

Chapter 201: The Test

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Reporting to Tian laoshi, this is Zhang Xuan, a young, outstanding teacher of Hongtian Academy," Liu Ling introduced.

Even though Elder Tian no longer taught him, Liu Ling still called him teacher out of habit.

'He who teaches me for a day, I regard as a father for life.'

In this world, the relationship between a teacher and a student was uncompromisable. Even master teachers did not dare violate this sacred principle.

"Zhang Xuan?" Elder Tian shook his head impassively. He asked doubtfully, "Isn't the outstanding teacher from Hongtian Academy Lu Xun?"

"Lu laoshi is outstanding, but Zhang laoshi does not, in any way, pale in comparison. In fact, there are certain aspects in which he surpasses Lu laoshi." Recalling the situations that he saw in Hongtian Academy over the past two days, Liu Ling couldn't help but compliment Zhang Xuan.

He had merely taught his students for slightly more than ten days, in addition to being out of school so often, and yet... every single one of his students experienced massive growth and their prowess escalated explosively.

Putting aside normal teachers, even the three of them finds it hard to achieve such a feat.

"Surpasses Lu laoshi?" A gleam flashed across Elder Tian's eyes. "To be complimented by you like that, he must be indeed capable and qualified to take a seat here. However, it isn't that easy to get to drink my tea. At the very least, he has to first pass my test."


Zhang Xuan glanced at Elder Tian.

I am only here to accompany Liu shi and the others, I have no intention of drinking your tea.

Besides, do you believe your tea to be some immortal elixir or what? To think that I will need to be tested to drink it?

Zhang Xuan was about to reject the idea when Liu Ling turned to look at him excitedly with gleaming eyes.

"This is great! Zhang Xuan laoshi, this is an excellent opportunity, you must make full use of it..."


It's merely drinking tea, what opportunity is there to speak of?

"It is the dream of countless cultivators to drink the tea made by Tian laoshi."

Seeing that Zhang Xuan didn't comprehend what was going on, Liu Ling explained with a smile, "You might not know, but Tian laoshi is extremely particular with his tea leaves and brewing method."

"The tea on the table right now is known as Spirit Calming Tea. There aren't more than three of its tea trees in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom. They grow at the top of the snow mountain, White Pearl Peak, and are nourished by the sun more than sixteen hours a day. As such, when used to boil tea, the aroma lingers without dissipating."

"It is one thing for there to be limited tea trees, but there is a requirement for the picking of tea leaves as well. It mustn't be too young or too old; only leaves picked at exactly the sixth hour after the flowers of the tea trees bloom will carry the slight fragrance of flora. Accompanied with the cold weather at White Pearl Peak, drinking the tea made from these tea leaves is incomparably pleasurable."

"A tea tree doesn't already bear many leaves. In addition to the strict requirements for its picking, you can imagine the minute amount of tea leaves that are harvested. In fact, I can tell you that the annual production of such tea leaves in Tianxuan Kingdom totals up to only around three taels or so."

Zhang Xuan was astonished.

No wonder the other party regards the matter so highly, even conducting a test to see if the person is qualified to drink the tea. Judging by how valuable the tea leaves are, it is worth the effort to take the test.

"Of course, if it were just the limited harvest, one can only say that the tea leaves are precious. It wouldn't matter to a cultivator whether he drank it or not because it wouldn't be considered as an opportunity."

A cultivator values his cultivation the most. Regardless of how fragrant a tea is, it doesn't matter to them whether they drink it or not. There is no need for them to spend such a huge price just to satisfy their cravings.

"The reason why the tea leaves are so important is that of the use of the tea! Spirit Calming Tea has the effect of calming down one's mind. If normal people were to consume it, it would allow them to sleep better, ease their fatigue, and boost their spirit. On the other hand, if cultivators were to drink it, it will allow them to reach the level of Heart of Tranquil Water for a short moment. Even though it is just a momentary state, and one will automatically descend from it after a moment, it allows one to experience the sensation of being in that condition. This will prove to be an important assistance to actually reach that state in the future."

Liu shi continued, "Of course, just the tea leaves itself aren't enough. It has to be accompanied with Tian laoshi's consummate brewing skills to bring out such effects!"

"Allow one to reach Heart of Tranquil Water for a short moment?"

Zhang Xuan's eyes widened in shock.

Only when one reaches the Heart of Tranquil Water can he absolutely concentrate in whatever he does, totally unaffected by the surroundings or emotions.

Take for example the two apothecaries, Meng Yan and Chen Xiao, whom Zhang Xuan met during the Pill Debate. While forging the Tranquil Heart Pill, they infused their own emotions and physical state into the pill by accident, causing the pill to change and lose its original function.

The reason why such accidents occur is that the person has yet to achieve a breakthrough in his Will of Mind.

When one reaches Will of Mind 2-dan Heart of Tranquil State, even if one is plagued with negative emotions, he can still maintain a tranquil state of mind and forge a perfect Tranquil Heart Pill.

The guild leader of the Blacksmith Guild, Luo Chong, has achieved such a level. It was due to him overeating the Dragon-scaled Prawns that he was unable to calm his mind, eventually failing to successfully forge any equipment.

"Many cultivators do not realize the importance of Will of Mind and think that it is absolutely useless. However, that's not the case. In order to achieve a breakthrough to Fighter 8-dan Zongshi realm, one has to reach Will of Mind 2-dan. Otherwise, without a pure mind, no matter how hard one tries, it is almost impossible for one to grasp the disposition and meaning behind Zongshi. Furthermore, this isn't only true for fighters, many occupations also have such requirements. For example, one needs to reach Heart of Tranquil Water before they are qualified to take the master teacher examination and formation master examination."

Afraid that Zhang Xuan had not understood, Liu Ling explained further.

"Un!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Will of Mind isn't really a secret. There were records on it in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, and as such, with a single thought, he can easily look through it.

It was precisely because he knew it that he understood how difficult it is to raise one's Will of Mind. If merely drinking a cup of tea can allow one to enter the state of Heart of Tranquil Water, its effects are truly incredible, even though it is just temporary. Even the Tranquil Heart Pill doesn't have such effects.

It is no wonder that the Way of Tea is so popular within the kingdom, even exceeding painting at that. The reason for it lies here.

That is to say, if back then, Meng Yan and Chen Xiao were to drink a cup before their pill forging, they would be able to create a perfect Tranquil Heart Pill.

"Even though I come here often, it's not often that I get to drink a tea which such effects. This time, I have truly benefited from the halo of the three master teachers. Since Elder Tian agreed to give you an opportunity, you should grasp it." Emperor Shen Zhui smiled.

"May I know what test it is?"

Zhang Xuan was somewhat moved. Turning to look at Elder Tian, he couldn't help but ask.

Even though he had reached Heart of Tranquil Water, he was only at the most basic level. If he were to drink the tea, he might be able to enter deeper into the realm, feeling the intermediate level, or even higher than that.

Elder Tian didn't reply. Instead, he gestured, "Let them enter as well!"

Butler Tian nodded his head before stepping out. Shortly, a few other people entered.

They were Tian Long, Lu Xun, Wang Chao, Huang Yu, and Bai Xun.

"Lu Xun pays respect to Elder Tian!"

Upon walking into the room, Lu Xun stepped forward, clasped his fists, and bowed to Elder Tian.

