

Chapter 192: Zhang Xuan's Legend (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"This is also my first time hearing of Zhang Xuan laoshi. Thus, I had someone specially look into his identity and... Not only is he not a star teacher, he has also been condemned by many..."

Recalling the contents in the report he had read through, Emperor Shen Zhui still found the matter hard to believe. With a bitter smile, he shook his head and said, "Do you know of Zhang laoshi's previous reputation in the academy?

"Reputation? What is it?"

The interest of the three master teachers was piqued. They turned to look at Emperor Shen Zhui intently.

"It's... trash!" Emperor Shen Zhui said.


The three master teachers stared at one another.

"That's right. I've heard that this Zhang Xuan laoshi scored a zero in his Teacher Qualification Examination, and he even caused his student's cultivation to go berserk. Thus, he is reputed as the worst teacher Hongtian Academy ever had!" Emperor Shen Zhui said.

"Scored a zero in his Teacher Qualification Examination?"

"Caused his student's cultivation to go berserk?"

"How can such a person remain as a teacher? Furthermore... Since his results are that poor, why is Lu Xun competing with him?"

The three master teachers were puzzled.

Putting aside how poor Zhang Xuan's results were, Lu Xun is the number one star teacher of the academy. Of everyone he could challenge, he chose to compete against a fellow who had scored a zero in his Teacher Qualification Examination...

This is as though racing against a cripple, and competing in a hearing test with a deaf!

Even if he won, what honor would there be?

Furthermore, what if, against all odds, he loses?

"Allow me to first finish my story. That was his former title. About ten days ago, a twist occurred!" Emperor Shen Zhui continued. "A teacher called Cao Xiong challenged him to an Enlightenment Will Inquisition in a contest for a student, and everyone thought that Cao Xiong would emerge victoriously. Yet, a shocking conclusion occurred."

"This Zhang Xuan laoshi isn't the trash that everyone put him out to be. On the contrary, he is an expert. He has already reached Pixue realm, and the student held a Trust Level of 64 in him..."

Even though Hongtian Academy had intentionally suppressed the news of the Enlightenment Will Inquisition, it remained a simple task for the emperor of Tianxuan Kingdom to look into such a matter. He was well aware of all that had happened that day, and he spoke of it in detail to the three master teachers.

"Right after accepting a student, his student's Trust Level in him has reached 64? The level of a master teacher? How... How is this possible?"

"To reach Pixue realm before twenty years of age? What incredible talent! Even students who study under master teachers find it difficult to accomplish such a feat!"

"Inducing symptoms of a berserk cultivation to overcome Innate Sealed Meridians? And to induce a breakthrough in his student from Fighter 1-dan to Fighter 2-dan within ten minutes..."

The three master teachers stared at one another in astonishment. They found the situation too incredulous, and it was as though they were in a dream.

In order to guard the school's reputation, he was willing to bear the name of the trash without saying anything. In the end, it was only because the other party went too far that he revealed everything...

"If all of these are true, then... Isn't this Zhang Xuan laoshi too noble!"

Zhuang Xian was impressed.

Despite being framed, just so as to not sully the name of the academy, he kept mom about the matter. Such magnanimity and professionalism, even the three master teachers find it difficult to achieve, needless to say, a young man who isn't even yet twenty.

"I've sent someone to the Teacher Guild to investigate and have received a reply regarding the matter!"

Emperor Shen Zhui knew that the three master teacher found the matter unbelievable as well, so with a small gesture, he beckoned a eunuch over and took a letter from his hands. "This is a personal writing from the Teacher Guild's Elder Mo. The contents are exactly as I've said. Please take a look!"

After which, he handed the letter over. Upon receiving it, Liu Ling and the others took a quick and nodded their heads.

That was a paper used by the Teacher Guild, and the seal of the guild was on it. It was unlikely for the contents on it to have been falsified, otherwise, Elder Mo would be punished.

"To think that such a talent is hiding in Hongtian Academy!"

Liu Ling's eyes lit up.

He had intended to recruit Lu Xun as his apprentice, but after meeting the person in question, he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. This moment, after hearing the legendary affairs of Zhang laoshi, his interest was piqued once more.

"His conduct is noble, and he is willing to have his reputation sullied for the sake of the academy. Without regards for personal gains or losses, he gives his all for his students... I would like to meet such a teacher personally!" Zhuang Xian commented in awe.

Master teachers hope to accept good apprentices. This doesn't just mean their ability to educate others and their reputation, their morals play an important part as well.

After all, what is the use of recruiting a talented apprentice if he is ungrateful and immoral?

"Your Majesty, someone seeks an audience!"

Everyone was still immersed in their awe for Zhang Xuan when a guard suddenly walked in.

"Who is it?"

"It's the butler of City Lord Zhao of Baiyu City, Yao Han!" The guard reported.

"Allow him to enter!" Emperor Shen Zhui nodded his head.

City Lord Zhao Feng is a subordinate that he trusts heavily in, and as Yao Han is a close aide of Zhao Feng, Shen Zhui knows him as well.

"Yao Han pays respect to Your Majesty!" Soon, a middle-aged man walked in and knelt on the floor.

It was Yao Han.

"General Yao Han, please rise!" Emperor Shen Zhui beckoned.

Even though Yao Han is only a butler now, he had followed City Lord Zhao Feng to numerous wars back then, achieving the position of a general through his contributions in them.

"For General Yao to come at this time, does City Lord Zhao Feng have anything to report?"

