

Chapter 178: Conflicting properties

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove


Noticing his appearance, Guild Leader Ouyang and the others were tempted to laugh, but they did not dare to.

Hong Yun is an apothecary of far higher standing than them. Even Emperor Shen Zhui would have to treat him with the utmost respect, not daring to slight him in the least.

Yet, at this very moment, he looks like charcoal and his hair is standing on ends. If not for the movements in his eyes, one wouldn't doubt that this is a corpse.

However, they understood that it isn't an appropriate moment to be laughing. All of their gazes had converged onto Zhang Xuan.

They were curious to listen to what he has to say.

Offering a pointer to a 2-star apothecary... This is something unimaginable to them.

They wanted to see if the young man who had awed them in the Pill Debate can shine once more.

However, the young man simply turned to look at Apothecary Hong Yun with a bizarre expression and inquired, "Are you sure that you are a 2-star apothecary?"

"What do you mean?" Apothecary Hong Yun flung his robe angrily.

"What is the property of Blue Floral Grass?" Ignoring the other party's displeasure, Zhang Xuan asked.

"Blue Floral Grass has a purplish color and is a warm herb." Apothecary Hong Yun replied.

"What about Golden Dime Flower?"

"Golden Dime Flower consists of two colors, golden and silver. As such, some people term it as Silver-leaf Golden Flower. It is a herb with mediating property."

"Even though these two herbs possess mild properties, when used together, an extremely violent reaction results." Zhang Xuan said.

"I know that. However, the Vitality Restoration Pill recipe has been passed down for a long time. If the reaction between the two can result in the explosion of the cauldron, then it would have happened to other people as well." Apothecary Hong Yun shook his head. "Besides, there isn't any mistake in the sequence in which I place the medicinal herbs. In fact, I even added a Purple Aroma Grass between the two to mediate between their properties. In terms of sequence and timing, there are no errors at all!"

He had consulted another expert on the forging process of the Vitality Restoration Pill. Every single medicinal herb and movements were identical to the other party, yet the result was entirely different. This was what left him baffled.

The other party had also said that the fusing of the two medicinal herbs would result in a violent reaction, which he also knew and had taken preventive measures. It is impossible for the explosion of the cauldron to be due to this.

"I didn't say that your sequence is incorrect or that there's a problem with the two medicinal herbs!" Zhang Xuan said calmly.

"What do you mean?"

Apothecary Hong Yun, as well as the other spectators, felt perplexed.

If that isn't the problem, that what could be it?

Otherwise, why would his cauldron explode when there are no errors?

Besides... If there's nothing wrong with the two herbs, why did you even ask about them?

Ignoring the bizarre looks everyone shot at him, Zhang Xuan placed his hands behind his back and walked toward the exploded cauldron. On the ground nearby, a stalk of Blue Floral Grass and Golden Dime Flower each could be seen.

"The Blue Floral Grass and Golden Dime Flower react to result in a violent explosion when they are mixed together... It's true that adding a Purple Aroma Grass can help to solve the problem, but... while other people may be able to do it, but you can't!"

Zhang Xuan smiled lightly.

"I can't? Is there something special about me?" Apothecary Hong Yun frowned.

I am a distinguished 2-star apothecary, and furthermore, I am one of the better-skilled ones in the tier. So why am I the only exception?

"That's right, there's something special about you. If I'm not wrong, you have never eaten any medicine which uses Purple Aroma Grass as the main ingredient!" Zhang Xuan turned to look at him.

"Er... I am allergic to Purple Aroma Grass and so, I cannot consume it..."

Apothecary Hong Yun nodded his head.

"Actually, it's not due to an allergy. Rather, the attribute of your zhenqi is incompatible with it..." Zhang Xuan placed his hands behind his back and continued, "Because you cultivate using the Vast Flame Formula, your zhenqi inherently carries the property of fire. On the other hand, the Purple Aroma Grass grows in the water, giving it the property of water. Hence, your zhenqi overwhelms the water property of the Purple Aroma Grass, causing it to lose its effectiveness. As such, while it is effective for others to utilize the Purple Aroma Grass as a mediating factor in forging of the Vitality Restoration Pill, it does not work for you. Therefore, when the other two herbs come into direct contact, a violent reaction results and causes the cauldron to explode!"

"You... How did you know that I cultivate the Vast Flame Formula?"

Apothecary Hong Yun's face turned pale.

The Vast Flame Formula is a family hereditament cultivation technique handed down through his clan. He had practiced it from young, and it has been several decades since. As a result, his zhenqi does indeed carry the fire attribute. However, this was a personal secret and he had never told any outsider. In fact, not even his good friends know of it. How is this fellow able to tell so easily?

"It doesn't matter how I know it. If you don't believe me, you can try adding Blue Floral Grass and Golden Dime Flower to the Purple Aroma Grass which you have refined. If it doesn't explode, that would mean that my conjecture is wrong." Zhang Xuan didn't bother explaining.

Just by having the other party display his pill forging technique, a book was compiled by the Library of Heaven's Path. Not mentioning the name of the cultivation technique, if he really wished to, Zhang Xuan could have clearly mentioned every single flaw on that cultivation technique. It isn't a big deal to him.

Apothecary Hong Yun hesitated for a moment but eventually decided to give it a try. Thus, he took out a Blue Floral Grass, Golden Dime Flower, and Purple Aroma Grass and refined them into medicinal essences. After which, he mixed the three of them together.


Exactly as what the other party said, the concoction exploded immediately.


Apothecary Hong Yun's body trembled.

He had already studied the Vitality Restoration Pill for numerous years, but he had never succeeded in forging it. He had always thought that the problem lied with his movements and the sequence which he added in medicinal herbs. He never once imagined that it would actually be his zhenqi which had rendered the Purple Aroma Grass's mediating property ineffective.

If he hadn't heard himself, he would have never believed it.

"Is there a solution to the problem?"

Recovering from his shock, Apothecary Hong Yun turned his sight to the young man.

At this moment, he is already completely impressed with the other party.

Initially, he had come with the intention to strip Zhang Xuan's apothecary qualifications. However, that thought had vanished completely from his mind.

To be able to tell his cultivation technique and pinpoint the clash in medicinal herbs just by watching him forge the pill once... Even though he has no idea of the other party's pill forging technique, just his discerning ability itself is more than sufficient to qualify him as a 2-star apothecary.

"To think that a 2-star apothecary can't solve such a simple problem by himself?" Displeasure appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

Even though the library points out the flaws of a problem, it doesn't give him a direct solution. Of course, he can't mention this out loud... What if the other party claims that he did not solve the problem satisfactorily and refuse to pay up?

The reason why he took the effort to answer the other party's question was money. Otherwise, why would he waste his precious sleeping time?

"Thank you for your guidance..."

Upon hearing the other party's criticism, Apothecary Hong Yun's face flushed.

The other party's words made sense. As a 2-star apothecary, it was already absurd for him to pose such a question to a 1-star apothecary. To ask for the solution when the other party had already directed him to the core of the problem… what an embarrassment.

The Purple Aroma Grass was only a mediating factor. As long as he can find a mediating herb that doesn't clash with his zhenqi, the problem should be solved.


The Apothecary Hong Yun, who was incomparably arrogant and authoritative when he arrived, now looks like an elementary schooler, not daring to refute the criticisms. Guild Leader Ouyang and the rest tucked at their hair, wanting to knock their head against the wall.

It was clear that Zhang Xuan's explanation was spot-on. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to submit to him like that.

For a newly appointed 1-star apothecary to lecture a 2-star apothecary to the point that he does not dare to refute his words at all...

The crowd swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

"Guild Leader Ouyang, you should have heard Apothecary Hong Yun's words. Return that money, along with the one million deposit that I paid in advance..."

Ignoring everyone's shock, Zhang Xuan walked straight up to Guild Leader Ouyang, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the money bills which he handed to him previously.


Everyone was speechless.

Since you are such an incredible apothecary, you should be able to earn that bit of money just by selling a few pills. Do you have to act in such a manner just because of this bit of money?

Ignoring their bizarre gazes, Zhang Xuan kept the money and nodded his head in satisfaction.

The reason why he went about looking for money, even disguising as a master teacher to guide others, was to pay for these items... Yet... In the end, when the items arrived, he didn't even have to spend a single gold coin...

If he knew it would end up like this, he wouldn't have gone through so much effort to disguise himself as a master teacher. In the end, look at how exhausted he became doing so...

Zhang Xuan felt dismal.

Apothecary Hong Yun was done examining Zhang Xuan. Knowing that this young man holds true capabilities, he longer dared to hold him back.

Leaving the Apothecary Guild, Zhang Xuan headed to the academy.


Hearing that Master Teacher 'Yang Xuan' had appeared, Lu Xun and Wang Chao could no longer remain seated. After composing their name scrolls, they rushed out of the academy in a hurry. At the entrance, they happened to see a listless young man walking in.

That fellow had bloodshot eyes and his hair was a mess. With a single look, it was clear that he hadn't slept for several days.

"Lu Xun, it's Zhang Xuan..." Wang Chao said with a restrained voice.

"Him?" Lu Xun glanced at the listless young man and shook his head. Contempt appeared in his gaze. "To think that a teacher of the academy would be so ignorant of etiquette and walk around in such a ragged state. It truly is a wonder to me why the academy would recruit such a person in the first place!"

"I think that this fellow must have been feeling stressed over your challenge, and had spent the last few days without sleep trying to think of a countermeasure, thus reducing himself to such a state..."

Wang Chao chuckled.

Who is Lu Xun laoshi?

The most famous star teacher in Hongtian Academy! There is a long queue of students who desire to come under his tutelage.

Even an elder would find himself sweating profusely if challenged by him. The young teacher who had just joined last year is surely scared out of his wits by now.

Otherwise, why would he be in such a state?

"Thinking of a countermeasure?" Lu Xun laoshi shook his head. Self-confidence radiated from his gaze. "To want to surpass me in the field of teaching in the Hongtian Academy... Dream on!"