"Un, take a seat! I've heard that you and Zhang laoshi are both outstanding teachers of Hongtian Academy. However, it is a pity that I only have one cup here, so I'll have to test you two. How about this, I will propose a question, and both of you will answer it. The person who wins qualifies to drink my tea. Liu Ling, what do you think?"

After having Lu Xun and the others sit down, Elder Tian turned to look at Liu shi.

Even though he spoke of drinking tea, as long as one wasn't a fool, one could tell what was going on.

"So this old fogey isn't really interested in testing me. What he wants to do is to create an opportunity for Lu Xun to display his skills..."

How can Zhang Xuan still not understand what is going on?

Even though he didn't know for sure why Liu shi and the others were treating him so politely all of the sudden, he could roughly guess the reason. They were probably intending to accept him in as their apprentice. Otherwise, why would three great master teachers approach a low-level teacher like him?

This matter had happened in the Tian Residence, and as the host, it was impossible for Elder Tian to be unaware.

Thus, even though he spoke of drinking tea, he actually didn't mean it. Rather, he was trying to make things difficult for Zhang Xuan and provide a platform for Lu Xun to perform so that the latter can once again earn the favor of Liu shi.

Zhang Xuan had no intentions to become Liu shi apprentice. Even so, the other party's move had displeased him. He felt that he was toyed with.

However, he wasn't in a place to reject the challenge.

Ever since the matter regarding the Teacher Evaluation spread out, people had been comparing him to Lu Xun. Even though it looks as though they are only vying over a cup of tea, they are actually competing to become Liu shi's apprentice. If Zhang Xuan were to reject the challenge, he would only be labeled as being frightened of facing Lu Xun.

If so, Lu Xun will definitely become more arrogant.

Since Zhang Xuan was able to tell Elder Tian's intention, Liu Ling could tell as well. Frowning, his complexion darkened.

Clearly, he didn't expect Elder Tian to make such a move.

Even so, since given that he was a student of Elder Tian and it was his birthday banquet, it wasn't appropriate for him to reject his request. Thus, he could only nod his head in approval. "Alright!"

While Liu shi and Zhang Xuan were unhappy, Elder Tian actually felt dismal.

Previously, after Liu shi spoke of Lu Xun in his letter and clearly stated his intentions to accept the latter as his apprentice, Elder Tian went through the trouble to invite Lu Xun and had specially prepared to make another cup of tea to receive him. The examination was intended to make the introductions even smoother.

However... Lu Xun didn't come, and in his place came Zhang Xuan.

Looking at Liu shi's attitude, he realized that he is now interested in taking in Zhang laoshi, which means it is likely that he had given up on Lu Xun. This made all the preparations he had made in advance futile, and thus, he was displeased.

As such, he came up with this test all of a sudden.

Otherwise, having already told Lu Xun in advance, only for the latter to be unable to become an apprentice, it would be embarrassing on his part.

"Lu Xun is willing to follow Elder Tian's arrangement!"

Understanding the intentions of the other party, Lu Xun was delighted. He hurriedly clasped his hands and bowed.

"Since we're going to conduct a test, we should have a topic. I wonder what we should examine?"

Knowing that he wasn't in a position to reject the challenge, Zhang Xuan no longer bothered about the matter and focused on the test instead.

"Since we're all here to drink tea, we should discuss the Way of Tea!" Tian Long, who was standing by the side, said.

"Way of Tea?" Zhang Xuan frowned.

"Zhang laoshi had never come into contact with the Way of Tea, so it is a little too biased to test them on that!" Huang Yu couldn't hold herself back but utter.

She had interacted with Zhang laoshi often, so she knew that while the other party is a master painter, he knows nothing about the Way of Tea. In fact, when speaking to him earlier today, the other party was clearly completely ignorant of the subject.

Testing someone on the Way of Tea when he knows nothing about it?

Isn't this intentionally making things difficult for him?

Besides, based on what she knew, Lu Xun had specially learned the Way of Tea. Even though he can't compare to Tian Long, he had nevertheless listened to Elder Tian's lectures. At the very least, he is able to brew a tea of the first level... Even a blind person can tell that this test is obviously unfair.

"To become a master teacher's apprentice, one should be knowledgeable in all occupations... The Way of Tea is one of the occupations of the Nine Paths, not to mention that it is extremely popular in the kingdom, so how can he be ignorant of it? If Zhang laoshi really knows nothing about it, then I'm sorry, but I'll be drinking the cup of tea..."

Lu Xun chuckled softly, and confidence emanated from his gaze.

You wish to compete against me? See how I crush you to death!

"Indeed. If one doesn't even know of the Way of Tea, how can one become the apprentice of a master teacher? You might as well just admit defeat instead of embarrassing yourself here!" Wang Chao said.

Having shamed himself earlier, Wang Chao made use of this opportunity to get back at Zhang Xuan.

"Alright, even though this is my first time hearing of Way of Tea, I can learn about it right now. How will the test be conducted? We can start right now!" Upon seeing the other party's boastful attitude, Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Since someone wishes to step on my face, I will return it with a vicious, tight slap.

Although this is the first time he heard of Way of Tea, there were plenty of books on the Way of Tea in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault. It filled the entire seventh and eighth shelf, and they added up to more than ten thousand books.

Back then, he had merely collected them into the Library of Heaven's Path, and he hadn't read through them yet. But at this moment... It seems like it's time.





Chapter 202: Nine Years Spring

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Learn now?"

Upon hearing Zhang Xuan's words, Lu Xun, Tian Long, and the others burst into laughter.

You must be joking!

Learning now? Do you think that the Way of Tea is some ordinary workmanship of those streetside craftsmen? That you can master it just because you said so?

This is an occupation! Even if you immersed yourself in it every single day, without countless years of effort, it would be impossible for you to bear results. You wish to pass the test just by learning right now…. Will it kill you to be more humble?

However, this was good as well. This way, you won't be able to lift your head when you lose later on.

Lu Xun snorted.

While the others were laughing over Zhang Xuan's words, Huang Yu was on the verge of tears. She immediately sent him a telepathic message to persuade him otherwise: "You mustn't agree! Lu Xun has specially learnt the Way of Tea and he is skilled in it…"

You don't even know what the Way of Tea is, yet you wish to compete against an initiate of the Way of Tea. Are you sure you aren't joking?

I have seen reckless people before, but I have never seen such a reckless person.

"It's no problem!" Knowing that she was truly concerned about him, Zhang Xuan reassured her with a smile.

Seeing that Zhang Xuan's will was resolute, Huang Yu panicked, but there was nothing she could do.


Seeing how frivolous Zhang laoshi was acting, Elder Tian's face darkened.

He had immersed his entire life into the Way of Tea to master its way, yet this fellow, despite knowing nothing at all, said that he would learn it right now….

Learn what? How will you learn?

Do you think it's playing house? Do you think you will learn the art just by looking at it?

You must be joking!

Even the three master teachers were staring at one another, and deep wrinkles formed on their foreheads.

They had heard of Zhang laoshi's affair, but this was the first time they were meeting him in person. They didn't expect him to be such a reckless and frivolous person. If he truly had such a character, then despite his capability in imparting knowledge, they had to reconsider whether they should accept him as their apprentice.

