

Chapter 185: I'll Learn For a Bit

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

He didn't think that after feigning as a master teacher for so long, such that everyone had already believed him to be real... that he would stumble on the lack of trivial knowledge.

If he knew that there aren't any poison masters in Tianxuan Kingdom, he would have never said such words!

Even though there are books on poison in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, they are more for record purposes. They are fundamental books on the uses of poisons, just like the elementary books in the Apothecary Guild's basic tier book collection vault. Advanced concepts for poison masters are not covered. Thus, Zhang Xuan was ignorant of such facts.

It is no wonder that Liu Ling and the others are growing doubtful of him. He doesn't even possess basic knowledge that even commoners are aware of.

Even though he felt dismal at giving himself away, Zhang Xuan knows that the dice has been cast, and it is too late to regret now. If he were to say that he can't treat the old ancestor, the others would definitely think that he's an impersonation. Probably, before Emperor Shen Zhui can make a move himself, the master teachers would have already made mincemeat out of him.

Even so, Zhang Xuan did not panic. He lifted his head slightly and a faraway look appeared in his eyes. It seemed as though he was reminiscing the past, and that many different memories and emotions, be it sweet or bitter, had been dredged up.

"I have neglected this fact. I thought that I am where I had stayed a few years ago..."

From an outsider's perspective, one would think that he had truly forgotten that he is in Tianxuan Kingdom, and he had truly misspoken.


Upon seeing his expression, question marks appeared above Liu Ling and the others.

Since there were poison masters in his previous place of dwelling, it means that the kingdom he had resided in is, at the minimum. 1st Tier. However, they had been to nearby 1st Tier Kingdoms, but have never heard of the name 'Yang Xuan'...

"Do you know how to concoct this medicine? If so, it would be best if you can make one now. I require it urgently to save a life."

Seeing that he had managed to divert their attention, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

Facing Shen Hong, who is a single foot into his grave, he truly is stumped. He can only find a way to induce a temporary recovery of the other party and have him execute a battle technique.

Otherwise, if things were to drag on, he might just die before a remedy can be found.

"Make one now?"

Liu Ling shook his head. "Seems like Yang shi really doesn't know much about poison masters. Honestly speaking, the formula for the medicine is simple. It contains only ten type of venoms, and I can recite them by heart. However, to achieve a balance among the ten venoms such that there isn't any side effect and heighten a person's vitality, one has to be an extremely skilled poison master. Thus, it is useless even though I know the recipe!"

Concocting poison is similar to how an apothecary forges a pill. Regardless of skill or the amount of herb used, the slightest mistake can result in a vast difference from the intended effects.

This is precisely the reason why even though the reputation of poison masters are terrible, they remain a highly feared existence.

In fact, there are many powers who specially hire them to deal with matters which are not convenient for them to directly interfere in.

"You can't concoct it even though you know the recipe?" Zhang Xuan glanced at him. "How about this, you write down the formula first so that we can bring the ingredients required for the concoction."

"Since Yang shi insists, I will follow your wishes."

Liu Ling said no more. After getting someone to bring paper and brush, he quickly wrote down the ingredients.

Zhang Xuan glanced at the recipe.

Monothorn Grass, Demise Flower, venomous extract from a White Bamboo Snake, blood from a Black Toad

There are ten ingredients in total, and each of them is extremely venomous. Any single one of them is more than sufficient to poison a Tongxuan realm expert to death in an instant.

However, when the ten of them are mixed together in a unique ratio, it can become an incredible tonic. The methods of a poison master are indeed incredible.

Even if an ingredient on the list isn't present in the royal palace, it wasn't too difficult to search for it. Not too long later, all of the required ingredients were placed before Zhang Xuan. Every single ingredient was deeply colored and the sight induced fear.

"What is the use of having found these ingredients? Without a poison master to concoct the mixture, they are just venomous substances that are useless in saving lives..."

Doubtful, Zheng Fei commented.

Finding these ingredients had squandered them quite a bit of time. Shen Hong, at this moment, is on the verge of collapsing. Yang shi was invited over to see if he can help Shen Hong achieve a breakthrough to extend his longevity, so why is he bothering about such matters? Isn't it a waste of time?

"Indeed, Shen Hong's condition is indeed troublesome. We should be putting our heads to think of a solution instead. Even though recovering Shen Hong's vitality might help, we don't have anyone capable of concocting the medicine now!"

Even Zhuang Xian could not stand watching on.

He is indebted in Yang shi and shouldn't have doubted the other party's intention. However, from his perspective, what the other party was doing seemed to be meaningless. The most urgent matter at hand is to help Shen Hong achieve a breakthrough, not to bother about this.

"You already said it, the medicine is useful. If so, we just have to concoct it. In any case, we know what ingredients are required, so it doesn't matter if we have a poison master here. Even without a poison master here, we will save him!"

Interrupting the other person's words, Zhang Xuan smiled.

"But... We don't understand the nature of these venoms..." Zhuang Xian panicked. "If a mistake occurs, the subject will be poisoned to death immediately. If that happens, it will be impossible to make amends..."

"Alright, if we don't know, we can learn. If we can't concoct it, we can give it a try. There's no need to make such a big fuss!"

Zhang Xuan waved his hands nonchalantly.



Emperor Shen Zhui, Liu Ling, and the others staggered simultaneously. They nearly fainted on the spot.

Brother, you don't even know who a poison master is! How in the world are you going to learn about poison?

Such last minute mugging, there has to be a better solution!

Every single occupation requires one to receive guidance from a teacher. Only after several years of dedicated research and learning can one have accomplishments in the field. Yet, you speak of learning it now? Learn your head!

Don't joke around!

Even though the poison master is a Lower Nine Paths occupation, it doesn't mean that it is easy to comprehend. Rather, it was due to its poor reputation that it fell from prestige. In fact, the difficulty of becoming a poison master is in no way easier than that of becoming an apothecary.

After all, one needs to have an in-depth knowledge of the property of the various poisons. Otherwise, one wouldn't be concocting medicine but committing suicide.

Thus, every single poison master has to go through countless years of effort before finally becoming certified... Yet, you say that you want to learn now...

By the time you are done, Shen Hong's flesh would have withered... By then, there's no one here for you to save!

The others felt the world spinning around them. On the other hand, Shen Hong, who was lying on the bed, was on the verge of tears.

The heck, how did I offend you?

I just want to live for a few more years to protect Tianxuan Kingdom... First, you want to knock me out. Now, you want to poison me to death. At most, I'll just die right now, so spare me, will you?

I beg of you, stop torturing me...

"Yang shi, tinkering with poison isn't child's play. It's best not to toy around with them..."

Liu Ling could no longer hold himself back and immediately tried to persuade Yang shi otherwise.

If you don't have a solution for Shen Hong's problem, at most, you can just admit that you are helpless. What are you trying by playing with sedatives and poison?

Do you think that poison can be concocted that easily?

If it were that easy, poison masters wouldn't be such a feared existences.

"I know that it isn't child's play, so give me a moment. I'll study for a bit first..."

Zhang Xuan nodded his head seriously...

"Study... for a bit first?"

Your head!

The three master teachers nearly fainted.

"Fine, we'll see how you study then..."

Liu Ling flung his robe furiously.

Initially, he thought that given Yang shi is a knowledgeable person. Even though his means are inconceivable, his ability to perceive the crux of the problem is astonishing. But now, it seems that he is merely an extremely random person, such that he is even trying to learn about concocting poison now...

The heck!

If you are that incredible, why don't you ascend to the heavens?

I have seen numerous master teachers, and have even met a 3-star. However, I've never heard of anyone being able to grasp an occupation from scratch in a short period of time.


Just like Liu shi, even though Zheng Fei did not say anything, his complexion was awful. Clearly, he was dissatisfied with Zhang Xuan's actions.

Who are poison masters?

Even among the Nine Paths, it is an extremely famous occupation. If one can become one that easily, it would be worthless.

"Un? Didn't he say that he is going to learn about poison now? What is he trying to do?"

The three master teachers were furious. By the side, Emperor Shen Zhui also glanced at Yang shi speechlessly. However, when he shot his gaze over, he was immediately confounded by the sight before him.

Didn't Yang shi say that he is going to learn about poison?

Then why is he standing rooted to the spot with his eyes closed?

Brother, if you truly want to learn about poison, you should find a few books and flip through them. Or at the very least, you should at least ask about it. What do you hope to achieve by standing there with your eyes closed? Please at least show some respect for poison masters...

What in the world are you up to?

"Liu shi, look..."

Zhuang Xian also noticed the strange situation and he muttered.



Liu Ling and Zheng Fei stared at one another and blinked their eyes. At this moment, they were just a push away from ripping their hair out.

Yang shi...

Can you tell us what you're up to?

Didn't you say that you want to learn how to concoct poison?

Standing motionless on the spot, not even sparing a glance at the venomous substances on the table. More importantly... your eyes are shut. Hell, what are you up to?

I've seen eccentric people, but I've never seen such an eccentric one.

The three master teachers felt that their heads were about to explode from frustration.





Chapter 186: Concocting Poison

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Of course, Zhang Xuan wasn't merely putting on a show.