"Indeed. Honestly speaking, he can only blame himself for his ill luck. He just has to pop up when you require an opponent to rise up and attract the attention of the master teacher. He truly deserves it..." Wang Chao chuckled.

Even though Emperor Shen Zhui had invited Liu shi and the others with secrecy, announcing to others that he was going on a hunt, there were actually quite a few well-informed people who already knew the truth.

In order to attract the attention of the master teachers to become their apprentice, Lu Xun was already prepared to look for someone to serve as his stepping stone. Even if Wang Tao and Wang Yan had not withdrawn from his tutelage, he would have invented another reason. It just happened that Zhang Xuan came into his path voluntarily, so naturally, Lu Xun chose to make use of him.

"Let's go! We have to hurry to Yang shi's mansion now. Otherwise, who knows how long we will have to queue."

Lu Xun nodded his head.

To him, Zhang Xuan is merely a small stepping stone for him to become a master teacher, a meaningless itch on his back. He holds no resentment or anger toward him at all.

"Indeed, Yang shi should be our goal. This Zhang Xuan is only an insignificant figure in the academy..."

Wang Chao nodded his head. No longer bothering with Zhang Xuan, the two of them walked past Zhang Xuan arrogantly, not even giving him a proper look in the eyes!


Seeing two teachers walking past him with their heads held high and haughtily, as though enlightened experts unmoved by material desires, Zhang Xuan was puzzled.

Who are these two... fools?

Even though he had accepted the Teacher Evaluation duel with Lu Xun laoshi, he had never met the other party. Thus, he didn't recognize him at all.

There are several hundred teachers in Hongtian Academy. Zhang Xuan arrived just last year, and he hadn't formed good interpersonal relationships. Given how poor he was faring then, he didn't have the leisure to be concerned about other teachers, so it was natural for him to not recognize the academy's celebrity.






Chapter 179: Teacher, You've Worked Hard!

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Ignoring the two fools, Zhang Xuan proceeded straight to his classroom.

"Teacher, you're back!"

All of his students were present in the classroom. Upon seeing him enter, they bowed deeply.

"Good, looks like you have all been working hard the past few days."

Scanning the room and noticing the rise in their cultivation, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

In his five days of absence, his students actually had massive improvements. Wang Ying, Liu Yang, and Zheng Yang had all attained Fighter 1-dan Juxi realm pinnacle.

Even though Zhao Ya remained stuck at Juxi realm pinnacle, her strength is much greater than the others. It seems like she isn't far from reaching the Dantian realm.

As for Yuan Tao, who has the weakest foundation out of all of Zhang Xuan's students, he had advanced from Juxi realm primary stage to Juxi realm intermediate stage.

The Breathing Forging Pill and the cultivation technique which Zhang Xuan imparted him seems to have worked wonders.

The current Zhao Ya, even without his advice, should be able to easily defeat Zhu Hong.

"Zhao Ya and Yuan Tao, follow me."

After examining everyone's conditions once more through the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan felt pleased. Then, he gestured for the two.

Entering the small room within the classroom, Zhang Xuan whipped out the pills which he had just obtained from the Apothecary Guild. "Zhao Ya, this is the Unravel Yin Pill. It can awaken your unique constitution. Later at night, find a large wooden pail, fill it with water, and soak yourself in it before consuming the pill."

He passed the Unravel Yin Pill over.

"Thank you, teacher..." Even though she didn't know that the pill is worth ten million, it is nevertheless an authentic pill forged by an official apothecary and she knew that it is definitely extremely valuable. She accepted the pill from Zhang Xuan's hands in delight and her heart was quietly filled with gratitude.

"Yuan Tao, do you know why I accepted you as my student?" After passing the pill to Zhao Ya, Zhang Xuan turned to look at his plump disciple.

"I..." Yuan Tao scratched his head.

Actually, he had been baffled these few days as well.

He is the student who scored the worst in the Entrance Examinations. Back then, he thought that Zhang laoshi accepted him because he was unable to find any students and used him to add to his number. However, after witnessing this Zhang laoshi's capabilities later, he immediately understood that he had been mistaken.

How is it possible for such an incredible person to be unable to find students?

Thus, even though he had been working hard alongside Zhao Ya, Zheng Yang, and the others, an inferiority complex had started to develop within him.

He felt as though he would drag the others down.

As such, he had subconsciously kept his shameless personality in rein.

"There's no need for you to feel inferior. As long as you cultivate earnestly, you will be able to reach greater heights than Zheng Yang and the others!" Reading the doubt and fear he bore in his heart, Zhang Xuan said.

Emperor Bloodline. Even in comparison to other unique constitutions, it is considered one of the strongest. If he were to fully awaken this constitution, his cultivation would definitely soar. In this case, exceeding Zheng Yang and the others would be an easy task.

"Teacher... I... Can I really reach greater heights?" Yuan Tao face flushed as he said in agitation.

These few days, he had been worried that Zhang laoshi would dump him because of his inability. He didn't expect that Zhang laoshi would bear such high expectations of him.

"Rest assured, I am not mistaken." Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually. Then, with a piercing gaze, he stared at him. "However... you lack talent. In order to surpass the rest, you will have to endure greater hardship. Are you willing to do so?"

After reading the books in the Apothecary Guild's advanced tier book collection vault, he knew that activating the Emperor Bloodline through such a mean would be an extremely painful process. If he were to cave in, not only will the awakening process be a fail, he might even die as a result.

That's why Zhang Xuan did not pass the item directly to the other party. He wanted to stimulate the other party's determination, to harden his resolve.

To cultivate is to go against heaven. Without the determination to face one's death in the midst of doing so, it is impossible for one to emerge above the countless others who tread on the same path.

"Teacher, as long as my cultivation can improve swiftly so that I won't burden the others, I am willing to bear any hardship." Yuan Tao knelt onto the floor. Unwavering determination reflected in his eyes.

As a wandering cultivator, he had gone through numerous hardships, and he understood that finding a good teacher isn't easy. No matter what, he would never give up on this opportunity.

"Alright, this is the item that I have prepared for you. After returning to your dormitory tonight, spread it all over your body. The process might be extremely painful, but as long as you grit your teeth and bear with it, the rewards will be spectacular. Are you willing to give it a try?"

Upon finishing his words, Zhang Xuan passed the blood of the Colossus Rhinoceros forward.

"As long as it can raise my cultivation, I am willing to bear as much pain as needed!"

Yuan Tao clenched his jaws.

Even though he is often joking about and looks half-hearted, he is actually the most determined of the five.

"Spreading this thing isn't a one-time off thing. After the pain fades, you have to continue to spread another layer over your body. I'll give you five days. Before the start of the Freshmen Tournament, I want to see your improvement. Otherwise, don't bother looking for me again!"

Zhang Xuan said authoritatively. At the very end, there was even a sharp edge to his tone.

"Teacher, I will not let down your trust!"

Upon hearing those words, Yuan Tao knew that Zhang Xuan had given him an ultimatum. Holding the jade bottle in his hands, his eyes burned with extreme motivation.

Zhang laoshi did not give up on him just because he is the weakest of his students. Instead, he went through the effort to obtain this object for him so that he can advance his cultivation. As his student, if he were to back down now, he truly would be letting down the effort and concern his teacher had put into him.

Even if it spells his death, he was determined to accomplish it so as to meet his teacher's expectations.

Yuan Tao gritted his teeth.

"Great. Call Wang Ying in."

Seeing the resolution in the duo's eyes, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

Shortly, Wang Ying came walking into the room. The young lady is just as she was before; the instant she saw Zhang Xuan, her face flushed.

"Teacher, you called for me..."

"Un, how are your legs feeling after using the Body Nourishing Medicinal Solution?"

Zhang Xuan glanced at her.

"Teacher, my legs have fully recovered. Thank you! This... is the money my father had me pass to you for the Body Nourishing Medicinal Solution. He says that you are already my benefactor for being willing to teach me, and he can't possibly let you pay for my expenses on top of that..."

Wang Ying stepped forward and handed over a bill denominated five hundred thousand.

The Body Nourishing Medicinal Solution is sold in the Apothecary Guild, so it wasn't a difficult task to look up its price. As an official apothecary, Zhang Xuan was given a discount for the purchase. If an outsider were to purchase it, it would cost a minimum of three hundred thousand gold coins for one gourd.

It appears that after Clan Head Wang Hong found out about Zhang Xuan giving a gourd of Body Nourishing Medicinal Solution to his daughter, he had specially looked into its price.

"Alright then, I'll accept the money." Zhang Xuan did not decline the other party's offer.

A teacher should not be responsible for paying for a student's expenses. The reason why he had been paying for them is that the Teacher Evaluation is just around the corner, and he is in a rush to obtain those items for them to raise their cultivation.

By accepting this, the Wang Clan and Wang Ying would not feel indebted to Zhang Xuan, and their teacher-student relationship would remain pure.

"Show me your punching routine!"

After accepting the gold bill, Zhang Xuan instructed.

"Yes!" Wang Ying extended her arms immediately and began her graceful maneuvers.

Along with his improvement in cultivation, numerous cultivation and battle techniques had been retained in Zhang Xuan's mind. Even without the Library of Heaven's Path, he is able to tell that her legs have fully recovered.

Soon, Wang Ying finished her punching routine and broke out in a slight sweat.

"This is the leg technique and movement technique that I have created specially for you. Practice well. I will give you five days, and no matter what method you use, you must reach a minor accomplishment in the two skills."

Zhang Xuan passed the two manuals to Wang Ying.

Those are the Heaven's Path Movement Art and Heaven's Path Leg Art, but Zhang Xuan had already simplified the manual. Even though it isn't as powerful as the original version, it can still be considered a top-notch battle technique. Once Wang Ying masters the technique, her speed will be boosted drastically.

"Thank you, Zhang laoshi..."

Flipping open the manual to take a look, Wang Ying's breathing hastened in agitation.

After she recovered from her injury, she had been looking into the leg-related battle techniques within the Wang Clan. Those battle techniques are among the best within the entire Tianxuan Kingdom, but in comparison to the one which Zhang laoshi had given her... what a vast difference!