Knowing that it is impossible for the other party to visit the royal palace without any good reason, Emperor Shen Zhui asked.

"Your Majesty, our city lord intends to visit the capital in a few days' time, and he had instructed me to ask Your Majesty for permission." Yao Han said.

As an important official with heavy responsibilities in the country, Zhao Feng is not allowed to leave his post as and when he likes. Even if he wants to head to the capital, he has to inform the emperor in advance. Otherwise, if he were to secretly sneak here and the emperor found out about it, he would be punished severely.

"Visit the capital?" Shen Zhui was taken aback.

"Yes, our young mistress has acknowledged Zhang Xuan laoshi as her teacher, and in order to awaken her unique constitution, Zhang laoshi had undergone the apothecary examination, obtained the precious [Frigid Sun Mother Grass] and purchased the tier-3 [Unravel Yin Pill] for her consumption. Due to the immense gratitude toward him, city lord has decided to come in person to thank him!" Yao Han replied.

"Acknowledged Zhang Xuan? Frigid Sun Mother Grass? Unravel Yin Pill?"

They were discussing Zhang Xuan just a moment ago, and upon hearing these words, they were all stupefied. Recovering from his daze, Emperor Shen Zhui spoke up, "What is the matter about? Recount it to us in detail!"

"Yes!" Yao Han nodded his head. Then, he spoke of how Zhang laoshi had accepted Zhao Ya as his disciple, how he saw through her unique constitution, why he underwent the apothecary examinations, and so on in detail.

Other people might not know the entire story, but after being beaten to a pulp by the other party, Yao Han went through the trouble to look into Zhang Xuan's matters. As such, he knows of the affairs surrounding him clearly and accurately.

"You mean to say that... This Zhang Xuan laoshi had managed to pass the 1-star apothecary examination?

"Not just so, in order to help his students to achieve a breakthrough, he spent a great amount of money to purchase pills and medicinal solutions? Even... tailoring cultivation techniques for their individual needs... and requesting nothing in return?"

"Due to the immense fatigue from staying up for multiple nights to create all of the battle techniques, he fell asleep lying on the chair?"

Upon hearing Yao Han's words, the three master teachers widened their eyes in shock. Agitated, they clenched their fists tightly.

The basic responsibility of a teacher is to impart knowledge, skills, and clarify doubts. If one doesn't value his students, it is impossible for one to be a good teacher.

For his own students, this Zhang laoshi had made so many sacrifices... He even hid all of it from his students. Even as master teachers, they couldn't help but be astounded by Zhang Xuan's character.

Most importantly... He passed the apothecary examination and became an official apothecary!

"If one wants to take on the master teacher examination, one needs to have a supporting occupation. Since Zhang Xuan is an official apothecary, that means that if we accept him as our apprentice, he will be qualified to take on the master teacher examination with just a bit of guidance!"

The eyes of the three master teachers grew increasingly bright.

For a master teacher to guide others, they need to possess a fearsome amount of knowledge as a prerequisite. They have to be well-versed in various fields, to the point that they are qualified to become a member of their guild, or else, it would be impossible for them to offer concrete pointers.

Apothecaries are considered one of the top professions among the Upper Nine Paths. Given that Zhang Xuan is already an official apothecary, if he were to be paired with an acceptable teaching formula and knowledge system, it wouldn't be difficult for him to become a master teacher at all.

Even in Tier 2 and Tier 1 Kingdoms, such apprentices are vied for by numerous master teachers.

After all, it adds to a master teacher's prestige if one's student becomes a master teacher as well.

"He is strong; able to tolerate injustices for the sake of the bigger picture; willing to try new methods to teach his students; doesn't despair or panic when misunderstood; knowledgeable, but is willing to lie low, humble; willing to abandon his all for his students... This truly is a good master teacher bud!"

The more Liu Ling spoke, the brighter his eyes grew. "Zhuang shi, Zheng shi, since there's such a good teacher in Hongtian Academy, do you want to accompany me to take a look?"

"Liu shi, what are you talking about? It should be you accompanying me to take a look. I've been trying to look for such an apprentice all along." Zhuang shi chuckled.

"As a certified apothecary, I have an in-depth understanding of pill-forging. It would be the most fitting for him to become my apprentice..." Zheng Fei interjected.

Having heard the various outstanding deeds of Zhang Xuan, the three master teachers could no longer hold themselves back.

While teachers hope to strike up good relationships with master teachers, master teachers also hope to accept capable and upright teachers as apprentices.

Given how noble Zhang Xuan's character is, willing to give up his all for his students, not to mention that his potential far surpasses Lu Xun, how is it possible for the three master teachers remain unmoved?


Seeing how the three masters were squabbling with one another over Zhang Xuan so vehemently, Emperor Shen Zhui and Yao Han were astonished.

Other people try all means possible so that a master teacher spares a single glance at them, and yet, it is the direct opposite for this Zhang laoshi. The three master teachers hadn't met him yet, but they were already quarreling for him.

However, recalling all of the deeds that he had accomplished, he is indeed someone worthy for master teachers to vie over.

"Looks like I should try to get on close terms with this Zhang Xuan laoshi..."

Emperor Shen Zhui made up his mind secretly.

As the sovereign of the country, how can he give up on someone who wields such tremendous potential to become a master teacher?

"General Yao, inform Zhao Feng that he is free to come!"

At this point, he nodded his head immediately and consented to Yao Han's request.

Regardless of whether it is for this kingdom or for him, it is good news.