He had flipped through several thousand books regarding poison in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault. Even though they are all elementary and insufficient for one to become an official poison master even if one read through all of them, it is sufficient for him at the current moment.

His current motive isn't to become a poison master. He just wants to look for a way to achieve a perfect balance among these ten ingredients to create a safe medicinal solution and restore Shen Hong's vitality.

He doesn't have to become as skilled as a poison master to concoct the remedy.

It is just like how becoming an official apothecary is troublesome, but an apprentice can still easily concoct medicinal paste.

Hualala! With a jolt of his mind, he flipped through all of the books he had read in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault regarding poison.


Focusing all of his attention, the correct portions of the books soon formed a complete manual before him.

Zhang Xuan gently flipped it open.

"Poison can kill, but it can save lives as well. If one masters the art of poison, it might even be possible for one to bring back the dead..."

The book was filled with words.

Zhang Xuan knew that that was the correct content extracted from the other books by the Library of Heaven's Path. He started reading without hesitation.

With a single glance, Zhang Xuan was impressed.

It is just like Liu Ling and the others had said. This occupation is vast and profound; it isn't something one can comprehend in mere days.

However, with the Library of Heaven's Path compiling an absolutely correct manual, Zhang Xuan would be able to arrive at the very core of every single principle. As such, he is able to learn swiftly.

Flipping through the various books in his head, his understanding of poison master as an occupation, as well as the nature of poisons, gradually deepened.

Unknowingly, he reached the final page.

Zhang Xuan felt a shudder going through his entire body. He immediately assimilated all of the knowledge he had just learned for himself, and it formed a part of his working memory. Even though he didn't become a poison master, as he had expected, his understanding toward venomous substances had deepened significantly.

"Un? What is this?"

Having gained a deep understanding of poisons, Zhang Xuan suddenly noticed a faint black aura hidden in the depths of his body.

"When did I sustain this?"

In the past, due to his ignorance, even if he had noticed, he wouldn't have thought much of it. However, now that he had learned the basics, he recognized it to be poison.

Just that... he couldn't recall when he was afflicted with it?

Furthermore... if it had been lingering in his body all along, why is he still fine?

"Royal Elder! Royal Elder..."

Just as Zhang Xuan wanted to look deeper to see what it is and whether it would have any adverse effect on him, Emperor Shen Zhui's panicked exclamations sounded by his ear.

Realizing that this isn't the right time to do so, Zhang Xuan opened his eyes and glanced forward.

He saw Old Ancestor Shen Hong, who had been struggling to gasp for air, on the verge of closing his eyes. It seems that he may die at any moment now.

Using the analogy of an oil lamp, if the flame was weak before, the wind is now blowing and the flame might be extinguished at this very moment. Even if Shen Hong tries his best to persevere, it is unlikely that he will be able to survive more than a few minutes.

"Sigh... death ultimately comes to all. Emperor Shen Zhui, please do not grief too much!"

"Please pardon our helplessness..."

Liu Ling and the rest recognized Shen Hong's worsening state and shook their heads in unity.

At present, he is no different from a corpse. As 1-star master teachers, they do not have any solutions. Even if they do manage to think of one now, it would be too late to help.

Indignance reflected in Emperor Shen Zhui's eyes.

He had spent a great sum to invite the three master teachers, only to be told that they are powerless on the matter. Just as he decided that there isn't any hope, Yang shi suddenly appeared. He had thought of him as his final straw of hope, but in the end... it turns out that he is even more unreliable than the three.

It is one thing for him to not save him, but at such a crucial period, he tries to tinker with sedatives and poisons...

I invited you to save him, not to experiment with him...

The more he thought about it, the more furious he became. He turned to look at the motionless fellow to see what he had to say about the matter, only to see that his eyes had opened.

"Yang shi, my old ancestor is unable to hold on any longer. If you don't save him now, it'll be too late..."

Emperor Shen Zhui suppressed the anger he felt and spat through gritted teeth.

"I'll first concoct the medicine!"

Zhang Xuan said.

With a single glance, even he could tell that if he doesn't come up with anything soon, Shen Hong will most probably die within ten minutes. The only thing he can do now is to concoct the medicine and hope that it is of use!

"Concoct the medicine..."

After hearing those words, Emperor Shen Hong can no longer hold back his anger.

"Yang shi, my old ancestor's life is hanging by the thread! I didn't invite you over to experiment concocting the medicine of a poison master..."

"Oh?" Zhang Xuan turned to look at him. "You mean that..."

"Yang shi, if you have other solutions, please do so. If you are able to treat my old ancestor, the Tianxuan Kingdom is willing to offer anything to you!" Emperor Shen Zhui said.

"Aren't I doing so now? When the medicine is done, feed it to your old ancestor. After he regains some of his vitality, I will find a solution for his problem." Ignoring the other party's rage, Zhang Xuan replied impassively.

After hearing those words, Emperor Shen Zhui nearly spurted a mouthful of blood.

Didn't you hear what I said?

The meaning behind my words should be clear! Since you don't possess the skills of a poison master, don't try to concoct medicine out of poisons. You should try to think of a way to save the person instead... In the end, my words fell on deaf ears!

Actually, what that he didn't know was that Zhang Xuan had no better alternatives at that moment.

In his present state, Shen Hong will die at any moment even if Zhang Xuan does nothing at all. Even though if he tries to do something, Shen Hong might still die. The best solution at the moment is to concoct the medicine and have him recover some vitality so that the library can compile a book on him. Other than this, Zhang Xuan has no better solution.

Seeing that the fellow was still persisting on concocting his medicine, the three master teachers were infuriated.

"Emperor Shen Zhui, allow Yang shi to concoct the medicine!"

Suppressing his displeasure, Liu Ling flung his robe.

If not for a fear of the other party's fighting prowess, he would have long made a move on him.

You don't even know who poison masters are, yet you intend to concoct a medicine out of poison. Do you think that poison masters are a joke?


It is truly a wonder how you became a master teacher.

Or perhaps... You aren't a master teacher at all! You just happened to be lucky when helping Zhuang Xian to achieve a breakthrough in his realm.

Zhang Xuan could sense the displeasure in the other party's voice, but he couldn't be bothered with it at the moment.

Shen Hong was about to die, and he had no time to waste. Walking over to the venomous ingredients, he poured one of the liquids into an empty bottle.

"Playing a fool..."

Even though Liu Ling isn't a poison master, he had seen them concoct poison and thus, he knew of the typical sequences and methods.

Even a tenth or a hundredth of these venomous substances, when consumed by accident, will cause one to die on the spot. They are all fearsome substances.

That is the reason why one requires specialized equipment when concocting to ensure a precise quantity.

Yet, without using any equipment at all, you simply pour the substances from bottle to bottle... Aren't you being too casual!

Do you know how much of the substance you have poured from the bottles?

Do you know the correct ratio between the various ingredients?

Just a single droplet of error can cause a person's death. That's also the reason why poison masters are exceptionally cautious whenever they concoct, fearing that there might be the slightest bit of error. Yet, you dare to pour these poisons around randomly...

The heck! If one were to try becoming a poison master with such an attitude, before succeeding, he would have long poisoned himself to death.

Do you regard that as having learned the subject?

Even a craftsman found off the streets would be much more precise than you!

"When a poison master concocts a formula, he needs to allow the first two ingredients to react before putting the third in, just like how an apothecary's pill forging worked. There are specific sequences and timings to place the substances in. Even the slightest error will not be tolerated. Yet, to be pouring those poison around casually..."

Zheng Fei commented angrily.

You insist on concocting that poison of yours instead of saving Shen Hong, fine, we'll tolerate it. However, there is an intricate and profound relationship between the various poisons. One has to mediate between the various changes in the poisons and to do so, he has to follow a specific sequence and timing. Yet, you are randomly filling the bottle as though pouring wine...

It is impossible for you to have concocted anything good this way. Just by coming into contact with a single drop, Shen Hong will probably die on the spot, not to mention, drink it.

Ignoring the commotion between the master teachers, Zhang Xuan focused all of his attention into concocting the medicine and his movements were fast.

Don't you see that he is already dying?

If he were to do it as the master teachers had said, using measurement equipment and waiting for the poison to react with one another, the other party would have already died by the time he is done.

Of course, he wasn't mixing the poisons together randomly as the other party had perceived him to be doing. The book in the library in his mind was continuously refreshed as he poured the different liquids together. If the flaws were to decrease along with his movements, that meant that his actions must be correct.

In less than ten breaths, the ten types of venomous ingredients had been mixed together. Touching the jade bottle, the content in the book was refreshed once again.

"[Ten Venom Medicinal Solution], concocted by Zhang Xuan. Upon consumption, one regains vitality and reverts to their healthy state for an incense's time. Flaws: 12 aspects. No.1, the consumer doesn't regain his cultivation; No.2, the duration of the recovery is too short..."

The name and effects of the liquid Zhang Xuan just concocted was written on the cover of the book.

"I've succeeded..."

Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

Even though he had been using the library to observe the state of the poison constantly, if not for the thousand books he had studied prior to that, which provided him with basic knowledge of the properties of the various poisons, he would have been at a loss to how he should react to the flaws that appeared within the book. If he were to have truly added the various venoms together randomly, even if he had half a month, he wouldn't have been able to concoct the medicinal solution.


