

Chapter 256: I Said That You Are an Inept Physician

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -


Seeing the actions of the youngster, everyone became dumbfounded.

Isn't this fellow too brazen!

Don't you see that the grandmaster physician is examining the Howling Firmament Beast?

Why did you come over? Furthermore...

This is a Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast, a Zongshi realm savage beast, not your family's pet. Touching it... as if it were a domesticated dog, what in the world are you up to?

"I, too, would like to take a look to see what this Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast is suffering from!"

Seeing the doubt in everyone's eyes, the youngster turned around and smiled.


Hearing his words, Mo Yu harrumphed.

She recognized the person as soon as he turned around. It was the person who had been embarrassing her time and time again, Zhang Xuan.

No wonder he disappeared just now! He had headed forward to touch the Howling Firmament Beast.

Hall Master Feng invited us over to view how Grandmaster Qing Yang would treat the savage beast. We're here to learn, so we should remain obediently at our spots and observe the proceedings quietly. Yet, to interrupt the other party's diagnosis...

Why the heck are you trying to touch it!

Aren't you asking for a scolding?

As expected, the moment this thought appeared in her mind, Grandmaster Qing Yang's face steeled and his eyes narrowed.


Flinging his sleeves, he turned to Hall Master Feng and criticized sharply, "Is this how the people in the Beast Hall act? Are they usually this undisciplined? Take a look... Does he even know what he is looking at? To be touching around so casually despite knowing nothing at all, how conceited can one be!"

"Grandmaster, calm down. He didn't do it intentionally. He is probably just worried about the Howling Firmament Beast..."

Not expecting Zhang Xuan to act so rashly so as to run forward to touch the Howling Firmament Beast, Hall Master Feng tried to placate Grandmaster Qing Yang immediately.

"After years of working together, you should know that I need absolute silence during my treatment!"

Interrupting his words, Grandmaster Qing Yang spoke haughtily.

"I know, but..."

"It's good that you know, there are no 'buts'. Since we've been friends for numerous years, I won't pursue this matter. However, this shouldn't be a place where an incompetent nobody can enter. I am in the midst of treating the Howling Firmament Beast, so chase all of them out." After finishing his words, Grandmaster Qing Yang waved his hands arrogantly.

Who was he?

A grandmaster physician, a highly respected figure in the Beiwu Kingdom. While he's in the midst of treating someone, a fellow suddenly popped out and said that he would like to take a look as well. What do you know about the Way of Medicine? Do you know what to look for?

"Please calm down, Grandmaster Qing Yang. These few youngsters are beast tamers who just passed the examination today. The reason why I brought them over was so that they can watch the treatment process. They definitely didn't mean to offend you!" Hall Master Feng said.

"Indeed. Beast Tamer Zhang merely touched the Howling Firmament Beast out of curiosity. I guarantee you that it won't happen again!"

Beast Tamer Lu walked up to persuade him as well.

"Hmph, I will let this matter go on your account then. I hope that the Beast Hall can be more disciplined in the future! To treat someone, I require absolute silence. Not everyone is qualified to watch the proceedings, and my treatment isn't something just anyone can understand! If some ignorant fool were to mess about, interfere with the treatment process, and delay the optimal treatment timing, can any of you take responsibility?"

Grandmaster Qing Yang harrumphed as he scanned the surroundings, him holding an irrefutable authority.

"Yes, yes!" Hall Master Feng hurriedly nodded.

The standings of beast tamers and physicians were similar, but given that he was the one who had a request for the other party, he had no choice but to lower his head.

This was the only person who was capable of treating the Howling Firmament Beast. Thus, even though the physician was speaking so harshly, he had no choice but to tolerate it.


Observing the other party's pleasant attitude, Grandmaster Qing Yang decided to not pursue the matter. Instead, he turned his attention to the unconscious Howling Firmament Beast.

"You said earlier that you have identified the problem. Is there a way to treat its illness?" Hall Master Feng asked nervously.

"After my initial diagnosis, I have confirmed the root of its illness." Grandmaster Qing Yang gestured grandly.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

As expected of a grandmaster physician. He was able to locate the root of the problem swiftly.

One must know that the three 2-star beast tamers and numerous 1-star beast tamers have examined the Howling Firmament Beast for two whole days but to no avail.

Amidst everyone's expectant gazes, Grandmaster Qing Yang nodded his head in satisfaction. He calmly said, "Given how this Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast is vigorous at night, filled with internal heat, and often howled to the heavens, I suspect that... it's craving for a mate!"

"Craving for a mate?"

"That's right. Savage beasts possess libido as well, and this libido heightens during the autumn season, reaching a level where it is hard for them to control itself. Based on what I saw previously, its body is warm and it urgently needs an outlet to vent its frustrations. However, as it is unable to find a release, it is growing more and more restless. As time went by, the internal heat that gathered within its body diffused into his organs, causing him to descend into a coma."

Grandmaster Qing Yang lifted his head slightly, and he seemed to be glowing with wisdom.

"We've also thought of the possibility before, just that... given the age of the savage beast, it is unlikely that it has reached that point..." Hall Master Feng asked doubtfully.

"Savage beasts cannot be gauged using the human standards. Once its bodily functions mature, it will experience libido. Its symptoms of being unable to sleep at night, howling toward the skies, and such are all signs of its desire for a mate. It's impossible for me to be mistaken!" Grandmaster Qing Yang turned to look at the crowd, and there was a bizarre glint in his eyes which exerted pressure on those he gazed upon. "Why? Do you doubt my diagnosis?"

"That's not it, just that..." Hall Master Feng shook his head, choosing not to linger on this problem. Rather, he looked at Grandmaster Qing Yang anxiously, "So... How can such an illness be treated?"

"Even though it appears complicated, once the root of the problem is identified, it isn't that difficult to solve. Since it wishes to look for a mate, we can just find one for it!" Grandmaster Qing Yang smiled.

"Find one?"

A bitter expression appeared on Hall Master Feng's face.

The other two 2-star beast tamers also shook their heads.

"It's not that we don't want to find one for it, but the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast is a rare species. It is nearly impossible to find another female which is of a comparable age!"

An aerial savage beast such as the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast which could possess the strength of a Zongshi before maturing was extremely rare. Even considering the entire range of the vast Xuanluo Mountain Range, it was unlikely for there to be more than two of them.

More importantly, it is capable of flying at incredible speed. Even if they happen to find one, how can they possibly capture and tame it?

The reason why there was a Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast in the Beast Hall was that they had raised it from young, even going to the extent of building a residence for it and sending apprentices to wait upon it. That was the main reason why it chose to remain here. Honestly speaking... Until now, no one had managed to tame it, and it hadn't established a contract with anyone either.

It's not that they didn't want to do it, but that it was impossible for them to do it!

The Howling Firmament Beast was prejudiced against humans, so taming it completely was impossible. Assuming if it was tamed completely, it would have been able to communicate with its master. If so, the beast tamers would know what was wrong with it and treat it by themselves. They wouldn't have had to go through so much trouble as to invite Grandmaster Qing Yang to diagnose its condition.

Since they weren't even able to tame a Howling Firmament Beast which they raised from young, how could they possibly bring a mate for it within a short period of time?

Clearly, this isn't a feasible solution!

"It is impossible to find another one?"

"Yes!" Hall Master Feng nodded. "Grandmaster Qing Yang, please look for another solution. I'm willing to give anything as long as the Howling Firmament Beast can be saved!"

"I do have a solution, and it will solve the problem once and for all. Just that... this solution will be slightly troublesome." Grandmaster Qing Yang hesitated for a moment.

"Since there's a solution, then I'll have to trouble you to hurry up and treat it." The eyes of Hall Master Feng and the others lit up as they hurriedly said.

"Un, alright!" Placing his hands behind his back, Grandmaster Qing Yang nodded his head. "Even if it's impossible to find a mate for it, there's actually another simple solution to curb its frustration. That's... castration! As long as the operation is successful, it will not be plagued by such problems in the future. It'll then be able to focus its attention on working for the Beast Hall."


Hall Master Feng and the others became dumbfounded.

"Only through castration will it be able to calm its mind. At the very least, it will not feel frustrated and be overwhelmed with heat every day, and such a situation wouldn't occur again."

Grandmaster Qing Yang turned to Hall Master Feng and questioned, "Aren't there many other savage beasts in the Beast Hall which were castrated to avoid trouble?"