Through Zhao Ya, he should be able to easily tie Zhang Xuan laoshi onto Tianxuan Kingdom's chariot.

Once the kingdom possesses the backing of a true master teacher, the strength of the kingdom would be on the rise, and being promoted to a 2nd Tier Kingdom wouldn't just be a dream.

"Emperor Shen Zhui, we've decided to visit Hongtian Academy, so we won't be imposing on you for now!"

After a round of quarreling, the three master teacher decided to see firsthand if Zhang laoshi is as incredible as the rumors had put him out to be.

After all, rumors tend to be exaggerated. Only by seeing it for themselves will they be able to make the most accurate judgment of the person.

In any case, the other party also has the choice of choosing who he wants to acknowledge. Thus, it was pointless for them to argue here.

"Three master teachers, please feel free!"

Emperor Shen Zhui did not dare to hinder them, and he nodded his head in consent.

Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, and Zheng Fei stopped their incessant chatter and quickly headed outside, straight for Hongtian Academy.

"Lu Xun..."

Watching the three master teachers leave for Zhang Xuan, Emperor Shen Zhui thought of Lu Xun, who had left earlier, and shook his head.

From cultivation to knowledge, character and teaching skills, the impression of the three master teachers, as well as reputation...

This number one star teacher in Hongtian Academy has lost in every aspect...

A complete defeat!





Chapter 193: That's Yang shi?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Oblivious to the fact that the impression that Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers had of them had been ruined, Lu Xun and Wang Chao headed toward Yang shi's residence, their faces beaming with excitement.

They were mocked and insulted previously due to their lack of money. Now that they have three million in their hands, no one would dare to stop them!

"Later, when we meet Yang shi, just dive straight into the main topic. Say that we're willing to become his apprentice and that we will serve him well."

Lu Xun deliberated on the possible scenarios when they meet Yang Shi before concluding, "For Liu shi and the others to be so much in awe of him, he must have reached at least 2-star or even higher. If we were to beat around the bush, we might incur his irritation instead. Rather, it might be better if we are straightforward!"

A master teacher has incredibly sharp eyes. It is best not to put on an act before such a person, otherwise, they would definitely be the ones to get unlucky.

Once they incur the wrath of Yang shi, it would be out of the question for them to become his apprentices.

"You're right!" Wang Chao nodded his head in agreement.

"Right, Wang Chao. You said that Elder Wang Chong learned a new spear technique, and he spent quite a bit of money for it. What happened?"

Suddenly recalling the matter, Lu Xun asked.

"Just a few days ago, my father was training in seclusion, so I was unable to reach him. I only came to know about the matter after asking the butler. He said that an expert visited the residence, and my old man spent millions as tuition fee to learn a single spear technique from the other party. Honestly, I can't imagine what kind of technique can be worth that much money."

Wang Chao shook his head unhappily.

As a clan of spear masters, even though they possessed considerable properties, taking out a few million at once would still rattle the family's foundations. He didn't know why his father went mad all of a sudden, paying such a huge sum.

"No one surpasses Elder Wang Chong's understanding of the spear in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom. Since he was willing to take out so much money, it must mean that this spear technique is remarkable. You must learn it well." Lu Xun viewed the matter from a different perspective.

Given the reputation Wang Chong enjoys in Tianxuan Kingdom, even being praised by Emperor Shen Zhui personally, his comprehension of spearmanship has reached an astonishing level. For such an incredible expert to be willing to pay so huge a price, how is it possible that the spear art be anything ordinary?

"I would like to learn it as well, but father refuses to teach it to me. According to the butler, father promised to only impart the spear art to another clan member with the creator's permission. Hence, anyone who tries to learn it secretly will be punished severely!"

Wang Chao pouted.

He felt extremely discontented upon mentioning the matter.

His father had been practicing that mysterious spear technique madly, and Wang Chao knew of it but wasn't allowed to learn. As such, he felt incredibly frustrated within and could only vent his frustration through complaining.

"The Wang Clan's spearmanship tops the entire kingdom, and it is known by all to be a top-notch battle technique. I don't think that the expert's spearmanship will be any stronger. Most probably, the elder is looking for a chance to make another breakthrough!"

After offering him a word of consolation, Lu Xun was about to continue speaking when he suddenly saw Wang Chao gesturing toward their back. Puzzled, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look, that's the arrogant fellow from the royal palace!"

Wang Chao pointed to his back

Turning around, he saw the middle-aged man dressed in fur coat and silk hat walking in the same direction.

Who else can it be other than that noisy fellow?

"Since he's able to sit alongside the three master teachers and His Majesty, even though his mouth is vile, he must possess an extraordinary identity. Let's not provoke him and focus on our matter instead!"

Sensing that his good buddy was about to pick a fight with the other party, Lu Xun immediately persuaded him otherwise.

Even though he had never met that middle-aged man, he was unlikely to be an ordinary person for him to dare to interrupt his conversation with Emperor Shen Zhui.

But... so what about it?

They are star teachers with backing from powerful clans and are considered influential celebrities in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom. No matter how influential the other party might possibly be, it means nothing at all before them.

"Un, I understand. But... Why does it seem like he is following us?"

Wang Chao felt puzzled. He glanced backward once more to look at the other party.

While the duo was speaking, they had turned at several corners, but the fellow was still behind them. What else can this be other than following?

"Perhaps he wishes to pay a visit to Yang shi as well. Let's not talk anymore. Butler Sun is at the door, let's go pay him the sum..."

