

Chapter 196: Eligibility to Take the Master Teacher Examination

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

After two days of hard work, he finally finished dealing with the problems of those who paid the fee previously. At last, he is free from work.

Most of the people who visited him inquired him about their cultivation while a small portion was afflicted with terminal diseases. Using the Library of Heaven's Path and the knowledge he had accumulated from the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, he managed to look into their flaws and solve every problem successfully.

"It will be the Teacher Evaluation in two days' time. I wonder how much have those brats progressed in their training..."

Stretching his back lazily, Zhang Xuan sneaked out of the mansion.

He had been busy with the matters on this end for the past two days, and as such, he hasn't had time to return to the academy for a look. If Zhao Ya and the others hadn't followed his instructions, it would be difficult for them to achieve victory over Lu Xun's students.

As for Lu Xun and Wang Chao, who had been waiting at the entrance of the mansion, Zhang Xuan left them to be. After an entire day of anticipation, the duo also realized that they had thoroughly offended Yang shi and that it was impossible for them to be accepted as his apprentices. Thus, they could only leave in disappointment.

After finding a remote alley, Zhang Xuan took off his disguise, reverted to his usual look, and returned to the academy.

"Master Zhang!"

Upon reaching the entrance of the academy, he heard a familiar method of address. Turning around to take a look, he saw Huang Yu and Bai Xun walking toward him with large strides.

"Such a coincidence! We were about to enter the academy to look for you. Since you're here, we'll be able to spare the trouble."

Stepping forward, Huang Yu said with a smile.

"Looking for me?" Zhang Xuan asked.

Didn't these two fellows complete their painting examination already? They had already bought the paintings, so why would they look for me?

Well, if they want to buy more, I wouldn't mind painting another for some quick bucks.

"We have something that we need to trouble you with..." Huang Yu spoke in embarrassment.

"What is it? If it is within my scope of ability, I will try my best to help!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Huang Yu had helped him previously and thus, Zhang Xuan didn't think that it was inappropriate for him to turn down her request. However, he made sure to leave some leeway in his words. If she were to really ask for the impossible, Zhang Xuan could at least still turn her down.

"Master Zhang, you should know that the reason why we went to Master Lu Chen's residence awhile ago was to obtain the Ink Daylily Canvas!"

Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

He was long aware of the matter. It seemed that she was intending to give the painting to someone else. In the end, Zhang Xuan managed to create a painting of the fifth level, resulting in the duo demanding his painting instead and causing him to feel awkward. Zhang Xuan had felt apologetic to Master Lu Chen for the incident.

"Actually, the reason why we sought the Ink Daylily Canvas was so as to gift it to someone as a birthday present... The paintings that you gave us are perfect as birthday presents, just that..." At this point, Huang Yu hesitated for a moment. "I'm afraid that Elder Tian might want to meet its painter after seeing the painting, so... I would like to invite you to the birthday banquet as well!"

"Birthday present? Birthday banquet?" Zhang Xuan immediately understood what was going on.

It seems that the reason why Huang Yu was so adamant on obtaining the Ink Daylily Canvas was so that she could gift it to someone else as a birthday present.

"I am not interested in birthday banquets, so I'll pass!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Regardless of whose birthday banquet it was, it was no business of his. He couldn't be bothered to make a trip over to please someone else.

"Master Zhang, you really should come along. Elder Tian is a good person, even Emperor Shen Zhui is visiting him as well..." Seeing the other party rejecting his request, Bai Xun added on hastily, his face full of anxiety.

"Emperor Shen Zhui is going as well?"

Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

He had thought that this is an ordinary birthday banquet for nobles and such. If Emperor Shen Zhui is going as well, then the matter probably isn't as simple as Zhang Xuan had imagined it to be.

"Indeed, not just Your Majesty, our teacher is going as well. To tell you the truth, the one who invited you to the birthday banquet aren't us but... my teacher, Master Teacher Liu Ling!" Huang Yu hesitated for a moment before saying.

"Liu Ling is your teacher?" Zhang Xuan's eyes widened in shock and bewilderment. "He knows of me?"

Huang Yu is an assistant master teacher, so it wasn't surprising for her to have a master teacher as her teacher. Just that... He is currently in the identity of Zhang Xuan, not 'Yang shi'. So, how is it possible that Liu shi know of his identity?

Even sending his apprentice to invite him?

"Can it be that... my identity has been revealed?"

A wary look immediately appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

If his identity was exposed, he would be in danger!

Putting aside the fact that impersonating a master teacher is a heavy crime, just the fact that he, as an insignificant figure in a remote country who isn't even in his twenties yet, is able to possess such vast knowledge and incredible eye of discernment means that it was likely that he possesses an incredible treasure!

They would definitely want to lay their hands on this treasure, and this would put him in a dangerous position.

"Not just Liu shi, even Zhuang shi and Zheng shi know you as well. Yesterday, when I told them that you are able to produce a painting of the fifth level, they became so excited that they nearly leaped from their seats!" Bai Xun said.

Even until now, he found what happened yesterday mind-boggling.

His teacher, knowing that he and Huang Yu are acquainted with Master Zhang, called the both of them over to question them about him. Upon hearing that young Zhang laoshi had created paintings of the fifth level, their faces flushed red with agitation, as though they were suffering some kind of panic attack. Then, they commanded them authoritatively that they have to bring Zhang laoshi to the birthday banquet tonight by hook or by crook.

"Master Zhang, this is a good opportunity! I've never seen my teacher getting so interested in someone else. Since you've caught his attention, it is likely that you'll become an assistant master teacher soon!" Envy appeared in Huang Yu's eyes. "Furthermore, you already have a supporting profession. Along with the identity as an assistant master teacher, you will be eligible to take the master teacher examination immediately!"

All teachers dream of becoming a master teacher, and gaining the appreciation of a master teacher is the ideal opportunity for them to achieve the goal.

"Supporting profession? Eligible to take the master teacher examination? What do you mean?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

"You don't know the requirements to undergo the master teacher examination?" Huang Yu stared at him with a peculiar expression.

Tianxuan Kingdom doesn't have any master teachers, and the prerequisites for the examination are not recorded in any of the books. Furthermore, it hasn't been long since Zhang Xuan transcended over. Thus, it isn't surprising for him not to know of it.

"Not only must a master teacher be capable of offering someone guidance on their cultivation, he should be able to guide those of other professions as well. Thus, on top of vast knowledge on the topic of cultivation, a master teacher also needs to possess a supporting profession..."

Seeing the puzzled look on the other party's face, Huang Yu explained, "Using simple words, one needs to be skilled in another profession in order to be eligible to take the 1-star master teacher examination; if one is skilled in two professions, one will be eligible to take the 2-star master teacher examination, so on and so forth. Of course, the requirements for the supporting profession grow higher as you proceed higher up the ladder. The more stars you possess, the more knowledgeable you have to be of each supporting profession. If you're just going to take the 1-star master teacher examination, having the profession of a painter is more than enough!"

"That is to say, with your supporting profession of a painter and the identity of an assistant master teacher, you will be eligible to take the 1-star master teacher examination! Of course, it is another matter whether you will be able to pass the examination. But at the very least, you will be eligible for it. On the other hand, I... Even though I am an apprentice master teacher, I am still not qualified to take the examination!"

