-star physician like you bragging for?

Give it a try? Do you even understand what is going on?

"This fellow..."

Mo Yu rolled her eyes.

Even the 3-star physicians present weren't able to make sense of the Great Herb King's condition. Yet, you, who don't even know what Extreme Diagnosis Method and Observation Diagnosis Method are, dare to declare that you would give it a try, disregarding everyone else...

Aren't you afraid of getting beaten to death?

Where does your confidence come from?

Ignoring their furious and doubtful gazes, Zhang Xuan walked up to the Great Herb King.

He didn't notice it from afar but upon walking closer, Zhang Xuan realized that the Great Herb King's condition was indeed critical. His flesh was hanging loosely off his body, his skin was incredibly dry, and the life in his eyes seemed to be flickering as if it would extinguish at any moment.

Circling around the other party, Zhang Xuan touched and examined him meticulously...

As expected...

He wasn't able to discern anything at all!

"Physician Bai, are there any results from your observation?"

Seeing the other party deep in contemplation, Butler Lu couldn't help but ask.

The others paid close attention as well.

The man had acted arrogantly, and they wanted to see if he did have the capabilities to back his words.

"Un, I've noticed a few things. However, I'm not very sure!"

If Zhang Xuan were to say that he was unable to discern anything, he would surely be beaten to death on the spot. Thus, after a moment of silence, Zhang Xuan replied.

"You noticed a few things? Really?" Hearing Zhang Xuan's reply, Butler Lu was thrilled.

The other party was able to tell that he was suffering from asthma with just a glance, so perhaps, he might be able to do what others were unable to accomplish.

"Hmph, putting on an act!"

"I would like to see what you have managed to find out!"

The other physicians responded disdainfully to Zhang Xuan's words.

There were particular methods and steps to examine a patient's condition, and all the fellow did was to circle around the patient. He had disregarded the most important aspects, yet he arrogantly declared that he noticed a few things...

Are you dreaming?

Feel free to brag all you want, let's see what you can do later on!

"Don't be in such a hurry. Even though I now have a rough idea about the problem, I should confirm his condition before starting the treatment!"

Ignoring the disdainful gazes of the crowd, Zhang Xuan shook his head and paused for a moment. "I do have a secret art which would allow me to easily ascertain the root of the illness. However..."

At this point, Zhang Xuan paused, and hesitation hung on his face.


Hearing that there was a secret art which could ascertain the root of the illness, Butler Lu became agitated immediately. Even the corpse-like Great Herb King rolled his eyeball over as well.

The greatest problem they were facing wasn't the treatment. Rather... they didn't even know what the condition was. If they could ascertain his illness, they might be able to search through the books and look for a solution.

"Just that... the Great Herb King might have to suffer for a little!"

Zhang Xuan slowly spoke.

"As long as you can ascertain the illness, a little suffering means nothing. Physician Bai, feel free to speak of what that needs to be done!"

After discussing with the Great Herb King, Butler Lu looked at Zhang Xuan with determined eyes.

Compared to death, suffering or that sort was nothing.

"I don't require any other preparations. Since you have already said so, I will be executing my secret art now..." Zhang Xuan said seriously.


Butler Lu nodded his head. Then, he asked doubtfully, "Since you're going to use a secret art, do you require us to excuse ourselves..."

Just as the name stated, secret arts tend to be something personal. It might have been inconvenient for Zhang Xuan to display his secret art before so many physicians.

However, before he could finish his words, he saw Physician Bai Chan lift his hands and send a slap straight at the Great Herb King.


It was a crisp sound. His palm struck the back of the Great Herb King's head, and before the latter could even react, his vision went dark. With a look of disbelief... he fainted.

"What are you doing..."

Not expecting the other party to knock the old master out instead of executing his secret art, Butler Lu was enraged. He was about to rush forward when the other party touched the Great Herb King and clapped. "Alright, I'm done executing my secret art..."

"You're done... executing it?"

The crowd staggered and they nearly fainted on the spot.

Brother, you must be joking with us!

Do you mean to say that... your secret art is to slap the Great Herb King?

Secret art my foot! Even a dog can execute such a move... To think that I even thought of excusing myself so that you can execute it freely...

On the other hand, Mo Yu's slim body was trembling in fear, and she nearly fell limply to the ground.

When the other party declared his intention so confidently previously, she thought that it might be possible that he had a good idea in mind that could help ascertain the illness. To think that this would be it...

Slapping the Great Herb King out of consciousness with a single slap... If Zhang Xuan failed to come up with a valid excuse, the two of them might very well die here.

"Old master..."

Butler Lu rushed forward and massaged the other party. It took him great effort before the latter regained his consciousness, and only then did he heave a sigh of relief.

Turning to Zhang Xuan, he suppressed his urge to tear the fellow into pieces and spat, "Physician Bai, you..."

Honestly speaking, if the other party hadn't treated the poison in his body, he would certainly have ordered the guards to kill him just now.

The old master's body was already in such a weak condition. Knocking him out... was no different from murder.

"My secret art requires the patient to be unconscious to be performed. I have no other choice, so I beg of your understanding!"

Zhang Xuan had thought of an excuse beforehand.

"Is there such a secret art?"

"The patient has to be unconscious in order to be diagnosed?"

Members of the crowd stared at one another, and for a moment, they found it hard to comprehend the situation.

Is it possible for such an eccentric skill to exist?

The three 3-star physicians looked at one another, and they could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

They had read countless books in the Physician Guild but had never heard of any diagnosis method that required one to be unconscious. This method was in conflict with the fundamental principles of the Way of Medicine.

"So that's the case..."

Butler Lu hadn't heard of it either, but that fellow's previous action of diagnosing him through his punch was against common sense as well. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "May I know if Physician Bai was able to ascertain the illness that the old master is suffering from?"

Upon hearing the question, everyone's gazes immediately turned to Zhang Xuan. They wanted to hear what this braggart had to say.

"I've verified the illness!"

Zhang Xuan nodded his head. After hesitating for a moment, he sighed, "It's... suffering for one's own deeds!"

"What did you say?"

Butler Lu was stunned for a moment before he lashed out.


The sound of swords being drawn echoed in the air and countless guards charged forward immediately.