Upon successfully completing the concoction, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"I've succeeded!"

Picking the jade bottle up, he looked at the crowd.

"You've succeeded?"

Everyone's lips twitched.

After pouring the liquids together randomly, you say that you've succeeded?

In your own opinion, that is!

"Quick, feed it to him!"

Ignoring the bizarre gazes everyone else shot him, Zhang Xuan handed the concoction to Emperor Shen Zhui hurriedly.

"Feed it to him?"

Emperor Shen Zhui shook his head, "It's not certain whether the concoction is toxic or not..."

"There's no time. Hurry up and feed it to him, otherwise, he will really die!"

Knowing that the other party wouldn't believe him even if he were to explain, Zhang Xuan frowned.


Emperor Shen Zhui was hesitant.

"Why? You don't believe that this medicinal fluid can help him regain his vitality?" Zhang Xuan asked. Even though Zhang Xuan didn't appear to be angry, there was some kind of mystical strength to his words that gave it authority.

After having feigned as a master teacher for numerous days, his actions and words had started to exude an aura of superiority.


Emperor Shen Zhui did not know how he should reply to his words.

It's not that he had doubts, but that... he didn't even trust him!

I saw you mixing the ten poisons together randomly with my own eyes. Yet, you ask me to believe you... You must be joking!

Besides, how can I feed the Royal Elder with this unverified solution? What if he dies immediately after I feed him that?

"If you don't believe me, then let's forget it. I've already given you the chance, and the choice is up to you!"

Seeing the other party hesitating, Zhang Xuan chose not to speak excessively. He placed the medicinal solution he concocted on the table, his face carrying an impassive expression.

"However, you should consider the matter properly. Your Royal Elder will not survive for more than three minutes if you can't think of any other solutions... Three minutes of his life for an opportunity to extend his longevity. The choice is up to you."


Emperor Shen Zhui clenched his fist tightly.






Chapter 187: Tons of Nonsense

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

He doesn't even have the slightest bit of confidence in the medicinal solution that Yang shi concocted. However, it is just like the other party had said. If they can't find any other solution, this Royal Elder of his will not survive past three minutes.

Since he is going to die anyway, might as well give it a try!

In any case, this Yang shi had managed to treat Ling Tianyu's wife, Du Miaoxuan, and the others. Even though his means and actions so far appear unreliable and incomprehensible, this is the best chance he has.

After ten breaths, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, I'll give it a try!"

There is no choice but to give it a shot.

There isn't a better solution.

After making his decision, Emperor Shen Zhui clenched his jaws, grabbed the jade bottle from the table, and approached the Royal Elder.

"Royal Elder, pardon me for my impudence..."

After using a spoon to pry open his mouth, he poured the medicinal solution in.


Even though Royal Elder Shen Hong was on the verge of dying, he was still conscious. Having the medicinal solution forcefully poured into his mouth, he nearly cried.

He had seen everything that had happened with his own eyes. Yang shi's actions had sent chills down his spine.

He is the Royal Elder of Tianxuan Kingdom, an expert who is even more respected than the king himself. Yet, to be feeding him a medicine that can potentially be toxic without first testing it... It is as though they are treating him as a Pill Sample Beast! Furthermore, it is the kind of experiment where he will die immediately if there is the tiniest bit of error...

Why is my life so tough? All I want is to live peacefully and die peacefully. Is that that hard to achieve?

Very quickly, Emperor Shen Zhui completed the task of forcing the entire bottle of solution into Royal Elder Shen Hong's mouth.

Cough cough cough!

Shen Hong's eyes flipped and after a few moments of struggle, he stopped moving.

"Royal Elder.."

Emperor Shen Zhui's face paled. He staggered backward and roared in agony.

Is it a failure?

Not only is the Royal Elder the stabilizing pillar of Tianxuan Kingdom, he is also a close blood-related kin to Shen Zhui.

Even though he addresses Shen Hong as his Royal Elder, he is actually the emperor from two generations ago, Shen Zhui's own grandfather.

For his own grandfather to have died before him, not to mention, being the one responsible for the fatal act of having fed him the medicine, the agony he felt was indescribable.

"If the medicine can indeed be concocted that easily, then poison masters would be worthless..."

Liu Ling shook his head. Turning to Zhang Xuan, he said, "Yang shi, even though Shen Hong would have died even if he didn't consume the medicine, it is a fact that he died from taking your medicine. So, it isn't wrong to say that you killed him!"

"Killed him?"

"That's right. You were the one who concocted the medicine, and it was under your orders that the medicine was fed to him. Now that he has died, who else can the responsibility belong to other than your?" Liu Ling stared at him with piercing eyes.

"Yang shi, weren't you confident in your medicine?" Emperor Shen Zhui questioned angrily.

It was under your orders that I fed your medicine to my Royal Elder. Now, look at what has happened...

"My responsibility?"

"Indeed! Shen Hong is the stabilizing pillar of Tianxuan Kingdom, and now that he has died from your medicine, you should make up for it by taking on his role!"

Actually, he also knew clearly that Shen Hong would have died regardless of whether the medicine was fed to him. The reason why he intentionally said such words was for this.

Shen Hong's greatest purpose in the kingdom was to deter aggressors and revolutionaries. If Yang shi were to agree to take his place, his presence would definitely provide a much greater deterrence than Shen Hong.

In fact, Tianxuan Kingdom might become a 2nd Tier Kingdom or even a 1st Tier Kingdom due to his presence

"Taking on his role?"

Zhang Xuan shook his head, "No way!"

He intends to destroy the identity once he receives the Tongxuan realm secret manuals from Emperor Shen Zhui. To serve as the stabilizing pillar?

What a joke!

"Impossible? Does Yang shi not feel the slightest bit of regret in failing to save Shen Hong and instead, causing his death?" Liu Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Causing his death? You're imagining things..." Zhang Xuan chuckled. "Rest easy, how can he die that easily in my presence!"

After which, he walked over to the motionless Royal Elder Shen Hong and sent a slap to his face.


The slap was resounding.

Cough cough cough!

After which, the sound of coughs echoed in the room. Shen Hong, who had become motionless moments earlier, spat out a mouthful of medicinal solution and opened his eyes slowly.


Everyone was stupefied.

Liu Ling, Zheng Fei, and the others, who were about to reprimand Yang shi for his disrespectful actions, nearly had their eyes drop to the ground. They thought that their eyes were playing tricks on them.

"Royal Elder, you..."

Emperor Shen Zhui walked forward with an incredulous expression. He did not understand what was happening before him.

"You unfilial fellow, do you wish to choke me to death? Cough cough..."

Shen Hong's furious words echoed in the entire room. At this moment, he doesn't look as though a person who was on the verge of death.

"Yang shi, what's going on..."

Emperor Shen Zhui hurriedly looked over.

He had clearly seen the Royal Elder fall motionless. Why did he suddenly wake up and is even able to speak?

What is going on?

He wasn't the only one who found the entire situation unbelievable. Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, and Zheng Fei felt the knowledge and experience that they had accumulated over the years were crumbling apart.

The dead coming back to life?

This can't be real!

"Shen Hong's body was weak and he was on the verge of death. I asked you to feed him the medicine, yet you simply forced all of it down his throat. The sticky medicinal solution blocked his breathing airways, therefore sending him into a death-like state... As for why he was able to suddenly wake up, the reason is simple. The medicinal solution that I had concocted is effective!"

Zhang Xuan said impassively.

Even though the situation seems baffling, it is actually quite simple.

The Ten Venom Medicinal Solution which he had concocted had been checked by the library, so naturally, there couldn't be any problem with its effectiveness. Even though Shen Hong was on the verge of death, upon consumption, the concoction took effect immediately and granted him temporary vitality.

Even though feeding him a mouthful would have sufficed, Emperor Shen Zhui forced the entire bottle of it in. With so much medicinal solution clogging up his airways, it is already a blessing that he didn't choke to death.

It was precisely because Zhang Xuan saw through it that he slapped his face, utilizing the impact to open up his clogged airways, allowing him to regain consciousness.


Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers were astonished after hearing the explanation.

A medicine that was concocted randomly is actually... effective?

Other poison masters prepare all kinds of measuring instruments for their concoction process, fearful that they might add a single droplet more. Yet, this fellow, just by pouring the fluids around randomly... He actually managed to succeed...

Heavens, surely you are jesting with me!

Of course, that wasn't the most shocking... Just a moment ago, Yang shi clearly didn't even know what kind of medicine this is. Yet, in the next instant, he concocted it as though a veteran poison master...

Heavens above, can anyone tell me what is going on?

Could it be really as he said, that he learned it on the spot?

And just by closing his eyes, he learned all of that on the spot?

Furthermore, he learned poison concoction, which is reputed to be as difficult as pill forging...

The four of them felt as though they were dreaming.

"Thank you, Yang shi, for saving my life..."

Before they could recover from their shock, Royal Elder Shen Hong climbed down from his bed and clasped his hands.

Regardless of how close to death one is, upon consuming the Ten Venom Medicinal Solution, one can regain their vitality and return to a pink state of health temporarily.

