
Katsuki Bakugo in one piece

a teenage otaku who died from a gas explosion in his house while watching the anime my Hero academia. and get the chance to be reincarnated into another world. okay this novel is written in Indonesian and then translated via google translate because the author can't speak English. so just enjoy using your wits so the story looks plausible. I don't own anything in here, all credits go back to their respective owners. and also this fanfic is just wish fulfillment.

Herosin_Gaming · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

2-3 trainings

As the black dot got closer it was seen that it was the silhouette of a warship, the ship was made of wood in black and brown, and on the ship had a very high mast on top of the mast there was a flag with a skull entwined by a snake coming out of its eyes. and the nose of the skull, the ship can be said to be quite large, it is estimated that the ship can accommodate about 200 people.

When Bakugo saw the ship he had a sinister grin. Hahaha that pirate ship I never saw the jolly roger in the canon, was he a weak pirate who was no longer around when Luffy sailed, heh I don't know because not all pirates are shown in the manga and anime series.

Snake pirate POV.

Captain captain ahead is an island: said one of the geeks in the snake pirates.

Hemm island, is it an inhabited island?: said the snake pirate captain.

The snake pirate captain has a large stature with black skin and his eyes are closed on the side like nick fury, he uses a large ax weapon hanging from his back, with a classic pirate hat.

No, captain, it looks like an empty island.

Hemm then we stop there, we need to repair the ship, our ship is slightly damaged because of the rogue marines.

Fine captain.

End of pov.

Currently Bakugo is up in the tree he is hiding temporarily to observe the pirates, Bakugo observes whether they are evil pirates or pirates who are just looking for adventure like straw hat luffy, and also if they are evil pirates he will see how many members they have if under 300 people he will immediately finish their journey here, if Bakugo is able to kill them, because Bakugo also requires real combat experience.

When the snake pirates landed on the island, they immediately got off the ship in groups, it was estimated that they had about 60 members, when Bakugo saw that they only had about 60 members, he immediately smiled and immediately thought of how to defeat them without having to spend much power.

When the pirates stepped on the shore of the island, some of them immediately took equipment to repair the ship, and some brought out food and drink for them to feast on.

Snake pirate captain POV.

When we got to the shore of the island I ordered some of my subordinates to repair the ship, and the other half brought out food and drink for us to feast on.

When my subordinates told me about their experience of looting an island that we recently did, I saw a teenage boy coming out of the forest with a smile that could be said to be between scary and dismissive of us.

Little boy who are you, I'm the snake captain of the snake pirates with a bounty of 5 million berries.

When I said my name I saw the boy's smile grew even more radiant.

Boy who are you don't play with me do you want me to kill. When I spoke like that my subordinates who were partying immediately looked at me and they saw in front of me there was a teenager who was smiling while walking towards us.


When Bakugo who was hiding in a tree heard about their recent experience of looting the island, Bakugo had a big smile on his face, because he could kill them without mercy.

Tch they're just pirate bastards in general, then I won't feel guilty when killing them, I have to learn and feel how to kill humans, because in this world there are only strong and weak, laws don't apply in this world at all In this case, the strong make the law while the weak only obey the orders of the strong.

Moreover, the path I will take is the path of a pirate which means I will be chased by the world government and the marines where they are the ones who govern the laws of this world, have you ever thought how an organization that has existed for more than 800 years can still exist? firm without interference, is no one willing to overthrow them? The answer to all of this is only one, that is because they are strong, if they are not strong, they will not be able to stand for more than 800 years.

Therefore, I will make you the prompak who come to this island as a stepping stone for me to become even stronger.

POV Bakugo

When I got down from the tree and walked towards the pirates, it seemed that the person who could be considered a captain was looking at me, and he said. Little boy who are you, I'm the snake captain of the snake pirates with a bounty of 5 million berries.

Tch only 5 million berries are really weak it's true from what I heard East Blue is the weakest sea of ​​the 4 seas. I just smiled wider and looked down on them when I heard the gift from their captain's head.

I walked closer and closer, I saw the person who called himself the captain pulled out his ax and was smoking about to slash at me as the distance between me and him got closer.

But it wouldn't be Me if there wasn't a surprise, I immediately ran forward as hard as I could and as fast as I could, and extended my hand to the captain's head, before the captain could react I suddenly.


I released the strongest explosive power my body can bear right now, the explosion made the captain's head shattered his brain scattered everywhere.

When I saw the killing I resulted from my explosion, it felt like all my guts were going to come out including my breakfast this morning, but I endured it because I had to get used to it, because this world is not as peaceful and beautiful as it appears in the anime, murder and crime almost every day in this world, pirates plundering islands, or world nobles claiming to be celestial dragons took or bought slaves, and tortured them like they were trash and not living beings.

When I looked at the expressions of the pirates, I saw the look of disbelief on their faces, their captain who had a bounty of 5 million berries died with one hit. I heard one of the pirates say.

Impossible no way captain snake captain snake died with just one hit, you monster you monster, don't run I don't want to die.


When Bakugo saw the pirates run to their ship Bakugo just let him, because it's easier to take care of them at sea, because Bakugo can fly using his explosion, just like the original Bakugo in the animated series.

When the snake pirate ship started sailing Bakugo immediately chased them by flying through its explosive momentum, Bakugo's speed of flying could be said to be fast it only took 2 minutes to catch up to their ship, when Bakugo was beside their ship Bakugo immediately broke the hull of their ship using his explosive power.

The ship of the pirates slowly began to sink, the pirates who were on board their ship screamed for forgiveness and confessed that they were wrong they shouldn't be pirates and kill innocent people, they asked Bakugo to release them, and if Bakugo let them go, they promised to be even better person.

And for Bakugo he didn't care about them at all he just killed them one by one to get used to killing himself, at first Bakugo felt like throwing up all his stomach contents until finally the last yam pirate killing he got used to it even though his face was pale to keep from vomiting and eviscerating his stomach.

The psychological effect in this murder should have made Bakugo go crazy, only the reality that was given to this world and his will to survive in this world allowed him to maintain his sanity.

Enough to get here first, see you in the next chapter.