They belong to absolutely different leagues.

Just by this itself, she understood how precious the manual is.

"Call Liu Yang in!"

Oblivious to the other party's gratitude, Zhang Xuan instructed.

Soon, Liu Yang entered.

Due to him practicing a battle technique too early when he didn't possess sufficient zhenqi, a trauma developed in the meridians in his right hand. As such, the strength in his right hand was unable to compare up to that of his left. However, after the nourishment from the Meridian Rejuvenation Pill, the damage to his arm had recovered fully.

After having him display a punching routine and observing that he had improved significantly in his punching technique, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction. Then, he imparted a manual of the Heaven's Path Fist Art, which he fathomed in the kingdom's Book Collection Vault, to him.

After which, he had him call Zheng Yang in.

After several days of practice, his Heaven's Path Spear Art had matured. Even though the technique consists of one simple movement, it is versatile and can be modified to form countless other moves, causing his fighting prowess to increase immensely.

In a fight, even Zhao Ya may not be a match for him. Even though he isn't the one with the highest cultivation realm of the five, he is definitely the strongest at present.

"Looks like your spear training is going well. However, your cultivation is still way too low. Try to reach Fighter 2-dan within five days."

Zhang Xuan hesitated for a moment before saying.

This student of his is indeed a genius. Even though he had imparted him the skill only a few days ago, he has almost mastered it. In terms of spearmanship, there is nothing to criticize. However, what is holding him back is his cultivation.

"Yes!" Zheng Yang nodded his head.

It is impossible to reach Fighter 2-dan without a year and a half of training following conventional methods. However, Zheng Yang is different.

It isn't because of his talent. Rather, Zhang Xuan's explanations of the Fighter 1-dan realm during lessons had touched on the very essences, providing with him a deep insight into Fighter 1-dan. Coupled with the Breath Forging Pill and a personalized cultivation technique, breaking through his current realm isn't difficult at all.

"Go cultivate..."

Finally, after briefing each of his students, Zhang Xuan can no longer hold back his fatigue. Without a care, he leaned back in his chair and fell asleep in the classroom.

Soon, the sky darkened.

"Where is Zhang laoshi?"

Even though the students were done cultivating, Zhang laoshi had yet to appear from the partitioned room inside the classroom. They couldn't help but feel perplexed.

"Zhao Ya, I think you should go in and check on him..."

"Alright!" Zhao Ya pushed open the doors to the room, full of curiosity, and immediately noticed Zhang laoshi leaning against the chair, sleeping peacefully.

"Teacher... is asleep!"

She sneaked out silently, her eyes reddened.

Obtaining these medicine, imparting new fist technique, movement technique... Needless to say, Zhang laoshi must have been toiling sleeplessly these few days to accomplish all of these for their sake.

No wonder he seemed to be exhausted earlier, such that his eyes were bloodshot.


Zheng Yang and the rest were touched by Zhang laoshi's gestures.

A Pixue expert can usually withstand staying awake for two to three consecutive days without a problem. How tired was he that he could fall asleep while sitting on a chair?

As a student, it is definitely a great blessing to have such a teacher.

"We should cultivate properly, meet the goals teacher had set for us, and achieve victory in the Teacher Evaluation. Only then will we not let down the efforts teacher put in for us." Zhao Ya clenched her jaws.

"Indeed, teacher has given too much for us. If we lose just like that, we won't be able to face him in future!" Zheng Yang nodded his head in agreement.

After which, they turned to look at their teacher simultaneously, who was deep in sleep leaning backward on the chair. The five of them clenched their fists and the same voice echoed in the hearts...

Teacher, you've worked hard!






Chapter 180: Awakening Zhao Ya's Unique Constitution

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Zhao Ya's residence.

Upon receiving the news that his subordinate sent him, Yao Han shook his head with a bitter smile.

When he heard from Zhao Ya that Zhang Xuan laoshi is a Pixue realm expert, he couldn't help but suspect him for the assault back then. Thus, he had been investigating discreetly and eventually, he managed to verify Shang Bin laoshi's movements and he... didn't leave his dormitory that day!

In other words, he isn't the person responsible for beating him up before Zhang Xuan's dormitory back then.

With this piece of news, it isn't difficult to deduce the culprit. Very clearly, the one who made a move on him is likely to be xiaojie's teacher, Zhang laoshi.

"That fellow is truly scheming..."

Until now, whenever he recalls the scenario back then, Yao Han can't help but feel an urge to vomit blood. As a teacher of the academy, shouldn't you be righteous and moral? Yet, you chose to pull an underhanded sneak attack, even going ahead to frame someone else... How shameless.

"Forget it. At the very least, with such a teacher, xiaojie shouldn't be at any disadvantage."

Even though he felt displeased, recalling the fact that Zhang laoshi generously gave the Frigid Sun Mother Grass, an item so exceedingly precious, to Zhao Ya without the slightest bit of hesitation, he nevertheless swallowed his anger with a bitter smile.

With such a teacher, who doesn't put himself in unfavorable situations, xiaojie shouldn't have to worry about being bullied by others. In a certain sense, this is a good thing as well.

"Butler Yao..."

Just as he managed to put away the message to avoid xiaojie from finding out, a guard walked in with big strides from the outside and announced, "The old master has sent news."

After which, he handed over a Record Crystal.

"Un!" Yao Han nodded his head. Pinching the Record Crystal, he infused zhenqi into it and instantaneously, a tall and dashing middle-aged man appeared.

Zhao Ya's father, Baiyu City Lord, Zhao Feng!

"I have received the news regarding Xiao Ya. A few days later, I will enter the capital to pay a visit to this Zhang Xuan laoshi." Within the Record Crystal, Zhao Feng's gaze was sharp, and he exuded the disposition of a natural leader.

"Pure Yin Body... There was a precedent in Xiao Ya's mother's lineage. It takes both money and luck to awaken it. I will have to obtain the tier-3 pill which is worth several tens of million for Xiao Ya... the Unravel Yin Pill!"

"Upon reaching the capital, I intend to plead with His Majesty to purchase one from the Apothecary Guild for me. You should also make some preparations in advance. Also, I will have someone pass you ten ten-thousand gold bills, give the money to Zhang laoshi. After all, I can't have him spend his own money on top of having saved my daughter. I don't wish to owe favors, and I won't allow my daughter's benefactor to be at a disadvantage as well!"

In the Record Crystal, City Lord Zhao gestured authoritatively, and overwhelming majesty exuded from his actions.

Baiyu City is the second largest city in Tianxuan Kingdom. It is known for producing white jades. As the city lord, Zhao Feng possesses absolute authority and controls the massive wealth within the city. Naturally, developed the disposition and mannerisms of a conqueror.

Zhang laoshi having recognized Zhao Ya's Pure Yin Body and even extending a helping hand, was already a huge favor. As the city lord of Baiyu City and a powerful official, how can he allow him to further spend money from his own pocket to pay for his daughter's treatment?

This is an action unbefitting of him as a city lord!

"Butler Yao, the city lord had me bring this..." The guard who passed the Record Crystal to him a moment ago passed another few money notes over.

"The city lord had also specially instructed me to have you convey to Zhang laoshi that he will repay the favor of teaching xiaojie in the future..." The guard continued speaking.

"I got it!" Yao Han nodded his head.

"Do not let xiaojie find out about this. You can leave now!" Just when Yao Han was about to continue instructing him on the arrangements, he suddenly saw Zhao Ya walk in.

"Uncle Yao, it's good that you're here. Help me get someone to prepare a wooden bucket. Also, can you help me check how much the Unravel Yin Pill cost? Is it more expensive than Breath Forging Pills?"

Upon entering, Zhao Ya ordered immediately.

Zhang laoshi had given her a pill. Even though she doesn't possess the money to repay him now, she should at least know of its value. This way, she would know at least know how much Zhang laoshi had done for them.

"Unravel Yin Pill? Is that a pill which Zhang laoshi had told you about?" Upon hearing xiaojie talk about the pill which the city lord had just mentioned, Yao Han was taken aback. After which, he felt a surge of awe for the latter.

Even though Zhang laoshi is indeed underhanded when it comes to scheming against others, his knowledge is indeed impressive. He was able to easily obtain news which the city lord had spent a great amount of money to look into.

Impressed, Yao Han smiled and said, "The Unravel Yin Pill is extremely useful for one with the Pure Yin Body. Rest assured, xiaojie, the city lord will be coming over in a few days' time to purchase it for you..."

Not only is a tier-3 pill expensive, one needs proper connections to purchase it. It is impossible for an ordinary person to buy it even if they have sufficient money to do so.

This is precisely the reason why City Lord Zhao Feng is making the trip personally to plead with His Majesty to liaise with the Apothecary Guild on his behalf. Otherwise, even as a city lord who possesses exceptional standing in Tianxuan Kingdom, he nevertheless doesn't possess sufficient status.

The Apothecary Guild is a powerful organization that traverses across innumerable borders and countries. The branch in Tianxuan Kingdom is merely a small outlet compared to the innumerable others scattered around the world. Possessing powerful backings, even Emperor Shen Zhui dared not to lay his hands on the Apothecary Guild, needless to say, a small city lord like Zhao Feng.

Just as Yao Feng was considering whether to tell xiaojie of the message the city lord sent, he saw her whipping out a bottle. "There's no need to, Zhang laoshi has already given me a pill, instructing me to cultivate well these few days!"

"Given you a pill?" Yao Han's eyes widened in shock.

The city lord had just mentioned that it is a tier-3 pill which costs tens of million for one.

Even the Baiyu City would suffer a huge budget deficit spanning several years if they were to spend so much money at once...

Zhang laoshi... casually... gave one to her?

Yao Han felt that his head was about to burst apart from madness.

He had seen generous people, but... he had never seen such a generous person!

This is no longer a matter of generosity...

This is absolutely inconceivable.

"Xiaojie, can I take a look at that pill of yours?" Suppressing his shock, Yao Han redirected his attention.

"Here!" Zhao Ya handed over the bottle.

After receiving the bottle, Yao Han casually opened it.