At this, Huang Yu smiled bitterly.

The reason why there are so few master teachers and why the examination is so hard is because of this.

There are countless professions throughout the Upper, Middle, and Lower Nine Paths. Every single profession requires one to devote extensive effort to achieve mastery. Taking Master Lu Chen for example, he had immersed his entire life into painting but is only able to produce a painting of the fourth level. From this, one can see the immense difficulty involved.

There are some, due to the lack of a supporting profession, who remained as apprentices their entire life, never becoming eligible for the examination. Yet, not only is the person before her capable in teaching and possesses powerful cultivation, he has also reached the level of a grandmaster in painting. If he were to become an assistant master teacher, he would easily meet the prerequisites for the examination.

His starting point is so much higher than hers.

It is truly a wonder to her how he had managed to achieve so much despite not being much older than her.

"So that's why..."

After hearing the explanation, Zhang Xuan finally understood why master teachers are so respected.

So this is the reason why master teachers are able to offer guidance to people of all professions.

In order to be eligible for the examination, one needs to first have a supporting profession. The higher one climbs, the more supporting profession one needs to have. That is why the master teachers possessing multiple stars are extremely formidable and rare. One needs to possess a frightening amount of knowledge to reach their level.

It is no wonder why Huang Yu, despite being an assistant master teacher, is devoting her efforts to learning painting and treats Master Lu Chen so respectfully. It seems that she intends to take painting as her supporting profession so as to earn the rights to take on the master teacher examination.

"I also have a 1-star apothecary emblem. Does this mean that as long as I become an apprentice, I will be eligible to take the master teacher examination?" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

After days of impersonating as a master teacher, he came to understand how fearsome the identity is.

With this identity, no matter where he goes, he will be respected. No one will dare to pick a fight with him.

In the past, he wouldn't have cared for the identity of a master teacher as he possesses the Library of Heaven's Path. However, it is different now.

The black aura hidden in his body meant that someone was trying to kill him. However, if he were to gain protection from the identity as a master teacher and the Teacher Guild, the other party would have to reconsider before laying hands on him.

Besides, the sky is the limit. Possessing such an incredible Library of Heaven's Path, it would be a waste to limit himself to just Tianxuan Kingdom!

With venturing out into the world in mind, both cultivation and a respectable identity are important.

With the identity of a master teacher to rely on, many things would become so much easier and convenient to accomplish.

Drawing a parallel, only an official apothecary is allowed to enter the Apothecary Guild's book collection vault, and they are granted steep discounts when buying pills.

"Looks like I should hurry up and take the master teacher examination!"

Zhang Xuan made up his mind.

With the cheat code that is called Library of Heaven's Path, it would be a waste if he doesn't become a master teacher.

A person just has to execute a punch and he will be able to see the person's flaws. Just from this alone, supposed master teachers and experts mean nothing before him.

No matter how powerful a person can become, can he surpass the Heaven's Path?

No one can conceal anything before the Path of Heaven. Besides, even the Heaven's Path is flawed, so how can a human possibly be flawless?

As long as one possesses flaws, Zhang Xuan will be able to tell through the books created by the library!

Only as an official master teacher can Zhang Xuan execute this ability of his without any worry and rise to the top!

Otherwise, given his current identity, gathering sufficient books to create the Heaven's Path Divine Art would be impossible, needless to say, wanting to advance swiftly.

"I have to acknowledge one of them as my teacher?"

In order to become a master teacher, one has to first become an assistant master teacher. To do so, one has to acknowledge a true master teacher as his teacher and have him guide the way.

To acknowledge Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, or Zheng Fei as his teacher?

This makes no sense.

In the past two days, the trio had been often visiting the mansion, revealing their intentions of wanting to acknowledge Yang shi as their teacher from time to time. But because Zhang Xuan planned to erase the identity of Yang Xuan soon, he hadn't agreed to it.

But from the looks of it, it is unlikely for them to give up anytime soon.

If he were to acknowledge one of them as his teacher as Zhang Xuan.

And accept them as disciples as Yang Xuan.

Then the situation would truly be incredulous.

That is to say... as Zhang Xuan, he would be their student, but as Yang Xuan, he would be their master!

To become both his own grandstudent and grandmaster...

Furthermore, he mustn't allow both of them to meet, otherwise, his identity will be exposed...

The heck!

How ridiculous that would be!

Briefly thinking of this scenario, Zhang Xuan could not help but feel stifled at his heart.





Chapter 197: It Has Been Awhile Since We Last Met

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"I can't allow that to happen..."

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

If he does so, he might soon suffer from an identity crisis.

However, if he doesn't acknowledge one of them as his teacher, he won't be able to become an assistant master teacher and as such, won't be eligible to take the master teacher examination.

Just the thought of it made his head hurt.

"Forget it, I won't think about it for now. However, it is also good to meet the three master teachers as Zhang Xuan. Firstly, I can get closer to them. Secondly, I can ask them about the poison aura in my body!"

After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Xuan made up his mind.

That black aura in his body hasn't become a danger yet, but he still has to get rid of it. If he were to ask them as 'Yang Xuan', it would be unbefitting of his identity as an enlightened expert. Rather, it is more appropriate for him to ask them as Zhang Xuan.

If Lu Xun and Wang Chao were to know of his thoughts, they would definitely go blind from crying.

After failing to acknowledge Yang Xuan, they went to visit the three master teachers yesterday, only to be kept at their door... Yet, with the three master teachers wanting to meet this fellow, he still has to consider twice, furthermore with such reluctance...

Will you die if you don't act cool?

"When does the birthday banquet start? Also, who is Elder Tian, for the three master teacher and Emperor Shen Zhui to be visiting him personally?"

Zhang Xuan still found the situation peculiar.

To have the three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui visit him personally, this Elder Tian is by no means an ordinary figure. However, if he were any formidable figure, Zhang Xuan's previous self should have long heard of him. But why does he have no impression of him at all?

"The birthday banquet is today, so we will make it if we rush over now."

Upon hearing the question, Huang Yu immediately realized that he had decided to join them and heaved a sigh of relief. She explained, "Elder Tian used to be a teacher at Beiwu Academy, and Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi had all once studied under him. Even though he doesn't specialize in teaching cultivation, he is nevertheless half a teacher to the three of them. Now that he is celebrating his ninetieth birthday, and the three master teachers happen to be in Tianxuan Kingdom, it is only right for them to offer their blessings to him..."

Even though this Elder Tian is a citizen of Tianxuan Kingdom, he was a teacher at Beiwu Academy. Each of the three master teachers had once studied under him and as such, he could be considered as half a teacher to them. The reason why Liu shi had Huang Yu head here was actually to have her attend the birthday banquet.

In the end, due to Shen Hong's affair, the three master teachers had gathered together here. And if the three master teachers are joining in the celebration, how can Emperor Shen Zhui stay out of it?

As for Beiwu Academy which Elder Tian had taught in, it is the largest academy in the Beiwu Kingdom. Huang Yu and Bai Xun were previously students there.

Having flipped through the books in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, these simple geographical terrains of the surrounding kingdoms are available to Zhang Xuan with just a simple thought.