Even though Shen Hong didn't regain his cultivation, it wasn't a difficult task for him to walk around.

"There's no need for these formalities. Execute a battle technique for me now."

Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered to waste the limited time he had and hurriedly instructed Shen Hong to display a battle technique to him.

That was the motive for concocting the medicine in the first place. Since the other party is sufficiently healthy to stand up, then it would be best for him to hurry.

"Execute a battle technique? My body is weak now and I can't propel the slightest bit of zhenqi. Even if I were to execute one now, it won't make any difference... I think it'll be best for me not to embarrass myself!"

Shen Hong shook his head. "After experiencing death, I have already thought it through. If the kingdom survives without me, it would be for the best. But if it falls in the end, one can only say that it is the workings of fate. There's no need to be so adamant about it..."

"..." Zhang Xuan.

I only asked you execute a battle technique so that I can compile a book on you in the library to tell your physical condition. Why are you suddenly rambling nonsense?

Getting so philosophical all of the sudden...

"It's good that Brother Shen Hong is able to see through all these after experiencing death! Riches actually don't mean anything at all, one's cultivation is the most important. Even though it's good to possess authority, it seemed like it had impeded your growth. Otherwise, given your talent, you would have long reached Zongshi realm."

Before Zhang Xuan could even speak, Liu Ling nodded his head in satisfaction. His admiration for Shen Hong reflected in his eyes.

"Indeed! It's a pity that I have comprehended this fact way too late."

Royal Elder Shen Hong sighed. Then, he turned to Zhang Xuan and said, "Even so, I would like to thank Yang shi for your help. You've given additional time, and even though I didn't recover my cultivation, I am still delighted..."

Just as Royal Elder Shen Hong was just about to go on, he saw Yang shi's face gradually turning dark. Then, the latter sent a slap toward him.


It accurately hit the back of his head.


Before he could finish his words, Royal Elder Shen Hong's vision went dark, and he collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.

"I only asked you to execute a battle technique. You sure have tons of nonsense to speak..."

Dusting his hands, Zhang Xuan harrumphed

The moment he turned around, he saw Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers staring at him in shock.





Chapter 188: The Eccentric Method to Treat Shen Zhui (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

It was no wonder that Zhang Xuan became angry. Given the very limited period of an incense's time the Ten Venom Medicinal Solution granted him, that fellow refused to execute a battle technique and chose to ramble on about his comprehension of life instead.

Comprehend your head!

If you don't allow me to trace the root of your problem using the Library of Heaven's Path, you might be released after an incense's time, but I will be forced to guard the kingdom for you!

Besides, my reputation would be ruined!

If my reputation were to be ruined by you, how can I make money in the future?

Thus, upon seeing the other party refusing to execute a battle technique, Zhang Xuan could no longer restrain himself and slapped the other party unconscious.

In any case, he had already consumed the medicine, so he wouldn't die even if he were to go unconscious.

And to Zhang Xuan, slapping him unconscious and having him execute a battle technique meant the same thing.

While Zhang Xuan had slapped him merrily, Shen Zhui and the other three master teachers went into a frenzy.

Didn't you just help him regain consciousness?

Why did you slap him unconscious all of the sudden?

Is there really a method of diagnosing that requires one to be unconscious?

"Yang shi..."

Just as Emperor Shen Zhui was about to question his action, Yang shi swung his arms and said, "Alright, we don't have much time. Let's get down to business!"

Ignoring their shocked faces, he squatted down to feel Shen Hong's pulse.


His mind jolted and a book finally appeared in the library. On the cover were the words 'Shen Hong'.

He flipped it open gently.

"Shen Hong, the grandfather of Tianxuan Kingdom's emperor, Shen Zhui, a Half-Zongshi expert..."

Shen Hong's life and his bodily flaws were written on it.

"Yang shi, is there hope for the Royal Elder?"

As he had heard from Ling Tianyu about Yang shi's method to diagnose one's condition by feeling his pulse, he wasn't too surprised by the action. But upon seeing Yang shi frown, Emperor Shen Zhui couldn't help but walk over.

Even Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, and the others were filled with anxiety.

This Shen Hong had reached the limit of his lifespan. They were unable to come up with any treatment, and even less so, induce a breakthrough in him. Thus, they were interested in listening to Yang shi's opinion.

"Wake him up first!" Zhang Xuan gestured grandly. After having felt the other party's pulse, he was no longer as anxious and uptight as before.


Emperor Shen Zhui placed his finger on the Royal Elder's philtrum and infused zhenqi into his body. Slowly, Shen Hong regained his consciousness.

(TL: Philtrum -> Area above the lips, below the nose)

"Yang shi..."

Upon awakening from his sleep, Shen Hong stared at Zhang Xuan. Just as he was about to ask the latter why he had knocked him unconscious, the other party's voice resounded.

"Shen Hong, I'll give you two choices. You can achieve a breakthrough to the Zongshi realm and continue living. Otherwise, just as you said, if you don't mind dying, I can't be bothered to save you as well."

He had to first ascertain the other party's will to live. If he wasn't willing, no matter how incredible Zhang Xuan could be, he would be unable to save him.

"I... can live on? Reach Zongshi realm?"

Initially, he was displeased with Zhang Xuan's action of knocking him unconscious. However, upon hearing his words, Shen Hong's body trembled in agitation.

He knows how difficult it is for one to reach Zongshi realm. He had tried his entire life, only to fail time and time again. Now, at the verge of death, and with no more latent potential within him that can be dredged up... can he really reach Zongshi realm?

"If you wish to achieve a breakthrough, you can definitely do it. But if you don't want to, let's just forget it. I don't want to waste my effort." Zhang Xuan said calmly.

"Of course I do... I beg of Yang shi offer me your guidance so that I can achieve a breakthrough..."

Not even hesitating in the least, Shen Hong immediately knelt to the floor. All signs of discontentment from before had vanished without a trace.

That 'epiphany' from before was just self-consolation for his plight.

For a chance to achieve a breakthrough and live longer, only a fool would reject it.

"It isn't difficult for you to live on. However..."

Circling around Shen Hong, Zhang Xuan seemed to be examining his body condition. Then, he suddenly stopped. With eyes as deep as the abyss, he said, "You have to listen to my words and follow my instructions obediently. Do not try to go against my words, or else, I won't be able to help you. In short, you just have to do whatever I ask of you and cooperate with me. There's no need for you to ask any questions."

"That's simple! I will do as you say!"

He thought that the other party would come up with a difficult request. However, upon hearing that it would be that easy, Shen Hong quickly nodded his head and agreed to it.

Back then, when he studied under his teacher, it was the same as well.

As such, he thought nothing of it. However, the moment he said those words, he saw Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers looking at him with sympathetic gazes.

Of course, they feel sympathy for him! This Yang shi might be capable, but his bizarre means are truly hard to accept. To be asking for the other party's approval before the treatment has started, even by using one's toe to think, it is clear that he is up to no good.

"What's wrong?"

Upon seeing their gazes, Shen Hong felt puzzled.

He had been on the verge of death the last few days and as such, he was ignorant of what had happened to Zhuang shi. He thought that there was something wrong with his words.


Resisting his urge to speak, Emperor Shen Zhui wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

He had witnessed Yang shi's eccentric means for himself... It seemed that this Royal Elder of his would be ravaged, just like Zhuang shi.

"It's good that you are agreeable. Emperor Shen Zhui, find some female dancers from the royal palace here. They must have good figures!"

Upon seeing him agree, Zhang Xuan nodded his head. Then, he turned to Shen Zhui and spoke in full seriousness.

"Female dancers?"

Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers were baffled.

The dancers in the palace can only dance, they possess extremely low cultivation. What is his purpose of calling them here?

Will getting them here help Shen Hong achieve a breakthrough?

Besides, he requested for those with good figures... Why doesn't it sound like a treatment method at all?


Even though it was incomprehensible to Emperor Shen Zhui, he knew that it was impossible for him to understand Yang shi's wisdom. Thus, he quickly passed down the command without any hesitation.

The personnel within the palace acted quickly and in a few moments, a dozen of beautiful dancers with voluptuous figures entered.

Even though they paled far in comparison to Shen Bi Ru, they were still stunning beauties. Every single movement of theirs induced great pleasure in the audience.

"Yang shi, are they alright…?"

"Not bad, just that they are wearing too much. Get them to take off those long sleeves and such!" Zhang Xuan instructed.

"Wearing too much?"

Bizarre expressions appeared on the faces of the three master teachers.

Looking for dancers and getting them to strip... Are you sure you are helping him to achieve a breakthrough?

Why does it feel like he is patronizing a brothel and choosing a woman of his liking...

If not for the fact that they were curious to see what Yang shi would do, they wouldn't have stayed a second longer.

They had already witnessed how unorthodox Yang shi's methods could be. Even so, they had not imagined that... it would be so unorthodox.

Capable master teachers tend to be austere, and their means tend to be upright. Yet... Why does your treatment method seem like finding prostitution instead...

Even though they did not know what he was up to, they had a bad premonition.