A dense fragrance gushed out immediately. With a single whiff, he felt every single pore on his body open, bringing him an incomparably refreshing sensation.

Even though he doesn't possess an in-depth knowledge of pills, just the effect of the scent itself is sufficient for him to realize that the pill is definitely authentic.

To casually give a tier-3 Unravel Yin Pill to a student...

Where exactly does this Zhang laoshi come from?

Previously, he was still harboring thoughts of getting back at the other party when xiaojie isn't around. However, upon seeing the pill, the thought was erased from his mind immediately.

The previous time, when he tried to castrate the other party, he was beaten up so badly that even his parents found it difficult to recognize him... If he were to really make a move again, it would be likely that the other party escapes unscathed once again while he would be sent back to Baiyu City in a coffin...

To say the truth, this Zhang laoshi is really too complicated.

Yao Han had initially thought that he is a trash teacher of the academy, and he is a despicable pervert who preyed on female students' immaturity to lay his hands on them. Yet, in the twinkling of an eye, he transformed into a Pixue realm expert, as well as an nonmaterialistic saint who gives his all to his students. That, Yao Han can still accept. Then, the other party even went on to take the apothecary examination and casually gave xiaojie a Frigid Sun Mother Grass and an Unravel Yin Pill... This is no longer a matter of his prestige or his strength.

Without backing from someone powerful, it is impossible for him to achieve such feats.

"The pail is here. I will be consuming the pill then!" Knowing that this Uncle Yao of hers often stood in a daze ever since he took the beating, Zhao Ya paid no heed. Holding the Unravel Yin Pill, she arranged for the pail to be brought into the room and hastily started training.

Time waits for no one. She doesn't want to disappoint Zhang laoshi.

As such, Yao Han was left by himself in the room. After an unknown period of time, he turned to look at the Record Crystal in his hands and with a bitter smile, he shook his head, "Master, I know that you do not wish to owe any favors. But... I doubt that you will be able to repay Zhang laoshi anytime soon..."

To gift the Unravel Yin Pill, which even his master is unqualified to buy, to xiaojie so casually... How can his master repay such a favor?

He will never be able to repay the favor no matter how hard he tries...


Oblivious to the distress Uncle Yao was suffering, Zhao Ya returned to her room and filled the wooden pail with hot water before sternly instructing that no one is allowed to interrupt her. Then, she took off her clothes and stepped into the pail.

Following immediately, she retrieved and swallowed the Unravel Yin Pill.

It felt as though she had swallowed a mouthful of scalding soup. A violent wave of scorching energy gushed into her meridians immediately.

Unravel Yin Pill is actually a pill which contains pure yang medicinal property. Usually, when such a medicine is absorbed into the body of an ordinary cultivator, it is absorbed by the body and converted into zhenqi and other nourishment, augmenting his strength. However, if a person who possesses the Pure Yin Body were to consume this pill, a calamity would result.

Yin and yang are at odds with another; it is impossible for the two to coexist. Under the stimulation of the pure yang medicinal property of the Unravel Yin Pill, the Pure Yin Body would be forced to awaken to protect its host.

Even though the concept sounds simple, it is actually an extremely complicated and risky process. A single mistake can cause one's cultivation to dissipate.

"Maintain one's tranquility and drive one's cultivation technique."

Knowing that the pill is valuable, Zhao Ya did not dare to waste even a single sliver of the medicinal essence. Zhao Ya focused her attention and followed the cultivation technique which Zhang laoshi imparted her to propel circulate her zhenqi.

As befitting of a cultivation technique compiled by the Library of Heaven's Path, immediately, she felt the violent aura within her body calm down significantly. At the same time, the Pure Yin Body, which had laid dormant all along, started to come to life.


After a moment later, a giant whirlpool of energy manifested within her body, and the energy of the Unravel Yin Pill was swept along, circulating throughout her entire body furiously.

Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!

The previous hurdle she faced was shattered immediately, and in the blink of an eye, she broke through to Fighter 2-dan Dantian realm.

Under the impact of the medicinal essence, as though the valve to a flood had been opened, her unique constitution, which had been tightly sealed for over a decade, awakened abruptly.

If anyone were present, they would able to see her skin transform to become increasingly smooth, tender, and bouncy visibly. Even though the previous Zhao Ya is also considered a rare beauty, due to her young age, she had looked immature. However, at this very instant, she exudes the aura of an absolute beauty.

Those possess the Pure Yin Body are favored by the heavens. The moment their constitution is awakened, not only will their cultivation be boosted significantly, their skin and figure also improve tremendously. Even though there isn't a vast difference in terms of appearance, she now carries an absolutely pure disposition, as though an inviolable fairy which had descended from the skies.

If she had paled in comparison to Shen Bi Ru before, at this very instant, in terms of just her appearance and disposition, the other party would not be able to raise her head before her. She truly had become the number one goddess in Hongtian Academy and Tianxuan Kingdom.

These are the effects of the Pure Yin Body. Just by awakening it, one transforms from the very core, evolving from an ugly duckling into a swan. Not to mention, Zhao Ya was a beauty from the very start. After the metamorphosis, she became even more dazzling.

And all this is because she had awakened just ten percent of her constitution.

It is unimaginable how she would look like if she were to awaken it fully.


After a long period of time, a loud explosion echoed. The pail shattered into smithereens, and Zhao Ya slowly opened her eyes. A powerful aura surged forth from her body.





Chapter 181: Lu Xun's Visit

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Approximately when Zhao Ya began to cultivate after consuming the Unravel Yin Pill, in the forest behind Hongtian Academy, Yuan Tao was finally done adjusting his state, and he stared fixedly at the jade bottle before him.

He was a wandering cultivator, and due to his lack of proper guidance, his results in the entrance examination were poor. Unlike Zhao Ya, who has a private dormitory of her own, he could only squeeze in with the others. Since Zhang laoshi said that applying the paste in the jade bottle will be painful and dangerous, it was clear that he can't do it in the dormitory. Thus, after pondering over the matter, he decided to come here.

It was quiet with no threats of an assault by a savage beast or so, making it a suitable ground for cultivation.

"I should begin!"

As he had already made up his mind previously, there was nothing for him to hesitate about. He opened the bottle immediately.


An overwhelming smell of pungent blood gushed out from the jade bottle. Following promptly, he felt an extraordinarily violent energy and it made him tremble involuntarily.

After taking off the clothes on his body, piece by piece, he poured out the liquid from the jade bottle and spread it on his body.


The moment the crimson-red fluid came into contact with his skin, Yuan Tao felt as though his entire body was pierced with needles. The pain was so excruciating that he felt as though his skin was being torn over and over again.


Under the excruciating pain, Yuan Tao collapsed onto the floor.

This pain far surpassed all other which he had experienced in the past. It felt as though someone was carving his skin off with a sharp dagger.

His face lost all colors quickly, taking on a shade of absolute paleness. Cold sweat dripped off Yuan Tao's face and his body shivered unceasingly.

"The pain..."

His sight blurred and he found himself losing grasp on his consciousness.

No matter what, he is just a sixteen to seventeen-year-old child. Regardless of what he had gone through and what he had suffered in the past, he would still cower in the face of excruciating pain.

"Why don't I... give up... the present state of things is not that bad, why do I have to raise my strength?"

The thought invaded his mind, striking at his will repeatedly.

"If I give up... Will Zhang laoshi reprimand me?"

Just as he felt his determination wearing thin, a figure suddenly appeared before him.

Zhang laoshi!

He was looking at him with that ever impassive expression. His eyebrows were creased, and his displeasure was apparent.

"No, I can't betray the trust he has in me..."

Noticing the seemingly angered Zhang laoshi, Yuan Tao shivered and illimitable fighting spirit came gushing out from him anew.

Before meeting Zhang laoshi, he was always the butt of jokes. Not only was he plump and had poor comprehension ability, his cultivation realm was sorely lacking. He had pleaded with more than ten teachers, only to be chased out of each of their doors. No one wanted to bother him.

He thought that he spend his life without achieving anything. But... he met Zhang laoshi.

It's Zhang laoshi who did not despise him for his figure or his ability. It's Zhang laoshi who specially tailored cultivation techniques for him, even toiling through the night to obtain this liquid so that he can improve and break through to higher realms!

To him, Yuan Tao felt indebted. The other party had put effort into grooming him.

If he were to be unable to take such little bit of pain, how can he have the cheek to face him in the future?

Zhang laoshi, rest assured. I will not let you down. I will persevere on and obtain your approval!

An unyielding resolution bloomed in his heart. When his eyes opened once more, he realized that the heart-wrenching pain had dulled by a fair bit.

After an unknown period of time.

The pain slowly subsided. Lowering his head to take a look, Yuan Tao realized that the red substance he had spread over his entire body had been completely absorbed. At the same time, a thick layer of armor resembling scales had appeared on his skin.

Even though he had no idea what it was, he knew that his defensive ability had been increased by multiple folds.

"Zhang laoshi said that it isn't sufficient to just apply the substance once. Continue!"

Seeing that there is still a fair bit of liquid in the jade bottle, Yuan Tao spread it over his body once more.

After going through the agony once, Yuan Tao felt a little hesitant. However, upon thinking of Zhang laoshi, Yuan Tao steeled his heart.

Eventually, he utilized the entire bottle of red substance.

"This is..."

Lowering his head to take a look, Yuan Tao realized that a layer of cuticle had formed on the surface of his skin after he had absorbed the red substance, and it is somewhat reminiscent of fish scales.

"I should give it a try..."

Doubtful, the flames of curiosity appeared in Yuan Tao's mind, and he charged straight at a tree nearby.


With a crisp sound, the bowl-size thick tree was immediately broken at the trunk. At the same time, all he felt on his body was an itch. There wasn't even the slightest bit of pain.

Yuan Tao's eyes narrowed.

Just how strong are his defensive and offensive abilities now?

"Teacher... I have succeeded..."

Recalling the suffering that he had gone through, Yuan Tao clenched his fists and tears came streaming down his cheeks.

At the very least, I didn't betray teacher's trust in me...