The Beiwu Kingdom is a Tier 2 Kingdom near Tianxuan Kingdom. The master teachers holding the reigns in the country are Liu Ling and Zhuang Xian.

Kingdoms can be classified under Titled, 1st Tier, 2nd Tier and, finally, unranked such as Tianxuan Kingdom.

The higher tier the kingdom is, the more prosperous it becomes. Naturally, more resources go through their hands, and the standard of their fighters will be higher as well.

"Even though this Elder Tian doesn't teach others how to rise their cultivation, he can be considered as a teacher?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

All of the teachers in Hongtian Academy specialize in raising a student's cultivation. Taking Wang Chao laoshi for example, even though he is a master of spear arts, he is also responsible for guiding his students' cultivation.

If one doesn't teach cultivation, how can he be considered a teacher?

"Beiwu Academy is at a much larger scale compared to Hongtian Academy, and there are many different types of teachers there. Cultivation is only one of the subjects taught there. There are many teachers who specialize in different subjects, such as pill forging, painting and such. Students can choose to either specialize in one of these occupations or take it as a supporting course to boost their knowledge and temper their mind. Liu shi and the others, in preparation for the master teacher examination, only came under Elder Tian for a short period of time. As such, they cannot be considered as true students of his. He can only be considered as half a teacher to them."

Huang Yu explained patiently.

If teachers guide students only on their cultivation, how can the knowledge of apothecaries, blacksmiths, and the other occupations be passed down? After all, the master teachers can't do all the work by themselves!

If that were the case, wouldn't master teachers tire themselves to death?

Clearly, there are teachers who specialize in different fields.

Elder Tian was such a specialized teacher.

"What does he teach?" Understanding the situation, Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

This is similar to the schools in his previous life. There are teachers who specifically teach Physical Education, Mathematics, Physics, English, and such. It is impossible for a teacher to be proficient in all fields, and naturally, they can't teach every single subject.

"What Elder Tian teaches is the Way of Tea, he is a tea master!" Huang Yu smiled.

"A tea master?"

There was an introduction of tea masters in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault.

It is an occupation of the Lower Nine Paths and sounds unflattering. However, it has a huge following in some of the kingdoms.

Brewing tea can help one relax his state of mind, helping him to achieve tranquility. Formidable tea masters can even brew tea that is capable of calming another person's state of mind, allowing him to achieve calmness upon consumption. It is something that is useful for one's cultivation, and its effects are in no way inferior to Tranquil Heart Pill.

More importantly, the Way of Tea is much easier than pill forging, smithing, painting, and other occupations. Even though it is difficult to become a true master, as a skill, it is easy to pick up. Most of the sons of prestigious families and nobles in the higher tier kingdoms involve themselves in the art.

"Alright, I'll follow you there."

After getting a clear idea of the situation, Zhang Xuan didn't hesitate further. Since the birthday banquet was going to start soon, he followed behind Huang Yu and Bai Xun and stepped into the carriage.

The place where Elder Tian resided was in the suburbs of the kingdom, and it was a significant distance away from Hongtian Academy. It took the carriage nearly two hours to reach its destination. Before a vast and luxurious garden, the carriage came to a stop.

Upon stepping out of the carriage, the trio was overwhelmed by the crowd before them.

Elder Tian was a teacher at Beiwu Academy and had guided master teachers. Just this fact alone attracted countless powerful individuals to offer him their blessings in person.

"Master Zhang, follow me..."

Upon alighting from the carriage, Huang Yu led the way to the entrance, displayed a name scroll, and easily entered the residence.

As expected of the residence of a person whom the three master teachers are paying a visit to, it is massive and filled with countless corridors. It isn't difficult for those here for the first time to lose their way.

"Liu shi and the others probably haven't arrived. We should wait for them in the side hall."

Huang Yu seems to have been here before, and she navigated around the residence with familiarity. In a short while, they arrived at a vast hall.

Even before walking in, they observed that a huge crowd had already gathered in the hall.

"Xiao Yu, you are finally here..."

Upon stepping into the hall, a delighted voice called out immediately. Following which, a young man came running up to her in delight.

This young man appears to be around twenty-three to twenty-four, and he is dressed in white. He has a dashing face which Zhang Xuan can't hope to match up to.

Bai Xun's face darkened upon noticing the person and he quickly stood in front of Huang Yu.

"Bai Xun, what do you want?" A frown formed on young man's forehead.

"Are you qualified to call her Xiao Yu? I advise you to stay away from her, otherwise, don't blame me for acting impolitely." Bai Xun stared at the other party furiously.

"Acting impolitely? You speak as though we've never fought before. Have you ever won against me?"

The young man waved aside Bai Xun's threat and continued, "Besides, this is my home. As the host, I should give my all to welcome my guest. You wish to interfere in this as well? Aren't you being nosey, Bai xiao wangye!"

"You..." Bai Xun raised his eyebrows as he prepared to enter a fight.

"Enough!" Seeming to have expected that the two would quarrel, Huang Yu's eyebrows knitted tightly together. Glancing at the two, she said, "We're here to offer our blessings to Elder Tian. If you two really must fight, do it after!"

"Rest easy, Xiao Yu. I can't be bothered with a boor like him whose head is only filled with slaughter!"

After which, the young man chuckled lightly, "Xiao Yu, I've just learned a new tea brewing method. Let's go, I will make a pot for you. It'll definitely calm your mind, and after drinking it a few times, you'll surely reach Heart of Tranquil Water quickly..."

"I'll pass. I have to wait for Liu shi here!"

Huang Yu remained completely unmoved to the other party's passionate welcome and rejected him flatly.

"It's alright if you don't want it. I also happen to want to greet Liu shi, so I'll wait for him here with you then..."

The young man didn't pay his rejection any heed and simply chuckled nonchalantly.

Since the other party was insistent on staying here, Huang Yu wasn't in a good position as a guest to drive her host away as well.

"Shameless!" Bai Xun was outraged, but he no longer spoke of fighting with the other party.

From the looks of it, it seems that he isn't a match for the other party. Otherwise, given his fiery temper, he isn't the type to hold himself back due to the occasion.

Despite knowing the temper of the young noble, the young man paid him attention. At this moment, the young man suddenly noticed Zhang Xuan and looked at him with doubtful eyes. "Xiao Yu, this is..."

"Oh, allow me to introduce you two!" Huang Yu glanced over and spoke. "Master Zhang, this is Tian Long, the sole grandson of Elder Tian; Tian Long, this is Zhang Xuan laoshi from Hongtian Academy."

"Zhang Xuan? This name sounds familiar. I seem to have heard of it somewhere..."

The young man Tian Long frowned as he mused over the name. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Hongtian Academy! You're the one who is going to compete with Lu Xun laoshi in the Teacher Evaluation, Zhang Xuan?"

The news of the Teacher Evaluation had spread like wildfire, and it was difficult for anyone to remain unaware.

"Lu Xun is the most incredible celebrity teacher in Hongtian Academy, and to dare to compete with him in a Teacher Evaluation, you sure are courageous. I'm impressed!"

Even though he said so, there wasn't the slightest bit of awe in his expression. Rather, it was filled with contempt.