"This..." Hall Master Feng hesitated before nodding.

There were plenty of savage beasts in the Beast Hall who were castrated upon birth. This way, its attention wouldn't be diverted to its other needs, and it would be more obedient to its master.

"Alright, this is my diagnosis. You should give it some thought. If you want to go through with it, you should make your decision quickly. It is clear that this fellow will not hold on for long. If you don't resolve the problem soon, I'm afraid that it might not survive even until tomorrow!"

At this point, Grandmaster Qing Yang stopped speaking and stood quietly on the spot as he waited for the others to make their choice.

"Must we do this?"

Hall Master Feng and the others stared at one another in dilemma.

The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast had been with them since young. They had been together for many years, and the beast tamers had already regarded it as their kin. To castrate it... They really couldn't bring themselves to do it.

Besides, while there were plenty of precedents of savage beasts having been castrated in the Beast Hall, a significant number of them didn't survive the operation and died on the spot.

The Howling Firmament Beast was critically ill, and at this moment, it had already descended into a coma. Conducting such an operation when it wasn't in a good physical condition bore a huge risk to its life.

Besides, a Zongshi realm savage beast possesses wisdom. If they were to infuriate it by doing so, it was likely that it might just leave the Beast Hall permanently. In fact, it might even try to exact vengeance on the Beast Hall, and this would put the Beast Hall at a huge peril.

It wasn't that there were no precedents to such a situation. There were other Beast Halls who had met with similar situations and castrated a Half-Zongshi savage beast. This infuriated the savage beast, and not only did it leave the Beast Hall, it viewed the personnel of the Beast Hall with enmity and often returned to wreck havoc.

Eventually, the Beast Hall could only dispatch experts to kill it.

It's said that after it was killed, the master of the savage beast cried for three days straight. Due to his excessive grief, his zhenqi dissipated and he died a few days later.

Just like humans, savage beasts have to be respected.

Castrating the other party without informing it is a type of extreme humiliation.

"Grandmaster Qing Yang, is there any other solution? This... really isn't an easy choice!"

After hesitating for a moment, Hall Master Feng asked.

"This is already the best solution to the problem! If you are unwilling to do so, we can just forget the matter. I have already presented my diagnosis and the treatment to you, and it's your choice to go through with it or not. However, if there are any other problems in the future, you don't need to dream of looking for me!" Grandmaster Qing Yang harrumphed in displeasure.

He had presented the root of the problem and the treatment method, yet the other party kept questioning his judgment. Did they not trust his capability as a grandmaster physician?


Upon hearing the other party's words, Hall Master Feng gritted his teeth and decided to go ahead with the other party's solution. However, before he could speak, an impassive voice suddenly echoed in the air.

"In the past, I've heard that inept physicians could kill their patients. Back then, I thought that it was impossible, but to think that I would be seeing one right before me..."

"What did you say?"

Grandmaster Qing Yang burst into an outrage. He turned his head over immediately and saw a youngster standing amidst the crowd, looking at him with a calm expression.

It was the fellow who sneaked forward to touch the Howling Firmament Beast awhile ago.

Zhang Xuan!

"I say that you are an inept physician! If you don't understand what I'm saying..."

With a serious expression, Zhang Xuan said, "It means that you are a fool with inferior medical skills. When you are unable to determine the root of the illness, you make up a random diagnosis using your own imagination!"





Chapter 257: What Else Can You Be If Not an Inept Physician?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

"He said that Grandmaster Qing Yang is an inept physician?"

"He said that he is a fool with inferior medical skills?"

Everyone was stunned.

Even Mo Yu, who was resentful against Zhang Xuan, was stunned.

To say that Grandmaster Qing Yang is an inept physician... This is equivalent to insulting the other party's professionalism, and there is no way for reconciliation.

Why in the world is a fellow like you, who is ignorant in the Way of Medicine, acting big?

Even though it wasn't common for a savage beast to be castrated, it wasn't as though it had never happened before. If they don't castrate it, is there any other solution to treating the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast?

"Beast Tamer Zhang..."

Not expecting him to insult Grandmaster Qing Yang all of a sudden, Hall Master Feng's complexion darkened. He immediately turned to Grandmaster Qing Yang and tried to appease him, "Grandmaster Qing Yang, don't get angry. He isn't doing this on purpose..."

"Shut up!"

Grandmaster Qing Yang's expression warped savagely. As though a furious lion, he stared coldly at the young man before him. With a frosty tone, he declared, "I, Qing Yang, have been practicing medicine for more than thirty-nine years. I have saved countless lives and relieved countless people of their ailments. This is the first time I have been insulted by someone like that. Lad, regardless of whether you are a beast tamer or not and who is backing you, if you don't explain yourself clearly today, don't blame me for getting nasty!"


The moment he finished speaking, a powerful aura immediately burst forth from him, reaching even the heavens. It was so powerful and repressive that it forced Yun Tao and the others to retreat continuously.

Grandmaster Qing Yang is a Zongshi expert!

Regardless of occupation, while talent was a factor, one required a cultivation realm that could match up with it. All those who have reached 2-star were mainly Zongshi realm experts. This was also the reason why those who have reached 2-star were termed as grandmasters. This wasn't just a show of respect toward the person's mastery in the occupation, but to the person's cultivation and strength as well.

As the most skilled physician in Beiwu Kingdom, Qing Yang had never suffered such humiliation while practicing his medical art. If not for his sophistication, he would have already lashed out at Zhang Xuan.

"The reason why you've never been insulted... is because you've never met me. If you've met me earlier, you would have long been insulted!"

Despite the other party's intimidation, Zhang Xuan simply looked at him indifferently.

Grandmaster Qing Yang's eyebrows twitched, "Do you think that I dare not kill you?"

"Kill me? Being unable to see through the Howling Firmament Beast's illness, you came up with a nonsensical diagnosis. If it were to be treated as you said, not only will the Howling Firmament Beast not be saved, it will die on the spot... Is this the result of your diagnosis? What else can you be if not an inept physician? And you still want to kill me... Despite erring so severely, you refuse to allow anyone to talk about it. How can one be so thick-skinned?" Zhang Xuan lifted his eyebrows.


Upon hearing those words, Grandmaster Qing Yang was so maddened that he almost spurted a mouthful of blood.

After releasing his full might as a Zongshi realm expert, he thought that the other party would apologize to him fearfully. Yet, not only did Zhang Xuan continue to criticize him boldly, he even reprimanded him for being thick-skinned...

A dignified grandmaster physician getting scolded by a young lad in public. He felt so humiliated that he was about to go insane.

"Do you feel indignant? Fine, I'll explain it to you then!"

Just as Grandmaster Qing Yang was about to fly into a rage, the young man approached and stood before the Howling Firmament Beast.

"The most direct way to determine the age of a Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast is through its teeth. The teeth exposed outside for a mature Howling Firmament Beast will be exactly three chi and three cun. I believe that all beast tamers should know about it, so I need not elaborate more!"

(Three chi and three cun ~1.1m)

Zhang Xuan pointed to the Howling Firmament Beast and said, "The teeth of this fellow are only two chi and seven cun long, proving that it is still some age away from adulthood. If I'm not wrong, it should be only seventeen-year-old. Based on the two hundred years lifespan of a Howling Firmament Beast, it should still be a child... I would like to ask you, how can a prepubescent savage beast possess libido?"

(Two chi and seven cun ~90cm)

Initially, Hall Master Feng and the others thought that Zhang Xuan was just causing trouble. However, after hearing his words, they were all taken aback.

Other people might not know how old this Howling Firmament Beast was, but they were extremely clear of this. Ever since it was an infant, it had been living in the Beast Hall. It had been seventeen years since then. Zhang Xuan's words were completely accurate.

If one didn't know beforehand, it was impossible for one to fathom that a fellow possessing such a gigantic body would be merely seventeen-years-old.

For a savage beast which has a lifespan of two hundred years, it was no different from a seven to eight-year-old human.

"It is a savage beast..." Grandmaster Qing Yang harrumphed. However, before he could finish his words, Zhang Xuan had already interrupted him.

"Don't tell me that the physical condition of a savage beast is different from that of a human, so their physical development is different. If this fellow is truly suffering from excessive libido and craves for a mate, it would only suffer from excessive heat, discomfort, and a fiery temper. Libido causing one to go into a coma like that... Grandmaster Qing Yang, for you to make such a judgment, can it be that... you experience the same phenomenon?"