Zhang laoshi, I have succeeded in meeting your goal!


At the same time, Wang Ying, Zheng Yang, and Liu Yang were also working hard.

After receiving a movement technique manual and a leg technique manual from Zhang laoshi, Wang Ying did not hesitate in the least and returned back home immediately to train. Her fighting prowess is rising progressively.

Zheng Yang continued to push against the boundaries of Fighter 2-dan so that he can reach Dantian realm within five days.

Liu Yang had also started practicing Heaven's Path Fist Art. The sound of his fists created sonic booms here and there.

While the five great disciples were busy training, the respected teacher, Zhang laoshi finally woke up, stretching his back lazily.

"How did I fall asleep here?"

Upon opening his eyes, he realized that he had fallen asleep in the resting area in the classroom. There were no beddings, but he didn't feel the slightest chill. Unknowingly, a layer of clothes had been placed on him to keep him warm.

There were both male and female clothing in the mix...

His five students, fearful that he would catch a cold, took off their coats for him.

"These little fellows..."

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Due to the overwhelming exhaustion he felt yesterday, he fell asleep the moment he sat on the chair. His students probably carried him here gently before covering him with their clothes.

Looks like he had really overexerted himself. Otherwise, given his strength, it shouldn't have been possible for him to be moved without realizing it at all.

After the sleep, the fatigue which he had accumulated over five days disappeared entirely.

Looking through the windows, he realized that it is already noon the next day.

"Since I've accepted their money, I should attend to their problems..."

As a 'master teacher', he had accepted eighty million from the others. Given his fatigued state, it is one thing for him to have ignored them yesterday. However, now that he has recovered, he should at least offer them some pointers in return for their money.

Otherwise, he would feel guilty.

Returning back to his residence, he saw Sun Qiang welcoming him anxiously with tears brimming from his eyes.

After eating some food, Zhang Xuan had Sun Qiang invite the people in, according to the sequence in which they paid up.

These people were mainly those who had met a wall in their cultivation and hoped to achieve a breakthrough.

A person's cultivation is just like a river flow. If one is unable to achieve a breakthrough, it means that there must be something hindering him from doing so. Possessing the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan is able to easily locate the blockage site and, utilizing his silver needles and pure zhenqi, inducing a breakthrough isn't a difficult task at all.

After all, these people had cultivated for an extremely long time and the accumulation of their hard work had brought them to a state where they are merely a single step away from breaking through, just that this step had obstructed their path for a very long time.

What Zhang Xuan had to do was to merely assist them across the door. Using the river analogy once more, just by inducing a crack in the obstruction, the overwhelming volume of water which had accumulated over time would blast open the entire blockage through sheer force.

Of course, while the principle sounds simple, it is nigh impossible for any other master teacher to accomplish the same feat as Zhang Xuan.

Be it physique, cultivation technique, habits, every single person varies immensely from the other... Thus, the blockage in each and every person differs greatly. It is just like how there are no two identical leaves in the world, the blockages in the meridian within a cultivator's body were vastly different.

Without the Library of Heaven's Path, it would be impossible for one to know where the source of the problem is, needless to say, help the other person achieve a breakthrough.


Outside Zhang Xuan's residence.

Sun Qiang opened the door and shouted, "Next..."

"I'm sorry, can you let us through?"

The moment Sun Qiang's words sounded, another voice came from the back and two young men came forward with widened strides.

They are Lu Xun and Wang Chao from Hongtian Academy, and they are here to visit Yang shi.

As they were dressed in teacher's robes, even though the crowd was displeased by their action of cutting their queue, they nevertheless opened up a path for them.

"Butler Sun, we are..."

Wang Chao stepped forward and clasped his hands.

They had waited for an entire day, and initially, they thought that their statuses as star teachers would be able to attract Yang Xuan's attention and that he would quickly summon them in. Yet...

Yang shi did not appear the entire day. Whenever Sun Qiang emerges, he would just shout for the next in the queue to enter. He refused their name scrolls, and this caused them to panic.


Before Wang Chao could even finish his words, Sun Qiang frowned, "Did you think that this is your house, for you to charge forward like this? Go to the back of the queue!"


To be bellowed at by a mere Pigu realm butler, Wang Chao's face flushed and he nearly exploded into rage.

As a star teacher, regardless of where he goes, Wang Chao receives tremendous respect. There are no master teachers in Tianxuan Kingdom, and as such, Lu Xun and he are the most welcomed figures in the capital. He thought that just by stepping forward to reveal his identity, he would be able to hand over his name scroll and enter the residence. Yet, beyond his wildest dreams, before he could even finish his sentence, this plump butler demanded him to scram.

"Why? Do you wish to violate the rules?"

Sun Qiang flung his hands majestically, "Do you want to try me? Without even lifting a single finger of mine, there will be someone to throw you out."

The heck, where did this bumpkin come from?

To dare to cut the queue outside a master teacher's residence, he must be truly ignorant.

Even though Sun Qiang isn't a master teacher, the people who are here to pay Yang shi a visit would be more than willing to do the job for him.

Hearing these words, Wang Chao became so angry that his body started to tremble with agitation.

Anywhere else, such an insignificant figure would have been easily crushed by him with a single, casual blow, and no one would dare to speak up for him. Yet, this person is now asking him to scram, even threatening to throw him out...

His face flushed, and he clenched his fists tightly. Even though he was angry, he didn't dare to rebuke Sun Qiang.

After all, they are here to earn Yang shi's favor and become his apprentice. If they were to offend his butler even before meeting him, all hope would be lost.

"Butler Sun, please calm down. I am Lu Xun, a teacher from Hongtian Academy. I wish to pay Yang shi a visit, and I hope that you can help refer us to him..."

Extending his hand to restrain his good buddy, Lu Xun stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Lu Xun laoshi?"

Sun Qiang was taken aback.

Even though he was just an ordinary merchant in the commercial city who rarely came into contact with top-notch figures, he had long heard of Lu Xun laoshi's great name, him being an incredibly famous figure in the capital. He is the sole son of the emperor's tutor, Master Lu Chen, as well as the most likely person in Tianxuan Kingdom to become a master teacher.

Not only so, despite being under twenty-five, he has already achieved Pixue realm. His talent is top-notch, even within the entire kingdom.

Due to his identity, even Fighter 7-dan Tongxuan realm experts treat him with the utmost respect.

Yet... Sun Qiang just asked him to 'scram'?

Cough cough, his luck is truly bad.

He had just offended three master teachers, and now, he has offended another potential master teacher...

He had seen how the old master criticized others however he wished, and it looked easy then. Yet, why was it that difficult for him to do the same?





Chapter 182: Throw Him Out

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"This is our name scroll, I hope that Butler Sun can help us pass it to Yang shi. If we were to be summoned by Yang shi, us brothers will be extremely grateful for your help."

Seemingly seeing through Sun Qiang's fear, Lu Xun smiled faintly. He placed his hands behind his back and displayed a confident smile.

Since young, his life had been smooth-sailing. Furthermore, with the reputation that he had made for himself in the past few years, a confident demeanor had grown in him.

Within the Tianxuan Kingdom, who would dare to treat Lu Xun with disrespect?

In the past, he relied on his father's prestige as the 'emperor's tutor'. But now, he had made a name for himself as the 'Star Teacher Lu Xun'.


Nodding his head, Sun Qiang grabbed the name scroll and walked into the residence.

Even though Lu Xun is merely a celebrity teacher now, given experience, it is extremely likely that he would become a master teacher. As a lowly butler, Sun Qiang did not want any involvement in a matter between master teachers. Thus, he decided to leave the matter to the old master.

"Abusing his authority, acting like he is in charge!"

Upon seeing the plump man change his attitude after hearing Lu Xun's name, Wang Chao harrumphed coldly and a look of disdain appeared on his face the moment Sun Qiang disappeared into the mansion.

He had investigated Sun Qiang's background beforehand. He was only the boss of a realtor store and for some reason, he caught Yang shi's sight, causing the massive change in his social standing.

Despite reaching Pigu realm only after forty years of age, being fat like a pig, and possessing no special capabilities whatsoever, he dared to bellow at him. If not for his identity as Yang shi's butler, he would have long taught him a lesson.

"He's just an insignificant figure. Brother Wang, you need not pay him any heed." Lu Xun chuckled.

"So it's Lu Xun laoshi and Wang Chao laoshi. I apologize for failing to recognize you two."

"You both are famous celebrities in the entire kingdom. I've been wanting to pay you a visit, and it is truly a pleasant surprise to meet you here."

"It is truly my honor to be meeting you two. I might have to impose on you two in the future..."

Hearing the exchange, those queuing behind them dispelled their anger immediately and acted politely to them.

Teachers can be classified into two categories: ordinary teachers and master teachers.

Ordinary teachers can be further subdivided into low-level, high-level, and star teachers.

On the other hand, master teachers can be differentiated as apprentices (also known as assistant master teacher) and certified master teachers.

Lu Xun and Wang Chao belong within the first classification, but they had attained the highest level, therefore gaining the qualification to become a master teacher. As long as they receive the acknowledgment from a master teacher, they would be promoted to become an apprentice master teacher immediately and soar to great heights.

Possessing such a status, even though those waiting by the doors are powerful experts with exceptional standing in the kingdom, they did not dare to offend them.

Furthermore, they are here to pay a visit to Yang shi. If things go well, they might well become Yang shi's apprentice. Flattering them then would be too late.

Upon seeing the attitude of the crowd, Lu Xun and Wang Chao chuckled simultaneously as they clenched their fists in agitation. At this moment, they felt an overwhelming sense of superiority, as though a single word of theirs can change the fate of others, as though they had already become apprentice master teachers.

The reason why they had been trying to make a name for themselves at such a young age is precisely because of this.

"Please do not get angry at that butler. When you both become Yang shi's apprentice, he will never dare to say such words again."

A cultivator fawned upon them.

"Indeed! Once you become Yang shi's apprentices, you will be considered his disciples. On the other hand, he is just a butler, a servant!" Another person chirped in.

"You're all being too polite. How can becoming an apprentice master teacher be so simple?"