Being the son of Master Lu Chen and a famous star teacher in Tianxuan City, Lu Xun possesses tremendous fame. Matched against a nobody like Zhang Xuan, everyone believes that it would be a completely one-sided match.

Seeing the other party behaving in such a manner, Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Yet another arrogant nobody.

"Tian Long, what do you mean by that?" Bai Xun couldn't withstand it any further.

"I don't mean anything. Just that, humans are valued for knowing their place. To overestimate oneself will only make one's life difficult." Tian Long shook his head.

"I dare you to say, who is the one who doesn't know his place? Master Zhang just wants to keep a low-profile and refuses to flaunt his abilities..." Bai Xun bellowed angrily.

Even though he had heard of Lu Xun, he wasn't familiar with him. On the contrary, he was completely awed by Zhang Xuan's prowess. Upon hearing the words of the other party, Bai Xun was enraged.

"Master? What do you mean by master? Do you think anyone can be addressed by the title of a master so simply?"

Tian Long sneered. Flinging his hands, he stared down at Bai Xun haughtily, "That's the title of someone who has reached an astounding level of mastery in their occupation. Only a person like my grandfather, who has reached the peak in the Way of Tea, can be qualified to be addressed as a tea master. For a mere twenty-year-old teacher at Hongtian Academy to be called a laoshi is already flattering, yet he dares to call himself a master? How naive..."

Sneering coldly, just as Tian Long was about to continue speaking, he suddenly noticed an elder walking over and shut his mouth hurriedly. Then, he respectfully clasped his hands and welcomed him, "Tian Long pays his respect to Master Yuanyu!"

He is the number one physician in Tianxuan Kingdom, Yuanyu.

Toward the greeting of the other party, Master Yuanyu nodded his head impassively. Just as he was about to proceed further in, he suddenly caught sight of Zhang Xuan. His eyes lit up and he rushed forward to him passionately.

"Master Zhang, you're here as well... It has been awhile since we last met!"





Chapter 198: Won't Condone It Next Time

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove


Upon seeing this sight, the respectful Tian Long's body suddenly jolted, as though a mace had clubbed his head.

What did Master Yuanyu just call him?


Who was Master Yuanyu? A true master physician, a person who was of equal standing as his grandfather, Elder Tian. No matter where he went, he was respected by everyone, and even Emperor Shen Zhui had to treat him with utmost respect.

Even a genius like him who was known in his generation had to talk to him carefully for fear of offending him. For such a person… to run over to a fellow who was younger than him and respectfully address him as… master?

Furthermore, his attitude seemed as though he had met his idol….

The hell, what was going on?

More importantly, he had just said that Zhang Xuan had no rights to be named master, and at the very next moment, Master Yuanyu came running over. This face slap…

Tian Long felt his face warp in embarrassment, and there was a fiery sensation all over it.

However, that wasn't the end of the incident. Initially, he thought that Master Yuanyu running over for the lad would leave the lad extremely honored and gleeful. Yet he only saw him frowning. "Didn't we just meet a few days ago?"


'The hell are you frowning!'

Tian Long's mouth twitched.

The other party was an elder, and saying that it had been long since they met… was just basic pleasantries. Yet, this fellow pointed that out in public…. 'Can't you speak properly?'

Initially, he thought that Master Yuanyu would fly into a rage, only to see him smack his forehead, as though he had only realized the fact now. "Yes! Yes! More importantly, I have placed Master's painting in my room and admired it daily. The more I look at it, the more I feel that our levels are different. That's why I forgot that we had just met a few days ago."

"It's just a painting, there's nothing much to admire about it. If you wish to learn, I can teach you!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

"Really? Then I'll be truly grateful for your teaching then…" Master Yuanyu became so excited his beard flew up along with his words.


Tian Long staggered. He could almost see thunder rumbling around him.

Yuanyu… Aren't you a master? Why do you look like an elementary schooler at this moment?

Learning from this lad? What the hell are you going to learn from him?

Is he qualified for it?


Unable to stand it any longer, he turned to look at Bai Xun.

"Master Zhang is a true master painter that even Master Lu Chen is impressed with. If he isn't worthy for the title of master, who else can be worthy of it?" Bai Xun looked at him with glee and disdain.

'Trying to brag?

'I'll see what you have to say now!'

'Acting so arrogantly previously, even telling him to "know his place." You're the one who should know your place!'

"Master painter?"

Only then did Tian Long recall that Master Yuanyu was not only a skilled physician, he was a talented painter as well.

However, he couldn't understand what kind of standards a fellow who wasn't even twenty and had a terrible reputation in the academy could reach such that even a master painter like Yuanyu would be so impressed with him.

Even though painting wasn't as popular to the Way of Tea, it was still one of the Nine Paths, and it was difficult to achieve mastery in it.

"He might have just copied the drawing of some master and gained a slight bit of fame from it. Master should just be a respectful address for him. Otherwise, at his age, even if he had learned painting ever since he was born, it should be impossible for him to reach the level of a master…"

Painting was similar to tea making in certain aspects, and as such, Tian Long understood the difficulty of the occupation.

He had been studying the Way of Tea since he was seven, and it had been eighteen years since then. Even so, he had only reached the second level of the Way of Tea, [Essence Restoration].

In terms of apothecary ranking, he was equivalent to a high-level apprentice, but even so, he was still a significant distance away from officially joining the ranks of the occupation.

Given the other party was younger than him. How could he have reached the level of master?

Master was a title given to those who had officially entered the threshold of the occupation.

For example, an official apothecary could be called a master apothecary. Only an official painter or someone who was capable of drawing a painting of the fourth level could be named such.

For a fellow below twenty to draw a painting of the fourth level?

This was like saying that he was able to brew a tea of the fourth level. What a joke!


Regardless of whether Tian Long believed it or not, Master Yuanyu's action of greeting Zhang Xuan had attracted the attention of many. Thus, Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually. "You should work first. If you really wish to learn painting from me, feel free to look for me anytime!"

He was here just to visit the three master teachers to ask about the black aura over his body. He didn't wish to cause a big ruckus here. After all, a person should keep a low-profile!

If this fellow were to keep following him, how could Zhang Xuan maintain a low profile?

This didn't align with his goals at all!

"Yes, I'll head over there first then. When I have time, I'll look for Master Zhang to study from you." Master Yuanyu also knew that his identity was way too eye-catching, and that staying here would cause trouble for Zhang Xuan. As such, he clasped his hands and left.

Those who were skilled would be respected as masters. Even though the other party might be young, just his ability of being able to produce a painting of the fifth level made him worthy of respect and learning from.


Overwhelmed with shock and embarrassment, Tian Long didn't really hear the conversation between the two. When he looked at Zhang Xuan laoshi once more, not only was he not impressed with the other party, he was even angrier than before.

It wasn't a secret that he liked Huang Yu, which was also the reason why he had been on bad terms with Bai Xun.

Knowing that Huang Yu would come for his grandfather's birthday banquet, he specially learnt a tea brewing method to showcase to her. Yet, before he could even do so, he was humiliated before this fellow. He could be considered to have good self-control to stop himself from attacking him.

"Even if he isn't a true master, just by the fact that Master Yuanyu came over to greet him, he is unlikely to be ordinary…."