The dancers were properties of the royal palace. Not just stripping, they would even do other stuff without hesitation when commanded to. Upon hearing the orders, they quickly stripped the long sleeves and such, leaving behind their tight innerwear.

The sight of spring unfolded before everyone's eyes.

"Alright, Emperor Shen Zhui, help me prepare a few more items..." Zhang Xuan turned over and whispered into the other party's ears.

"Yang shi, feel free to speak of your demands... WHAT?"

Halfway through his words, Emperor Shen Zhui exclaimed in shock. His eyes widened and he almost went insane, "Yang shi, if... you have such interest, I can send as many people as you like to your residence. Here... isn't appropriate..."

"Don't spout so much nonsense, hurry up!" Zhang Xuan rushed him.

"Yes..." With a tearful face, Shen Zhui hurriedly made arrangements as Zhang Xuan had instructed him to.

Of the three master teachers, Liu Ling was the strongest. Even though Zhang Xuan had spoken in a hushed voice, he nevertheless managed to overhear his words. Instantly, he staggered and a feeling of vertigo overwhelmed him.

"What did he get Shen Zhui to do?"

Looking at his expression, Zhuang Xian and Zheng Fei knew that he must have heard something. They couldn't hold back their curiosity and asked him about it.

"He wanted Emperor Shen Zhui to bring something over..." Liu Ling had a blank look on his face.

"Something? What can it be, for Shen Zhui to be so shocked?"

"It's... aphrodisiac!"


Zhuang Xian and Zheng Fei were dazed for a moment, then slowly, their eyes widened.

The heck!

They knew that Yang shi's solution was definitely going to be damned. Even so, when they heard of his instructions, they nearly vomited blood.

It was exactly as they had guessed, the other party was indeed up to no good!

They had seen people demanding for tonic, pills, spirit treasures, and secret manuals. That was their first time witnessing someone demand aphrodisiac.

Looking for dancers and having them strip, then finding someone to get this item over. You sure are meticulous... Brother, are you helping him to achieve a breakthrough or are you helping him to exercise?

The trio looked at Shen Hong once again, and endless pity reflected in their eyes.

Even though Zhuang shi was battered while covered under a gunny sack, at the very least, his reputation remained untainted. If he were made to do some uncultured act in public for his breakthrough, he might have just died from anger on the spot.

While the others were still astonished by Zhang Xuan's request, a servant had already entered, carrying with him a jade bottle. It was filled with specially-made medicine.

Most emperors keep a large back palace, and Emperor Shen Zhui is no exception. It wasn't difficult to find such medicine in the royal palace.

"Swallow it!"

Taking over the jade bottle, Zhang Xuan walked over to Shen Hong.


Royal Elder Shen Hong had no idea what was inside, but at that moment, he had full confidence and awe for Zhang Xuan. After grabbing over the bottle, he swallowed the medicine inside without any hesitation.

Looking at the other party's candor movement, the eyebrows of the three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui twitched.

"Alright, go and dance with them."

Upon seeing him swallow the medicine, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.


Shen Hong was taken aback.

As an elder, he has to dance with these young ladies?

Furthermore... They are all dressed scantily. If he were to really head over, it is likely that he will be in constant physical contact with them...

Just as he was battling the conflicting thoughts in his mind, he suddenly felt a surge of heat spreading from his belly. Then, looking at the dancers once more, an urge suddenly tugged at him.


That urge grew stronger and stronger. Soon, he found himself losing control.

It must be said that the medicine which Emperor Shen Zhui found was indeed incredible. The medicine took effect swiftly. In a few breaths, Shen Hong's eyes had turned red and he was no longer able to suppress his urge.

After consuming this medicine, even if there were no enticement before the person, one would already find the heat unbearable. At the instant, there were so many beautiful and voluptuous young ladies before Shen Hong. Furthermore, they were dressed scantily. It would be truly weird if Shen Hong could hold himself back.

With a roar, Royal Elder Shen Hong dashed forward.

"Stop him. Make those dancers dance before him, the more seductive their dance is, the better it is!"

Zhang Xuan commanded.


Cold sweat streamed down Emperor Shen Zhui's head.

What kind of breakthrough method is this? Feeding the other party aphrodisiac, but only allowing him to watch?


Upon hearing the commands, the movements of the dancers became more provocative and sexy.

Their alluring figures swayed suggestively. Light reflecting off their snow-white skin made them seem exceptionally warm, as though jade, inviting one's hands. Their movements were exceptionally capable of evoking an itch in men. Putting aside Shen Hong, who had swallowed the aphrodisiac, even the three master teachers began to feel the temptation.

"Will this really... help him achieve a breakthrough?"

Initially, they had thought that beating one up was already a very eccentric method. To think that Zhang Xuan had worse methods up his sleeves...

The three master teachers were on the verge of crying. Witnessing the situation, they felt as though all the theories and principles they had learned in the last few decades were all worthless!





Chapter 189: The Eccentric Method to Treat Shen Hong (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Shen Zhui, what did you feed me?"

Sensing the uncontrollable urge in him, as well as the indissipable heat that rose within him, Shen Hong finally realized that something was wrong and he roared furiously.

"It's... aphrodisiac..."

Shen Zhui could only answer truthfully.

"Aphrodisiac? I'll screw your grandma..."

Shen Hong staggered

He never thought that a day would come which his own grandson would feed him aphrodisiac. Damn, are you toying with me?

Shen Hong felt that he was going insane.

"Royal Elder, please don't blame me. It's Yang shi who asked me to do so, I had no choice..."

Emperor Shen Zhui was on the verge of tears as well.

When he almost killed the Royal Elder by feeding him the medicinal solution, a trauma was left in his heart. Now, he was reprimanded just because he followed Yang shi's instructions...

What did I do!

All I want is for you to live longer!

In the end, this is how you perceive my good intentions...

"Yang shi?"

With reddened eyes, he suppressed the agitation within him and turned to look at Zhang Xuan. Zhang Xuan had an impassive and upright look, as though he would never commit such a vile act. Turning around, he slapped Emperor Shen Zhui on his face. "Bullshit! As a master teacher, Yang shi is an upright person! How could he possibly feed me such stuff? If you dare to push the blame onto Yang shi once more, I will kill you right away!"

"..." Shen Zhui.


How in the world is he upright? Didn't he slap you unconscious just a moment ago?

Talking about pushing the blame…

If not for his orders, do you think that I would dare feed you this?

Emperor Shen Zhui felt so indignant that he nearly vomited blood.

He turned to look at Yang shi with a pleading gaze, hoping for him to explain the issue to his grandfather. Yet, that fellow looked at the ceiling with his hands behind his back, as though it was none of his business.

It was as if he was saying 'you were the one who did it, I don't know anything at all'...

"You bastard! To think that I doted on you so much... Aiya, I can't hold myself back anymore! Don't obstruct my path..."

Royal Elder Shen Hong cursed, and he finally succumbed to the heat in his chest. With the howl of a wolf, he dived toward the beautiful dancing ladies.

Right when he was about to reach them, he suddenly felt a dull pain at the back of his neck.


He fell to the floor, unconscious once again.

The one who made the move was Zhang Xuan.

Seeing that the Royal Elder had been knocked unconscious, Emperor Shen Zhui heaved a sigh of relief. "Yang shi, what do we do now?"

"Awaken him. Then, get these dancers to continue dancing before him..."

Zhang Xuan instructed.


Emperor Shen Zhui's lips trembled.

"Oh, right. When he wakes up, say that you were the one who knocked him out. Also, when he fails to control his emotion anymore, I will knock him out myself. Of course, you must admit that you were the one who did it..." Zhang Xuan said.

"..." Emperor Shen Zhui.

Knocking the daylights out of a person right after you awaken them. Have you gotten addicted or what?

Furthermore... I have to admit that I'm the one who did it...

Emperor Shen Zhui felt so much frustration in his heart that he could go into a frenzy. He was about to reject the plan when he saw Yang shi look at him with a stern expression.

"Don't reject me. This concerns whether the Royal Elder can survive. There mustn't be the slightest error in the matter, otherwise, the plan will end in failure!"

"..." This time, Emperor Shen Zhui really cried.

Royal Elder, it really isn't me! It's Yang shi who wishes to do you in...


Thus, right after Emperor Shen Zhui woke Shen Hong, the latter was knocked unconscious again. Then, Emperor Shen Zhui woke Shen Hong again, and soon after, he was knocked unconscious yet again... By the side, Liu Ling, Zhuang Fei, and Zheng Fei were stunned by the sight before them. They felt like tearing their hair out from watching the insanity that was unfolding before them.

"Liu shi, you are knowledgeable. Can you tell what kind of breakthrough method Yang shi is employing?"

After a long moment of silence, Zhuang Xian asked.

"I... can't tell anything at all!"

Liu shi's face flushed.

Breakthrough method? How in the hell does this look like a breakthrough method?

Of the hundreds of methods master teachers employ, there are a few fixed rules to helping one achieve a breakthrough. However, there doesn't seem to be any that involves having a person consume aphrodisiac...

What's worse, it is one matter to feed the person aphrodisiac, but to intentionally find beautiful ladies to entice the person and knock him out when he can no longer control himself...

I don't think that he is helping him achieve a breakthrough. Rather, it seems more like he is toying with him!