"Let's begin then!" Suppressing the displeasure he felt, Elder Tian gestured. "The test is simple. Long'er, you'll brew a pot of tea after which Lu laoshi and Zhang laoshi will speak of the brewing technique used and its tea aroma!"

The Way of Tea was similar to pill forging in some ways. It had gone through countless years of inheritance and there were countless schools and techniques. The same tea leaves, if brewed using a different technique, would have differing fragrances, textures, and colors.

That was why there were no right or wrong methods in brewing tea. Rather, one could only say whether one was better than the other.

A good brewing technique could unleash the full fragrance contained within the tea leaves, nourishing the spirit of those drinking it.


The edges of Tian Long's lips curled up. He glanced at Zhang Xuan before taking the tea tray and tea set from Butler Tian Gang's hands.

First, he used warm water to heat up the tea set. Then, grabbing a few tea leaves, he placed them into the teapot and flushed it with boiling water. When the tea leaves were steeped, the fragrance of the tea immediately gushed into the air, causing a deep aroma to linger in the hall.


"To think that Tian Long would achieve such deep understanding of the Way of Tea despite his young age. I'm impressed."

"From the looks of it, Tian laoshi has imparted all of his knowledge down to him. Soon, another incredible tea master will appear in the Tianxuan Kingdom!"

Upon seeing Tian Long's movements, the three master teachers nodded their head in approval.

They had learnt the Way of Tea from Elder Tian, and even though they hadn't reached the level of an official tea master, they had immersed themselves in the art for many years, so they possessed a decent amount of knowledge in it. Thus, they were able to see that Tian Long's skills were extraordinary.

"There are four levels to the Way of Tea, namely Redolent Hue, Essence Restoration, Infused Intentions, and Diffusing Fragrance! Even though nothing much can be said about his character, it is a fact that he possessed outstanding skills in the Way of Tea. Judging from his brewing technique, he should have already reached the second level, Essence Restoration!"

Afraid that Zhang Xuan couldn't tell what was happening, Huang Yu was communicating with him via telepathy.

"The first level, Redolent Hue. It refers to the level where the tea one produces has reached a certain level of mastery in terms of aroma and color, making it pleasing to the eye and the nose. Don't underestimate this level just because it is the lowest one. In order to reach it, you need to have a clear understanding of the amount of water and tea leaves you must use, as well as the state of the tea set. Without years of hard work, it is difficult to reach this level.

"The second level, which is the realm which Tian Long is currently at, is called Essence Restoration. At this level, you are no longer just showing off your skill. Rather, at this level, you infuse the art of tea brewing into your bones, granting them the ability to pull the most basic fragrance of the tea leaves out, allowing others to taste the most authentic tea.

"As for the third level, Infused Intentions, it is similar to that of the level of the same name in painting. The tea maker now understands the very essence of the Way of Tea, reaching the level where they are able to infuse their own artistic conception into the tea they brew. Those drinking it can experience the emotions of the tea maker through the tea he produces. At this level, one can take the tea master examinations and become an official tea master.

"Last but not least, the fourth level, Diffusing Fragrance. At this level, one can allow the fragrance of the tea to travel vast distances, such that people within several thousand li can smell it. At the same time, they can also confine the fragrance of the tea to the cup, making it linger within the cup. Those drinking such a tea would feel as though they were drinking a heavenly elixir. Elder Tian has reached such a level, and you can see the steam lingering over top the cup of tea he has poured. Upon reaching this level, not only will one be able to experience the full fragrance of the tea, the tea will also be warm no matter when one drinks it. It won't turn cold with the passing of time, which would affect its taste."

Huang Yu seemed quite knowledgeable of the Way of Tea, and she explained the various levels that a cup of tea could reach to Zhang Xuan.

Knowing that she was trying to help him, Zhang Xuan nodded his head, grateful.

After hearing her words, Zhang Xuan couldn't help but be impressed by how profound the art of tea brewing was.

Just these four levels would require one to immerse themselves in the Way of Tea for their entire lifetime.


While they were speaking, Tian Long finished brewing his tea. He slowly poured it out, the tea gushing out like a fountain. The delightful sound of the tea lapping against the sides of the teacup echoed in the air, as if created by an instrument.

"I've embarrassed myself!"

After pouring the tea into the teacup, the true fragrance of the tea immediately emanated all over the room. The aroma seemed to have some energizing quality to it, making everyone in the room feel refreshed. Tian Long smiled slightly in glee.

Since he could reach the second level of the Way of Tea at his age, he could he considered as a genius among geniuses.

He quickly shot his gaze to Huang Yu, thinking that she would feel deep respect for him and leap into his embrace. Yet it turned out that she wasn't looking at him at all. Rather, she was chatting with Zhang Xuan. Tian Long's face immediately darkened, and he looked as though he would explode at any moment.

It had taken him great effort to learn this tea brewing technique, and he wanted to flaunt it before the beautiful lady…. Yet it ended like this.

"Zhang Xuan…" Tian Long diverted all of his anger onto Zhang Xuan.

Seeing his furious gaze, Zhang Xuan blinked…. 'I don't think that I've offended him. What's wrong with that fellow's head?'

"Now that the tea has been brewed, who will go first?"

Elder Tian looked around.

"Allow me!" Lu Xun stood up confidently. With an imposing disposition, he started to explain, "Brother Tian's technique is called [Root of the Fallen Leaves], and it comes from Master Changfeng from a century ago. He saw the growth of tea leaves over the course of three years when inspiration hit him, and he created this brewing technique."

"In the 'Root of the Fallen Leaves,' every single tea leaf is placed into the teapot based on their maturity. This way, the tea leaves would be steeped in the same sequence as well. Tea leaves are similar to humans in that they have veins, and are interconnected with one another. Steeping in this manner would be like soaking the tree from its roots to its tip. This kind of progressive brewing technique brings out the very essence of the tea leaves, allowing the tea to reach the second level, Essence Restoration."

At this point, he flicked his sleeves and chuckled lightly, "Brother Tian, I wonder if what I have said is right or not?"

"Brother Lu is indeed talented. Your words do not have the slightest bit of error," Tian Long replied.

"Alright, since I'm done talking about the brewing method, I'll talk about the aroma of the tea then!" Standing in the same place, Lu Xun took in the aroma of the tea and smiled. "The fragrance lingers around my nose, making me feel like I am in a tea garden. If I'm not wrong, it should have reached the fourth level."

In order to better differentiate between the level of the tea and its taste, some of the more incredible tea masters had allocated nine different levels for the aroma of the tea as well.

First level of tea aroma, Sweet Aroma.

Second level of tea aroma, Revitalizing Spirit.


Fourth level of tea aroma, Alluring Reminiscence.


Ninth level of tea aroma, Congregation of the Hundred Birds.

Even though Tian Long had brewed a tea of the second level, his tea aroma had already reached the fourth level, Alluring Reminiscence.

That is to say, upon taking a sip from this cup of tea, the aroma would permeate into one's dreams, making it hard to forget.


After hearing Lu Xun's reply, Elder Tian nodded his head satisfied.

As expected of Lu Xun laoshi, his understanding of the Way of Tea was completely accurate.

"I'm finished. Zhang Xuan laoshi, it's your turn…."

Smiling faintly, Lu Xun turned to look at him.

"Me? You've already said everything, what else can I say?"

Zhang Xuan was speechless.