Even though he was infuriated, he didn't lose his cool. He calmly pondered on how he could embarrass the other party and regain his pride. Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind.

"Right, they're here as well. I remember someone reporting to me back then. I was too busy waiting for Xiao Yu that I didn't get a chance to greet them. If I brought him over to them now, it should be interesting…."

At this point, he stepped forward and said, "Zhang laoshi, I'm truly apologetic. I didn't know that you were skilled in painting, so do forgive me for my insolence!"

Even though he said this, there wasn't the slightest hint of sincerity in his tone.

Facing this kind of hypocritical fellow, Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered to waste his time with him. As a result, he casually waved it off. "I'll drop it this time, but I won't condone it the next time!"


Despite his polite apology, the other party lectured him like a teacher disciplining his own student. Tian Long felt another stifled sensation in his chest and he nearly burst into anger.

'Can't we talk normally?

'I've heard people say that those who are skilled in painting are all gentle and courteous, and their words tend to be wise and profound. Yet, this fellow could kill a person with his words…'

Is he truly a master painter?

Nearly flying into a rage, he clenched his fist. The angrier he was, the more he knew he couldn't express it. A glint of cold intent gleamed through his eyes, but a smile remained on his face. "Yes, I'll take note of it later. Since we don't know when Liu shi and the others will come, why don't we head upstairs first? This way, we'll surely be able to see them when they arrive!"

If those familiar with Tian Long saw his current expression, they would immediately understand that someone was in for a ride of misfortune.

"This…" Huang Yu hesitated as she turned to the young man beside her.

Even though she was an assistant master teacher and possessed exceptional standing, Zhang Xuan was considered by Master Lu Chen as a peer of his. Therefore, she dared not make a decision without asking for his approval.

Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Many people had noticed him when Master Yuanyu came over to greet him. To him, it was no difference waiting below or on top. In any case, he was likely here for the entire day, so there was nothing to hurry over.

"Alright!" Upon seeing Zhang Xuan agree to it, Huang Yu turned to express her consent as well.

Upon seeing this sight, Tian Long felt even more frenzied.

He didn't know the relationship between Zhang Xuan and Huang Yu, but seeing the two of them exchanging gazes here and there, seemingly intimate with one another, as though a couple….

The strong envy he felt made his face twitch, and his rage was pushed further toward the limit.

Guests were received at the second floor of the side hall. From here, the guests could drink a cup of tea while enjoying the scenery by the window. Guests could overlook the entire mountain mansion, which seemed like a massive garden of flowers. It was pleasing to the eye.

Walking up the stairs, the party of four headed up.

There were many seats on the second floor. Quite a few people were seated, sipping on tea and chatting casually.

Those who were able to attend Elder Tian's birthday banquet were all famous figures of Tianxuan Kingdom, and every one of them had outstanding backgrounds. As such, a personal maid was attending to each and every one of them.

It seemed like these maids were specially trained in the Way of Tea as well. Their movements were smooth, and it created a bizarrely beautiful sight.

"This way…"

Tian Long led the way at the front, scanning the surroundings while proceeding forward, as though looking for someone. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he stopped.

"Brother Lu and Brother Wang, pardon me for not greeting you two earlier. I didn't know that you were here…."

Following his gaze, the others saw two people sitting at a table not too far away.

They were the star teachers of Hongtian Academy, Lu Xun and Wang Chao.

They had come for Elder Tian's birthday banquet today.

"Tian Long, you are doing this intentionally right?" Upon seeing this fellow bringing them here, how could Huang Yu not understand his intentions? Her face immediately sank.

Everyone knew that Zhang Xuan laoshi was going to face off with Lu Xun laoshi soon, and the two of them had a hostile relationship with one another. Clearly, the other party had ill intentions in mind bringing Zhang Xuan to meet with Lu Xun.

"Xiao Yu, what are you talking about? I just happened to meet with Brother Lu and Brother Wang here. Since we're here, why don't we sit down and drink some tea together? You can also try out my tea as well."

Tian Long's lips curled upward as he sneaked a glance at Zhang Xuan.

Kid, weren't you arrogant just now?

"Won't condone it the next time." Won't condone your head!

Now that Lu Xun laoshi is here, let's see how you continue feigning as a master and an expert!

Lu Xun and Wang Chao clearly didn't expect to meet Zhang Xuan here. Wang Chao glanced at Tian Long and frowned. "Brother Tian, don't the guards check the invitation letter? This is Elder Tian's birthday banquet! Why does it seem as though anyone could get in easily?"

Upon hearing those words, Tian Long nearly leapt with joy.

He had heard that Wang Chong had an impatient nature. To think that it would turn out to be such a useful weapon now.

He was still contemplating how to spark off the conflict between them when this guy immediately shot an arrow at Zhang Xuan.

Even though he was delighted, he still feigned that he was in a difficult position. "They must have checked the invitation letter. I invited Assistant Master Teacher Huang Yu and Bai xiao wangye personally. As for this… Zhang laoshi, even though I wasn't the one who invited him, since he is their guest, I am not in a good position to say anything…."

"Guest? A low-level teacher can be invited as a guest for Elder Tian's birthday banquet as well?" Wang Chao sneered.

Zhang Xuan was merely a low-level teacher in the academy. In terms of social position, he truly wasn't qualified to attend Elder Tian's birthday banquet.

"Enough, Wang Chao!"

Lu Xun waved his hands, interrupting his friend's sarcastic remark. He glanced at Zhang Xuan and said impassively, "I'm sorry, Zhang laoshi, Wang Chao tend to speak his mind, so he might appear a little rude. However… this truly isn't the place where you should be. You should return quickly so that Huang Yu xiaojie won't be criticized because of you, and Hongtian Academy's reputation won't be tarnished!"





Chapter 199: You Must Be Zhang Xuan laoshi!

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Lu Xun, what do you mean?"

Hearing those words, Huang Yu could no longer hold herself back.

What do you mean by criticized? What do you mean by tarnish Hongtian Academy's reputation?

Zhang laoshi was invited by the three master teachers to the birthday banquet, yet why do you speak as though his presence here was an embarrassment?

"I don't mean anything else. People should not be in places which their identity does not allow them to be in. Huang Yu xiaojie, I know that you are an assistant master teacher, and you are deeply trusted and doted upon by Liu shi. Even so, you shouldn't act so obstinately. This is Elder Tian's birthday banquet, so you should pay more attention to your actions! Elder Tian had been half-teacher, half-friend of Liu shi. If you bring a low-level teacher with such a terrible reputation over, it would be troublesome if you incur Liu shi's ire!"

Lu Xun shook his head.

Neither sarcasm nor anger could be seen on his face, and it seemed as though he were just recounting facts.

In his eyes, it didn't matter whether Zhang Xuan really scored a zero in his Teacher Qualification Examination or not. This fellow was just a low-level teacher, and it wasn't befitting of his identity to be in such a high-class birthday banquet. Forcefully bringing someone of his caliber along would only lower Huang Yu's standing.

This was akin to bringing a beggar to a luxurious hotel. Regardless of how well-dressed and cultured one was, one would only be pulled down by the companion and become a laughingstock.

A dragon is only a dragon when it is accompanied by a phoenix. If accompanied by a pig, it would become a dog.


