
The Escape

Alaric walked closer to James and gazed right into his eyes. "Are you sure that is all you remember?" Alaric asked. "Yes sir" James said. "No, that is not good enough, I need you to remember more" Alaric said. "I think that is enough, look some of the other guards are awake and are in a better condition now, why don't you ask them. Let James rest for a while" Aemon said. Alaric left James and walked away to talk to the other guards. Jabot was about to follow him until Aemon Grabbed his hand and said "Be sure to ask him what his other plans are" Jabot nodded his head in responds and left. Alaric walked through the room and looked at all the guards on the beds; one guard's amour had pierced through his stomach and a young healers were trying to pull it out while another was cutting the section were the amour has pierced to make the amour come out easily. Another guard had claw marks on his face and his eye had been scratched out, the young healers were rapping up his scratched eye with bandage. Another guard was sitting on his bed talking to the young healers while swinging his arms as if he was swinging a sword. This brought Alaric's attention and also Aemon's attention. Aemon rushed over to the guard and the guard noticed him. "Lord Aemon, Lord Aemon" the guard said. "What is it Mark" Aemon said, "What is wrong with him" Aemon asked as turned towards the young healer. "We said he and many others guards were blown away by some massive wind that came out of two men and a girl's weapon when the swung it. He is not the first guard to tell us about this massive wind; it seems that during the battle he was as the back of the guards. The ones that we believe were at the front during the battle when this massive wind was released all have broken bones, some might recover and some will be bedridden for quite some time" the young healer attending to Mark said. "From the looks of things the Marian family was trying their best not to kill anybody" Jabot said as he came walking towards them. "Of course they were not trying to kill anyone, can't believe that after so many years they are still following that stupid rule" Alaric said in disgust. What Alaric said brought some attention to him as Aemon, Jabot, Mark and the young healer raised their heads to look at him. "Alaric, I think we should run the test on you now" Jabot said as he directed Alaric toward the opposite direction where he was standing. Aemon was still standing near Mark when Marked turned to him and spoke. "I saw everything, they, there was a gleaming ray of light and a young boy and an old man with two big wolves jumped into it, the old man was carrying a young woman in his arms and they all jumped inside. There was also this girl, she was crying I think, she also had a wolf, but if was white, she left before everyone" Mark and immediately after that he felt a sharp and painful headache and me him to shout a little. Aemon noticed this and held Mark's shoulders, "Mark, Mark please I need you to tell me everything that you remember, please" Aemon said. Mark took a deep breath and started thinking. "The two men and the girl ran away with another older man and there was this woman, she had blond hair, she was looking over the terrace and she took a piece of amour and then, and then" Mark's eyes grew wide as he said and then, he then held unto Aemon trembling. "She had a bag, she brought out something that contained something like blue powder on her face and she transformed into a different person" Mark said. "Mark, do you remember how this woman looked like after she transformed into a different person?" Aemon said as he came closer to Mark because too was surprised. "Not really, I only know that after that she then had red hair" Mark said. Aemon's eyes grew wide in surprised as he broke himself free from Mark's grip. "Mark thank you so much for this important information you have shared, you shall be heavily rewarded for this after your recovery" Aemon said and after that he walked away