Wasn't this fellow too shameless?

The question only asked them about the brewing technique and the tea aroma level, and he had already said everything. What else could Zhang Xuan speak of?

If Zhang Xuan were to say the same things, Lu Xun could simply say that Zhang Xuan had copied his answer.

"Brother Lu only spoke of the name of the brewing method. The Way of Tea is profound and deep, and there are still plenty of things to talk about. Zhang laoshi, could it be that you don't know the technique I use, and you don't know what to say?"

With a cunning smile on his face, Tian Long said, "If that's the case, I think it would be best for you to just admit defeat to not make the atmosphere awkward!"

"Admit defeat? That isn't my way of doing things!" Zhang Xuan shook his head. At this point, Zhang Xuan's lips curled up as he looked at Tian Long playfully. "Are you sure you want me to speak?"

"Stop putting on an act here!" Tian Long flung his sleeves out.

"Alright then!" Zhang Xuan stood up. "What Lu laoshi said is true, Tian Long did use Root of the Fallen Leaves. This brewing technique should have been a highly profound technique that is capable of brewing tea of the third level, but… in his hands, its form has been completely misinterpreted and turned worthless. It's a failure!"

"You…" Tian Long nearly leapt in anger.

"You need not be in a hurry to deny my words!" Zhang Xuan chuckled softly. He walked over to Tian Long, casually lifted up the teacups to look at them, and slid his fingers across them.

"I need not say much about the tea set. In Elder Tian's residence, even if the equipment used isn't the best, it isn't too far from it. Let's begin from the moment you started brewing the tea. In the Root of the Fallen Leaves, the progressive sequence of the action is of utmost importance. When hot water is poured into the teapot, the hot water would flow through the veins of the tea leaves, like the tea leaves are drinking the water. There is no problem with the sequence you placed the tea leaves into the pot, but you neglected the unique property of the tea leaves."

"The tea leaf you used is called [Nine Years Spring]. From the emergence of the tea leaves to its harvesting and drying, the optimal time for its consumption is nine years. At that moment, its fragrance would be the strongest. On this point, I'm not wrong, am I?"

Zhang Xuan looked at Tian Long.

"You-you're right!" Tian Long nodded his head.

Nine Years Spring were extremely rare tea leaves. Putting aside the fact that its harvest was limited, it was rarely traded in the markets. Even for their Tian Residence, it took them a long time before they managed to gather several taels of it. How did this fellow who didn't know the Way of Tea know of it?





Chapter 203: Found the Wrong Person

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Usually, one year is sufficient for tea leaves to mature for consumption. Yet this tea leaf needs an entire nine years, showing its uniqueness. As a result, one needs to steep it for a longer period of time so that its fragrance can be further drawn out. Yet after pouring hot water in, you took out the tea leaves within three breaths. As such, it caused the fragrance that had accumulated in the tea leaves over a course of nine years to not be fully released. This is your first failure!

"Nine Years Spring grow in humid lands. As such, the tea leaves contain moisture within. Before steeping it, one needs to wash it with slightly salted water first in order to revitalize the veins of the leaves, allowing the tea leaves to better release their fragrance. Yet, not only did you not wash it beforehand, you even used a dry preparation method*. Not only did this affect the texture of the tea, it even caused the level of the tea to drop an entire level. This is your second failure!

"Before starting on the preparation of the tea, it's right for you to warm the tea set. However, due to your excessive desire to flaunt your skills, you placed tea leaves into the teapot before you were done warming up the entire pot. Furthermore, the tea leaves were still at room temperature when you placed them in, resulting in a loss of heat. This is your third failure!"

"Finally, when using the Root of the Fallen Leaves to prepare the tea, in the very final step of pouring the tea into the teacups, your should do it within three breaths to ensure that their aroma and taste is the same. Yet you dragged it on for seven breaths. As a result, the aroma and texture of the first cup and the fifth cup differs by almost an entire level. You can check it right now if you like. Although the first cup has reached the fourth level, the last cup is only at most at the third level. For there to be two different tastes for the same pot of tea, this is your seventeenth failure!"

All at once, Zhang Xuan pointed out seventeen of the other party's errors without any pause. Then he looked at Tian Long with sympathy. "For such an amazing technique, the Root of the Fallen Leaves, and such good tea leaves, the Nine Years Spring, to be brewed by you in such a manner—what else could it be if not worthless?"

"You, you…"

Tian Long's face paled, as though he had met a ghost.

He wanted to refute the other party's words, but he was unable to say a word.

He had just learnt this brewing technique and it was natural that he would make many mistakes with it. Rationally, it wasn't a big deal. But how was the other party able to see through all of it?

Wasn't he inept in the Way of Tea?

His grandfather had said the same things as well. In fact, the other party pointed out even more flaws than his grandfather!

His grandfather could only point out four or five of them, yet the other party spoke of seventeen of them in a breath.

Could it be that the other party's knowledge of tea brewing exceeded that of his grandfather's?

How was that possible?

Not just him, at that instant, the hall fell so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.

Everyone was staring at Zhang Xuan as though they were looking at a monster.

This was especially true for Lu Xun. His eyes were about to pop out onto the ground.

He was proud of the fact that he was able to point out the brewing technique the other party used, as well as the level of the tea aroma. Yet… not only was the other party able to see through these as well, he was even able to point out the flaws in his tea brewing technique precisely….

For a moment, he felt his face being brutally slapped. It felt fiery hot, as though it would tear apart at any moment.

What exactly was going on?

To be able to say so much about tea, to the point that you even have such an in-depth understanding of the Nine Years Spring. Are you a tea vendor?

"Elder Tian, may I know if my words are correct?"

Ignoring the astonishment everyone was going through, Zhang Xuan chuckled and turn his eyes to Elder Tian.

The tea brewing of a tea master was similar to a battle technique by a fighter, and the Library of Heaven's Path had compiled a book on Tian Long. If Tian Long hadn't provoked him, Zhang Xuan couldn't have bothered with him either and wouldn't have embarrassed him in public. Yet the other party kept trying to taunt him, even making use of Lu Xun to humiliate him. If that were to be the case, then Zhang Xuan felt a need to retaliate.

Of course, he had also gone easy on the other party. He had only pointed out a portion of his flaws. If he were to speak of all of them, that fellow would probably end up like Apothecary Bai Ming, his confidence would be completely crushed and he would find himself coming to a standstill in the Way of Tea.

"What you said…"

Honestly, Elder Tian was unable to ascertain the authenticity of half of the words the other party had said. But for the other half, it was absolutely correct.

Furthermore, for the half he wasn't sure of, based on his deductions from his knowledge in Way of Tea, they were likely to be true as well.

With just a single glance, the other party was able to see through so many problems?

Am I the tea master, or is he the tea master?

Elder Tian looked like he had seen a demon. After hesitating for a long time, he continued, "… are all correct!"

"All correct?"

"Zhang laoshi's words are all correct?"

Hearing his verdict, a commotion broke out in the hall.

This was especially so for Bai Xun and Huang Yu. They could see the frenzy in each other's eyes.

On the way here, Zhang laoshi had been asking about the Way of Tea, and it was obvious that he was a total rookie on the subject. It was clear that he hadn't even heard of the term before coming here…. They were still worried about what would happen after he lost to Lu Xun. Yet, to think that such a twist would occur instead.