Even though Lu Xun's words seemed humble, a confident smile was displayed on his face, as if to say "who else but me?".

But that is to be expected. He is known as the most incredible star teacher in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom. If a master teacher were to be looking for an apprentice, no one in the entire kingdom would be able to compete against him.

"Lu laoshi, you're being too humble. I've heard that Liu shi has the intention to accept you as his disciple!"

"I've also heard of it. But judging from how even Liu shi paid a visit to Yang shi personally, if you can become Yang shi's apprentice, your starting point will be even higher."

"If you become Yang shi's apprentice, your standing will probably not lose to any other 1-star master teacher. When that time comes, we'll be relying on you two..."

A few more people offered their flatteries.

"Don't worry. If Yang shi really accepts me as his apprentice, I won't forget any of you."

Lu Xun and Wang Chao chuckled together. They stood proudly before the others as though a lotus rising above the mud, inviolable beings whom others can only look up to respectfully.


At this moment, the entrance opened and Sun Qiang emerged once again.

Seeing him reappear, the duo stepped forward immediately.

"Sorry for the trouble, Butler Sun. Please lead the way." Wang Chao chuckled haughtily as he proceeded to walk toward the mansion.

However, before he could even take a few steps, a plump figure blocked his path. Then, he saw Sun Qiang look at them with a peculiar expression.

"Could it be that Yang shi did not allow us to enter?" Wang Chao's face darkened.

That shouldn't be! They had listed their accomplishments in detail on the name scroll. As well-qualified star teachers, how is it possible that they are rejected?

"Enter? Who allowed you to enter? You two have two choices. You can either join the queue from the back or... scram!" Sun Qiang gestured with his hands authoritatively.


He didn't expect that the other party would continue behaving like that even after the name scroll had been handed over. Lu Xun and Wang Chao were infuriated.

"Is this Yang shi's intentions? As a lowly butler, you should know your place to not falsely report your master's words!"

Lu Xun stepped forward.

He had his moment of glory when everyone else thought that Yang shi would summon them in. If they were to be rejected like this, his reputation would fall into the gutters immediately, and he would find it difficult to lift his head before anyone else in the future.

"Falsely report? Men, throw these two troublemakers out."

Sun Qiang could not be bothered with them and beckoned for the guards.


Several guards appeared from behind the gate, and each armed with a rod, they walked toward Lu Xun and Wang Chao.

"You..." Wang Chao's face was flushed red. "Sun Qiang, how dare you..."

What do you mean by this?

Thrusting rods at me?

Do you think that we're beggars?

We're star teachers, respected figures in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom... If we were to be driven away by you like that, what will become of our dignity?

"Why would I dare not to? My old master has already instructed that no matter who it is, if one wants to meet him, he has to queue up and pay three million gold coins. Teachers are no exception. Otherwise, if everyone were to visit with just a name scroll in hand, won't the old master be exhausted to death? To think that you are a star teacher, pui! To dare cut the queue without even paying. Please do not tarnish the reputation of teachers any further!"

Sun Qiang stared at the two contemptuously. He waved his arm, as though driving away flies, and said, "Throw them out!"

He also felt anxious earlier on. But when he handed the name scroll to the old master, the latter only asked a single question: Have they paid yet?'. Upon hearing that they had not paid the sum, he simply ordered Sun Qiang to handle as per the rule.

From this, it can be seen that star teachers... do not mean anything to the old master at all.

Oh well, even when the three master teachers paid their visit, the old master did not hold them in high regard. If so, what would a mere star teacher mean to him?


Upon hearing Sun Qiang's command, the guards stepped forth, "The two teachers, please!"

As they said so, strange looks appeared on their faces.

"I always thought that teachers value their dignity a lot. It turns out that they wish to sneak in just by using name scrolls and avoid the entrance fee?"

"Yang shi's actions are applaudable. He views everyone as equals, and even teachers are not given special privileges. I am impressed!"

"To have cut queue when they don't have money. They sure are thick-skinned. To think that I wanted to befriend them just now..."

"It is impossible for such low-class people to attract Yang shi's attention. To think that they wanted to become his apprentices... How hilarious!"


Not just the guards, the crowd also harrumphed coldly.

They had paid the exorbitant sum and queued continuously for several days. Even so, they haven't been summoned. On the other hand, the two of them, without even paying up, wished to enter the mansion. What a joke! They are asking for a scolding!


Observing clearly the contemptuous looks that the crowd shot them, Lu Xun and Wang Chao nearly spurted blood.

The strong sense of humiliation caused their heads to feel faint.

To avoid an awkward situation, they had intended to pay the three million visiting fee in private. Lu Xun had composed the name scroll earnestly with the expectation that even if the other party refuses to meet them, he would at least pay some consideration to their identities and keep quiet about the fee.

In contrast, not only did the plump man reveal the matter, he even looked at them scornfully...

Tears threatened to stream down Lu Xun and Wang Chao's faces.

The heck!

This time, they truly lost every shred of their dignity. If there were a hole in the ground, they definitely would have dived in instantly.


Just as he was about to continue with some small talk to calm down the situation and restore his dignity, Wang Chao felt a grip on his arm. Lu Xun was pulling him away.

"My apologies, Butler Sun. We were too rash today. We will be taking our leave..."

After which, he turned and left.

That Butler Sun is a tough nut to crack. He dares to say anything and everything. If they do not leave but continue bickering with him, not only will they simply get more infuriated, they would also be humiliated further.

Those who are able to become star teachers are, by no means, fools. Upon seeing his good buddy turn around to leave, Wang Chao also recognized his concerns. Glaring hatefully at Sun Qiang, he turned around and left as well.

"Lu Xun, what do we do now?"

Upon leaving the crowd, they walked into a remote alley. Then, Wang Chao couldn't help but ask.

Initially, they thought that submitting their name scrolls would help them impress the other party. As long as they were summoned in, they were confident that, with their knowledge, they would able to impress Yang shi. However, never in their dreams did they expect that... not only did the other party reject their entry, his butler even pointed out in public the fact that they didn't pay the entrance fee. The anger and dismay they felt sent them to the verge of insanity.

"What else can we do? We can only obtain the three million entrance fee and then enter with our heads held high."

Lu Xun clenched his jaws.

Only by meeting Yang shi can they display their abilities to win his favor. Since they can't even meet with the person in question, what is the purpose of arguing with the butler?

"Three million? Where can we find such a sum? Wang Chao's face was as bitter as a bitter gourd.

"You know it as well. My relationship with that old man isn't good. Even if he has the money, he will never give it to me. Besides, how can I break it to him?"

Lu Xun shook his head.

"My old man could have taken out such a sum. But a few days ago, he learned an incredible spear art and paid several million as the tuition fee, so our clan is broke now. We might not be able to produce even a hundred thousand now..."

Wang Chao smiled bitterly.

That father of his had been immersed in that spear art like a fool for the last few days, to the point that he was not even willing to spare time for this son of his. Besides, even if he really has the money, obtaining it from him would be unlikely to happen.

"Sigh, so what should we do now?"

The duo was troubled.

"Lu Xun, if it comes down to it, how about you try asking Emperor Shen Zhui for a loan... Didn't you grow up in the palace? It shouldn't be hard for you to borrow three million from him. Besides, it isn't too late to repay him the sum when you become an apprentice..."

Suddenly recalling something, Wang Chao proposed.

"Emperor Shen Zhui?"

Lu Xun rubbed between his brows for a moment before replying.






Chapter 183: Treating Shen Hong

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

While Lu Xun and Wang Chao were thinking about how they could borrow three million to pay 'Yang shi' a visit, the person in question, Zhang Xuan, had his eyebrows deeply knitted together.

Lu Xun's motive for paying a visit was clear to see. It didn't matter to Zhang Xuan whether he met the other party or not, and he didn't instruct Sun Qiang to make things difficult for him either.

The both of them are merely embroiled in a Teacher Evaluation, and there really isn't any grudge to speak of. Thus, there was no need for Zhang Xuan to intentionally make things difficult for the other party. Besides, he doesn't have the leisure to be thinking about this at the moment, because... a black-clothed man is standing before him.

This person had entered through the back gates. Fully dressed in black, even the figure's face was concealed, making it impossible to identify the person. Initially, Zhang Xuan thought that the person was here to cause trouble. However, the moment he entered the main hall, he bowed immediately and removed the black cloth concealing his face.

"Emperor Shen Zhui, you..."

Upon making out the other party's appearance, Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

He had thought that it was a burglar or a bandit. He had never fathomed that it would be Emperor Shen Zhui, whom he had just met yesterday.

As the sovereign of the country, the entire kingdom belongs to him. Yet, instead of entering openly through the front door, he sneaked into the mansion dressed in black. Acting so secretively, what is he up to?

"Please pardon my intrusion. I am here to plead with Yang shi to... save the Royal Elder!"

Upon noticing his questioning gaze, Emperor Shen Zhui quickly explained.

"Save your Royal Elder?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

Sneaking into the mansion dressed in black, it doesn't seem like saving someone... but trying to kill someone?

"Didn't I say that I will help you?"

Zhang Xuan frowned.

In return for saving their Royal Elder, he had already stated his terms yesterday which the other party had agreed to. So, why did the fellow barge in like this?

Could it be that this fellow found gathering Tongxuan realm secret manuals a difficult task and had chosen to resort to force instead?

When this thought flashed through his mind, Zhang Xuan was alarmed.

To be able to become the sovereign of the country, Emperor Shen Zhui's fighting prowess has to be extraordinary. At the very least, it is likely that he has reached Tongxuan realm pinnacle. Even though his own cultivation had improved by leaps and bounds recently, he nevertheless isn't a match for an expert of that level.

However, Zhang Xuan dismissed the thought as soon as it appeared.

Putting aside the fact that the other party knows that he's a master teacher, he wouldn't dare to do so given that he is, in fact, pleading with him to save his Royal Elder.

If he enters a rage and refuses to help or, instead, makes an intentional mistake during treatment, the Royal Elder might actually ascend to heaven earlier than expected.