Lu Xun shook his head. He didn't want any troubles before acknowledging Yang shi as his master. After turning at two more corners, Yang shi's mansion appeared before them. There were many people still queuing at the entrance, and Butler Sun Qiang happened to be at the door as well.

Wang Chao immediately walked over with his head held high and chest protruding. Putting on a haughty look, he squeezed through the crowd and handed the three million which he had just borrowed forward.

"Butler Sun, here is the fee for both of us to pay a visit to Yang shi. Now you can let us in, right?"

Didn't you just mock us for being poor blokes?

In just a short hour, we've brought the money here. This is called... slapping your face in public!

In their minds, they imagined that Sun Qiang's face would darken, and he would assume a subservient attitude, bending his back and fawning on them... But the plump man frowned instead. Without even turning to look at them, his chubby hands waved impatiently, "Where did all of your nonsense come from? Didn't I say just now? From now on, Yang shi won't be accepting anymore money. It doesn't matter how much you pay. So, for those whose names aren't called, don't cause any trouble here and scram!"


Rage surged through Wang Chao, and he nearly vomited blood.

As one of the members of the top echelon of Tianxuan Kingdom, he is highly respected no matter where he went. Even Emperor Shen Zhui has to treat him with considerable respect. Yet, a mere butler dared to tell him to scram, not once, but twice. The strong sense of humiliation infuriated him so greatly that he was about to erupt.

"Sun Qiang, do you know who you're talking to?"

With a darkened face, he walked forward and spat through gritted teeth.

"Oh? It's Wang Chao laoshi..."

Only now did Sun Qiang clearly see the other party's face, and he lifted his eyebrows, "Why, you brought the money here this time?"

On the previous occasion, he was hesitant because of the other party's identity as a celebrity teacher. However, after seeing that the old master was completely unbothered by the matter, he realized that it doesn't matter whether one is a noble or a celebrity teacher.

If you listen obediently, I'll speak up for you. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who you are!

The moment Wang Chao heard Sun Qiang's reply, he nearly passed out from rage.

The heck!

What do you mean by that look of contempt!

What do you mean by " you brought the money here this time"?

If those who don't know better were to hear, they would think that I had come multiple times shamelessly without money...

"Wang Chao, calm down!"

Upon realizing that his friend was about to explode, Lu Xun shook his head and took a step forward.

Even though this friend of his has good talent and is skilled in teaching others, he is hot-tempered and due to this trait, had got into plenty of trouble in the past.

If he hadn't stepped in, it is likely that Wang Chao would have really turned violent.

Beating up this fellow means sullying Yang shi's dignity. Not only will Yang shi not admit them as apprentices, he might just drive them away.

Holding back his agitated friend, Lu Xun clasped his hands and smiled, "Butler Sun, I don't there's any need to introduce us anymore. It is our fault for not bringing the money here previously, so we brought the money this time along with the name scroll. May I trouble you to report this matter to Yang shi? If he truly refuses to meet with us, we will give up on the idea and bother you no more."

With a single look, it was clear that Sun Qiang was a typical street person. Arguing with him would just make things more and more complicated, so Lu Xun decided to avoid unnecessary trouble and dive straight into the topic.

"Old master has instructed that I am not to accept any more name scrolls; other than those who have paid previously, no one is allowed to enter. However, since you two are celebrity teachers, I will play the good man and..."

Satisfied with Lu Xun's words, Sun Qiang nodded his head. Halfway through his words, he suddenly noticed that the old master had reached the gates. He pushed open the gates and walked into the courtyard.

Actually, Sun Qiang's tantrum a moment earlier was to conceal the fact that the old master wasn't at the mansion. Upon seeing him return, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was about to enter the mansion delightfully when he heard an incensed bellow resounding.

"Butler Sun, what do you mean by this? We've paid the money and handed over the name scroll, but you still refuse to allow us to enter. Yet, why is that fellow able to enter directly, even without having to address you?"

Wang Chao was truly angered.

When we didn't bring money, you criticized us and mocked us in public. Now that we've brought money, you still deny us entry. We would have just accepted the fact if everyone is subjected to the same treatment, but what is with that fellow with a fur coat and silk hat?

Without submitting a name scroll or paying anything, he was allowed to enter just like that. What rights does he have to do so? Just because he's rich? Just because Emperor Shen Zhui regards him highly?

Didn't you say that no one can enter?

What happened to the righteous words that you spoke of earlier?

Wang Chao was so furious that if anger were visible, a pillar of red would split the heavens.

However, right after he said those words, the surrounding crowd turned to look at him immediately, as though they were staring at an idiot. Their eyes were filled with pity.

Looking at those glances, Lu Xun suddenly thought of something. His body shuddered uncontrollably and his complexion turned awful. He turned to Sun Qiang and asked, "Butler Sun, the person who has just entered is..."

"It's our old master!" Sun Qiang harrumphed coldly.

"Yang shi?"

Lu Xun felt as though lightning bolts had struck him, and his entire body swayed.

The furious Wang Chao seemed as though he had been slapped on his face. The words that he had wanted to say, in a split second, all jammed in his mouth. His face turned pale, and he quivered uncontrollably.

That's Yang shi?

And we scolded him back in the palace for being too noisy?

He tried to advise us out of kindness, but we simply disregarded his words out of indignance and even wanted to teach him a lesson...

What... What is going on?

Lu Xun and Wang Chao felt the world begin to spin around them, slowly crumbling apart.