Brother, can you stop playing with our hearts?

If you have such an in-depth understanding of the Way of Tea, why must you feign ignorance?

"He must have done it on purpose…."

When Huang Yu recalled how she sent a telepathic message to Zhang Xuan to explain the four levels of tea brewing to him out of goodwill previously, Huang Yu felt like spitting blood. Most probably, that fellow must have been laughing at her ignorance….

"It seems like… Master Zhang was also like that during the painting examination…."

Just as Huang Yu was cursing the other party in her mind, she suddenly heard Bai Xun's perplexed voice.

Upon hearing those words, Huang Yu suddenly recalled the matter as well.

Back then… before painting, Master Zhang also seemed like a complete rookie, not knowing anything at all. But… after reading some books, he was able to create a painting of the fifth level easily….

This fellow. What was going on?

How could there be such a peculiar person in the world?

"Since it's right, does it mean that I've passed your test?" Clasping both his hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan returned to his seat and looked at him calmly.

"Hold it right there!"

Before Elder Tian could even speak, Wang Chao abruptly stood up. "The question that Elder Tian came up with was for Zhang Xuan and Brother Lu to tell the brewing technique used and the level of the tea fragrance, and whoever who was able to figure out both of them would be the victor. Brother Lu's answer of [Root of the Fallen Leaves] and fourth level of tea aroma isn't wrong! On the other hand, Zhang laoshi said so much, but he left out the main point. Thus, it could be said that he had gone off topic, so I think that Brother Lu should be the victor."

"Indeed, even though Brother Lu didn't speak of the latter part, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know of it at all. He simply thought that it was off topic and didn't find the need to bring it up." Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, Tian Long's eyes lit up.

If that fellow were to truly win this competition and become an apprentice of Liu shi, wouldn't he be together with Huang Yu daily? If so, Tian Long wouldn't stand a chance anymore.

So he couldn't allow the other party to succeed!

Furthermore, he had just been insulted by the other party. With such an ideal opportunity to put him down, how could he let it slip past his fingers?


Hearing the other party's words, Zhang Xuan was stunned.

He thought that he himself was a shameless person; to think that these two were able to top him at his field.

Gone off topic?

If spoken of, it was true that he had gone off topic, just that…

"Lu laoshi had already revealed the answer. If Zhang laoshi didn't say something else, wouldn't he just be repeating his answer?" Huang Yu couldn't be a bystander to the situation any longer and stood up furiously.

What kind of joke was this?

You've already answered all that could be answered, what do you expect the other party to say under such a situation?

If he answered just like you did, you would just say that he had copied you. On the other hand, if he said something else, you would simply say that he had gone off topic….

No matter what, you all are star teachers. Can't you all at least spare a thought for your dignity?

"Enough, stop arguing."

Seeing sparks flying from both sides, Elder Tian waved his hands. "It's my negligence for coming up with such a question, so let's just drop this."

"Drop this?"

Zhang Xuan stared at Elder Tian. It was clear that he was helping Lu Xun.

But this came as no surprise to him either. It was the first time Elder Tian had met Zhang Xuan. Naturally, the other party would help Lu Xun, who he was more familiar with.

"Tian laoshi…"

Upon hearing these words, Liu Ling frowned.

Aren't you showing your favoritism too publicly!

"Enough, there's no need for you to say anymore. This matter is my fault, so I'll come up with another question for the two of them. There's no need for us to fuss over this matter," Elder Tian interrupted impassively.

"OK!" Since his teacher had already put it this way, out of respect for the other party, Liu Ling didn't refute his words. He could only look at Zhang Xuan apologetically.

"I apologize for my inappropriate choice of question on the Way of Tea previously. However, I can tell that the two of you are extremely knowledgeable in the Way of Tea. If we were to continue pitting you two in this field, it might breed discord among you two instead. How about this: other than the Way of Tea, I am also slightly knowledgeable in the field of painting as well. Furthermore, I have just received an amazing painting recently. As teachers, you two should have some knowledge on painting as well. Thus, why don't I bring it out for you two to appreciate and appraise. Whoever's appraisal is more accurate will be the victor…." After hesitating for a moment, Elder Tian stroked his beard and said.


After hearing the other party's words, Zhang Xuan had to stifle in his laughter.

If the other party had chosen to test him on something else, Zhang Xuan would still have to dredge up the books from his library to look through them. But as for painting… there wasn't such a need at all!

Since he was able to draw a painting of the fifth level, he had already reached the level of a grandmaster in painting. Are you sure that… Lu Xun would be able to win against me?

However, it wasn't surprising that the other party would make such a decision. After the previous incident, Elder Tian could see that Zhang Xuan was knowledgeable of the Way of Tea. Even if he were to give another question on it, Lu Xun would still lose.

Naturally, Elder Tian knew of Lu Xun's background. Lu Xun's father was Master Lu Chen, a true master painter, and since childhood, Lu Xun often came into contact with paintings. As such, his knowledge of painting far surpassed that of his Way of Tea.

As a result, he decided to go ahead with a painting test.

This way, he would be using Lu Xun's strength against Zhang Xuan.

However, it was a pity that he couldn't have imagined that… even Lu Xun's father, Master Lu Chen, would have to address Zhang Xuan respectfully as a "master."

"Do you two have any disagreements?" After saying this, Elder Tian turned his gaze to the duo.

"Lu Xun dares not oppose Elder Tian's arrangements." Lu Xun clasped his hands and answered obediently, but on the inside, he was nearly dying of joy.

Even though Tian Long had said that Zhang Xuan was likely to be a master painter, Lu Xun had attributed the matter to just Zhang Xuan boasting. He didn't pay it any attention.

Also, he was much more proficient in painting than the Way of Tea.

Mo Chenzi, Yuanyu, Lu Chen, all of the works of the master painters and the books he had read when he was younger flashed through his mind. Slowly, a confident smile crept onto his face.

What a joke! He had just taken the Way of Tea to broaden his horizon, but painting was his specialty.

As long as Zhang Xuan wasn't a master painter, it was impossible for him to defeat him.

Lu Xun was confident.

"What about Zhang laoshi?"

Upon seeing him agree to it, Elder Tian nodded his head and turned to Zhang Xuan.

"I… agree as well!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

"Competing in painting appraisal?"

The three master teachers, Huang Yu, and Bai Xun knew of Zhang Xuan's background and they stared at one another.

A moment later, they simultaneously turned their gazes to Lu Xun, and the sympathy in their eyes was clear to see.

The Way of Tea competition between them previously didn't cause a huge blow to Lu Xun as it wasn't his field of specialty. As such, he didn't get discouraged even though he lost to Zhang Xuan. But as for painting…

He would probably cry himself to death this time.

Sigh, poor child.

Honestly, Lu Xun, you found the wrong person to compete with….

*There are two methods to preparing Chinese tea: "dry preparation" and "wet preparation".

In wet preparation, you need a special tea set, and after washing the equipment, you just pour the water on the tea set (which usually have a drainage section). As such, it is labeled "wet preparation method".

On the other hand, dry preparation is much cleaner. All of the unused water is dumped into the sink/waste container.





Chapter 204: Lu Xun's Appraisal Skills

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Initially, Liu Ling wanted to tell Elder Tian about the matter, but upon recalling how the other party interrupted his words, he decided not to say anything for fear of incurring his irritation.