Zhang Xuan asked.

"That's true!"

"Even if it is overwhelmed by lust, it would only be in discomfort. I have never heard of anyone going into a coma from an overwhelming desire for the female body!"

Everyone was taken aback by Zhang Xuan's words. Finding his explanation logical, they began to mutter in agreement.

It is a physiological need for a mature adult to look for a mate. This isn't applicable to just savages beast, the same goes for humans as well. However, never have they ever heard of a person being stifled to the point of going into a coma just because they were unable to find a girlfriend.

That isn't logical at all!


Grandmaster Qing Yang's face flushed furiously. He wanted to refute Zhang Xuan's words, but he found himself unable to say a single thing. Flinging his sleeves, he harrumphed, "Since you claim that it isn't libido, what do you think caused it to be agitated then? Also, why would it run about as though finding an outlet for its inexhaustible energy during the nights of the full moon?"

"Does being agitated and possessing inexhaustible energy at night mean that it is looking for a mate? What reasoning is that?" Zhang Xuan shook his head. "If that's the reason, why would its appetite dwindle, with nothing able to catch its attention?"

Grandmaster Qing Yang was stumped.

Even if it were looking for a mate, despite being unable to talk as a savage beast, there were plenty of ways for it to express himself. It was truly inexplicable why it would it refuse food and be disinterested in everything.

"From the words of the apprentice, we know that ten days ago, the Howling Firmament Beast merely suffered from a lack of appetite. As the days went by, his condition worsened, and by morning today, it was unable to endure any longer and finally fainted. If it was truly just looking for a mate, it could just fly away. There doesn't seem to be any chains binding it to the Beast Hall, preventing it from flying away!"

The crowd nodded their heads.

The Beast Hall would try to fawn up to that fellow at every available chance, how can they possibly bind it?

If it was truly distressed by the lack of a mate, it could simply fly outward to look for one itself. There was no reason why it should stifle itself in the courtyard to the point of fainting!

Upon hearing his analysis, everyone started to doubt Grandmaster Qing Yang's diagnosis. They turned to look at him with a bizarre expression.

"Then... What do you say it is?"

Grandmaster Qing Yang's complexion paled. He realized that he had neglected many details, and at this moment, his rage had already vanished. Unable to hold himself back, he asked.

"Since it's not seeking a mate, the answer is simple... The Howling Firmament Beast is either truly critically ill or is plagued by some other problem!" Zhang Xuan surveyed the crowd. "Everyone, you should look at the claw of the Howling Firmament Beast."

"Different from the usual eagle-type savage beast, the Howling Firmament Beast has a thick layer of flesh covering its claws, similar to human feet. Under normal conditions, the claw should be greenish-gold in color. However, at this moment, red veins can be seen within the flesh."

Everyone immediately turned to look at the claw of the Howling Firmament Beast. Taking a closer look, they realized that there were really blood-red veins.

The veins were extremely thin, similar to the capillaries in a human's body. If one didn't pay careful attention to it, it was easy to neglect.

"Most savage beasts have a meat crown, and the Howling Firmament Beast isn't an exception either. Under normal circumstances, the meat crown would be slightly red. However, it is slightly pale at the moment. Even though it is inconspicuous, it remains visible to the eye." Zhang Xuan said.

Everyone quickly looked over, and it was exactly as Zhang Xuan said.

"What kind of illness is this?"

Zhang Xuan's ability to point out the numerous inconspicuous symptoms on the Howling Firmament Beast had convinced the crowd of his judgment. Unable to hold himself back, Hall Master Feng asked immediately.

"In a sense, it isn't really an illness. In fact, I should congratulate Hall Master Feng."

Zhang Xuan smiled.

"Congratulate? Why would you congratulate me?"

Hall Master Feng was stunned.

The Howling Firmament Beast was still in a coma, and it was hard to tell whether its life was still in danger or not. Furthermore, if you know the cause of the problem, you should know the solution as well. Such congratulatory words should only be said after it rises from its coma, why would you say it now?

"If I'm not wrong, the Howling Firmament Beast is probably undergoing Bloodline Evolution!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Bloodline Evolution? How... How is that possible?"

Hall Master Feng was stunned. The rest of the crowd also found Zhang Xuan's words inconceivable.

The Bloodline Evolution of a savage beast was similar to a mutation in the genes, it was extremely rare. Furthermore, without a trigger, it was impossible for it to happen.

The trigger could be the absorption of an even purer blood essence or the consumption of precious herbs...

However, the Howling Firmament Beast didn't appear to have experienced any of the two.

Furthermore, a Bloodline Evolution shouldn't have caused the Howling Firmament Beast to descend into a coma, as though it had fallen into critical illness.

Seeing the disbelief in everyone's eyes, Zhang Xuan chuckled and turned to Hall Master Feng, "Half a month ago, did the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast visit a location dense in yin energy?"

"This... Half a month ago, it ferried a person to the Yin Tempest Valley!" The one who replied was Beast Tamer Wang.

He was the one who drove the beast there, so he remembered the details clearly.

"The Yin Tempest Valley is dense in yin energy, and an extremely potent yin attribute fruit called Yin Tempest Fruit grows there. It has the ability to raise the cultivation of a person whose physical constitution is aligned toward the yin. If I'm not wrong, the person probably presented this fruit as payment!" Zhang Xuan said.

"That's right!" Beast Tamer Wang nodded.

One could pay the fee for the Beast Mount through gold coins or rare herbs.

The Yin Tempest Fruit was an extremely well-known commodity, and it was worth a fortune. Furthermore, it was the kind of product which rarely appeared in the market, and one might not be able to buy it even if one had money. Naturally, Beast Tamer Wang accepted his payment.

"The cause of the incident is the Yin Tempest Fruit!"

Zhang Xuan smiled, "Everyone should be aware of the gender of the Howling Firmament Beast, male. As such, it has overwhelming yang attribute within its body. After consuming the Yin Tempest Fruit, the yin and yang clashed with one another. Even so, the worst that would have happened to it was discomfort. Given its gigantic physique, it was just a matter of time before it tides through the period! However, at this point, you fed it Spirit Rejuvenation Water."

"The Spirit Rejuvenation Water calms one's mind, revitalizes one's spirit, and eases one's agitation. The main ingredient in it is [Fermented Mother Grass]."

"This is a neutral medicinal herb which served as a mediating factor. Logically speaking, no matter how many of it one consumed, it wouldn't cause any adverse effect. However, it just happened that the property of this herb clashes with the nature of the Yin Tempest Fruit. Upon contact, the yin aura of the Yin Tempest Fruit is amplified by more than three times. These two happened to be the main ingredients required for the forging of [Unravel Yang Pill], and it is extremely potent in awakening yang attribute physical constitutions."

Zhang Xuan continued, "It was due to the stimulating of the yang attribute within the body of the Howling Firmament Beast that it was unable to sleep at night and possess inexhaustible energy, as though afflicted with overwhelming libido!"

"If this was only it, it would have been able to tide through the matter. As long as the yin and yang within its body achieve a balance, the problem would be resolved. However, it is a pity that... Hall Master Feng had someone feed it two [Heat Dissipation Pill]

At this point, Zhang Xuan shook his head in pity. "The Heat Dissipation Grass contains the Arctic Grass, and the Arctic Grass dispels yang flames within one's body... The yang energy within the Howling Firmament Beast was stimulated when it was fed this. Not to mention, it had consumed two at once. That is equivalent to throwing ice cubes onto a fire seedling... With the clash of hot and cold within its body, it is already extremely fortunate that it didn't die on the spot!"

Honestly speaking, the Howling Firmament Beast was truly a pitiful soul. Initially, it would have been able to recover on its own after resting for a few days. Yet, under the kind intentions of those around it, it was sent to the brink of death.

And yet, they claimed that they were trying to treat it... More like murdering it!

The complexion of Hall Master Feng and the other beast tamers immediately turned awful.

Clearly, they hadn't expected that the condition of the Howling Firmament Beast was a result of them... feeding the wrong medication!

"Try recalling the matter. Is it after feeding the medication that the condition of the Howling Firmament Beast slowly deteriorated?" Zhang Xuan continued asking.

"Yes..." Recalling the words of the beast tamer apprentice, everyone couldn't help but nod in agreement.