It is a pity that Shen Hong, despite the prestige he had built up over the years, now appears to be a frequenter of brothels. The moment he wakes up, he charges toward the bodies of the beautiful ladies...

"Like hell he would achieve a breakthrough like this! I think that Yang shi is toying with Shen Hong. I've never heard of anyone who could break through in such a way after consuming aphrodisiac..." Zheng Fei shook his head. With a steeled face, he said, "This is a farce. Liu shi, I think it would be best if we step out to interfere! How can we, as master teachers, allow such absurdity?"

"This..." Liu Ling hesitated.

"There's nothing to hesitate about. Look at Shen Hong, he is already driven mad. If news were to spread out, his reputation would be tarnished, even after his death..." Zheng Fei harrumphed.

Upon hearing those words, Liu Ling and Zhuang Xian lifted their head to look at Shen Hong. As the other party had said, the gentlemanly Shen Hong appeared to be a depraved lunatic at the moment, lunging toward those seductive ladies. Also, the clothes on his body were almost completely ripped apart. His eyes were crimson red, and he seemed to be a wild, hungry wolf.

"But... The method Yang shi used for my breakthrough was also incomprehensible. Can this be the case as well? Even though it looks awful on the surface, he is actually doing it for Shen Hong's welfare..."

Zhuang Xian's mouth twitched.

"You have a master teacher as your father, and as such, you were too obsessed with the conventional rules and principles. Thus, his method of inciting you into a rage was understandable. But this... How can Shen Hong achieve a breakthrough like this? Putting aside whether the possibility exists or not, given Shen Hong's current frenzied state, even he has sufficient zhenqi, it is impossible for him to achieve a breakthrough!"

Zheng Fei said.

Zongshi is the very first difficult hurdle of the Fighter 9 Dans. The gap between it and Tongxuan realm is overwhelming, as though the difference between a fish and a dragon. While it is true that one gains incredible strength upon achieving this breakthrough, countless geniuses, even when in their top form, find themselves unable to make this final step. At this moment, Shen Hong has already lost his rationality and is blindly charging at the beautiful ladies. In such a state, how can he possibly succeed?

Isn't that a joke in itself?

If it is true, no one would have to cultivate. Won't one become a Zongshi just by frolicking around brothels?


"There's no buts. Liu shi, it is best that you make your decision quickly. I can guarantee with my own life that it is impossible for Shen Hong to breakthrough like that. If he succeeds, I will chop off my own head..."

Zheng Fei said confidently.


Before he could finish his own words, he felt a powerful aura emanating from not too far away. It felt warm, as though the fiery sun.

"What is going on?"

Hurriedly turning around to take a look, they saw Royal Elder Shen Hong, who was frenziedly charging at the beautiful ladies just brief moments ago, sitting still on the floor, as though a saint. His breath was powerful and deep, reminiscent of the vast ocean. His weakness from a moment ago had disappeared without a trace, and at that very moment, as though a young man, he exuded overwhelming vitality, such that even Emperor Shen Zhui, who was standing by his side, paled in comparison.

Fighter 8-dan, Zongshi realm!

"Did he really achieve a breakthrough?"

All Zheng Fei felt was a stinging sensation on his face, as though he had been slapped hard by someone else. He felt like crying.

He had just mentioned that it was impossible for the other party to succeed, and he was proven wrong immediately...

Reaching Zongshi realm by consuming aphrodisiac?

Can anyone tell me what is going on...






Chapter 190: Lu Xun Borrows Money

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

While Zheng Fei was still feeling depressed over the matter, Liu Ling and Zhuang Xian's mouths dropped so wide open that it seemed as though duck eggs could be stuffed into their mouths.

There is a qualitative difference between Fighter 8-dan Zongshi realm and Fighter 7-dan Tongxuan realm, and their life energies are vastly different. As such, upon achieving a breakthrough, one's longevity is extended drastically as well.

An ordinary cultivator usually only lives up to seventy to eighty. On the other hand, reaching a hundred isn't a problem for a Zongshi realm expert.

That is also the reason why breaking into this realm is so difficult; it is as though leaping across a gigantic gorge.

Just by looking at how these master teachers are stuck at Half-Zongshi, it is clear to see how difficult this final step is.

The master teachers had been paying attention to Shen Hong's condition ever since they arrived at Tianxuan Kingdom. His vitality had already deteriorated to the gutters and he was on the verge of death. Even if he has sufficient zhenqi, it should have been an impossible task for him to achieve a breakthrough, considering his terrible state of health. Yet, they had never imagined that this Yang shi could solve this impossibility with just a single pill.

The vast contrast between their abilities made the master teachers feel as though all of the knowledge they had obtained throughout their careers were worthless.

Initially, Emperor Shen Zhui shared the same thoughts as the three master teachers; he thought that that was an attempt of Yang shi to toy with him. Yet, contrary to his imagination, the Royal Elder really managed to achieve a breakthrough!

That is Zongshi realm expert in the bones...

"Thank you, Yang shi..."

After an unknown period of time, Shen Hong stood up and howled abruptly, resembling a massive dragon that had awakened from its slumber. Then, he walked to Zhang Xuan and knelt before him.

Having been trapped in the same cultivation realm for numerous decades, he thought that he would perish without achieving the breakthrough. Yet, to think that at the very last moment, he would succeed!

Witnessing the Royal Elder kneel before him, Zhang Xuan did not step forward to help him up. Contrary to that, he placed his hands behind his back, surveyed the surroundings, and slowly walked around.

"Shen Hong's vitality was at its ends, and his deteriorating bodily functions had reached the breaking point. At that moment, his will to live had already been shaved thin. It is precisely because of this that he was able to see through life and death, view it as a natural occurrence, and no longer fear death. Under such circumstances, regardless of his state of mind or his physical condition, they were all in the worst possible condition to achieve a breakthrough. Even the more potent tier-2 or tier-3 pills would not have been effective in helping him achieve a breakthrough and reach Zongshi realm!"

Everyone was aware that he was explaining all that happened, so they stayed completely silent, and listened attentively to his words.

"Thus, for him to live on, we had to create a compelling reason for him. Furthermore, it had to be something which he is unable to resist!"

"All men, regardless of time and condition, are unable to resist young beautiful ladies, needless to say, after being fed with aphrodisiac. Under the stimulation of the substance, his body raged once again, returning him back to youthful times... Once all these emotions accumulate sufficiently, achieving a breakthrough becomes much easier."

"Of course, more importantly, his cultivation technique played a huge role. If I'm not wrong, it should be Blazing Sun Formula!"

At this point, Zhang Xuan turned to look at him.

"Yes!" Shen Hong nodded his head to affirm Zhang Xuan's conjecture.

The cultivation technique he had cultivated is the Blazing Sun Formula, the strongest cultivation technique in Tianxuan Kingdom.

"This cultivation technique contains the nature of the blazing sun within it, and a practitioner will find himself with an excess of yang energy. It is an incredibly valuable secret manual, and its true might is displayed when the one cultivating the technique is a man! Rationally speaking, as his vitality had already been sapped clean, even with the augmentation from pills, it was impossible for his body condition to return back to its peak. However, years of cultivation under the Blazing Sun Formula had caused a large amount of yang qi flames to accumulate within his body. Then, at this very moment, they were all triggered by the medicine, and the enticement of the beautiful ladies was equivalent to throwing oil on top of the flames. Instantaneously, a massive fire was ignited within him."

"Thus, when he focused all of his energy at a single point, it wasn't difficult at all for him to achieve a breakthrough!"

After finishing his explanation, Zhang Xuan stood quietly on his spot and looked at the others. The surroundings were deathly silent.

In actual fact, he hadn't mentioned the most important reason behind Shen Hong's breakthrough.

Regardless of the aphrodisiac or the Blazing Sun Formula, they were merely small contributing factors. The deciding one was... him knocking the other party out.

Everytime he knocked him out, he would infuse a sliver of his zhenqi into the other party's body and unclog a blocked meridian within his body. Then, having all of his meridians cleared up, along with his raging emotions and energy within his body, he was able to push through at the very last moment and reach Zongshi realm.

Due to the limitations of his cultivation realm, even though it was easy for him to deceive Sun Qiang and the others, it was likely that Shen Hong would notice his pure zhenqi. In order to prevent him from detecting anything, he had Emperor Shen Zhui claim that he was the one who knocked the other party out.

It wasn't because he wanted to act as a good person.

Upon the other party's breakthrough, Zhang Xuan's zhenqi had already melded completely into the other party's. It was as though a pail of clear water had been mixed into a river of muddied water; it is impossible to locate it anymore.


Upon hearing his explanation, the three master teachers were taken aback.

The heck... this works as well?

They were master teachers who had gone through rigorous conventional training, and as such, they have had many opportunities to observe how other master teachers help others achieve breakthroughs in their cultivation. Even so, this kind of breakthrough method... it was they ever saw anything like it.

This is no longer unorthodox, it is simply inconceivable.

It is something that no one would have ever thought of.

To think that one can achieve a breakthrough by eating aphrodisiac... Has the world gone mad?.