Eleanor is seating on the bed in a room at the castle of Baron Fall. She is still wearing the maid outfit and is still in her transformed face. The room she is in is a big room decorated with gold. It bed frame is the same as the bed frames of every bed in the castle but this bed frame is made gold only. It has a window that shows the view of a big lake and a table that had an inkwell and some papers. There is also a big wardrobe and the maid who Eleanor snatched on her way to the meeting room hands and legs were tied up and her mouth was covered. She was sitting inside the wardrobe and was almost in tears, he was also struggling to break free and was also struggling to speak but her mouth was covered. The girl had black her and brown eye with tanned skin and since Eleanor took her cloths she was wearing Eleanor's Yellow gown. Eleanor stood up from the bed and walked up to her and this made the girl to struggle more. Eleanor was now right in front of her and she pulled out her dagger and pointed it at the girl's face. "Look, I don't usually do this in fact I have never done this before. I am actually a very nice person but, you know what they say, difficult times calls for difficult measures, so I will untie the cloth of your mouth but you have to promise me that you will not scream because if you do, I am going to have to kill you, do you understand?" Eleanor said and the maid nodded her head in responds. "Okay, I am taking off the cloth now" Eleanor said as she move closer to the girl and untied and removed the cloth covering the maid's mouth. After the cloth was removed the maid let out a big gasp and started breathing heavily. "I am very sorry so having to ruff handle you like that, what is your name?" Eleanor asked the girl. "Anne" the maid said and in just a second after that Aemon burst in through the doors of the room and held up his sword pointing it at Eleanor. "You're no castle maid; you're a Marian, the Queen of the North perhaps. I knew there was something strange about you when I saw you in the meeting room" Aemon said still pointing his sword. "So what are you going to now, kill me, if that is what you're planning I tell you might not succeed" Eleanor said as she quickly pointed her dagger towards Aemon. Aemon had a quick look at Anne who was on the floor and then at Eleanor and then he lowered his sword, this made Eleanor surprised. "I am a knight, and so were father, grandfather and great grandfather too. We have this thing that runs through our blood, I don't know what it's called but it gives us this good sense of memory, enables us to sense danger, it enables us to know when something has changed or been disordered, that's how I knew there was something wrong with you and that is how I know that this Alaric of a person is bad news. Some members of your family are still in Baron Fall, yes?" Aemon said and this made Eleanor to lower her dagger. "I can help them escape, I am in charge of all the soldiers and guards of Baron Fall, I cannot tell them to just let your family escape because of the king's orders and at the end they are all answerable to the king, but I can command them to look somewhere else, far away from where your family is hiding, if you do where your family is." Aemon said. "How will you sneak that out? You do know you have a cage like shield covering the whole city, any even if you do, what will be your own end of the bargain" Eleanor said. "There is a chariot that is made with the same substance the shield is made of. I know where it is and my guards are the ones guarding it, it will be easy for me to get but we have to go at night. It is big enough to hold up to twelve people. And what is in for me, you just need to tell me how to kill Alaric, deal?" Aemon said as he stretched out his hand for a hand shake. "Give me a little time, I have to confirm something first" Eleanor said as she ignored his hand and went straight to the bed and rummaged through her bag and brought out a black octal shaped medallion with the flaming wolf holding a sword figure on the front. She closed her eyes and used her two thumbs to press the flaming wolf figure and the black medallion started to glow the color red. She stayed in that position for a while. Aemon noticed Anne sitting on the floor near the wardrobe and he approached her. "I going to have to need you to keep everything you've seen here between us and from now on you work with her, do anything she says and follow her everywhere she goes, understand?" Aemon said and Anne nodded in responds.

Richard, Luther, Thomas Matilda and Amelia were still in the small house they were staying when they were hiding from the guards. Richard was looking over the fire place with tears running down from his eyes; he was thinking about Florence, he thought about how she was tearing up when he told Florence that he will still love her no matter what when the both of them were in her room back at Iron Ground. The triplets on the other hand were disusing with Amelia on how they would get the chariot and escape while the triplets dean wolves where lying down on the floor. "So how many guards are watching over this chariot" Luther asked while pacing the room. "Maybe like fifteen or so, I am not too sure" Amelia said. "Well it is the most up to thirty we can handle them" Luther said. "And if more come? Just like when we were in the castle" Matilda said. "Not if, there will be more guards and soldiers, after what we did at the castle I'm sure they are more than ready for us" Thomas said. "What exactly did you guys do at the castle?" Amelia asked as she was still weary of the wolves. "Oh nothing much, we just took down a large number of guards" Thomas said. "Okay, so the way to the edge of the city where the chariot is, how do we get there without bringing attention to ourselves?" Luther asked and just as he asked that question, Richard who was still standing near the fire place brown eyes lit up for a few seconds, he then turned round to face the triplets and Amelia. "We are not going now, we will so later in the night. I have just received news from your mother, we wait here until night fall, a certain knight call Lord Aemon Gilead us to chariot but we will have to be quick, Amelia, tell me how to get from the castle to this house" Richard said. "Oh um, you just walk straight down from the castle into the market place and you take your left you'll see a small wooden house which is the first house you will see when you turn to your left" Amelia said. "Thank you" Richard said. "Why is this knight helping mother, is this a trick or something? How is she sure we can trust him" Luther said. "I will ask her everything you just said" Richard said as he brought out the same medallion Eleanor used from his bag and pressed it with his two thumbs.