That was indeed the case.

No one could have imagined that feeding it a common medication would cause such adverse side effects.

"Currently, the yang energy is currently in conflict with the yin aura within its body. If you were to castrate it right now, the yang energy would be quenched and the yin energy would overwhelm it. In less than two hours, it would breathe its last!"

At this point, Zhang Xuan turned to Grandmaster Qing Yang and said, "This is also the reason why I said that you are an inept physician. If the treatment is carried out as you've said, not only will the Howling Firmament Beast not be saved, it would have already become a corpse by now."


Grandmaster Qing Yang felt his body turn cold. As a 2-star physician, he had an in-depth knowledge in the Way of Medicine. The other party's deduction was logical and backed up by facts, to the point that he was unable to pick any flaws with it at all. It was as though the other party has witnessed the entire scene for himself, and he couldn't help but feel admiration for the other party's capability. He felt that there was a need for him to refute the other party's words to protect his reputation, but he couldn't find a word to say.

"Then, what about the Bloodline Evolution you spoke about previously?"

Afraid that Grandmaster Qing Yang would be put in a difficult position, Hall Master Feng quickly interjected and changed the topic.

"Once the stimulated yang energy within its body stabilizes, it will undergo a Bloodline Evolution. On the other hand, if it fails to strikes a balance between the yin and yang, it would die. That's to say, if the Howling Firmament Beast is able to survive this ordeal, its cultivation will reach new heights. If not, death awaits."

"Then... Is there any way to help it?" Hall Master Feng asked anxiously.

"Of course there is. However... I will need the help of an apothecary." Zhang Xuan hesitated for a moment before saying.

"Mo Yu xiaojie is an official apothecary. She can help you." Yun Tao hurriedly said.

Everyone's gazes shot toward Mo Yu immediately.

"I am willing to help. What do I have to do?" Mo Yu placed her hands behind her back confidently.

Even though she didn't like the fellow before her, she wanted to help save the Howling Firmament Beast.

Besides, even though she was inferior to the other party in the other aspects, this provided her an opportunity to showcase her talents as an apothecary and cleanse herself of her past shame.

Aren't you an incredible beast tamer, the senior of master teachers, and a capable physician?

I may not be able to compare to you in these fields, but at the very least, I am able to forge pills!

At the very least, I'm a 1-star apothecary!

Thus, she proudly stepped out from the crowd and asked the other party what she should do. Yet, she was welcomed with a frown and a questioning tone.

"You... can you forge pills?"


Mo Yu staggered. She nearly exploded upon hearing those words.

Can't you say anything good?

I am a 1-star apothecary, of course, I can forge pills!

How can one become an apothecary without being able to forge pills?

Even though she knew that this fellow couldn't speak any good words, she didn't expect him to be so hateful.

Gritting her teeth, her breathing hastened, and her chest expanded and contracted rapidly. "Have you ever seen an apothecary who is unable to forge pills?"

"I have..." Zhang Xuan nodded. "I was worried that you passed the apothecary examination through Pill Debate. If so, you probably won't be able to forge pills..."

"Pill Debate? Only those who have reached a high mastery in the Way of Pills are capable of passing the examination!"

Reverence brimmed in Mo Yu's eyes, "All of the seniors who managed to pass the Pill Debate are amazing talents, and yet, you say that they are unable to forge pills? What a joke! If you were to say such words in the Apothecary Guild, you will surely be beaten to death..."

Before she could finish her words, the young man before her silently took out an apothecary emblem and pinned it on his shirt. While scratching his head, an awkward expression appeared on his face.

"I am the type of senior you are talking about, and I happen to be unable to forge pills..."




Chapter 258: Guidance on Pill Forging

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

This time, Mo Yu really cried.

Are you toying with me?

The moment I scored the top in the beast tamer examination, you ran over immediately, pummeled my savage beast, and became an official beast tamer.

Just when I proudly declared that I am an apprentice physician, you popped out once more. Not only did you criticize a 2-star physician, you even explained the illness of the Howling Firmament Beast and offered a solution to the problem...

Just when I thought that I can brag about my accomplishments in the Way of Pills... you took out your apothecary emblem and said that you passed the examination through Pill Debate...

Who in the world did I offend?

Can't you allow me to show off my capabilities for a bit?

"Pill Debate? What is that?"

"It is an examination where one challenges ten official apothecaries and forces them to admit defeat! I heard that this method of examination is extremely harsh, and the success rate isn't even one percent."

"An examination with a success rate below one percent?"


Most of the beast tamers present weren't knowledgeable about apothecaries. Upon hearing the explanation, they became dumbfounded.

How incredible does one have to be in order to force ten official apothecaries to admit defeat?

All along, Yun Tao thought that he was a genius. However, after the various affairs, he finally understood that his talents were nothing in comparison to this Elder Zhang Xuan.

Formation, beast taming, medical skills, master teacher, pill forging...

Brother, is there anything in the world that you aren't good at?

I'll go and learn that now...

Forget it, I think I better not ask about it. Every single time I ask you about something, you would say that you don't know about it. I would be naive if I take your words for it. Judging from the usual pattern, I'm afraid that I would be slapped so hard that I wouldn't be able to recover from the blow... After all, look at Mo Yu xiaojie.

Even Yun Tao couldn't help but pity Mo Yu.

In any case, this fellow is a monster. It is best to not compare ourselves with him.

"Since you are able to forge pills, you should have a pill cauldron with you or something like that, right?"

Ignoring everyone's shock, Zhang Xuan turned to Mo Yu.


Gritting her teeth, Mo Yu suppressed her anger and harrumphed.

"Alright!" Zhang Xuan nodded. Then, turning to the other beast tamers, he said, "Hall Master Feng, I'll need the medicinal herbs that I'm about to recite. A stalk of thirty-year-old Searing Sun Grass, a tael of fifteen-year-old Solar Flame Grass..."

In one single breath, he mentioned the names of a bunch of medicinal herbs.

Upon hearing the names of these herbs, Mo Yu was stunned. Then, a thought appeared in her mind and her eyes narrowed, "You... It can't be that you want me to forge... the Searing Sun Pill?"

"That's right!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head as though it was the most natural thing to do.

"Are you joking? The Searing Sun Pill is a grade-2 pinnacle pill while I am merely a 1-star apothecary. How can I possibly succeed?"

Mo Yu's body trembled and she nearly fainted.

Is there something wrong with this fellow's head?

Forged using nine yang attribute medicinal herbs, the Searing Sun Pill was rich in yang energy. As a grade-2 pinnacle pill, even 3-star apothecaries would find it hard to successfully forge. Yet, Zhang Xuan was trying to have a 1-star apothecary like her to do it...

Are you sure you aren't mistaken?

"Rest assured, I will guide you. It is sufficient as long as you know how to use a cauldron and control the temperature of the fire. It is actually very easy!"

Zhang Xuan said calmly.

"Use a cauldron? Control the temperature of the fire? Very easy?"

Mo Yu wished she hadn't listened to his explanation. After hearing his words, she could feel the final thread of her rationality snapping.

Brother, are you really an apothecary?

Even apprentices know such fundamental knowledge. If pill forging were that easy, everyone would have become a grandmaster apothecary!

Pill forging isn't just a mere routine one-plus-one-equals-to-two. More importantly, one has to have an absolute control over the temperature and timing during forging. She had just reached 1-star this year, and she wasn't capable of forging even the slightly more incredible grade-1 pills. Yet, Zhang Xuan was trying to get her to forge a grade-2 pinnacle pill...

More importantly, one has to be forging the pill by oneself to grasp the progress of the forging in real time so that he can decide on the next course of action. If he wasn't going to be involved in the pill forging process... how was he going to guide her?

Where does this fellow's confidence come from?

"Indeed. If you feel that you're unable to rise up to the task, I can find another apprentice. It might be difficult to find 1-star apothecary in the Beast Hall, but it should still be possible to find a few apprentice apothecary!" Seeing her frenzied expression, Zhang Xuan frowned.

There must be something wrong with this woman. Do you have to react so greatly to everything I say?

I have already told you that I will guide you, so why are you spouting so much nonsense?

If you feel like you aren't able to do it, I can just look for another person.

"There's no need for it, I'll do it!"

Seeing the other party's contemptuous gaze, Mo Yu felt as though her heart had been scratched by ten thousand cats. Unable to bear the humiliation, she gritted her teeth and accepted the task.