Hearing those words, Huang Yu was infuriated. She was about to say something when she saw Zhang Xuan walk to the table and sit down in a chair.

He casually poured a cup of tea and lifted his head to look at the two arrogant star teachers.

"After spouting so much nonsense, your main point is that I'm just a low-level teacher with a terrible reputation. If that's the case… amazing Lu laoshi, why do you want to challenge me to a Teacher Evaluation? Aren't you just ruining your awe-inspiring reputation?"

Initially, Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered with the duo putting on airs. However…

I tried to spare your dignity, didn't I? Yet, you just had to trample of mine.

Hearing those words, Huang Yu and Bai Xun exchanged glances. At the same time, they were impressed. As expected of Zhang laoshi, his words sure were savage.

But it made perfect sense. Didn't you say that bringing him over would drag down my prestige?

If that's the case, as a great star teacher of Hongtian Academy, why did you challenge him to the Teacher Evaluation? Aren't you simply making a fool out of yourself?

"You?" Lu Xun chuckled softly. He didn't feel humiliated by Zhang Xuan's words at all. Lifting his lids, he said, "You are just a stepping stone for me to reach higher grounds. If you have to blame something, blame it on your terrible luck for meeting me."

"Stepping stone?"

"Indeed. Tomorrow's Teacher Evaluation will surely attract the attention of Yang shi and the other three master teachers. Brother Lu will display the results of his tutelage to them, earning him the appreciation of the four master teachers. He will then he able to reach greater heights, becoming a true assistant master teacher. As for you, you are only a foil to the show!"

Wang Chao chuckled gently as he stared at him in sympathy.

'You are just a stepping stone. Did you think that you are someone incredible?

'Honestly, you should feel flattered to be able to become Lu Xun's stepping stone.'

"Are you two that certain of your victory?"

Upon realizing that the other party had such intentions, Zhang Xuan shook his head.

He didn't know about the intent of the three master teachers, but it was impossible for "Yang shi" to come and spectate the competition. Even less so, he wouldn't accept Lu Xun as his apprentice.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether he wins or not. There is something that you all might not be aware of!"

Wang Chao and Lu Xun were just about to continue speaking when Tian Long suddenly chuckled and interrupted.


Wang Chao glanced at Tian Long.

With a haughty look, Tian Long said, "Actually, Liu shi's intention for coming to Tianxuan City isn't just to offer blessings to my grandfather on his birthday. More importantly, he wishes to accept Brother Lu as his disciple. Even though this matter is supposed to be a secret, Liu shi had written a letter to my grandfather to tell him about it. I simply happened to see the letter. That's why I know about it."

"Oh? Is that true?"

Clearly unaware of this news, Lu Xun's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Given Brother Lu's incredible reputation, it is normal that a master teacher would set his sights on you. As my grandfather's student, Liu shi dares not hide the matter from him and revealed everything to him. It is precisely because of this that I sent you an invitation so that he can introduce you to Liu shi during the banquet later, and accept you as his disciple!" Tian Long said.

"I'll have to thank Elder Tian for this matter then…."

Hearing the affirmation of the other party, Lu Xun stood up with excitement.

Knowing that it was hopeless between him and Yang shi, he turned his attention to the three master teachers. However, in the past two days, the three master teachers didn't seem to be around. Every time he tried to pay a visit to them, they weren't around, which made him panic.

Initially, he thought that his plan was doomed, just like how it was with Yang shi. Yet, it turned out that Yang shi had already set his sights on him.

This was wonderful!

"Looks like we'll become fellow apprentices then…."

Lu Xun smiled kindly at Huang Yu.

"Who is your fellow apprentice!" Huang Yu snorted.

Huang Yu had no idea what Liu shi was thinking of, but since Tian Long already said so, he should be confident of the matter. Could it be that… she would really become peers with this fellow?

Huang Yu felt conflicted.

This fellow was extremely arrogant, and she disliked his attitude.

But honestly speaking, this fellow was also extremely capable, and she was impressed by him as well.

For him to be able to reach such great heights in Tianxuan Kingdom without the guidance of a master teacher, he must have his way with teaching students.

"Did you hear? Brother Lu is about to become an assistant master teacher. Don't you feel ashamed to stay here?"

Upon hearing such wonderful news, Wang Chao was delighted for his friend as well. Turning his gaze to look at the indifferent Zhang Xuan, he felt another surge of disgust for him.

"About to become? So that means that he isn't accepted, right?"

Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered with this matter at all.

It was just that he didn't realize Liu shi was interested in Lu Xun. At this moment, he was considering whether he should use the identity of "Yang Xuan" to advise the other party against this matter.

After all, if "Yang Xuan" accepted Liu Ling as his student, then Lu Xun would be his disciple's disciple. However, this fellow was self-assuming and arrogant….

This kind of disciple would get on his nerves!

He didn't want such a disciple!

"Continue acting haughtily then. I'll see whether you can still do so later…"

Seeing how that guy was feigning nonchalance to the matter, the two men who were trying their best to become his disciple's disciples stared at him with disdain.

They had seen arrogant people, but they had never seen such an arrogant person.

Once the three master teachers arrived, Lu Xun would become an assistant master teacher. Yet, that fellow didn't feel embarrassed to remain here…. How could someone be so shameless?

Furthermore, to be seated here sipping on tea…. How can you still be in the mood to drink tea now!

If it were me, I would jump off the building in embarrassment.

"Hehe, Brother Wang, you can't really say that either. I heard Xiao Yu and Bai xiao wangye calling this Zhang laoshi Master Zhang just awhile ago. I've heard he is a true master painter, and he seems to be quite an incredible figure!" Zhang Xuan's skin seemed to be thicker than what Tian Long thought it out to be. Seeing that the other party was indifferent to the matter, Tian Long added this.

"Master painter?"

Placing his hands behind his back, Lu Xun glanced at Zhang Xuan with disdain. "You dare call yourself a master painter before me? Don't you find it hilarious? Even if you want to brag, you should know your limits!"

Even though he hadn't returned home for many years, he knew better than anyone else how difficult it was to become a master painter.

It was one thing for the famous worst teacher in the academy who got on good terms with Huang Yu to flaunt his new identity. But wasn't it too much to be bragging about this as well?

"Indeed! Brother Tian, you must have heard wrong. Brother Lu comes from a distinguished family of painters, and his father, Master Lu Chen, is Tianxuan Kingdom's most incredible master painter. Even Emperor Shen Zhui had learnt from him. Since childhood, Brother Lu has been learning painting from him. How could he possibly not know if another master painter appeared in the kingdom?"

Wang Chao chuckled and shook his head.

"Seeing the two of you speak like this, I feel relieved. I thought that it was real. After all, Master Yuanyu…"

Tian Long was just about to talk about Master Yuanyu's previous attitude when a commotion broke out below.

"Hurry up, the three master teachers are here!"

"Emperor Shen Zhui is here as well. Let's hurry over to welcome them…."

Gossip was flying all around the room.

"The three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui are here?"

Hearing the commotion below, Tian Long stopped talking. Then he turned to look at Lu Xun and Wang Chao. "Brother Lu and Brother Wang, let's go down to welcome them as well!"