"There are many different methods to induce a breakthrough in one's cultivation. Most of the time, sticking to the convention principles won't work. As a master teacher, rather than sticking firmly to the old rules, one has to continue learning and trying new things."

Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually. The setting sun cast a long shadow behind his back, and he looked like an incredible expert uncomprehended by the world. An unspeakable loneliness emanated from his figure.

"We will keep Yang shi's teachings to heart!"

The three master teachers bowed immediately.

At that moment, they couldn't be any more impressed by this Yang Xuan.

There is no way but to be impressed, too godly!

Through a random beating, he was able to induce a breakthrough in Zhuang shi, whose cultivation had been at a standstill for many years. A random mixing of poisons and he was able to successfully concoct a medicinal solution that only poison masters are capable of making. Just by feeding Shen Hong aphrodisiac, he was able to bring the other party up to Zongshi realm...

Even though they had seen all of these with their own eyes, it nevertheless felt like a dream.

"Un!" Seeing that they've comprehended the matter, Zhang Xuan nodded his head. Just as he was about to take his leave and return back to his mansion, he saw a pair of eyes appearing before him. The face before him was flushed with embarrassment and excitement.

Taking a step back, he took a closer look and realized that it was Zheng Fei.

He is the person who was the most doubtful of his actions. He was even willing to guarantee that it would be impossible for Shen Hong to achieve a breakthrough, or else he would cut off his head. But now, his eyes were gleaming, as though he had struck lottery.

"What are you up to?" Zhang Xuan was wary of him.

"Yang shi, I've also been stuck in Half-Zongshi for many years. Since there are medicine and beautiful ladies here, I would like to try to break through to Zongshi realm as well..."

Zheng Fei held a jade bottle in his hands. He poured out a pill and he was about to swallow it.

"..." Zhang Xuan.

"..." Emperor Shen Zhui, Liu Ling, and Zhuang Xian.

It took much effort before he managed to convince the other party otherwise. Zhang Xuan sighed.

Every person's cultivation technique, personality, and cultivation are different. As such, the relevant methods to achieve breakthroughs are different as well. As a master teacher, there was no doubt that Zheng Fei understood this. However, he nevertheless underestimated the allure of the Zongshi realm.

Increasing one's longevity so drastically... Just this by itself is able to make anyone lose his rationality.

In fact, Zheng Fei wasn't the only one who was moved by Zhang Xuan's actions. Even Liu Ling and Zhuang Xian were staring at him with burning eyes.

Since the other party was able to help the dying Shen Hong achieve a breakthrough, given that they are at the peak of health, wouldn't it be easier for them to reach Zongshi realm?

Upon thinking of this, the three master teachers made up their mind to get close to Yang shi so that he would offer them guidance for their breakthrough.

Understanding the intentions of the trio, Zhang Xuan felt his goosebumps rising. He hurriedly bid his farewell and prepared to leave, but at this moment, a guard walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty, Lu Xun and Wang Chao from Hongtian Academy request for an audience!"

"Why would they be here at this time?" Emperor Shen Zhui was taken aback. Then, he nodded his head and said, "Get them to enter!"

It is highly likely that these two star teachers would become master teachers in the future. Even though he is the emperor of a country, he doesn't dare to offend them. Furthermore, their parents share a deep relationship with him.

Zhang Xuan was also startled.

"Lu Xun? Wang Chao?"

Didn't the duo just pay me a visit? Why are they here now?

Could it be that they noticed me leave the mansion and made a chase?

But that's impossible...

Doubtful, Zhang Xuan, who was about to leave, ceased his footsteps.

Even though Lu Xun had challenged him to a Teacher Evaluation, he had never met him. Since they had happened to stumble upon each other, it was also a good opportunity to take a look at the rival and find out his capabilities.

Emperor Shen Zhui commanded for the dancers to back down and had the servants pack up the hall. As Shen Hong's clothes were all tattered, he wasn't in a good position to meet anyone. Thus, he left as well.

Right after the servants were done packing up and they had assumed their seats, the two young men walked in.

With a clear look at their appearance, Zhang Xuan frowned.

Aren't they the two arrogant fools whom I saw at the entrance of the academy yesterday?

After so much commotion, it turns out that they are the legendary Lu Xun and Wang Chao!

It was no wonder that their gazes were filled with such contempt when they met him. They had probably recognized him then.

"Lu Xun (Wang Chao) pays respect to Your Majesty, Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi!"

The duo clasped their hands.

They had met Emperor Shen Zhui, so naturally, they recognized him. Even though the faces of the three master teachers were foreign to them, their master teacher robes revealed their identities. As for Zhang Xuan, due to an excessively extravagant dress-up and a crude behavior, he appeared to be an ordinary rich merchant... With a single glance, they decided to disregard the other party's presence.

A star teacher also has his own pride. There is no need to pay respects to everyone he meets.

They had heard of Yang shi and wanted to pay him a visit, but the truth was that they didn't even know of his appearance. As such, they couldn't tell that the person sitting before them was him. Besides, they had just been to Yang shi's residence, and Yang shi was there back then.

"May I know the reason for your visit at such a timing?"

Upon seeing the two of them disregard Yang shi, Emperor Shen Zhui was filled with displeasure. He was about to introduce him when the latter gestured that there was no need to do so. Thus, he could only swallow in his words and question doubtfully.

"Your Majesty, we have a presumptuous request to ask of you." Lu Xun hesitated for a moment before speaking. "We hope to borrow three million from Your Majesty..."

"Borrow money?"

Emperor Shen Zhui was puzzled.

Given their illustrious family backgrounds, why would they need to request this of him?

Besides, why do they need to borrow so much money at that?

"We hope to pay a visit to Yang shi, and Your Majesty has probably heard of Yang shi's protocol as well. In order to enter his mansion, one has to pay three million!" Upon seeing his doubtful expression, Lu Xun got straight to the topic at hand and spoke of his motives. "Once we meet Yang shi, we are confident that we can convince him to accept us as his apprentice. By then, he will definitely return the three million to us, and we will be able to return the sum to Your Majesty."

"Pay a visit to Yang shi?"

Upon hearing his motive, Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers glanced at one another.

The Yang shi that you said you want to visit isn't seated too far from you now. Yet, due to your arrogance, you refused to even greet him and chose to disregard him...

Even so, you wish to become his apprentice...

A peculiar expression appeared on the faces of the crowd. On the other hand, Zhang Xuan scratched his head as he looked at them. He was truly curious why these fellows were so confident that the three million would be refunded to them.

"Why are you so confident that Yang shi will accept you? What if he doesn't accept you, and the three million isn't refunded, how will you repay the loan?"

Lifting up his hand to stop Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers from revealing his identity, Zhang Xuan glanced at them curiously.






Chapter 191: Zhang Xuan's Legend (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"I, Lu Xun, have made a humble reputation for myself in Tianxuan Kingdom. At the very least, I have this much confidence in myself. As for whether Yang shi accepts me or whether the three million will be refunded, there is no need for you to worry about it!"

Even before Emperor Shen Zhui and the three master teachers could speak, the middle-aged merchant dressed in fur coat and a silk cap challenged his words. Lu Xun couldn't help but frown.

Since the other party could be seated alongside His Majesty and the three master teachers, this meant that he possessed exceptional social standing. Even so, he, Lu Xun, was confident that his standing would definitely not be inferior. Putting aside the fact that his father was the emperor's tutor, just considering his accomplishment of becoming the most capable star teacher in Tianxuan Kingdom at such a young age, he was more than qualified to be seated alongside the heads of powerful clans.

For example, even Clan Head Wang Hong would have to address him respectfully as Lu laoshi, not daring to act haughtily before him at all.

Yet, this fellow, despite being just a mere wealthy merchant, not to mention, crude, dares to question me? So what if you have some status? I am talking to Emperor Shen Zhui, and it's not your place to be interfering in the matter!

Who do you think you are?

Upon witnessing his confidence, the three master teachers nearly choked on their saliva.

Despite being genuine master teachers, the three of us do not dare to disrespect him at all... Yet, you, a mere star teacher who isn't even an apprentice yet, why are you behaving so arrogantly?

"I'm not worried for you. It's just that I think that if the money isn't refunded, you won't be able to answer to His Majesty. Even if you were to be sold, I doubt that you will be worth that much!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

He was simply giving kind advice, but to think that he would receive such a rude reply. Zhang Xuan felt frustrated.

"Mister, please mind your words!"

This time, before Lu Xun could even speak, Wang Chao's eyes narrowed. "Lu Xun laoshi is the number one star teacher of Hongtian Academy. He is someone who will become a master teacher one day. Do you think that he will default on a mere three million gold coins? What a joke! If I were to phrase it more directly, he might not even accept this sum of money if some other people were to send it his way. Do you think that it is so easy to gain a favor from a future master teacher?"


Lu Xun interrupted his good friend's words. Then, with a straightened back reminiscent of a spear, he ignored Zhang Xuan once more and turned toward Shen Zhui. "Your Majesty, you know how I am. Even if Yang shi refuses to refund me the sum, I am still confident that I will be able to return it quickly. This amount of money isn't worth putting my reputation on the stake!"