Other than that person in Tianwu Kingdom, she was a top-notch genius in all fields. She hadn't expected to be scorned by a countryside bumpkin in such a remote location.

Damn it!

Fine. Trying to act incredible? I'll see what you do when I fail to forge a grade-2 pinnacle pill later on!

"Un. Later on, follow my instructions strictly. There mustn't even be the slightest error." Afraid that the other party would cause trouble, Zhang Xuan reminded.

"Don't worry!"

Mo Yu's obstinate nature surfaced.

"That's good then!"

Zhang Xuan nodded and did not speak further.

Knowing that this matter was urgent, Hall Master Feng didn't dare to dawdle. Soon, a bunch of medicinal herbs appeared before them.

Even though this wasn't the Apothecary Guild, as savage beasts have an innate interest in medicinal herbs, the Beast Hall had an abundant inventory of herbs.

"Let's begin!"

Upon the arrival of the medicinal herbs, Zhang Xuan examined them thoroughly and made sure they were sufficiently mature to be used for the pill. Thus, he nodded in satisfaction.

Of all of the occupations, the one Zhang Xuan was the most familiar with was pill-forging.

Putting aside the fact that the first examination he took was the apothecary examination, more importantly, under the effects of the golden book, he had assimilated the knowledge contained within the books he flipped through in the Apothecary Guild into his mind.

In terms of fundamentals, even 2-star and 3-star apothecaries would find it difficult to match up to him.


Albeit stifled, Mo Yu didn't waste any time. With a flick of her wrist, a massive cauldron appeared before her. She then lit up the flames immediately to warm the cauldron. Her smooth motions bore testimony to her strong foundation in the occupation.

Even though she was hundred percent sure it was impossible for her to forge a grade-2 pill, given how confident the other party was, she decided to give it a try. After all, it wasn't too late to mock him after they fail.

"Not bad!"

Seeing her fluid motions, Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

As expected of a genius from Tianwu Kingdom. Even though Mo Yu was young and slightly condescending, her skills in pill forging were significantly better than Bai Ming, Chen Xiao, and the others.

As Zhang Xuan thought so, he walked toward the cauldron and casually touched it.

Without saying another word, he stood there unmoving.

"Do you think that... he will be able to succeed?"

Staring at the duo, Beast Tamer Lu couldn't help but to start feeling worried.

"I've no idea. However, if I were to tell you that someone is able to tame a savage beast by beating it up with the resulting Loyalty Level hitting 45, will you believe it?" Hall Master Feng asked bitterly.

"This... I would probably have never believed it." Beast Tamer Lu hesitated for a moment before replying.

If someone were to have told him such words before the astonishing sight he witnessed today, he would definitely have beaten the person to death.

To tame a savage beast by beating it up, furthermore, with its Loyalty Level reaching 45... Isn't that clearly a joke?

However, after witnessing it personally today... There was no way he could retort even if he wanted to.

This young man before him seemed to be a creator of miracles, rewriting everyone's understanding of the world with every single action.

"I have once seen a 3-star master teacher guide an apprentice apothecary in a Conferred Kingdom. The feat astonished everyone at the scene. To think that I would have another opportunity to witness such a sight!"

Beast Tamer Wang's eyes glowed as he muttered to himself.

"I know about that as well, but the pill forged back then was a grade-1 pill. On the other hand, the pill which Beast Tamer Zhang is going to guide Princess Mo Yu on is a grade-2 pinnacle pill. The difficulties for both tasks are on entirely different levels."

"Indeed, there is a huge difference in difficulty with each increase in the grade of the pill. If a 1-star primary stage apothecary were to be able to forge a grade-2 pinnacle pill, it would definitely pop some eyes!"

Hall Master Feng and Beast Tamer Lu nodded in agreement.

"Look, the pill forging is about to begin!"

They were discussing the matter when the pill forging begun.

Xiong xiong!

The flames in the cauldron burnt furiously. As though a skillful butterfly treading through the flowers, Mo Yu's slim and slender hands flew about the cauldron at a speed so swift that afterimages could be seen.

"Place the Green Kudzu Leaves in. Seven breaths later, place the White Beard Grass in. Then, fourteen breaths later, use the Thousand Illusory Cloud Rippling Hands to place the Searing Sun Grass in..."

With his hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan's calm and clear voice sounded. There wasn't the slightest pause or hesitation in it.

Even though the Searing Sun Pill was known to be forged using nine types of yang attribute herbs, many other medicinal herbs had to be placed in to act as mediators. Otherwise, with so many yang attribute herbs placed into the cauldron, it would be a miracle if the cauldron didn't explode.


Initially, Mo Yu didn't think that following the instructions of the other party would allow her to craft a grade-2 pinnacle pill. However, as the medicinal herbs disappeared one after another into the cauldron, the disdain in her mind slowly faded away. Instead, her face grew increasingly grim, and she couldn't help but feel astonished by Zhang Xuan's capability.

She had seen the pill formula for Searing Sun Pill. The nine yang attribute herbs were like nine bombs. Even with other medicinal herbs act as mediators, if one fails to grasp the timing accurately, an explosion would ensue immediately. Many 2-star apothecaries have failed due to a slight lapses in their timings.

She was already more than halfway through the forging process, having thrown in five of the yang attribute medicinal herbs but the cauldron continued to function normally. There were no signs of instability in the pill at all...

That was to say, the sequence and timing of the medicinal herbs thrown in were perfect!

This... How can this be possible!

One must know that with the difference in one's cultivation, zhenqi, the cauldron, and fuel used makes huge differences in the forging process. As such, during forging, one has to make constant adjustments with no room for any breather.

In fact, if the same person, with a different cultivation and state, were to craft the exact same pill twice, can't use the same sequencing of placing the medicinal herbs!

For such a complex pill formula, there wasn't the slightest instability when following Zhang Xuan's instructions. That was to say, there wasn't the slightest error in his instructions. How could Mo Yu not feel astounded?

More importantly... How did the other party know her forging techniques and her pill forging standards? There wasn't a single instruction of his that surpassed her current pill forging capability!

She was certain that she had never forged pills before the other party. But if so... how could he possibly know about her in such great detail?

"Don't let your thoughts wander!"

Mo Yu's mind was wandering when a bellow suddenly echoed by her ear. At this point, she suddenly realized that the temporary lapse in her attention had caused her to throw in a medicinal herb half a breath earlier than the instruction given by the other party.


In an instant, the yang energy in the cauldron surged. The energy, that had remained stable all along, seemed as though it had suddenly been set alight. The entire cauldron shook violently.

"Oh no, the cauldron is going to explode!"

There was a random cry from the crowd, and everyone's face warped immediately.




Chapter 259: Cauldron Explosion

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

"Cauldron explosion?"

Hall Master Feng and the others could not help but clench their fists.

Cauldron explosion is the most fearsome event an apothecary can encounter during pill forging. It is usually due to an apothecary failing to control the energy contained by the medicinal herbs, causing the process to turn violent and uncontrollable.

The moment an explosion happens, the medicinal herbs within, as well as the entire cauldron, will be ruined. The apothecary might also get injured by the impact of the explosion.

The higher the grade of a pill, the more violent the energy contained within, and the higher its tendency to explode during the pill forging process.

If Mo Yu were a 2-star apothecary and that her cultivation had reached Zongshi realm, given her own strength and her grasp over medicinal herbs, she might have been able to suppress the raging strength contained in the cauldron forcefully. But at this moment, the entire cauldron was swaying violently, and it seemed as though it would blow at any moment. It was clear that it was too late to reverse the cauldron explosion.

"Is this is a failure?" Hall Master Feng's complexion looked awful.

He knew how important the Searing Sun Pill was to the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast. If the pill was successfully forged and fed, the yang attribute energy in its body would be augmented. This would increase the chances of it successfully achieving a Bloodline Evolution and raise its strength significantly.

On the other hand, if the pill forging fails, the chances of the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast overcoming its current crisis would be low. Once it fails, it would be difficult for it to ever wake up and only death awaits it.

Before, with Beast Tamer Zhang guiding Mo Yu to forge the pills, he had carried a sliver of hope. However, looking at the rocking cauldron, he reckoned that it was all over.

The cauldron would definitely explode, and the pill would be ruined.

It was an unchangeable fact.

"It's over..."