Even though Lu Xun and Wang Chao were prestigious figures in the eyes of many, the two of them celebrity teachers of Hongtian Academy, as Zhang Xuan had come into contact with numerous top individuals within the kingdom in the past few days, their identities were far from being eye-catching.

Looking at them now, they seem nothing more than conceited young men.

It didn't matter to Zhang Xuan whether the duo was traumatized. It sufficed to leave the matter to Sun Qiang; Zhang Xuan could not be bothered.

At this moment, he was sitting on his bed with a grim expression.

After studying the Heaven's Path Poison Art, he had gained an in-depth knowledge of that topic. At the same time, he noticed a bizarre black poison aura within his body.

In the royal palace, he was busy helping Shen Hong to reach Zongshi realm and as such, he didn't have the leisure to look into the matter back then. Now that he is back at his mansion, he is anxious to take a look at it to find out what is going on!

He has been healthy all along, so why is there poison aura lingering in his body?

When did it sneak into his body?

Puzzled, he focused his attention on the black poison aura.

That black poison aura was hidden between his organs and meridians, making it hard to detect. If not for the fact that he had studied Heaven's Path Poison Art and gained an in-depth understanding of poison, he would have never noticed it.

"What kind of poison is this? Why... haven't I seen it before?"

Taking a closer look at it, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows knitted together.

There were more than a thousand books on poison in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, and the various types of poison, their nature, and their scent were all recorded within. Yet, the black poison aura in his body did not match any single one of those written in the books.





Chapter 194: Three Shocked Master Teachers (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

That is to say, this black aura is a lethal poison which he doesn't recognize.

What exactly is it?

"Let's see if I can expel it!"

With a grim expression, Zhang Xuan propelled the zhenqi within his body.

Even though he has no idea what the poison aura is capable of, it would eventually pose to be a threat if left untreated in his body like that. Since he has become aware of it now, he has to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Otherwise, with a ticking time bomb within him, he will never feel at ease.

The books did detail how can one use his zhenqi to expel poison, and it isn't a difficult process. After spending a brief moment immersed in his thoughts, he mastered the skill.


Upon seeing the surge of zhenqi, the black aura, as though it had met its nemesis, dived into his meridians and hid immediately.

"It doesn't work at all..."

Zhang Xuan's face darkened.

This poison aura is simply too formidable. To think that it is capable of hiding from the assault of zhenqi. At this moment, it had only dived into his meridians, so it isn't particularly critical. However, if it were to have dived frenziedly into an important organ, Zhang Xuan would have probably died before he can even react to it.

To be able to avoid zhenqi as though it possesses intelligence, what poison is this?

Furthermore, when was I poisoned?

Since he was unable to find any records of the poison in the Book Collection Vault, this meant that it is a poison exclusive to the higher tier kingdoms.

Yet, such a poison aura... was found in his body.

Zhang Xuan felt increasingly baffled.

He tried using all kinds of detoxification method, but upon seeing that none of them were effective, he had no choice but to give up temporarily.

It seems that the black aura is extremely fearful of his zhenqi, so it should not dare to cause any trouble for the time being. Otherwise, he couldn't have survived for so long without noticing it.

However, even though there isn't any threat on his life for the time being, how he was poisoned is a huge issue. It is one thing if he had accidentally come into contact with the poison, but if it were the intentional doing of someone else and he was oblivious, this would be altogether a different matter.

The enemy's first attempt had failed, so that means that there'll be a second try.

"I've to first ascertain whether I was afflicted before or after my arrival and whether it is an intentional act. At the very least, I can be on my guard!"

Warily, Zhang Xuan glanced at the black aura once more and examined it... Eventually, he failed to discover anything new.

It isn't because Zhang Xuan is dumb, but... because the poison is simply too advanced. It is beyond what Tianxuan Kingdom understands, making it impossible for Zhang Xuan to identify it, and even less so, figure out when he was afflicted and who the culprit is.

"I should try using the Library of Heaven's Path!"

Just as Zhang Xuan was about to give up, a thought suddenly appeared in his head.

Even though he is unable to personally discern anything, it doesn't mean that the library will be helpless as well.

To trigger the Library of Heaven's Path and compile a book on something or someone, he needs to touch the object with his fingers or witness a person execute a battle technique. Since the poison aura is hidden in his meridians, it is impossible to touch. As for getting it to execute a battle technique... Cough cough, that is even more ridiculous.

However, verifying the answer to some basic questions isn't difficult for Zhang Xuan.

Grabbing a blank book, Zhang Xuan took out his brush and started writing. "The poison aura in my body only appeared after my reincarnation, and it is an intentional act!"

When Zhang Xuan's finger touched the book, an identical book appeared in his head.

Casually flipping it open, the flaws of the statement he wrote appeared.

After reading through the contents, Zhang Xuan's face darkened.

Based on the feedback from the Library of Heaven's Path, the poison aura was already in this body before his reincarnation, and it was an intentional doing!

That means that... someone wanted to kill him.

"Could it be that... the death of my previous self isn't because of alcoholism and depression, but because of... this poison?"

He had been feeling perplexed over this matter for quite some time. How could a zhenqi realm pinnacle expert die just from drinking alcohol? From the looks of it, it seems that wasn't the case at all.

Thus, Zhang Xuan wrote all kinds of conjectures onto the book.

An unknown period of time had passed before Zhang Xuan put down his brush.

After half day of testing his conjecture, he had obtained a rough idea of the entire matter.