"I acknowledge that it is inappropriate for me to have visited so abruptly today, and I should have gathered the Tongxuan realm secret manuals before inviting Yang shi over, but who knew that... yesterday, the Royal Elder's condition worsened all of a sudden... He might not even survive the day..."

Emperor Shen Zhui sensed the displeasure in the other party, and he hurriedly bowed down and explained: "Thus... I took the liberty to barge into Yang shi's mansion. I hope that Yang shi can make a trip to treat the Royal Elder."

"Might not even survive the day? Even if you want me to treat him... There shouldn't be any need for you to be dressed like this..."

Zhang Xuan was speechless.

You are a dignified sovereign, a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert. Even if your Royal Elder is on the verge of dying, you should need not dress in black and scale walls.

It makes it seem that you are here to murder someone. It's fortunate that those guards aren't highly-skilled. Otherwise, you could have died for no reason.

"The Royal Elder's health is the greatest secret of the entire kingdom, and it is imperative for it to remain confidential..." Emperor Shen Zhui explained.

It was because of the Royal Elder's presence that Tianxuan Kingdom had been able to remain in peace for many years. There are already quite a few who know that the old ancestor's health had been deteriorating, and if Emperor Shen Zhui were to pay an open visit to Yang shi and the other powers find out, they would be able to guess the real reason. If Yang shi fails to treat him, their ambitions would definitely be ignited and they may take advantage of this opportunity to strike.

At the same time, if Emperor Shen Zhui were to send someone else here in his stead, it would be disrespectful to Yang shi. He has no choice but to conceal his appearance and sneak over.

As a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert, it wasn't a difficult task for him to hide from sight to creep in here.

"Un!" Having heard the other party's explanation, Zhang Xuan came to understand the situation. "Alright, I'll follow you to take a look."

Looks like this emperor has regarded him as the final straw of hope.

However, it doesn't matter to Zhang Xuan either way. If he were to save that Royal Elder, the emperor would definitely not dare to delay the matter regarding the Tongxuan realm secret manuals.

As long as he can obtain a thousand books on Tongxuan realm and create a compilation, his strength would surely soar.

"There are too many eyes outside. I might have to trouble Yang shi to leave through the back door with me..."

Upon hearing him agree to it, Emperor Shen Zhui's eyes gleamed in delight. But he continued immediately with an apologetic voice.

"It's no problem!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

After calling Sun Qiang and informing him briefly, he secretly left the residence under the lead of Emperor Shen Zhui.


Two figures leaped across the skyline of Tianxuan Royal City as though flying birds. If those who had yet to reach Dingli realm were to look up, even if they were to focus all of their attention, they would only see two shadows flitting by.

They are Zhang Xuan and Shen Zhui, who are in a rush to the royal palace.

As a Tongxuan realm pinnacle expert who possesses remarkable movement techniques, Shen Zhui's movement was extraordinarily swift. However, when he glanced behind at Yang shi, who was following him, his confidence shattered immediately.

En route, he had utilized over twelve movement techniques, and he had become so tired from running that he was about to collapse out of exhaustion. Yet, Yang shi continued to traverse with ease, without the slightest bit of urgency. His breathing was calm, as though this was a simple feat to him.

Even though he was unable to exactly perceive the other party's prowess, from this itself, it was clear that the other party's zhenqi is much more vigorous. Furthermore, the other party's movement technique is far superior.

They couldn't even be compared.

With such powerful zhenqi and amazing movement technique, it is impossible that the other party is a weakling.

It is no wonder the three master teachers were impressed with him. Without a doubt, his strength definitely surpasses Tongxuan realm pinnacle. In fact... It isn't impossible for him to be a Zongshi realm expert!

Upon thinking of this, Emperor Shen Zhui felt even greater respect for Yang shi.

While Shen Zhui became increasingly fearful of the other party, in truth, Zhang Xuan was feeling extremely dismal at the back.

From the very start, this fellow had been dashing ahead with all of his might. If he fails to keep up, his identity might be exposed. Thus, he could only clench his jaws and try his best to stay close.

He is only at Pixue realm pinnacle. Even though he has opened up all 108 acupoints and his strength is equivalent to a Tongxuan realm intermediate stage cultivator, he is still a far cry from the top experts in the kingdom.

It is fortunate that he had managed to learn Heaven's Path Movement Art a few days ago, allowing him to travel at greater speed. Otherwise, the other party would have disappeared from his sight right from the very start.

Even so, there were a few times which he nearly got shaken off. Thus, he made use of the Library of Heaven's Path to look into the flaws of the other party's movement techniques and his habits, predicting his movement in advance and taking a shorter route, thus avoiding the fate of being left behind.

"It is fortunate that there are many flaws in his movement technique. Otherwise, if the other party really did manage to shake me off, I would have to give up on feigning as an expert..."

There are likely to be two reasons why the other party is traveling at such great speed. Firstly, the condition of the Royal Elder in the palace is grave. Secondly, Shen Zhui wants to test Yang shi's capabilities. If the other party is truly a formidable master teacher, his speed should be exceptional. If the other party fails to catch up with him, even if he doesn't point it out then, he would definitely be doubtful of the person's identity.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Xuan felt dismal.

What is this? The trip to the palace to save a person had suddenly become a race. He had to exert all of his strength just to keep up. If not for his image as an 'expert', he would have long sent a kick to the other party's face.

Is he here to request for my help or to race with me...

Furthermore, he had to keep up without displaying the slightest bit of fatigue. If not for the fact that he had broken through recently and that the zhenqi in his body had increased tremendously, he would have given himself away.

The heck! It truly is difficult to pass off as an expert. This really isn't something a normal human can achieve.

If Sun Qiang were to hear of his thoughts, he would definitely express his utmost agreement. It was precisely because of him trying to do the same that he nearly caused his own death... Until now, he remains traumatized by the event.

"Since I have already obtained the things that Zhao Ya and the others need, when I finally gather the Tongxuan realm secret manuals, I will have this 'Yang Xuan' disappear..."

Zhang Xuan made up his mind.

Even though impersonating a master teacher had allowed him to receive enormous respect, it came with its fair share of trouble as well. If he were to be seen through, it would already be considered letting him off easily if he were to be pummeled to death.

Now, it appears to be a wise decision to have 'Master Teacher Yang Xuan' disappear the instant he receives the Tongxuan realm secret manuals.

Without any rest, in ten minutes or so, they reached the royal palace.

It seems that proper instructions had been given, and there were no hindrances at any point. Soon, they arrived at a large hall.

"Right in here..." Emperor Shen Zhui pushed open the door and walked in.

Inside the hall, Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Zheng shi were present. Creases had formed on their eyebrows as they stared helplessly at the Royal Elder lying nearby.

The stabilizing pillar of Tianxuan Kingdom, Shen Hong.

A few days ago, this white-haired elder was still able to walk independently. But now, he can only lie on the bed and gasp for air. It seems that he may die at any moment.

"Yang shi!"

As they entered, Liu Ling and the others immediately stepped forward to welcome Yang shi.

After the previous encounter, they understood that it is likely that Yang shi is a higher tier master teacher, and as such, they did not dare to act arrogantly in the slightest before him.

"I plead of Yang shi to save the Royal Elder..." Emperor Shen Zhui turned to look at Zhang Xuan anxiously.

"If I can save him, I will do so."

Zhang Xuan replied before walking forward to the elder.

The death aura that engulfs Shen Hong is much heavier in comparison to that on Apothecary Chen Xiao previously. He can only lie still on the bed. If not for his moving eyeballs, one would have thought that he had already passed away.

It is no wonder that Emperor Shen Zhui specially rushed to look for him. Based on Shen Hong's current condition, it is hard to say whether he can live past today.

Having walked a circle around Shen Hong, Zhang Xuan still couldn't identify the problem. Thus, he could only place his fingers to feel the other party's pulse.


The Library of Heaven's Path remained reactionless.

It wasn't that he had grabbed the wrong hand, but... Shen Hong isn't in a coma. His eyeballs are still moving, and he is still conscious...

"It wouldn't be realistic to have him execute a punching routine now..."

Zhang Xuan's face darkened.

Given that fellow's current condition, it is already a blessing that Shen Hong can keep his eyes open. If he were to really push himself to execute a punching routine, he might really die before Zhang Xuan can do anything.

"Yang shi... Is there a method to treat him?"

Upon seeing him frown, Emperor Shen Zhui could not help but ask anxiously.

This is already his final straw of hope. If Yang shi is unable to come up with a solution, he can only watch as the Royal Elder breathes his last.

"This..." Zhang Xuan scratched his head.

He can't possibly mention that he couldn't discern anything about the other party.

Having the conscious execute a punching routine and touching the unconscious, he had tried the two methods and successfully compiled books in the library through such. But... How can he deal with this those in such a semi-conscious state?

He can't have him execute a punching routine, and touching him is ineffective.

Why don't you pass out for a moment? You are obviously having trouble holding onto your consciousness, what are you doing not passing out!

"Cough cough..."

After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Xuan lifted his head and asked, "This... Is there any object here which can knock him unconscious without... killing him?"





Chapter 184: Poison Master

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Knock him unconscious without killing him?"

Emperor Shen Zhui, Liu Ling, and Zheng Fei stared at one another as question marks popped above their heads.

Isn't he here to save the Royal Elder?

Why do you need something to knock him unconscious?

Don't people usually infuse zhenqi, feed medicine, or apply acupuncture and such to save others? Does knocking someone out help too?

The corner of Zhuang Xian's mouth twitched. He felt a tightening sensation at his backside and a constipated sensation overwhelmed him.

Even though he had consumed numerous medicine, his face remained swollen. His body was still aching from the beating that he suffered that day. Even though the other party had helped him achieve a breakthrough and he is genuinely grateful to the other party for that... Aren't his methods way too unorthodox?

There are set procedures which typical master teachers follow when helping others to achieve a breakthrough of their current cultivation realm. In fact, it had even a model. Yet, this fellow simply went ahead to blindfold him and beat him up... Even until now, he has yet to recover from the trauma of that incident.