Not expecting such a situation to occur, Yun Tao's face paled.

Even though it hadn't been long since he met this young man, his confident smile and his ability to achieve the impossible had long left a deep impression in his mind.

Will this seemingly omnipotent Elder Zhang Xuan fail in this pill forging?

"Who asked you to act so haughtily? You're getting what you deserved!"

Distinct from the tense looks on others' faces, Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang exchanged gazes and sneered coldly.

Weren't you bragging just now that nothing would go wrong with your guidance...


Now that there's a cauldron explosion, I would like to see how you explain yourself later on.

Despite being a brat, you kept acting as though you know everything. See how we'll mock you later on!


Oblivious to the tension in the air, Zhang Xuan frowned.

This Mo Yu is simply too unreliable. To think that her attention would waver at such a crucial timing.

It is a wonder how she became an apothecary.

Even though she was early by just half a breath, that half a breath was more than sufficient to destroy the balance which he had sustained with great difficulty.

It caused a vast difference in the results.

Formidable apothecaries were capable of using their own strength to forcefully suppress the violent reaction between medicinal herbs. However, Mo Yu was only a 1-star apothecary, and her strength and capability didn't allow her to do so. Thus, Zhang Xuan could only ensure a balance among the various herbs to forge the pill. Yet, a mistake occurred, and if he didn't salvage the situation quickly, all of his previous hard work would go to vain.

"Calm your mind, don't panic and don't retreat!"

Seeing that the cauldron was on the verge of exploding, Mo Yu instinctively tried to retreat. With a darkened complexion, Zhang Xuan bellowed at her.

She mustn't back down at this point. The moment she leaves her spot, the medicinal properties in the cauldron would spiral out of control and an explosion would definitely occur.


Mo Yu's face turned red.

"Why? Are you scared? If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have asked for your help. If only I had looked for another apprentice apothecary, such a situation wouldn't have occurred!" Zhang Xuan harrumphed coldly.

"You..." Mo Yu was enraged.

She was a proud and competitive person. That was also the reason why she was able to take on so many different occupations at once and achieve great accomplishments in them, thus becoming the genius in the eyes of others.

Initially, when she saw that the cauldron would explode at any time, she was hesitant to continue the pill forging. However, when she heard the other party say that looking for her to forge the pill for him was a mistake on his part and that even an apprentice would do better than her, her anger peaked.

If she were to back down now, wouldn't she be ridiculed by the other fellow later on?

Gritting her teeth, she forcefully held herself in place. "What do we do now?"

Seeing that his provocation had worked, Zhang Xuan instructed, "Throw the remaining White Sun Leaf and Turbid Solar Vine in together!"

"Throw all of them in?"

Mo Yu was taken aback. The energy was already running rampant, and if she were to throw in the remaining yang attribute medicinal herbs in, wouldn't that just cause the explosion to be even more violent?

Who in the world forges a pill like this...

At the very most, under the current situation, only the cauldron would be destroyed. If she were to throw these two herbs in, not only would the cauldron explode, the violent and searing heat from within would deal her a severe injury!

Could it be that this fellow is seeking vengeance...

"Hurry up!" Zhang Xuan's eyebrows shot up.


Not expecting the other party to bellow at her, her face darkened. Gritting her teeth, she made up her resolution.

If I die from this, so be it!

At the very least, this is much better than being mocked by that fellow!

Agreeing to it, she flicked her wrist and threw the two remaining yang attribute medicinal herb into the cauldron.


As she expected, the moment the two yang attribute medicinal herbs were thrown in, the cauldron began to shake even more violently.

Before, if it only looked as if the cauldron might explode, at this moment, everyone was hundred percent sure that it would explode.

This was because the cauldron was obviously nearing the limits of its durability. Cracks had started to appear on its walls.

"Everyone, back away..."

With a dignified expression, Hall Master Feng's zhenqi billowed and created a barrier before himself.

Knowing the danger of a cauldron explosion, everyone else also retreated hurriedly.

As though facing a dangerous enemy, all of them stood on their guards.

Geji, geji!

The cracks grew larger and larger, and the violent aura grew increasingly vigorous. It seemed that the cauldron was unable to take any further pressure.

"Add in the Green Toad Grass and the Crepe Myrtle Flower..."

Without the slightest panic, Zhang Xuan continued instructing.

Knowing that she had no other choice than to listen to the other party's words, Mo Yu swiftly grabbed the mediating medicinal herbs that Zhang Xuan spoke of and threw them in.

At this moment, all of the medicinal herbs required for the Searing Sun Pill had been fully thrown into the cauldron.

The addition of the herbs resulted in the cauldron rocking even more violently. The scorching heat waves caused even the air to distort. At this sight, everyone subconsciously wiped away the cold sweat on their forehead, and anxiety gripped their hearts.

"Raise the intensity of the fire by a single fold!" Zhang Xuan instructed.

"Raise the intensity of the fire?"

Mo Yu clenched her fists tightly together.

The cauldron was on the verge of exploding, yet Zhang Xuan ordered her to raise the intensity of the fire. It was comparable to adding fuel to explosives!

Even so, having made up her mind, she decided to go through with it without care for the result. Zhenqi furiously surged from her palms into the flames.

Xiong xiong!

Triggered by Mo Yu's zhenqi, the flames grew by a single fold immediately. The searing flames embraced the entire cauldron.

Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!

The cauldron had been pushed to its limits by the violent reaction among the medicinal herbs, so how could it survive this abrupt rise in temperature? A series of cracking sounds echoed and a slight crack crept along the surface of the entire cauldron immediately...

"It's exploding!"

Someone exclaimed. The next moment, the cracked cauldron gave way. Boom! A powerful explosion occurred.

Strong heat waves gushed into the surroundings, and fragments of the originally sturdy cauldron flew in all directions.

"It's over..."

Mo Yu, who was still in the midst of infusing zhenqi into the cauldron, hadn't expected the explosion to come so suddenly. Caught off guard, she didn't even have the time to react when a powerful pressure came gushing straight toward her.

Amidst the intense outward pressure were cauldron fragments. If she were to be struck by any of it, despite her powerful cultivation, she would be severely injured.

"It's over. I'm really going to die because of that fellow..."

Mo Yu shuddered. Knowing that it was impossible for her to escape at this point, she drove her zhenqi to protect her vitals.


She was thinking that she would be severely injured this time round when a figure suddenly appeared before her.

Boom boom boom!

The violent shock wave burst forth vigorously, but the figure before her didn't budge in the least. As though an immovable mountain, he took all of the impact himself.

"Zhang Xuan..."

At this point, she recognized the fellow to be the one whom she had resented all along.

At the moment of the explosion, he rushed to her front to shield her from the impact...

Her eyes reddened slightly.

Even though this fellow spoke words that sounded awful, he was warm-hearted within.

The trio, Zhu Jinhuang, Zhou Xuan, and Yun Tao, declared that they would do everything for her. Yet, at such a crucial period, they simply watched from the side. Instead, it was this foul-mouthed fellow who shielded her.


Soon, the dust settled. At this moment, the towering cauldron had already been reduced to pieces after pieces of shattered metal. The coal within spilled onto the floor.

Zhang Xuan was standing right before the cauldron, shielding Mo Yu from the brunt of the explosion. His appearance was unkempt... His clothes were tattered and his face was charred black.

"Are you alright?" Hall Master Feng and the others walked over.

"I'm okay!" Zhang Xuan smiled.

Possessing the Heaven's Path Golden Body and Heaven's Path zhenqi, his defensive capability was nowhere beneath that of steel. While the might of the explosion was incredible, he had only sustained superficial wounds.

"It's good that you're alright... It's impossible to forge it, I'll send someone to Beixu Kingdom to render the service of Apothecary Wang Xing." Hall Master Feng consoled.

Wang Xing was the guild leader of Beixu Kingdom's Apothecary Guild and was a 2-star pinnacle apothecary.

Usually, it would be difficult for anyone to employ his services. But Hall Master Feng had some ties with him and furthermore, they were of equal standing, so it wouldn't be too hard to obtain his assistance.

"There's no need..."

Zhang Xuan shook his head. Just as he was about to explain the situation, Zhu Jinuang and Zhou Xuan hurried forward to help Mo Yu up. They had concerned looks on their faces.

"Mo Yu xiaojie, are you injured..."

Seeing them rush over, a disappointed expression flashed across Mo Yu's face. She quickly shook her head.