Even though star teachers cannot be compared to master teachers, it is still true that they are able to guide others to help them achieve breakthroughs. Three million might be a huge sum, but as long as Lu Xun is willing to work for it, he will nevertheless able to make back such money within a short period of time.


Emperor Shen Zhui hesitated.

Three million didn't mean anything to Tianxuan Kingdom as a whole, but the reason why he was worried was that he was afraid of incurring Yang shi's wrath.

"I've heard that Yang shi is refusing to meet with outsiders. Even if you have the money, you might not be able to meet him!" Paying no heed to the other party's disrespectful attitude, Zhang Xuan continued to speak.

No matter what, this fellow is Master Lu Chen's son. It is highly possible that the latter does not know that he is here to borrow money. As such, I must try to persuade him.

Given that they were going to cross blows at the Teacher Evaluation, they could be considered as enemies. However, to Zhang Xuan, these are two different matters. Master Lu Chen had provided him much help, and since his son was going to do something foolish, as a senior, Zhang Xuan felt he had the obligation to advise him.

"It is a problem of mine whether I am able to meet him or not. Mister, don't you think that you're going to a little too far interfering in my matters?"

Seeing how that fellow kept trying to ruin this plans, Lu Xun was finally displeased. "I am trying to borrow money from His Majesty, not from you. His Majesty will have his own judgment on the matter, so there's no need for you to be so overly concerned with the matter."

After which, he flung his robe angrily.

Are you sick? I am borrowing money from Emperor Shen Zhui, yet you just have to keep trying to hinder my affairs. It isn't like I can't repay the sum, so what do you mean by this?

Do you think that I, Lu Xun, am an easy target for you to bully?

As a star teacher, if he doesn't uphold his own prestige and allow others to speak as they please in his presence, how can he instill respect in his students? Besides, the three master are observing the situation. If he were to cower when upon criticism, what rights does he have to become an assistant master teacher?

"Mister, regardless of your identity, this is a matter between Lu Xun laoshi and His Majesty. For you to be interrupting their conversation repeatedly, don't you think that you're going too far?"

Wang Chao harrumphed coldly.

Know your place! Don't you see that even the three master teachers aren't saying anything?

Will you die if you do not speak?

"Going too far?"

Zhang Xuan was just offering his advice out of kindness so that the other party wouldn't waste this unnecessary sum of money. Yet, he was despised for doing so. He could only shake his head helplessly.

Soon, his identity as 'Yang shi' would disappear, and it was obvious that his decision to want to become his apprentice was a mistake in itself. Initially, he thought that since he had met with them, he would able to easily dispel the thought from their heads. Yet, his goodwill was thought of as a nuisance.

Not only did the other party not appreciate his efforts, they even thought that he was interfering too much in the matter.

However, it wasn't surprising for the other party to react like that as well. If Zhang Xuan were the one borrowing money, and someone else kept interrupting the conversation, he would be displeased as well.

"You are called Lu Xun, right? I've heard of your name before I even came. I think that Yang... his words make sense. You should reconsider the matter!"

Even though Zhang Xuan didn't mind the other party's sarcastic attitude, Liu Ling could not stand watching it any further.

Initially, he had a good impression of Lu Xun, and he intended to test him before deciding whether to accept him as his apprentice. Yet, he didn't think that he would see this side of him during their first encounter. He is simply too arrogant speaking to Yang shi like that, and the favorable impression that Liu Ling had of Lu Xun disappeared without a trace.

"Thank you Liu shi for your advice, but my mind is made up..."

Hearing Liu shi speak, Lu Xun did not speak to him with the same attitude as he did with the crude merchant. He hurriedly clasped his fists and answered politely.

Upon seeing that the other party was reluctant to accept his advice as well, Liu Ling shook his head and fell silent.

Yang shi had stopped Emperor Shen Zhui from pointing out his identity, so it was clear that he didn't want the latter to know that his identity. Since that was the case, Liu Ling wouldn't get ahead of himself and reveal it either.

"It's merely three million. Given how Master Lu Chen is my teacher, giving it to you is not a problem as well!"

Upon seeing that Yang shi didn't have any intentions of blaming Lu Xun for the matter, Shen Zhui was relieved and he spoke.

This bit of money means nothing to the prestigious clans, needless to say, a kingdom. As the son of his teacher, giving it to Lu Xun straight isn't a problem either.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! However, since I've already said that I would borrow it, I will just borrow it. I do not wish to owe that person a favor!" Lu Xun gestured proudly.

Ever since he had fallen out with that old man of his, he didn't want to be associated with him in any way.

Thus, how can he allow himself to owe that person a favor?

"Go retrieve three million gold coins!"

Knowing that the father and son held conflicts, Emperor Shen Zhui didn't say anymore. He turned to a eunuch by the side and commanded.

The eunuch turned to leave and shortly, he returned with a stack of gold bills.

"Thank your, Your Majesty! I will return it as soon as possible!"

After obtaining the gold bills, Lu Chen clasped his hands once more.

"Un!" Emperor Shen Zhui waved his hands casually.

It would be good if the other party can return the sum, but it doesn't matter if he can't.

Now that the old ancestor has achieved a breakthrough and reached Zongshi realm, Tianxuan Kingdom will only grow more and more prestigious. Once they attract a master teacher here to assume the reigns, it is highly possible that Tianxuan Kingdom becomes a 2nd Tier Kingdom. A mere three million means nothing to him now.

"I won't intrude on Your Majesty any longer then. Lu Xun (Wang Chao) bids Your Majesty farewell!"

After obtaining the money, Lu Xun turned around and left immediately.

After taking a few steps, he stopped abruptly and turned around to look at Zhang Xuan.

"I don't know who you are, but since you're able to be seated with the three master teachers and His Majesty, I doubt that your background is anything simple. However, I would still like to offer you an advice!"

"Oh?" Zhang Xuan turned to look at him.

"When other people speak, it's crude to interrupt their conversation. It's irritating!" A haughty expression appeared on Lu Xun's face as he flung his hands backward. He looked as if he were a sacred lotus, a being untainted by dirt. Then, he turned around and left without stopping again.

Wang Chao glanced at Zhang Xuan and sneered before quickly following Lu Xun out.

Once the duo left, the room plunged into silence. The three master teachers quietly stared at each other.

"That fellow... Where does his self-confidence come from?"

After a long period of time, Zhuang shi could not help but comment.

He was truly infuriated.

For a mere star teacher to be criticizing Yang shi, whom even they have to be respectful toward...

What guts!

"I was considering whether to accept him as my apprentice, but from the looks of it, I should drop the idea. He has no respect for his elders at all..."

Liu Ling shook his head as well.

Lu Xun's fame was so great that it wasn't just limited to Tianxuan Kingdom. Liu Ling and the others had long heard of him, but they didn't think that the first meeting would be so awkward.

"Yang shi, I apologize in his stead. He doesn't... know of your identity and unintentionally offended you..."

Upon noticing that even the three master teachers were displeased by Lu Xun's actions, Emperor Shen Zhui hurriedly turned to Yang Xuan to appease him, in hopes that he wouldn't be angry.

"It's nothing. It is normal for one to get complacent having accomplished so much at such a young age!" Zhang Xuan shook his head and stood up. "Alright, Shen Hong has reached Zongshi realm, and it is time for me to leave. I hope that Your Majesty will send those Tongxuan realm manuals over soon."

"Yes!" Emperor Shen Zhui nodded his head hastily.


After bidding the other three master teachers farewell too, Zhang Xuan clasped his fists once more and left light-heartedly. Hot passion rose in the three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui once again.

Did you see that?

Other people would try their best to extort all kinds of benefits after helping someone achieve a breakthrough. Yet, he simply cooly...

In fact, even when he was doubted and insulted by a junior, he did not get infuriated or annoyed.

"This is the kind of attitude and magnanimity that a true master teacher should possess!"

Liu Ling complimented.

"Indeed! I am completely impressed with Yang shi. If I can become his disciple, it will truly be a great blessing!" Zheng Fei nodded his head in agreement.

"I've heard of Lu Xun's reputation beforehand, but to think that he would be such a person!" Upon recalling Lu Xun's actions, Liu Ling shook his head in disappointment. Then, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Your Majesty, you said that he is going to be competing with a teacher named Zhang Xuan in a few days' time. Is that true?"

In the few days which they had been in Tianxuan Kingdom, their attention had been on Hongtian Academy. The matter regarding the Teacher Evaluation was no secret, so it wasn't surprising that they would be aware of it.

"Indeed!" Emperor Shen Zhui nodded his head.

After returning to the royal palace, he received Pavilion Elder Qian's report and gained knowledge of the 3-star incident.

Even though the battle between two teachers isn't as shocking a news as Master Teacher Yang Xuan's arrival, it nevertheless attracted the attention of numerous people.

"Since Lu Xun challenged the other party, that Zhang Xuan should be a star teacher of Hongtian Academy as well, right? But why have I never heard of his name?"

Liu shi asked doubtfully.

In an official challenge such as this, one usually faces another opponent of the same caliber. Lu Xun is the number one star teacher of Hongtian Academy, and this Zhang laoshi accepted his challenge daringly, so they should be on par.

However, why hadn't he heard of the name of this accomplished teacher?