Since the three master teachers had arrived, the crowd in the room could no longer remain seated and quickly hurried downstairs.

"Senior Huang Yu, let's go welcome Teacher together!"

Lu Xun chuckled.

"Who's your senior?" Huang Yu harrumphed. Then she turned to look at Zhang Xuan.

"Let's go!"

Knowing that Huang Yu, as a student, had to welcome her teacher, Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Besides, he was here to meet the three master teachers. Since they had arrived, it would be good for him to take a look as well.


The crowd on the second floor filed out, and in a few moments, the entire floor was empty.

Walking toward the main hall, they saw a few figures in the hallway leading here. They were the three master teachers—Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, Zheng Fei—and Emperor Shen Zhui.

Even though these four people had behaved respectfully before Yang shi, they looked imposing here.

"Paying respect to Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi! Paying respect to Your Majesty!"

Even though there were many clan heads and elders of prestigious clans here, all of their heads were lowered at this moment.

"Just like you all, we're here to offer our blessings to Elder Tian. There's no need so act so constrained around us."

Emperor Shen Zhui smiled.

Even though he said this , the others didn't dare follow the letter of the law. Everyone simply smiled politely, too afraid to speak.

"Let's go!"

Upon seeing the three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui walking over, Tian Long smiled and brought Lu Xun and Wang Chao forward. As the apprentice of a master teacher, how could Huang Yu lag behind them? As a result, she walked over with Bai Xun and Zhang Xuan as well.


Walking forward, Huang Yu and Bai Xun immediately bowed respectfully.

"Have you invited him yet?"

Upon seeing the duo, Liu Ling's, Zhuang Xian's, and Zheng Fei's eyes immediately lit up.

The past two days, they had donned their disguises and camped at Hongtian Academy, waiting for Zhang Xuan's appearance so that they could accept him as their apprentice. Yet the fellow never returned. It seemed he had disappeared, and even Emperor Shen Zhui was unable to find him.

So they had no choice but to have Huang Yu and Bai Xun look for him as well. Initially, they didn't hold much hope for it either. However, upon seeing that there were no signs of depression on the faces of the two, their hearts skipped a beat.

"We've invited him over. This person beside me is…"

Huang Yu wanted to introduce Zhang Xuan, but Lu Xun interrupted her. With excitement written all over his face, he clasped his hands and said, "Lu Xun pays respect to Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi…"

Initially, he thought that after introducing himself, the three master teachers would immediately display their care and concern for him before going ahead to accept him as their apprentice. In the end, the three simply disregarded him, as though they didn't see him at all. They walked toward Tian Long and surrounded him. A bright smile was on their faces.

"You must be Zhang Xuan laoshi. Finally, we get to meet you in person. You don't know how difficult it has been for us to find you…."

"Ehhh?" Tian Long was stunned.





Chapter 200: Elder Tian

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove


Tian Long froze. Looking at the three master teachers who were grinning brightly, to the point that they were almost fawning over him, Tian Long was confused. He wanted to say something, but not a word would come out of his mouth.

So… what was going on?

Zhang Xuan was even more confused. After a few days of not meeting the trio… why did the three people suddenly turn foolish?

Putting aside the fact that I am Zhang Xuan, what's with your excited looks?

The one who had scammed your money was Yang shi, the matter has nothing to do with me…. Even if you have seen through my identity, you should look for him instead of me….

"Cough cough, Liu shi, he isn't Zhang laoshi. He is Elder Tian's grandson, Tian Long…" Huang Yu said quickly, who couldn't stand watching the situation any longer.

"Ah? You aren't him? If you aren't him, why didn't you say so? Tsk, you made me happy for nothing!" Glaring at Tian Long, Zheng Fei snorted. If not for the occasion, it seemed he would have slapped the other party's face.

Looking at his ferocious expression, Tian Long was on the verge of tears.

'It's not that I don't want to say so. But you three simply rushed here and took me to be Zhang Xuan laoshi, not even giving me a chance to explain myself. I am frightened by your suddenly hospitality, alright?'

It wasn't surprising that the three master teachers would recognize the wrong person. In terms of build and looks, Tian Long was superior to Zhang Xuan. Huang Yu had only said that Zhang Xuan was beside her. Before she could even confirm whether it was to her right or to her left, Lu Xun had interrupted her. Naturally, they thought that the tall and handsome man was the person they were looking for.

"If he isn't it, then… where is Zhang laoshi?" Liu Ling looked around once more.

"I am Zhang Xuan…."

Knowing that it would only be more awkward if he dragged it out, Zhang Xuan stood forward and revealed his identity.

"You are Zhang laoshi? Indeed, you look as dashing and capable as I thought you to be." Liu Ling stepped forward with a bright smile on his face.

"Indeed! With such a valiant disposition, you stand out even among everyone else here. I could recognize you immediately from the crowd," Zhuang shi praised.

"As expected of the ideal teacher of Tianxuan Kingdom. Not bad, not bad," Zheng Fei quickly added as well.


Dark lines streaked across Zhang Xuan's face.

'I'm dashing, capable, valiant, and an ideal teacher?

'If so, how did you all recognize the wrong person? Why did you all think Tian Long was me?'

To think a master teacher could spout bullshit… with such a straight face.

Where's your dignity?

What about status?

"May I know why the three master teachers are looking for me?" Seeing the heated passion in their gazes, Zhang Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, there are too many people here. Let's find another suitable location to speak!" Liu Ling said.

With so many people looking, he couldn't possibly say that he had heard of Zhang Xuan's affairs, specially went to the academy to investigate his capabilities, and thus wanted to accept him as his disciple!

If he were to say so, not only would others think him insane, Zhang Xuan would also be frightened away by him.

Where in the world could one find a master teacher recruiting an apprentice so actively?

"Sure!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Judging from the other party's attitude, it was unlikely that they knew he was "Yang Xuan." Otherwise, they would have long ago made a move on him.

Since that was the case, it just so happened that he wanted to ask them about the black aura in his body as well, so he agreed.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Zhang laoshi seemed easy to speak to, the trio heaved sighs of relief. They stood around Zhang Xuan, as if afraid he would run away, and escorted him forward.

Drinking in the view, everyone felt perplexed. On the other hand, Lu Xun felt his world crumbling apart.

Initially, he thought he would earn the appreciation of the three master teachers just by revealing his identity and would become Liu shi's apprentice. From there on, his name would spread far and wide. But… what was going on?

Not only did they disregard him after hearing his name, they rushed forward to Zhang Xuan, whom Lu Xun had been looking down upon, and fawned over him….

Didn't Tian Long just say that he was already decided to be Liu shi's apprentice?

That Zhang Xuan was only a low-level teacher, not to mention he also possessed a poor reputation. So why would the three master teachers surround him?

Gritting his teeth, Lu Xun stepped up.

"Liu shi… I am Lu Xun, Hongtian Academy's star teacher…"

"Oh, I know. I met you at the royal palace last time." Liu Ling nodded his head and pushed him away. "Alright, will you excuse me? I have something to speak to Zhang laoshi about, so move to the side. Don't block the path!"


Lu Xun staggered as he stared at Liu shi walking into the distance. At this moment, Lu Xun's body went stiff, and the thought of suicide even flashed through his mind.