Zhang Xuan had taken the brunt of the impact from the cauldron explosion for her, so she didn't sustain any physical injuries. Rather, she was only alarmed by the force of the explosion.

"It's all this fellow's fault! What about guiding you to forge pills, he spoke as if he is so incredible. Yet, what happened in the end? Not only did the cauldron explode, Mo Yu xiaojie was almost injured! Are you sure that you can take responsibility if something happens to her?"

"Pill forging isn't a child's play, it's not like one can simply guide another. Do you really take yourself to be a master teacher? Even a master teacher wouldn't dare to claim that they would be able to guide a 1-star apothecary to forge a grade-2 pill. You should really learn some humility!"

Seeing how their goddess didn't say anything, the duo felt even more furious. They immediately turned to Zhang Xuan and began to criticize him.

"Shut up!"

She was already disappointed by the actions of the duo. Upon seeing them harping on this issue, she felt her anger escalate. Thus, her complexion darkened and she lashed out at them.

"Mo Yu xiaojie..."

The duo was just trying to speak up for her, so they didn't expect that they would agitate her further. They were about to explain themselves to their goddess when they saw her walk to Zhang Xuan with an apologetic look. "It's my fault that the pill forging failed. If it's possible, I can do it once more. This time, I promise you that my attention will not waver!"

"Don't worry about it!" Zhang Xuan casually waved.

"Thank you for standing in front of me and shielding me from the impact of the exploding cauldron. I've never had a man treat me this way before. I understand your intentions..." Seeing the casual look on the other party, Mo Yu felt even more guilty.

"Cough cough, wait a moment! You're mistaking something... I wasn't shielding you from the impact of the exploding cauldron!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head. Stretching out his hand, a few round pills could be seen in his palm, "I was just collecting the freshly forged pills!"




Chapter 260: Half-Zhizun

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

"Freshly forged pills?"

Mo Yu was taken aback. With quivering lips, she asked, "Can it be that... is the forging a success?"

Due to the explosion of the cauldron, everyone thought that it was a failure. However, Zhang Xuan carried in his hands round pills which exuded a powerful yang attribute aura. What else could those pills be other than the Searing Sun Pill?

"A success?"

"How is that possible?"

With Mo Yu's exclamation, everyone turned their attention to the pills in Zhang Xuan's hands and upon seeing the pills in his hands, turned dumbfounded one by one.

What is going on?

To think that... pills were actually formed!

Zhu Jinhuang and Zhou Xuan's body stiffened, and they felt as though they had been slapped in their faces.

They had just criticized the other party for attempting something beyond his means, and in the next moment, he whipped out these pills...

Even the cauldron had been blown into smithereens, where could this stuff have come from?

If not for the fact that the pills had a lustrous appearance and were emanating heat, which screamed that they were freshly out of the cauldron, the crowd would have suspected if he had prepared these pills beforehand to play out this act.

"Didn't the cauldron explode? Your pills..."

Trembling, Zhu Jinhuang asked.

The others in the room also swiftly turned their heads over. Unable to believe the sight before them, they experienced fainting spells.

"Who says that it is impossible for pills to be successfully forged in the case of a cauldron explosion?" Zhang Xuan lifted his eyebrows.

"Is it possible for pills to be formed even with a cauldron explosion?"

Everyone felt faint.

It was common knowledge that a cauldron explosion was a sign of the failure of a pill forging process. Yet, this fellow broke all preconceptions. Despite the broken cauldron, the pill remained completely intact. What in the world happened?

"What is going on?"

Hall Master Feng couldn't help but ask.

As the hall master of the Beast Hall, he had come across by all sorts of bizarre happenings. Even so, he had never heard of such a thing.

"The cauldron merely acts as an intermediary for pill forging. The main factors that result in the formation of the pill are the flames and the medicinal herbs!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were widened in disbelief, Zhang Xuan explained.

"Earlier, because Mo Yu xiaojie placed in a medicinal herb at the wrong timing, the medicinal properties within the cauldron clashed, resulting in the violent reaction. Even so, at the very last moment, right before the moment of the explosion, the rise in heat forced the pills to form successfully."

If the other party had followed his instructions strictly, she would surely have been able to successfully forge the Searing Sun Pill without any mishap. However, Mo Yu's attention wandered at a crucial moment, resulting in a mistake.

Even so, as long as Mo Yu continued forging the pill, the book in the Library of Heaven's Path would continue to refresh itself. Thus, he chose not to give up, and instead, continued instructing to her, trying to avoid all mistakes in the process. Even though the cauldron eventually exploded, the pills were formed at the very last moment.

"The pills formed at the moment of explosion?"


Everyone stared at one another in a frenzy.

The situation sounded even more incredulous after hearing the explanation.

How did you know that the pills had formed given that it was in the cauldron then?

Furthermore, to form them at the moment of explosion... How much mastery does one need to possess over medicinal herbs in order to do this?

Just when everyone thought he was only skilled in beast taming, he stood out and showcased his medical knowledge; just when everyone thought that possessing some medical knowledge should be the real limit of his abilities, he ran forward and declared that he was an apothecary...

Fine, we'll accept that you are an apothecary. After all, while it's rare, it's not impossible for one to be skilled in multiple occupations. Yet... You don't know how to forge pills.

Fine, we'll take that as well.

However... Despite being unable to forge pills yourself, you are able to guide a 1-star apothecary to successfully forge a grade-2 pill. Furthermore, for the pill to be formed at the moment of the explosion... This is inconceivable!

People often said that geniuses are eccentric. However... Aren't you being too eccentric!

Each and every single time, you exceed all of our expectations and accomplish the unthinkable!

"Even though the cauldron exploded, because the pills were within the cauldron, they managed to survive the primary impact. However, if I didn't swiftly rush forward to guard them, the shock wave from the explosion would still reduce the pills to powder. Thus, I rushed forward to grab the pills at the moment of the explosion. It is fortunate that I managed to make it in time!"

Zhang Xuan explained. Then, he turned to Mo Yu, and with an earnest look, he said, "The reason why I charged forward was really to save the pills. Because you were apothecary, when the pills form, they would definitely fly in your direction. Thus, standing before you was the ideal location to catch it. Please do not misunderstand, I really didn't mean to save you..."


Seeing the other party explaining the situation to her earnestly, Mo Yu's face twitched. Rage surged through her trembling body, and she nearly exploded.

When she saw the other party charging forward to protect without care for his personal safety, she was incredibly moved. Yet, now with Zhang Xuan's words, the goodwill she held for him vanished without a single trace.

Damn it!

Can't you say anything good?

To have won the favor of a beautiful lady by mistake, even if it wasn't one's original intention to do so, one would usually accept it politely. Yet, Zhang Xuan was in a rush to deny the fact, as though it would blemish his reputation...

No matter what, she is a top beauty, and, not to mention, is the princess of a Tier 1 Kingdom.

To be in such a rush to deny the matter... What do you mean by that?

Are you saying that I am not worthy of you? Or do you find my looks repulsive?

Mo Yu gritted her teeth angrily. If she didn't know that she wasn't a match for him, she would have long stepped forward in an attempt to give him a good bashing.

Taking a few deep breaths, she forcefully suppressed the anger within her heart. Then with tightly clenched jaws, she said, "I'm the princess of Tianwu Kingdom, and I won't owe anyone a favor. No matter what, you saved me. So, feel free to speak of anything you want!"

"That's to say... I'll receive a reward for saving you?" Zhang Xuan was stunned.

"That's right!" Mo Yu spat out.

"So that's the case!"

Putting on a serious expression, he said grandly, "Actually, it was because I noticed your precarious situation that I rushed forward despite the personal risks. As for the pill... That was of secondary concern! Saving you was my greatest priority. Look, I've even sustained injuries on your behalf. Honestly, I won't mind if you pay me ten million or so. Otherwise, some pills for the wounds would do..."

"..." Mo Yu.

"..." Hall Master Feng and the others.

They've seen shameless people, but they've never seen such a shameless one.

Mo Yu was so infuriated that she nearly breathed her last.

After so much commotion, despite being a princess of a powerful country, the verdict was that her value was beneath that of gold and silver to the other party...

"What should we do now that the pill has been forged? Do we feed it directly to the Howling Firmament Beast?"

Hall Master Feng's mouth twitched. Seeing that Mo Yu was on the verge of tears, he quickly interjected and changed the topic to avoid the awkward situation.