His previous self had indeed died from poisoning, and that opened the path for his reincarnation.

The reason why he had been fine after the reincarnation is because the Heaven's Path zhenqi he cultivated is too pure. The poison aura feared it instinctively and was forced to a corner, unable to budge at all. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Zhang Xuan to survive to this date.

That is to say, the reason why Zhang Xuan could live to this moment is that he was diligent. Otherwise, without sufficient zhenqi, the poison aura would have counterattacked immediately and Zhang Xuan would have died from poisoning.

"Looks like another mess my previous self left me..."

After settling the problem regarding the Teacher Qualification Examination, Zhang Xuan thought that he would gain freedom and would be able to live a carefree life. Yet now, he realized that he had been simplifying things.

As long as the black aura lingers in his body, he would be in danger.

"I've to find a way to identify the person who wants to kill me."

If the person who wished to kill him conceals himself, it would be impossible for Zhang Xuan to locate him. However, if the other party dares to make another move, using the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan would be able to identify even his ancestors.

Thus, Zhang Xuan didn't feel fear in the least and was merely puzzled.

His previous self was just an orphan who didn't even have a relative. Not to mention, he also possessed trashy talent. Having not offended anyone, who in the world would use poison that one couldn't even find in Tianxuan Kingdom to kill him?

Given that the person was able to acquire such an advanced poison, he definitely boasts of some capability. Rather than going through so much effort, why didn't he just kill him straight?

Aren't his actions, as though taking off one's pants to fart, excessive?

Since Zhang Xuan could not make sense of the matter, he decided not to mull over it anymore. Without any clue who the person that poisoned him is, musing over the matter is futile. The best he can do now is to find a method to dispel the poison in his body.

"In order to dispel the poison, I have to first know what poison it is. There are too little books regarding poison in Tianxuan Kingdom. Looks like I have to head to a place with more books..."

Possessing the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan can treat himself as long as he is able to access sufficient books on poison.

However, such books aren't easy to find. Zhang Xuan had read through the entire collection in the royal palace, but it is far from sufficient. As such, it is unlikely that any normal book here would be useful.

After all, this poison is too advanced, so advanced that it can't be found in Tianxuan Kingdom.

Since the poison doesn't exist here, how can the solution be found here?

To rid himself of the poison, Zhang Xuan will have to head for the higher tier kingdoms to look for more books on poison.

"I should greet the three master teachers and inquire them about it later on..."

Even though Zhang Xuan is completely ignorant of the affairs of other lands, the three master teachers, in contrast, must be very familiar.

They hail from higher tier kingdoms and travel often. Thus, they definitely know more about the other lands than him.

"There's no need for me to panic. I should first solve the issues here."

Since his Heaven's Path zhenqi suppresses the poison aura, preventing it from acting up, he should be safe for the time being. Thus, Zhang Xuan shook his head, stretched his back, and gestured for Sun Qiang to call the next person in.


"Liu shi, why do we have to change our clothes?"

The three master teachers were walking on the pavement in Hongtian Academy. Looking at the clothes they were wearing, Zheng Fei couldn't help but ask.

He usually donned the robe of a master teacher, and regardless of where he went, others always treated him with the utmost respect. It felt weird to be dressed in casual clothes all of the sudden.

"The master teacher robe is too eye-catching. If we were to wear it here, Zhang Xuan laoshi would definitely rush here at first time's notice and act obediently and respectfully around us. If that's the case, how can we see his true character?"

Liu Ling spoke.

"Indeed. It is a good idea to conceal our identity. This way, we can see his true personality!" Zhuang Xian nodded his head in agreement.

Zheng Fei came to a realization as well.

Having changed into the clothes of an ordinary person and suppressed their cultivation, no one would guess that they are master teachers. People would simply think of them as ordinary elders.

Only under such circumstances will they be able to peer into the truth.

Soon, after asking about, they arrived at Zhang Xuan's classroom.

"This classroom is way too small!"

Observing the classroom before their eyes, Liu Ling and company frowned.

They had seen the scale of Hongtian Academy for themselves on their way here, and even the most ordinary teacher possesses a classroom several hundred meters square large. Yet, the classroom before them isn't even a hundred meter square large. Regardless of infrastructure or design, they are exceptionally simple and shabby.

With a single glance, it was clear that this is the worst facility in the entire academy.

"Seems like that Zhang laoshi isn't treated very well in the academy!"

With such poor conditions, it is truly a wonder how Zhang laoshi manages to tolerate. If it were them, they would have long fallen out with the academy, flung their robes, and resigned.

"To be able to remain calm, humble, and motivated under such conditions, it seems that he places his responsibilities above his pride. I am impressed."

Liu Ling expressed his heartfelt thoughts.

Despite being subjected to unfair treatment, the other party doesn't bear any resentment or vent any frustration on his students. To not allow such humiliation get in the way of his character, that is truly impressive.

"Cousin Wang Tao, I still don't understand what Zhang laoshi spoke about the convergence of spirit energy. Can you explain it to me once more?"

Walking toward the classroom, before they even entered it, they could hear questioning voices from the grass patch before the entrance.

The three men stopped in their footsteps.

"Alright. However, Zhang laoshi's words were exceptionally profound and I understood less than a tenth of it. In any case, I have made a note, so how about we study it together?" The senior known as Wang Tao hesitated for a moment before replying.

"Great!" The first voice chirped delightfully.

