

Synopsis After returning from country V, Riana decided to return to her country home in city X. Riana happens to be the only child in an ancient family that practice BUDARISM. In this family known as the wick's family,powerful people exist and this power is transfer from one person to another by just skipping a generation after another. Ones it is the generation in which the special being is been picked,the power naturally gifted to the chosen one from birth. Riana is the special child that is blessed and gifted with the power,but then she knew nothing about it when she was young. She found out that as she was growing and turned 27,she wasn't aging any and her grandma who was the chosen one in her own time,explain to her,how and why it is so. She left home hundred years ago because of the way she was been maltreated back then by her own relatives because she wasn't a male child and her father left all his property in his will for both her and her mother. Her mother saw this and told her to go to country V and stay with her Grandma,that she would come to pick her up after two years. But then Riana disagreed and said that, "it is either I stay or you come with me", But then again her mother disagree and told her that she needed to stay in her husband house and take care of his property. And then again she agreed and left city H, and fled to country V. And now after hundred years, she decided to return to find out why her momma didn't keep her promise...... Stay tune and read with me the LEGENDARY RIANA. .

Joy_B1 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Stomach Ache

Riana couldn't even get out of bed,just rolling from side to side. This morning,Rain was awoken with a stomach ache which caused her to vomit everything she ate last night. Thinking of how to get out of bed,Ryan decided to called one the hotel attendant with the help of the telephone beside her bed. In few minutes,a knock came on the door;"come in ", Riana replied as she tried to sit up right. With her face looking so pale,the attendant who looks like someone in her mid thirties came in and saw her in that state and got worried."good morning ma'am,how may I help you",the attendant asked. "can you help me get some drugs,am not feeling too good within my system ", Riana replied in a calm voice. With much hesitation in the voice and a worried appearance of attendant,she said; "in as much as I want to help you but I can't,the hotel manager as restrict any form of drug dealing and so I can't do as you have requested,am sorry ". Riana look at the attendant,then felt like crying and from the looks of things,she was being sincere with her statement.Without thinking too much about it,Riana dismiss the attendant and thought of a way to get her self some drugs.Riana trying standing which she did perfectly,then head over to the bathroom to freshen up. When she was done with brushing her teeth and taking her bath,she came out,check through her stuff to fine what she could put on to cover up her already cold body even after lubricating her body. Once she was done,she step put of the room and headed down stairs and signed out, not without getting her permission slip.She got out and was about to take a taxi towards the pharmacy she saw when she was on her way to the hotel.But then she realize that she didn't even know what was wrong with her and that she must go to a head for check up.Then she asked the taxi driver to take her to the hospital,the driver did just that and when the got to the hospital,she paid him and step out. With difficulty,as it seems like it is getting worst,she looked up and saw the name boldly imprinted on it "IMPERIAL HOSPITAL"."This hospital must be the elite hospital,why did that taxi bring me here,did I really dress so expensive,this is all grandma Patricia idea,to get me expensive and good looking cloth that I never asked for,now look at where it has landed me,were on earth does she get here money from, ",Riana thought and brought out her phone to check if she called her back,but to unfortunately she didn't called,then she made a mental note to called her. As she step in to the hospital,she went directly to the receptionist to as for directions to were she could be able to get her check up done. "Do you know your doctor or is this your first time?, the receptionist asked her professionally.Riana shooked her head and said that it was her first time here."follow me then",the receptionist said with excitement in her voice.Riana followed her and as the were going,she saw someone familiar coming towards the opposite and then she froze on the spot when she finally realize.....TBC..

They are problems with the spacing,please pardon.

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