He was afraid that if he allowed things to progress like that, this princess of a Tier 1 Kingdom would die from anger.

"Oh, dissolve it in water and force it down the Howling Firmament Beast using zhenqi."

Zhang Xuan passed forward a Searing Sun Pill over. Then, he kept the remaining two into his storage ring.


Upon hearing Zhang Xuan's instructions, Hall Master Feng dissolved the pill in water anxiously and fed it to the unconscious Howling Firmament Beast.


As the medicinal fluid entered the body of the Howling Firmament Beast, a sound reminiscent to the roar of lightning reverberated. Its body began to emanate a wave of heat, just like a pot of oil that has been set on fire.

Pi li pa la!

Soon, the noise of the cracking of bones sounded. The massive physique of the Howling Firmament Beast grew and expanded once more, and it became just like an insurmountable mountain.


The massive savage beast opened its eyes abruptly and released a long howl. The clouds parted immediately, and its voice shook the entire valley.

Feeling its intimidating presence, all savage beasts fell silent immediately and trembled in fear.

"Is this... Half-Zhizun?"

"He leapt straight from Zongshi realm to Half-Zhizun?"

Hall Master Feng's lips quivered in agitation. On the other hand, Beast Tamer Lu and the others widened their eyes in disbelief.

They knew that the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast would grow significantly stronger after undergoing the Bloodline Evolution, but they didn't think that it would be able to surpass Zongshi realm immediately to reach Half-Zhizun!

Zhizun realm was the highest realm of a fighter. The strength of a Zhizun realm expert was several folds greater than that of a Zongshi realm cultivator, and every single Zhizun expert stood at the very top of the pyramid.

As a Half-Zhizun, the Howling Firmament Beast had yet to take the final step into the realm. Even so, it wasn't far from it.

Even in Tier 1 Tianwu Kingdom, an expert of this level was considered as a national trump card!

With such a powerful savage beast in Xuanluo Mountain Range, the standing of the entire branch would rise exponentially.

"His words are right..."

Grandmaster Qing Yang's complexion paled, and he staggered a few steps back.

While the other party's words sounded logical, he had remained a little doubtful. However, upon witnessing the situation, the answer couldn't be any more clear to him.

The other party's conjecture was completely true. The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast had fallen into a coma due to the clash of differing attributes within its body. If they were to have really treated it using the method he had proposed, instead of making a breakthrough to Half-Zhizun, this powerful savage beast would have been dead by now.

As a 2-star physician, he had treated countless people. He didn't expect that he would make such a grievous mistake because of a savage beast. In an instant, he looked as though he had aged a decade, and the imposing aura from when he first arrived faded into thin air.

"For a fellow who hasn't reached twenty to be able to see through the root of the illness of the Howling Firmament Beast with a glance and guide a 1-star apothecary to forge a grade-2 pinnacle pill..."

Grandmaster Qing Yang's lips trembled uncontrollably as he turned to look at Zhang Xuan.

The more he looked at him, the more he found the situation unbelievable.

Putting him aside, even the famous Liu shi of Beiwu Kingdom wasn't capable of such a feat.

As long as such a person doesn't die, he would definitely become so well known in time, his name resounding throughout the world.

"Young lad, what's your name?"

Unable to hold himself back, he walked forward and asked.

"My name?" Zhang Xuan glanced at him. "I am an incompetent nobody!"

"Incompetent nobody?"

Grandmaster Qing Yang froze.

Previously, when the other party touched the Howling Firmament Beast, he insulted him as an 'incompetent nobody', and demanded for Hall Master Feng to chase him out... To think that the other party would return those words to him now.

The Beast Hall specially invited him to treat the Howling Firmament Beast, but not only did he fail to do so, he nearly killed it. On the other hand, not only did the youngster who he called an incompetent nobody cure the beast of its illness, he even helped it break through and achieve Half-Zhizun...

At this moment, all Grandmaster Qing Yang could feel was a burning sensation on his face. Unable to remain here for a second longer, he said, "Hall Master Feng, Beast Tamer Lu, and Beast Tamer Wang, I'll be taking my leave!"

After saying so, not even getting onto the savage beast he arrived on, he left the Beast Hall.

This time, he had truly made a fool of himself. He felt too embarrassed to remain any further.


Seeing how Zhang Xuan sent a grandmaster physician leaving in shame, everyone's mouth twitched.

This fellow may seem to be casual and light-hearted, but when someone steps on his toes, he becomes fearsome monster.

They wouldn't doubt it if someone said that he had killed a person with his words before!

"Beast Tamer Liu, go and send off Grandmaster Qing Yang!"

Hall Master Feng didn't expect Zhang Xuan to reply in such a manner. Smiling bitterly, he shook his head and made arrangements for the grandmaster physician.

In any case, Zhang Xuan was still young and, not to mention, he was capable. It was natural for him to retaliate when someone insulted him.

"Yes!" The elder rushed out immediately.

Even though Grandmaster Qing Yang had misdiagnosed the Howling Firmament Beast, it didn't mean that he was incompetent. On top of that, he specialized in treating humans rather than savage beasts. Furthermore, which physician could ensure that every single one of their diagnosis was accurate?

Even a 9-star physician would be unable to achieve that.

There are many different kind of bizarre illnesses in the world. No one would dare to claim that they've seen all of the illness there is in the world and that they can treat all kinds of sickness.


Soon after Beast Tamer Lu left, the aura of the Howling Firmament Beast finally hit a ceiling and stopped rising. Turning around its gigantic head, its gaze fell on Zhang Xuan. Then with a roar, it walked to him, lowered its head, and rubbed it against him.

"Is this... Voluntary Submission?"

Even though the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast was raised by the Beast Hall, it had never submitted to anyone.

Yet, at this instant, it actually took the initiative to submit to Zhang Xuan. The eyeballs of all beast tamers on the scene popped out immediately, and they were just a slight push away from fainting.

This was especially so for Hall Master Feng. His entire body trembled, and he was on the verge of tears.

He was just thinking that the Beast Hall could rise to greater heights with a Half-Zhizun savage beast backing it, yet this savage beast chose to submit to someone else. The moment it leaves with its owner... Without a backing, how could the Beast Hall rise?

"You wish to submit to me?"

Zhang Xuan was stunned for a moment before he realized the intentions of the Howling Firmament Beast.

Most likely, this fellow found out that it was Zhang Xuan who saved it after waking up and decided to acknowledge Zhang Xuan as its master out of gratitude.


It just happened that Zhang Xuan was unsatisfied with the Viridescent Eagle's speed. Since the Howling Firmament Beast had reached Half-Zhizun, its speed should be sufficient to meet his expectations.

With a tap of his finger, a droplet of blood flew into the mouth of the Howling Firmament Beast.

The other party's intention to submit to him could be felt immediately.

It was exactly as Zhang Xuan had guessed. The Howling Firmament Beast found out that someone nearly castrated it, and that it was Zhang Xuan who saved its life and helped it achieve a breakthrough, that's why it chose to submit to him.

After choosing a master, it could communicate with its master if anything happens. At the very least, it wouldn't be put into such danger in the future.


Upon realizing these, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

On this trip to the Beast Hall, he had tamed three savage beasts and even became a 1-star beast tamer. This was a huge gain for Zhang Xuan.

"Ah, right! Hall Master Feng, how does the 2-star beast tamer examination go? I asked you this question previously, but you've only answered half of it and..."

Suddenly recalling a matter, Zhang Xuan could not help but ask.

Previously, after he inquired how the 2-star beast tamer examination worked, Grandmaster Qing Yang happened to arrive. Due to the urgent matter at hand, Hall Master Feng rushed off immediately, and the session ended abruptly. Since the issue had been settled, the Hall Master was free and Zhang Xian could clarify his doubts and decide whether he should take the 2-star examination.

Even though he already possessed this Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast, it would be a waste to allow this opportunity to take the 2-star beast tamer examination slip him by. Besides, there might come a time when he would need to borrow Zongshi realm Beast Mounts from other Beast Halls.

"For the 2-star beast tamer examination..."

Hall Master Feng shook his head, "There's no need for you to take it!"

"There's no need for me to take the examination?"

"Yes, that's because... you've already passed the examination! You're already a 2-star beast tamer!"

Hall Master Feng flashed a bitter smile.