"Look, this is what Zhang laoshi said. In Juxi realm, one should view one's own body as a part of the natural flow of spiritual energy in the air and converge them together into one's body instead of forcefully absorbing it. This way, one will be able to better store spiritual energy and the rate of absorption of spiritual energy will increase. Back then, Zhang laoshi brought up ten methods to do so, but I only remember three of them. We can study them together. Look at the first one..."

Wang Tao's voice echoed from the classroom.

"View one's own body as a part of the natural flow of spiritual energy in the air?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, the three master teachers became shocked. Their astonishment reflected on their faces.

"I've heard of this theory from my teacher... That Zhang Xuan laoshi is capable of speaking such profound logic as well?"

Liu Ling's jaws dropped.

Whether one is truly an expert, his performance will tell. As master teachers, they stand at the very pinnacle of the occupation of teachers. Naturally, they hold a deep knowledge about imparting knowledge, and they are also capable of telling right from wrong.

Even though they hadn't sat through Zhang Xuan's lesson, judging the conversation between the two students alone, they were able to tell that Zhang laoshi's theories are innovative, correct, and straightforward.

Even they themselves find it hard to conduct a lesson of such standard.

The theories brought up by the duo weren't incredibly profound, but they point straight to the essence of Juxi realm. It felt as though they were standing before a vast ocean, endless and unimaginably deep. The more they listened, the more it was beneficial to their cultivation. They had benefited greatly from the exchange.

As the three master teachers continued to listen, they became increasingly amazed. Rooted to the spot, they shuddered with agitation.





Chapter 195: Three Shocked Master Teachers (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"To be capable of analyzing a mere Juxi realm so thoroughly, it seems that Zhang laoshi's comprehension toward cultivation isn't something that I can match up to. He has long reached the [Enlightenment] realm."

After eavesdropping on the conversation of the duo for another moment, Liu Ling could not help but say.

"To be enlightened means to have grasped the laws of the world. In the Enlightenment realm, one's cultivation would have reached Zongshi realm. Only at that realm will one form his own school of understanding toward cultivation. Could it be that Zhang Xuan has already reached Zongshi realm?"

Zhuang Xian found it unbelievable.

"It is not that only Zongshi experts are able to reach the Enlightenment realm. Some incredible teachers, through their comprehension and study of cultivation, manage to form schools of their own. By imparting the knowledge and theories they have compiled to their students, they are able to enlighten their student to the truth, thus massively benefitting their students. Such teachers are absolutely rare and hard to find in the world. To think that this Zhang laoshi would be one of them..."

At this point, Liu Ling's eyes grew increasingly bright. He couldn't help but mutter, "Such a talented bud!"

"Indeed. Even for me, I can't help but feel excited listening to his theories toward cultivation! To be able to describe the complex subject of cultivation in the simplest words such that anyone will be able to understand it. His standard is indeed astounding." Zhuang Xian nodded his head.

"If one were to cultivate according to his theory, improvements would definitely be swift. One probably won't exceed a year in breaking through Fighter 1-dan Juxi realm!" Zheng Fei commented.

"However, it is a pity that we're just listening by the side. We are only qualified to attend the most basic lectures of Zhang laoshi. If we were taught by him personally, we might have already achieved a breakthrough!"

The three master teachers were wallowing in their awe for Zhang Xuan when they suddenly heard the voices before them echoing once more.

"Listening by the side? Those two... are only listening in on his lesson?"

The three master teachers stared at one another as their minds were blown once again.

There are different types of students under the tutelage of a teacher. There are students who listen in, normal students, and direct disciples. Initially, given how the duo was discussing cultivation methods, the three master teachers thought that they were true disciples of Zhang laoshi, and thus, they had been imparted with the purest and most profound theories. However, upon hearing 'listening in' did they realize that they are just the most basic students under his tutelage.

If a listener student can learn such profound theories, it would be hard to imagine what his normal students and true disciples will be able to achieve.

"Indeed. When Younger Sister Wang Ying first started to learn under Zhang Xuan, she was only Juxi realm primary stage. After coming under the personal tutelage of Zhang laoshi, in a short ten days, her cultivation rose swiftly, and she succeeded in reaching Dantian realm yesterday night!"

"I'm truly envious. Say, why was I so foolish back then? Why was I so obsessed with coming under Lu laoshi's tutelage before? If only I had joined Zhang laoshi earlier, I would have long achieved a breakthrough as well..."

The two continued to chat, and their tone revealed their envy for the other students.


"She reached Dantian realm from Juxi realm in ten short days?"

Upon hearing the words of the duo, the three master teachers felt as though they were struck by a massive hammer on their head. They thought that they were going insane.

In Fighter 1-dan, one gathers spiritual energy and circulate it around his body to nourish and open meridians. Without accomplishing all of these thoroughly, it is impossible for to reach Dantian realm. In other words, there are no shortcuts whatsoever for this realm.

Thus, without years of hard work, it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough from this realm; even for them, without half a year, it is impossible for them to help their students do so.

Yet, a breakthrough in ten days?

The three master teachers were astonished, unable to believe what they had just heard.

If that is true, doesn't that mean that Zhang Xuan's ability to teach is superior to theirs?

How is that possible?

Boom boom boom!

They were feeling uncertain when the ground below them started to quake.

"It's Yuan Tao. That fellow is probably knocking against walls again... Let's go and take a look!"

Wang Tao's words sounded in the air. Soon, their footsteps grew faint as they gradually walked into the distance.

"Yuan Tao? Isn't that the fellow who scored the worst for the entrance examinations?" Zhuang shi couldn't help but ask.