"Since both of you are fine with it, Tian Gang, bring that painting over." After saying this, Elder Tian gestured.


Soon, Tian Gang came over with a large but thin box in his embrace.

"This is the painting Liu shi has gifted me. I believe it is fitting of the word 'perfect.' No matter how many times I look at it, I can't help but compliment it. Today, you'll have the blessing to view the work of an incredible master!"

Elder Tian chuckled as he took out the painting from within the box.

"I really hope that I can meet a master painter of this caliber before my death and witness his extraordinary skills."

Stroking the painting in his hands, respect gleamed in Elder Tian's eyes.

There were many similarities between tea brewing and painting. Due to this, he also held a fervent passion for painting. Even though he had yet to reach the level of master, he was still quite knowledgeable in the field.

"Alright, I'll stop talking. I'll let you guys see the painting now. Zhuang Xian, Zheng Fei, since you two are skilled in painting as well, you should give your opinions on it too."

He carefully unrolled the painting. An ink painting immediately appeared before everyone's eyes.

A deer stood on a grass patch, eating the grass warily. Beautiful wild flowers bloomed throughout the surroundings, and for an instant, the spectators could really smell the scent of flowers.

Even though it was just a flat painting, the wild deer seemed like it would leap out of the painting at any moment.

"This is… a painting of the fifth level?"

Right after taking a look, Lu Xun's eyes narrowed and his breathing quickened.

As someone from a distinguished painting family, he held a deep understanding of paintings. As such, he was able to see the ingenuity of the painting with a single glance.

The level of the painting was clearly beyond that of Breathtaking Verisimilitude.

Even when considering the entire Tianxuan Kingdom, it was possible that not a single painting of such caliber would be produced in the span of a century. Being able to appraise such a painting was a great honor for him.

Even a master painter like his father had never seen a painting of this level.

"Indeed, it is a painting of the fifth level. However, it is a pity that the painter didn't leave behind his name and the name of the painting. Otherwise, I would've surely paid him a visit personally!"

Elder Tian shook his head in regret. "Alright, let's start the appraisal now. Whoever's appraisal is more accurate and on point will be the victor. This time, the three master teachers and I will be the judges, so there is no need to doubt the fairness of the judgement. This time… Zhang laoshi should go first."

Since Lu Xun was the one who spoke first last time, for the sake of fairness, Zhang Xuan should be the one to go first this time.

After Elder Tian finished speaking, the hall fell silent for a moment. He couldn't stop himself from looking in the direction of Zhang Xuan, only to see him staring at the painting with a dumbfounded look.

Seeing him in such a state, Elder Tian frowned.

A painting of the fifth level was profound, and it was easy for amateurs who didn't understand painting to lose themselves in the painting, unable to discern the painting aside from reality. Clearly, Zhang laoshi was suffering from such an effect.

How could a fellow who was unable to discern the painting from reality understand painting?

It seemed like he made the correct decision choosing to conduct a painting test. This Zhang laoshi shouldn't be a match for Lu Xun at all.

"Hmph! After boasting so much, it turns out that you are only on this level. Master painter? You must be joking!" Upon seeing Zhang Xuan losing himself in the painting, Tian Long sneered.

If Master Yuanyu's words had raised his doubts, seeing the fellow in such a state now made all of them vanish.

How could a true master painter be reduced to such a state upon seeing a painting of the fifth level?

He must have been too astonished by the sight that he lost himself.

"Zhang laoshi!" Elder Tian called.

"Yes!" Only then did Zhang Xuan recover from his trance. With a bizarre expression, he said, "There's no need. I'll allow Lu laoshi to go first. I… will just listen to his appraisal first!"

"Alright, I will go first then. However, I hope that you won't find any excuses when you lose later on!"

Seeing how the other party didn't even have the courage to go first, Lu Xun became disdainful of Zhang Xuan.

This fellow must have thought that the painting before him was too profound, and he didn't know how he should appraise it. That's why he allowed Lu Xun to go first. Afterwards, he could just make up some comments based on Lu Xun's words.

You might have been able to use that move just then, but now that I'm prepared, how can I allow you to do so again?

Flicking his sleeves, Lu Xun walked to the middle of the hall. Absolute confidence exuded from his body.

"As a painting of the fifth level, this painting is left behind by a painting grandmaster. As such, I dare not claim to understand the painting fully, and if there're any mistakes in my appraisal, I'll be depending on everyone here to correct me!"

Walking forward to the painting, Lu Xun's eyes gleamed with the disposition unique to a master. "To appraise a painting of such level, you must slowly zoom in from outward, and slowly dive in from the details to its essence. Thus, I will first talk about the overall painting."

Back then, during the competition on tea brewing, he had only spoken of the name of the brewing technique and the tea aroma level, allowing a lot of leeway for the other party to perform. This time, in preparation against that, he intended to speak of all he could on the painting.

As long as I say everything that can be said, let's see what you will say later on!

Since you like to fake it so much, I will see how you can continue acting when there's nothing for you to say!

"Even though the painter hasn't left his name behind for this painting, it contains a deep artistic conception within it. With just a single look you can feel you are in a vast grassland, surrounded by flowers, and watching a wild deer calmly eating grass…. My guess is that the grandmaster who painted this painting must have been standing in a vast grassland, taking in the spectacle and tranquility of the sight when inspiration struck him, resulting in the creation of this masterpiece."

"If a name should be given to it, I think that it should be… Burnished Blue Skies!" Lu Xun said.

"Burnished Blue Skies? Not bad. That's an imposing name! I believe that it reflects the painter's state of mind then, awed by the sight before him!" Tian Long praised.

Did you see that?

That's a true master painter, being able to see through the essence of the painting at once, inducing lofty thoughts in others.

"After that, I will go on to speak about its contents and the painting technique used. Clearly, this painting was painted using the Double Hook technique. First, the painter drew the outline of the objects before painting in the grand artistry, filling in the colors of the flowers, grasses, and the wild deer. Only through this painting method can one create such a grand painting with such powerful artistry!"

Lu Xun's eyes were glowing.

"Double Hook technique? Don't you think that it is Dual Traversing Dragons instead?" Zhang Xuan couldn't stop himself from commenting.

"Dual Traversing Dragons? Do you even know what that means?"

Before Lu Xun could speak, Tian Long had already burst into laughter. "Dual Traversing Dragons is a technique that streetside craftsmen use when they're pressed for time. It is used for replicating a painting, and even so, only by replicating the same painting over and over again can one successfully replicate a painting down to the minute details. Yet, you say that this fifth level painting is created through such at technique? Haha, are you sure you understand anything about painting?"

Tian Long wasn't the only one who stared at Zhang Xuan in disdain, even Elder Tian couldn't help but shake his head.

Painting a painting of the fifth level through Dual Traversing Dragons? That was like saying one could display the strength of the powerful Dragon Subduing Palms through executing the basic Long Fists. Are you sure that you are a master painter and not a comedian?

"You sure have a vivid imagination!"

Lu Xun sneered. The contempt in his eyes deepened and his lips curled up in disdain. Disregarding the fellow who didn't know anything about painting, he turned to look at the painting again before continuing, "I have just spoken of the overall picture, so I'll touch on the details now. On this aspect, the grandmaster has drawn them with painstaking detail, making them incredibly lifelike. Looking at these flowers, you can clearly see the veins in them; as for the deer, you can actually make out the fur on its body…. As such, even though the painter is a grandmaster, he likely took a minimum of two or three days to finish this painting.