'No matter what, I am the number one, star teacher of Tianxuan Kingdom. To send me away after saying a few words…. Shouldn't you at least ask about my affairs? Yet, you simply pushed me away, telling me to not block the path…'

Toward Zhang Xuan, as though afraid he would disappear into the thin, the three of them surrounded him like he was some treasure. On the other hand, to Lu Xun…

Lu Xun felt utterly stifled.

'Can anyone tell me what is going on?'

Suppressing the urge to spit blood, Lu Xun turned to look at Tian Long.

Didn't you have inside news on the matter?

Didn't you say that Liu shi had written a letter, saying that he wanted to accept me as his apprentice?

Which teacher in the world wouldn't spare a second glance at his own apprentice?


Seeing Lu Xun's blaming gaze, Tian Long felt frenzied too.

I really saw that letter! I have no idea what is going on either…

While the duo was perplexed over the matter, Wang Chao felt as though his face had been slapped multiple times.

Thinking that Lu Xun would definitely become an apprentice of Liu shi today, he was the one who put Zhang Xuan down the most previously. Yet, in the end, he only humiliated himself through his words.

He said that the other party was just a foil and a stepping stone. Yet why did it feel like Lu Xun was the foil and the stepping stone now?

He thought that the other party was shameless and that he should just end his life…. Now he seemed like the one who should end his life!


Wang Chao, along with Lu Xun and Tian Long, looked at Huang Yu and Bai Xun.

If someone knew what was going on, it had to be the two of them.

One of them was Liu shi's apprentice while the other one is Zhuang shi's student.

And they were the ones who brought Zhang Xuan over.

"We… don't know either!"

Huang Yu quickly shook her head.

The three master teachers had only told them to bring Zhang Xuan over. They didn't say what they were going to do, so even they too were confused by the current situation.

Regardless of whether it was Liu shi or Zhuang shi, they held an austere image in the minds of the others. It always seemed like they were on a different level from the rest of them. Yet, at this moment, they seemed like they were fans chasing after an idol, following Zhang Xuan around. Even though they had seen it for themselves, they still found it hard to believe.

"Should we… go over to take a look?"

Unable to comprehend what was going on, they couldn't hold back their curiosity and hurriedly followed behind them.

Especially Lu Xun. If he doesn't receive an answer today, he might just die from his rage and indignation.

Just a moment ago, he was acting so haughtily, as though it was embarrassing for him to be compared with Zhang Xuan. But now, the three master teachers were fawning over him… while he was thrown to a corner….

'What was good about the fellow? For the three master teachers to neglect me like this?'


"Your Majesty, Liu shi, Zhuang shi, Zheng shi, old master sent me out here to welcome you all after learning of your arrival."

Before they could walk too far, an elder walked forward to welcome them.

The butler of Tian Residence, Tian Gang.

"Mhm!" Liu shi nodded his head.

Even though he wanted to accept Zhang Xuan as his apprentice right now, they were currently at Elder Tian's birthday banquet and it was unbefitting for a guest to steal the spotlight from the host.

"This way please. Old master is waiting for you all at the main hall." Tian Gang led the crowd forward.

"Zhang laoshi, let's go. Elder Tian was once my Way of Tea teacher and he is a kind person," Liu Ling explained with a smile.

Facing the kind gesture from the three master teachers, Zhang Xuan could only nod his head in agreement.

After taking a few steps forward, he suddenly saw Emperor Shen Zhui walking toward him with a smile on his face.

"Zhang Xuan laoshi, I have long heard of your name. Now that I've met you, you are indeed as incredible as they make you out to be. You will definitely reach great heights in the future and your name will spread far and wide. If you have any requests for me, feel free to speak of them. Tianxuan Kingdom may not be a powerful country, but we don't lack resources. As long as it's within our means, I will try my best to obtain it for you!"

Hearing the other party's words, the bizarre look on Zhang Xuan's face deepened.

Naturally, he could tell that Emperor Shen Zhui was trying to express his goodwill. Just that… as an ordinary teacher in the academy, why would an emperor express his goodwill toward him?

Besides, you should have heard of it… my reputation as a terrible teacher….

The personality of these fellows seemed to have changed all of the sudden, treating him so well.

In the past few days, Zhang Xuan had been disguising himself as Yang shi, and he hadn't appeared as Zhang laoshi at all!

Zhang Xuan was unable to comprehend the reason for their change in attitude.

However, this was good as well. He was still thinking that it would be hard to approach the three master teachers as Zhang Xuan, especially given their standing. But from the looks of it, it seemed like he was thinking too much into the matter….

He was truly curious to know how the name of Zhang Xuan suddenly became so prestigious in the few days he had disappeared.

Such that even the Emperor and master teachers would rush forward to fawn over him.

Zhang Xuan simply nodded his head and said nothing else. Seeing the calm on the young man's face, Emperor Shen Zhui was impressed.

As expected of someone the three master teachers had set their eyes upon, just his state of mind was exceptional.

If it were any other youngster, if the Emperor were to praise them and promise them such, they would definitely become gleeful and complacent, thinking that they were exceptional beings blessed by the heavens. Yet the other party only impassively nodded his head, completely unmoved by his words at all. Just his calm itself was worthy of respect.

However, Emperor Shen Zhui was oblivious to the fact that it wasn't calm but… deep in contemplation.

Besides, Zhang Xuan was already used to their presence after coming into contact with them as Yang shi the past few days. As such, he no longer felt any presence from them, and as a result, he didn't feel nervous at all.

Following behind the butler, they soon arrived at a vast hall.

The moment they walked in, the aroma of tea immediately assaulted their senses, and they immediately felt revitalized.

"Come, sit!"

An elder was seated in the direct center of the hall. In front of him was an exquisite tea set. Hot water, in the form of steam, was rising slowly from it. This was where the aroma of tea came from.

"Shen Zhui (Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, Zheng Fei) pays respect to Elder Tian!"

The four of them stepped forward.

Zhang Xuan followed behind them and glanced at the elder.

Even though it was his ninetieth birthday, he looked like he was in his seventies. With a snow-white beard, from afar, his appearance was reminiscent of an enlightened saint.

"Yes, yes."

The elder casually waved his hands, not lifting his head at all.

Lifting up a teacup, he casually poured tea into it. Instantly, the light, refreshing fragrance of the tea leaves immediately surged out from within. It seemed that the tea set had a soul of their own. With just the slightest movement from Elder Tian, hot water poured into the teacup.

His movements were smooth and looked exceptionally beautiful. Even before tasting the tea, everyone was already full of compliments. All eyes were fixated onto every single movement of Elder Tian.

Just the sight of the preparation of the tea felt pleasurable.

"This is the Way of Tea? Incredible!"

Zhang Xuan was just thinking that the Way of Tea could not be compared to pill forging and that sort. However, after looking at the movements of the elder, he immediately realized that there wasn't a single job in the Nine Paths that was ordinary.


The elder beckoned. Several maids stepped forward and presented the teacups to Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers.

There were a total of six cups. After presenting four cups to the others, there were still two left.

After handing out the teacups, the elder wiped his hands dry. Only then did he lift his head to look at the crowd and see Zhang Xuan. He was taken aback by the latter's presence.

"You are…"