On their way here, they had inquired about Zhang laoshi's affairs and found out that he had accepted five students. As the student with the worst result during the entrance examination, Yuan Tao was especially conspicuous and, as such, the three master teachers had a deep impression of him.

"Yes, let's go. We'll take a look as well."

Liu Ling gestured and the trio followed the sound of the footsteps before them.

They are all Half-Zongshi experts. It is impossible them to be discovered by the two students.

After several dozen meters, they stopped after a corner and a few figures appeared before them.

They saw a fatty who was charging furiously toward a wall. Every time he rams against it, the ground trembles vigorously.

"What incredible defensive ability! With such extraordinary defensive capability, even a Fighter 6-dan Pixue realm expert would find it hard to break through..."

Seeing the fatty's actions, the three master teachers were once again, blown out of their minds.

While Wang Tao and Wang Yan's do not have sufficiently discerning eyes and are unable to judge how strong Yuan Tao's defense truly is, but they, as master teachers, are able to tell with a single look. Even for them, they would take quite a bit of effort to break through the fatty's defense.

For the student who was the last in the entrance examination to possess such overwhelming defense all of the sudden...

The three master teachers felt their head unable to cope with the sudden turn of situations.

"Quick, look over there..."

Zheng Fei suddenly said.

Following the direction where he was pointing, Liu Ling and Zhuang Xian saw a sixteen to seventeen-year-old little girl executing a kick toward a wooden pole which was around a bowl thick, as though a superior bow with its bowstring pulled tautly was released.


The wooden pole broke into two.

"What a powerful leg technique. There must be at least 400kg of strength behind her kick. Not only so, her turn, leg raise, strength exertion, and hip twist... All of her movements were seamlessly coordinated as one. This shows that she has at least immersed herself in leg techniques for seven to eight years. Otherwise, it is impossible for one to reach such a level!" Liu Ling praised.

Even though it was just an ordinary kick, it revealed the good foundations the lady possessed. Without years of hard work, it is impossible to reach such a level.

"Is this Zhang Xuan's student as well? But why didn't we hear about him having a female student who is adept in leg techniques when we asked around?"

Zhuang Xian couldn't help but ask.

Zhang laoshi only has five students, and as such, it wasn't difficult to find out what his students are adept at. However, they had never heard of him having a female student who is adept at leg techniques.

"Wang Ying, to think that your leg techniques would become so powerful right after your legs recovered!"

The two young men who were in the classroom previously walked over and complimented her.

"Wang Ying? She's that Wang Ying whose legs are injured?"

Liu Ling almost fell to the ground.

As the daughter of Clan Head Wang Hong, Wang Ying's leg injury wasn't any secret. They had heard the news, but... if her legs had been injured, how can she exert such powerful strength through them?

Furthermore, he had just confidently claimed that the other party must have trained for at least seven to eight years to have built up such a solid foundation for her leg skills. Yet, to think that she had been just treated of her injury...

The heck! How can someone whose legs were just treated exert such powerful strength that can destroy a wooden pole so thick with a single kick?

Why does it feel like a dream?

Liu Ling felt a fiery sensation on his face, and that he was on the verge of going berserk.

While he found the event embarrassing, the other two master teachers didn't have the leisure to bother about that. They were staring in another direction with widened eyes.

"Liu shi..."

Due to his anxiety, Zheng Fei's voice quivered.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that his two friends weren't going to pester him for his judgemental error, Liu Ling heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he turned over to look at them two.

"Look over there..."

Zheng Fei pointed.

Puzzled, Liu Ling lifted his head and peered over.

The other party was pointing toward a young man. At that moment, he held a spear in his hand and was standing motionless on the spot, resembling a statue.

"What's wrong?"

He wasn't sure what the other party was trying to point out.

That is a posture which spear users often stand in to feel their spear. Those who love to use spears would often stand in such a position to feel the connection between their body and the spear... logically, there shouldn't be anything weird about the situation.

"It's not his actions, it's..."

Zheng Fei wanted to explain, but before he could finish his words, the spear-carrying young man suddenly moved.

There wasn't the slightest hesitation in his movements. As though a dragon rising from the sea, his eyes gleamed with might. In an instant, the tranquil young man seemed to have transformed into another person. It was as if he became an incredibly sharp and taut spear that was capable of even piercing through the heavens.

"This is..."

Liu Ling staggered backward. Flabbergasted, his eyes narrowed to the point that they were as thin as needles. "Spear Intent? Achieving Spear Intent at such a young age?"

As a master teacher, it was natural that he knew of Spear Intent. He had also once seen a master displaying it.

However, those who are capable of releasing Spear Intent are, at a minimum, forty-year-old. The teenager before him exuded a domineering aura along with the movement of his spear, and it is clear that he has comprehended Spear Intent... Even though it is the most basic of it all... that is still Spear Intent!

How did he do it?

Liu Ling felt his entire body turn cold.

This should be the student who specializes in using the spear, Zheng Yang. Back then, given how he was rejected by Wang Chao laoshi, he was probably only capable of the fundamentals. Yet, in just ten days or so, Zhang laoshi had turned him into a spear master capable of releasing Spear Intent...

This is no longer a question of whether he is a capable educator. But... it's a miracle!

Lifting his head to look at his old buddies, the two of them, Zhuang Xian and Zheng Fei, were also standing in a daze on the spot. The same thought had popped into their minds simultaneously.

This Zhang Xuan laoshi... who exactly is he?