"Only through slowly sculpting the details can one bring out the minute details perfectly and elegantly, making it impossible for the audience to find any fault with it. I must say that this master's patience is outstanding!"

Awe flashed in Lu Xun's eyes. After pacing in front of the painting, he added, "Last but not least, even though this painting has profound artistry, and the painter's name isn't left on it, based on my years of experience of appraising paintings, I can roughly guess his identity."

"Oh? You're able to guess his identity? Who is it?" Hearing his words, Zhang Xuan couldn't resist asking. The strange look on his face deepened as well.

Putting his hands behind his back, Lu Xun glanced upward, and with haughtiness and incredible confidence, he said, "There aren't more than seven masters in the surrounding kingdoms who are capable of painting such a grand and moving painting in the past century. Of the seven, only three of them have produced paintings of this sort in the past.

"And the three of them are, to wit, Senior Jin Mantang from Beiwu Kingdom; Senior Wu Jiechao from Hanwu Kingdom; and Senior Yun Shaoqing from Shenwu Kingdom."

"Senior Jin Mantang left behind his masterpiece at the Eighteen Zhang Waterfall, of which, the pine trees were painted with forceful strokes, giving the painting a prehistoric feeling. On this aspect, it felt extremely similar to how the wild deer and grassland were drawn, so he should be the most likely suspect. However, Senior Mantang passed away eighty years ago, and if he had left behind this painting, it would likely have been discovered by someone already. Thus, it is highly unlikely for him to be the painter.

"As for Senior Wu Jiechao, he specializes in painting animals. It's said that he once painted a white crane lying on the ground, and it attracted a flock of real cranes to wail for their companion's death, eventually dying from grief. Most likely, only someone of his level is capable of painting this wild deer.

"However, he only specializes in painting animals, not flora and fauna. Most probably, of the kingdoms nearby, the only one who can paint such an outstanding masterpiece is Senior Yun Shaoqing! More importantly, of the three grandmasters, he's the only one who is still alive."

"So my guess is that this drawing is a work of his."

At which, Lu Xun stood proudly as he looked at Elder Tian.

"Good, your analysis is in-depth and logical!"

Elder Tian applauded.

Did you see that? What is professionalism?

This is professionalism!

Not only was his analysis logical and backed by evidence, he was even able to deduce the likely painter of the work. As expected of Master Lu Chen's son, his knowledge and discernment were indeed outstanding. He would probably be the victor of this test.

"Alright, Zhang laoshi. It's your turn!"

After complimenting Lu Xun, Elder Tian turned to look at Zhang Xuan.

"It's my turn? Are you sure you want me to speak?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"Of course. Why, do you want to say that I've already said everything, and that there's nothing left to add?" The mockery in Lu Xun's eyes was clear.

"No… Actually, I can't think of anything to say…. After contemplating for a long time, I only have four words for it!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Four words?" Elder Tian and Lu Xun looked at him, perplexed.


Zhang Xuan scratched his head embarrassed. "If I'm not wrong… I painted this painting!"






Chapter 205: Is It My Victory?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"You painted it?"

The hall fell completely silent.

Then a commotion broke out.

"You said that this painting of the fifth level was painted by you? Zhang Xuan, you are going to make me die of laughter. Even if you can't appraise anything about it, you should just admit your defeat. You don't need brag to such an extent!"

"You sure are thick-skinned. Even if you want to brag, there should be a limit. Are you going to tell us that you are Grandmaster Yun Shaoqing next?"

"Know your place! Do you know what a painting of the fifth level means? To think that you would dare to claim that you are the painter, stop joking!"

Tian Long, Lu Xun, and Wang Chao sneered. The three of them stared at Zhang Xuan as though he were a fool.

What does a painting of the fifth level mean?

Currently, in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom, there wasn't a single person who was capable of producing a painting of such level. Not even Lu Xun's father, Master Lu Chen, was capable of such a feat. Yet a mere low-level teacher of the academy who wasn't even twenty yet said that he had created such a painting. If this wasn't a joke, what could it be?

"Liu Ling, is this the person you intend to accept as your apprentice? He is arrogant and boastful. Do you think that it is fitting for such a person to be a teacher?"

Elder Tian's flung his sleeves as his complexion darkened.

Ever since Liu shi had sent this painting to him, he had hung it on his wall and appreciated it every single day. Regardless of how many times he had seen it, he couldn't help but be impressed by it. All along, he had thought that it was a masterpiece from some grandmaster painter and admired him. Yet this fellow said that he was the one who painted it?

It was an insult to this masterpiece.

"Tian laoshi, this painting…"

Upon hearing hearing his teacher's furious interrogation, Liu Ling looked slightly hesitant. "… was really painted by Zhang Xuan laoshi!"

"What, you admit that he's arrogant as well…. Huh? What did you say?" Halfway through the sentence, Liu Ling's words suddenly hit him and he almost fainted. With quivering lips, he asked, "He… he painted it?"

"Yes, this painting… was painted by Zhang laoshi a few days ago…."

Liu Ling smiled bitterly.

Back then, when Huang Yu passed this painting to him so that he could pass it on to Elder Tian as a gift, her words also stunned him.

Even in a Tier Two kingdom like Beiwu, a painting of the fifth level was a hard to come by treasure. Yet such a treasure came from the hands of a low-level teacher of Hongtian Academy, not even mentioning that the other party wasn't even twenty yet….

Even though he had heard from his apprentice directly, he found the matter hard to believe.

"This… this…"

Elder Tian's eyes narrowed and his face flushed with embarrassment. If there were a hole in the hall at this moment, he would have dived in at that instant.

As a master teacher, it was impossible for Liu Ling to lie about such things. That meant that… the painting really came from the hands of Zhang laoshi.

Elder Tian had been speaking praises of the painter all along, saying that he would like to meet that painter before his demise, yet now that the painter was before him, he doubted his identity….

"I don't believe it…. Even if he had started learning from his mother's womb, it is impossible for him to produce such an incredible work…." Hearing Liu shi admit to it, Lu Xun gritted his teeth.

He had just praised the creator of the painting to the high heavens, be it his technique or his brush strokes…. He even guessed the identity of the creator of the painting to be the esteemed grandmaster painter. It seemed that all that was missing was for him to bow in reverence to the painting. Yet… it turned out to be the one whom he had been trying to put down all along. This was unacceptable to him.

"I don't believe it either. Liu shi, don't be fooled by him—" Wang Chao bellowed as well.

However, before he could finish speaking, Zhang Xuan had already walked up to the painting and his hands gently touched the painting.


With a crisp sound, the wild deer seemed to have suddenly came to life. Turning its head around, it leapt out from the painting, dancing for a moment before dissipating into thin air.

"This is… Origin Spirit? The Origin Spirit which only the creator of the painting can trigger?"

"A painting contains the blood, sweat, and tears of its creator, and as such, it is perfectly aligned with the creator's spirit. When a painting reaches the fifth level, as long as the creator touches it, the painting will automatically form a spirit…."

"This… He really painted it…."

It was easy to determine the creator of a painting when it reached the level of Spirit Creation. As long as the creator were to come into physical contact with it, the painting would automatically display its ability to come to life.