Of course, he understood that his condition is unique and thus, it was within reason that he had to resort to such extreme means. However, why does he have to knock the dying Shen Hong unconscious to save him?

Could it be another inconceivable treatment method...

"There's a type of powder which can knock one unconscious with just a single whiff..."

After hesitating for a moment, Emperor Shen Zhui said.

All kinds of medicine can be found in the royal palace. It isn't difficult to find one that can knock a person unconscious without killing him.

"Good, bring it over!" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up as he instructed.

Soon, a eunuch brought a jade bottle over.

Opening the jade bottle, he saw that it was filled with white-colored powder.


Nodding his head in satisfaction, Zhang Xuan took the bottle and walked up to Shen Hong. Under perplexed gazes, Yang shi walked up to the Royal Elder who was gasping for air and said with confidence, "Breathe it in! Come on, breathe it in!"


Everyone nearly fainted.

They were puzzled over why he required the medicine, but upon hearing his words, they nearly choked to death on their own saliva.

When saving someone, one usually feeds tonic and spiritual essence... Yet, you feed him sedatives...

Are you sure you aren't here to murder him?!

While everyone had entered a frenzy, the royal family's Royal Elder struggled to shake his head, his face full of fear. If not for the fact that he was immobile, he might have leaped up and fled the scene.

At the peak of his health, breathing this in would place great stress on his body. Now that he is on the verge of death, if he were to take a whiff, he might just fall dead.

Do you think that I am not dying quickly enough? That you want to give me a helping hand?

With his heart full of panic, he turned to look at Emperor Shen Zhui.

Weren't you going to invite master teachers over so that I can achieve a breakthrough and extend my longevity?

Why is the person you brought trying to get me to breathe in sedatives?

What are you doing?

This is way too much!

"Cough cough, Yang shi... The old ancestor's body is extremely frail now. I'm afraid that... if he were to inhale it... his body might be unable to handle it!"

Upon noticing the doubtful gaze his Royal Elder shot him, Emperor Shen Zhui's mouth twitched and he hurried forward to stop him.

When he witnessed Yang shi's bizarre methods the day before, he thought that it would be limited to helping others achieve a breakthrough. To think that even his treatment method would be so incredulous.

The Royal Elder had already expended great willpower to hold on in wait of your arrival. If he were to really breathe it in, even if he doesn't die, he wouldn't be too far from it.

"Unable to handle it?" Zhang Xuan stopped.

The other party's words made sense. The fellow looks as though he would die at any moment. He had been depending on his will to survive. If he were to really fall unconscious and the drive holding him here disappears, he may just die on the spot.

So now, I can't knock him unconscious, and neither can I have him execute a battle technique.

What should I do?

Zhang Xuan was at a loss.

He thought that by using the Library of Heaven's Path, he would be able to easily see the root of his illness. Even if he couldn't save him, he could discuss it to prove his expertise. But look at the situation, the other party just has to be in such a state, rendering him completely helpless.

"Then... is there anything that can temporarily boost his vitality, such that he will not die even if he were to be knocked unconscious?"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan asked.

Since the other party is on the verge of death, using sedative is out of the question. Thus, he can only find a way to temporarily boost the other party's vitality so that he wouldn't die when he is knocked unconscious.

"Wouldn't die even if he were to be knocked unconscious?"

The others stared at one another.

This Yang shi is truly determined to knock Royal Elder Shen Hong unconscious...

"Liu shi, is there anything among the master teacher diagnosis methods that... require a person to be knocked unconscious?" Zhuang Xian secretly sent a telepathic message over.

There are many methods for a master teacher to diagnose a person's condition. Just like how a physician diagnoses a patient, through these methods, a master teacher can understand the exact condition of the person and point out the very core of his issue.

The 'expert' before them has practices simply too bizarre. Even as master teachers, they are unable to comprehend the logic behind his actions.

"This... Usually, the person has to be conscious to be diagnosed. Unconscious... I really have no idea at all!" Liu Ling shook his head.

He is knowledgeable and had toured many different kingdoms. He had seen people using all kinds of means to wake an unconscious person to diagnose him, but he had never come across knocking a person unconscious to diagnose him.

An unconscious person is not much different from a corpse, how can one identify his problem like that?


The few master teachers were baffled. Emperor Shen Zhui was also bewildered. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "This... the Royal Elder has already consumed all kinds of tonics that might possibly extend his longevity and boost his vitality. Just that these medicines are mostly ineffective now..."

Shen Hong had the backing of the entire kingdom. In order to extend his longevity, he had ingested all kinds of medicine and his body had already developed an immunity to medicinal effects. Even if he were to be fed with more medicine now, it is unlikely that it would be effective.

Hearing the other party's words, Zhang Xuan felt dismal.

Initially, he thought that once the old ancestor is fed with some medicine, he would regain sufficient vitality to execute a battle technique. Yet, this fellow turned out to be a drug junkie, and medicine is ineffective on him...

The hell, am I really going to fail this time?

"I do know of one item that can boost a person's vitality for a short period of time. It works just like the medicine that Emperor Shen Zhui mentioned; after consumption, it grants a weak person temporary strength and spirit. Furthermore, it has minimal side effects. However..."

Liu Ling had contemplated for some time before speaking. But speaking to this point, he hesitated all of a sudden.

"But what?"

Zhang Xuan turned to take a look.

"However... It isn't a tonic but a... poison!" Liu Ling said.


Zhang Xuan was confused.

Doesn't poison usually harm others? How would consuming poison boost a person's vitality, and not to mention, cause minimal side effects?

Not just him, even Emperor Shen Zhui was puzzled by his words. He immediately turned to look at Liu Ling with a strange expression.

"Everyone knows that poison masters are of the Lower Nine Paths. They often concoct poison to secretly harm others. Their despicable means brought them despise. Even so, given how the profession had been passed down throughout the ages, it shows that there is value to its existence."

Zheng Fei said.

All professions that are passed down are surely useful in some ways.

Even though poison masters possess poor reputation, they aren't entirely scourges of the human society. They are also useful in their own ways. For example, if a person wants to get rid of pest or avoid miasma, they would require the help of such a person.

"Indeed, I've heard of the substance as well. From what I know, it is concocted using more than a dozen venomous substances in a specific ratio. Just like pill forging, it is incredibly difficult to concoct. The various ingredients would need to be mixed in a specific manner in a specific ratio such that they would complement one another and form a perfect balance. In that case, not only would it not be detrimental to one's health, it can even stimulate a person's latent potential and induce the recovery of their vitality for a short period of time."

Zhuang Xian seemed to have thought of it as well and he nodded his head in agreement.

After which, he turned over to look at Yang shi with a confused expression. "Even though poison master is an extremely remote profession, this item is extremely common in 1st Tier Kingdoms. Yang shi... You don't know about it?"

Not just him, even Liu Ling and Zheng Fei were extremely puzzled.

A master teacher has to be knowledgeable about the occupations of the Upper, Middle, and Lower Nine Paths, as well as their skills. During the examination to become a 1-star master teacher, one has to answer questions on the topic in detail.

As such, there isn't a single master teacher who doesn't know of this.

The person before them is able to offer them pointers, revealing that he is obviously an extremely high tier master teacher. Yet, how can he be ignorant of poison masters and the medicine they concoct?

In fact, it seemed as if it is his first time hearing of it?

"I... don't like poison masters as an occupation, so I didn't study much of it..."

Looking at the doubtful gazes the others were shooting him, Zhang Xuan felt slightly awkward.

Possessing the Library of Heaven's Path, it is no problem for him to offer pointers. However, when it comes to common knowledge, it is easy for Zhang Xuan to give himself away.

As a master teacher, one must have an incredible discerning ability to identify the root of a problem. In order for one to possess such perceptive eyes, one has to have a wide range of knowledge.

Without having a wide range of knowledge as a foundation, how can a master teacher recognize the crux of a problem in a single look and offer guidance?

And what Zhang Xuan lacks is this accumulation of knowledge.

He is able to hoodwink people through the use of the library, but his ignorance shows through readily when met with this kind of general knowledge questions.

"You don't like it? Didn't study much of it?"

The frown on Liu Ling and the others' faces deepened.

As long as one had been to a 1st Tier Kingdom, even the deaf and blind would be aware, needless to say, a high tiered master teacher.

Besides, a master teacher should be open to everything. They had never heard of one refusing to study a subject just because he hated the occupation...

Those are obviously words of an outsider.

If not for the fact that the other party had offered them pointers, and had showcased his incomparably vast knowledge in the field of cultivation, they would have suspected that he is an imposter.

"Do any of you have the medicine?"

Judging from the faces of the crowd, Zhang Xuan realized that he must have mentioned something inappropriate. Fortunately, he was born thick-skinned and this allowed him to remain composed. He changed the topic immediately.

"This medicine has to be concocted by a poison master on the spot as it cannot be stored. Otherwise, changes would occur within the medicine, resulting in the balance between the various venomous substance to be destroyed, causing it to become a deadly poison... How can we possibly have such a thing!"

Liu Ling nodded his head. The doubt in his eyes deepened.

This Yang shi is way too amateur!

It is impossible for a master teacher to ask such a question.

The same thought also sprouted in Zhuang Xian and Zheng Fei's minds. In that instant, they once again began to doubt Yang shi's identity as a master teacher.

"Is that so..." Knowing that the other party was already suspicious, Zhang Xuan knew that he shouldn't linger further on the topic. He immediately turned to Emperor Shen Zhui and said, "Since that's the case, then I would have to bother Your Majesty to find a poison master to concoct it!"

At this, he paused for a moment. Then, ignoring the gazes that the others cast, he spoke with a majesty unique to master teachers, "I need this medicine to save your Royal Elder!"


This time, it wasn't just the three master teachers, even Emperor Shen Zhui was perplexed by Zhang Xuan's demand. "Our Tianxuan Kingdom is a remote country which doesn't even rank into the tiers... As such, we do not have any poison masters in our lands... Yang shi, it can't be that you are not aware of it?"

"You don't have poison masters here?"

Gedeng, Zhang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.