Eleanor who is in the castle is still holding the medallion in her hands and it was still glowing. After a while it stopped glowing and returned to its black color. "They will be ready tonight; I have the direction to the place where they are hiding and you have to tell me where this chariot is so I can direct escort them there while you distract your guards. You also need to prepare the chariot so they can easily take it and go. Now as for your part of the deal, you can't kill Alaric, you don't have the power to handle him but there is someone out there who can. Now I have another question, what did Alaric mean when he said he had other plans?" Eleanor asked. "I don't know, I am yet to find out" Aemon answered. Eleanor stood up from the bed and was about to walk away until Aemon called her back. "Wait stop please, I still have so many questions" Aemon said. "You know what, now that I think of it, I have many question of my own" Eleanor said as she walked closer to Aemon. "Like why did you guys kill my daughter?" Eleanor said with a lot of anger in her voice. "Oh, my guards did tell me a girl from your family was killed, I believe she was the one to be wedded to the prince, I am so sorry for your loss but believe me I had no part in this. I only got to know after the deed had been done. I seriously thought his majesty was going to give up on breaking Alaric free after he killed his wife and yet it didn't work" Aemon said. "How did you not know? You're in the king's court" Eleanor said. "I am usually very busy training the guards and I had to employ more guards because the king said so, I suppose it was because of that battle you all had that is he wanted more guards, I only knew about Alaric's prison and the queen being us as the sacrifice and your family wanting to make an alliance" Aemon said. Eleanor looked at him for a while and then sat down on her bed and began to cry. "I can't say I know what you are going through right now, but I too have children of my own and I would be devastated if I was to lose any of them, I may not be much but I am sorry for your loss. I will tell the maids to bring you some food and water" Aemon said as he walked out of the room and Anne who was still in the room looked at Eleanor with so much pity.

Jabot and Alaric and the young healer, Reiner, were in the same building were all the guards were being treated. They were in a separate from the guards and their room was covered with white blinds so nobody else could see them but it was still well illuminated. Reiner was sitting down on a table with a paper and a feather and an ink well. Alaric was sitting completely shirtless on a bed with Jabot right in front of him and by the side of Jabot was a table that has container of leaves, liquids and some other solid edible material and there was also a tray that had surgical knives and other tools that were bent and a long napkin. Alaric had a well-defined chest and he was sitting on the bed chewing something in his mouth then after a while he swallowed it. "Do you feel anything?" Jabot asked looking at Alaric closely. "No, nothing at all" Alaric said and immediately Reiner dip the feather in ink and wrote it down on the paper. "Wonderful, well Alaric you are free to go this is the last poison and the most dangerous that has not affected you in any way. You know the last person that took the poison you just finished eating vomited blood and just died. To be honest I was actually scared that it might kill you I should have known it wouldn't, you have managed to destroy some of my best tools" Jabot said pointing to the tray where the bent surgical tools were. Alaric wore his clothes back on and left the room.

Night had fallen and the city of Baron Fall was completely dark and the only light sources were the moonlight and the fire torches that were in front of the castle gates. Richard, the triplets, the dean wolves and Amelia were still in the small house. Richard was looking through the small window and he saw two guards chatting away. "It is already night time, where is she?" Luther asked. After a while, a guard came with a horse and spoke to the other two guards and then left. The two guards that were in front of the window followed him. "The guards have gone" Richard said and not long after that a knock was heard on the door. "Richard open up, it's me" The voice. The voice was Eleanor's voice and without hesitation Richard opened the door. Eleanor came in with Aemon and she ran towards the triplets and gave them a hug. "We must hurry; I am going to address the guards but it will only be for a short while, Eleanor, you take them to the chariot but don't go through the city gate. A guard told me that a young girl with a big white wolf used two big sliver scythes to cut through the shield and made a hole big enough for the chariot to pass through" Aemon said and when he did the Richard, Eleanor and the triplets eyes grew wide. "I have placed the chariot with two strong horses very close to the hole. Now hurry, you must leave immediately" Aemon said and everyone started packing their belongings expect for Amelia and Luther noticed this. "Why are you not packing? We need to go now?" Luther said. "The deal was that I help you get to the chariot, and I didn't" Amelia said. "But don't you have your family to get to. You promised them that you will find your way to the North, didn't you? After we escape it is not going to be easy for you to fulfill that promise" Richard said and Luther picked up her bag. What Richard said made Amelia to smile and immediately the left the house. Amelia was the last person to walk out of the door. She turned around and took a good look at the house and smiled and then she left. The Marian and Amelia ran through the city until the came across the end of the city where the cage like shield excavated into the ground. There was a big hole and there was also a piece of white fur, Thomas noticed this and picked out the fur and whispered "Flame". Eight steps away from the hole was a big object covered by a rag cloth and the cloth was moving. Richard took off the cloth and under it was a big chariot that was the color brown and had two brown horses wearing some kind of amour that was made from the same material as the chariot and the same color too attached to it. It was made of the same material that the cage like shield covering Baron Fall was made of. Everyone expect from Eleanor got in. "Thank you so much Eleanor" Richard said and then whip the rope that attached the horse to the chariot and the horse went towards the hole. Eleanor watched as her family went outside of the city until they could no longer be seen anymore.