

Synopsis After returning from country V, Riana decided to return to her country home in city X. Riana happens to be the only child in an ancient family that practice BUDARISM. In this family known as the wick's family,powerful people exist and this power is transfer from one person to another by just skipping a generation after another. Ones it is the generation in which the special being is been picked,the power naturally gifted to the chosen one from birth. Riana is the special child that is blessed and gifted with the power,but then she knew nothing about it when she was young. She found out that as she was growing and turned 27,she wasn't aging any and her grandma who was the chosen one in her own time,explain to her,how and why it is so. She left home hundred years ago because of the way she was been maltreated back then by her own relatives because she wasn't a male child and her father left all his property in his will for both her and her mother. Her mother saw this and told her to go to country V and stay with her Grandma,that she would come to pick her up after two years. But then Riana disagreed and said that, "it is either I stay or you come with me", But then again her mother disagree and told her that she needed to stay in her husband house and take care of his property. And then again she agreed and left city H, and fled to country V. And now after hundred years, she decided to return to find out why her momma didn't keep her promise...... Stay tune and read with me the LEGENDARY RIANA. .

Joy_B1 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

I Want To Go Home

Theresa's Story Continues From Here ****In the book Space.... Patricia POV... They page contains pictures that look like people and monsters from the past. Because according to the chapter title, "The Past Heroes" was written on it. All of a sudden,the book started reading on it own,the pages flipping on it own and images imprinted to each page as it reads. " The pictures you see are the drawings of your past life,yes your past",the imaginary person reading the book said."How are they my past life",I managed to ask."it is OK for you to be confuse about it,that is why I am your guide and even though I am not able to tell it all,I know that you are smart enough to understand",the male like voice replied.At this point,I could not even fine the right word to use,and right now,I wasn't afraid of him.Is it to tell him that I am a dumb and lazy student or to lie about it."you do not need to lie to me about it,you might not be intelligent your class but believe when I say that you have wife imagination and good understanding towards things and before I forget my name is Draco",the male like voice or better yet Draco said."You don't you take a seat,you have been standing for some time now "Draco said and offered me a seat. "let's continue from were we stopped, I called them your past lives,because gradually,their memories will become your memory when the last owner of those memory is dead ", Draco said."how does that have anything to do with me",I replied all ready agitated for wasting my time here."calm down,what I am about to say isn't something that you will rush and besides I did not force you here,you came on your own"Draco said "and it is because,I knew nothing about travelling to some unknown land or space,I just want to return back home to my family and I do not care about what you want to tell me,just take me home",I replied him."well you can't go home until you hear what I have to say,it is the only way out",Draco said."So i will be stock here for ever,is that what you are saying,because I am not ready to hear anything from someone I can't even see",I said."goodness,why are you female so difficult to handle""You won't be stock here for ever if you listen to me and moreover you can't see me because that will be when you can't leave here",Draco said.I kept mute and held unto the book much tight close to my chest."you do not have to squeeze the life out of that innocent book,hand it over to me", Draco saidHis statement almost caused be to laugh not until he said that I should give the book that my grandmother lend . If this book was that mysterious why would she give it to me."good question,which is why you should hand the book to me and reserve that question for her instead", Draco said. Wasn't this man taught some manners,why will he read my thought."Excuse me Mr Draco, my thoughts are private and not to be sold out to some..... "not when I can hear them young miss" he said interrupting my statement."now be a good girl and give me the book", he said,now his voice closer."give me the book",I heard a voice behind me,which caused mr to flinch and almost felt to the ground."Easy there,just stretch forth the book", he said Without much hesitation,I did as he said,because at this point I didn't know what he can do to me."It is a good thing that you fear me,because you don't know",he said and then the book I stretch fourth left my hand and was floating in the air,until it got to the huge book shelf.So this man is invisible,not some floating object."Remember I can hear you thoughts and I am not an object",Draco said with that angelic voice of his that I hate to admit."thanks for the compliment",he said.TBC...

There are problems with the spacing,please pardon.

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