Seeing the wild deer running about, the aura of the painting seemed to resonate with Zhang Xuan laoshi…. No matter how stupid a person, it was clear that the creator of the painting was him.

"How… is this possible?"

Lu Xun staggered backward before falling onto the floor. He was on the verge of tears.

Just a moment ago, he was still confidently uttering that the creator of the painting was definitely Grandmaster Yun Shaoqing, and that he had used the Double Hook painting technique. In the end… reality turned around and slapped him right in his face.

Brother, if I knew you are a grandmaster painter, I would have never competed with you!

Aren't I just looking for a beating?

Next to him, Wang Chao and Tian Long convulsed, on the verge of passing out.

Especially Tian Long. He finally understood why even Master Yuanyu treated this fellow with utmost respect, even wanting to learn from him….

A grandmaster who was capable of producing a painting of the fifth level… was worthy of that much respect.

"Grandmaster Zhang Xuan, please pardon me for my blindness…."

With an awful complexion, Elder Tian stood up and clasped his hands together. In an instant, he seemed like he had aged a decade or more.

Having immersed his entire life in teaching and enlightening others, he had enjoyed quite a tremendous reputation. To think that he would slip up here.

Having Lu Xun compete with a grandmaster painter in a painting competition?

Was there anything more ridiculous than this?

He had intended to help Lu Xun become an apprentice of Liu shi, but in the end… he simply made things worse. Furthermore, it was the worst kind of worse….

It was no wonder that Liu Ling and the others were willing to drop their identities just to convince the other party to become their apprentice.

If a grandmaster painter who was capable of producing a painting of the fifth level were to become an apprentice, he would immediately be eligible to take the master teacher examination. If he passed the examination, his teacher's reputation would definitely resound through the surrounding kingdoms.

Without answering Elder Tian's words, Zhang Xuan stood before the painting quietly, staring at it. "I painted this painting at Master Lu Chen's residence a few days ago. I wasn't standing on a grassland, and I didn't use the Double Hook painting technique either. What I used was the Dual Traversing Dragons. Also, the painting took me forty-seven breaths, not the few days you spoke of."

"Dual Traversing Dragons?"

"Forty-seven breaths?"

Lu Xun's mouth twitched once more.

Back then, he had said confidently that even if the one who painted the painting was a grandmaster, he had to spend at least a few days on it, and it was very likely that he was standing in the midst of a grassland, inspired by the sight before him. Yet, to think it was actually created at home, not to mention, in such a short period of time….

And what that shocked him the most was that Zhang Xuan used the replication technique, which only streetside craftsmen used, to produce a painting of fifth level….

You are about to pierce the heavens at this rate!

Hearing those words, tears threatened to fall from Tian Long's eyes.

Back then, he had humiliated the other party when he talked about this technique. Yet, in the blink of an eye, it turned out that the other party spoke nothing but the truth, and that he was just humiliating himself!

Can Dual Traversing Dragons, a technique used to hasten one's painting speed, really create such an incredible painting?

Zhang laoshi, exactly how incredible are you?

Ignoring the duo, Zhang Xuan touched the painting and said, "May I know if there's any brush and ink here?"

"Yes, of course!"

Elder Tian gestured and Tian Gang immediately rushed out. Soon he brought in a brush and ink. Due to his agitation, he nearly tripped when entering the hall.

As long as one wasn't a fool, it was clear that Zhang laoshi was going to leave his name on this painting.

The presence of a signature on a painting could change the value of a painting vastly. Often signed paintings tended to be ten times more expensive.

Not to mention, Zhang laoshi was such a young grandmaster painter. In a few years' time, when he had become a master teacher and his name had rung loud throughout the surrounding kingdoms, the value of this painting with his name on it would definitely soar exponentially.

Of course, the value of the painting was of secondary concern. More importantly, it was an incredible honor to see a grandmaster painter adding his own signature onto the painting!

"This painting doesn't have the imposing aura Lu Xun spoke of, and neither does it have a profound artistic conception. Thus, it isn't worthy of the name 'Burnished Blue Skies'!" At this, Zhang Xuan dabbed the brush into the ink, walked up to the painting, and without any hesitation, his brush started to dance around.

Shua shua shua!

Two large words appeared on the top of the painting.

"Wild Deer?"

Seeing the name he had written, everyone was stunned.

They thought that Zhang Xuan would give it an awe-inspiring name…. Wasn't [Wild Deer] too casual a name?

"Candid. This is the level of a true grandmaster," spoke Elder Tian after a moment of silence.

"Indeed, the center of focus of this painting is the deer. Everything else in the painting frames it. All the artistry and dispositions contained within the painting are brought out through it. Even though the name, [Wild Deer], sounds simple and unimpressive, it brings out the main content of the painting, bringing the entire painting up another level," Liu Ling commented in awe.

Zhang laoshi was indeed a remarkable existence. Putting aside the fact that he was able to become a painting grandmaster at such a young age, just the name he came up with was sufficient to bring the entire painting up another level.

"That isn't just it. If the painting were named Burnished Blue Skies, those who looked at the painting would be affected by it. Their focus would be brought to the contrasting elements instead of the true essence of the painting. On the other hand, [Wild Deer] might be a simple name, but it doesn't constrain your thoughts. It allows room for your imagination to run, adding to the disposition and artistry of the painting," said Zhuang Xian.

"Indeed, they are indeed divine words…." Zheng Fei nodded his head. Just when he was about to say his piece, he suddenly paused abruptly and pointed ahead. "Look!"

Everyone looked over, only to see the wild deer from the painting leaping out once more. It stared at Zhang Xuan fondly and licked his hand a few times before slowly dissipating into thin air.

"This is… Spiritual Wisdom?"

"A Spiritual Wisdom realm painting? No, it hasn't reached that level yet, otherwise the wild deer would materialize for a longer moment than this."

"Even so, it isn't too far from it. Just by adding a name, the entire painting was raised by another level, and now, it was just a single step away from reaching the sixth level…."

Looking at the wild deer's appearance, everyone was stunned. All of their faces flushed with excitement.

The first four realms of painting were Reality Depiction, Spiritual Canvas, Infused Intentions, and Breathtaking Verisimilitude, respectively.

The fifth realm was Spirit Creation.

Above Spirit Creation, there was still a sixth realm, the Spiritual Wisdom they spoke of.

It was said that all of the animals in a painting of this level would possess their own intelligence, and were able to absorb spiritual energy to maintain their form outside the painting for a short period of time, creating a mystical sight.

Everyone here had thought that it was just a legend, but to think that they would have the honor of seeing it in person.

Even though the wild deer in the painting was still unable to absorb spiritual energy to maintain its form for a longer period of time, just the fact that it was able to display its affection for its creator showed that it had started to gain intelligence.

If it were nourished in a location where spiritual energy was in abundance for a century, it might just become a genuine painting of the sixth level!

For just a name to bring the painting up nearly an entire level, the two words "Wild Deer" were indeed worth thousands of gold each!

At this moment, everyone stared at the young man before them with fiery eyes.

This was especially true for Huang Yu and Bai Xun. They were so excited their bodies were trembling.

Ignoring their excitement, Zhang Xuan placed the brush down and scanned the surroundings.

"I'm done with the appraisal. This test… is it my victory?"