
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · 映画
94 Chs

Chapter 19 - Infiltrating Cyberdyne Company

Sheyan and Sarah sipped their coffee silently amidst the hustle bustle of other customers.

Soon the clock hit 6 PM and just after that nightmare imprint on Sheyan's chest rang.

[ Contestant no. 5346 is requesting for communication. ]

Sheyan clicked yes and Gensha's voice soon rang in his ears

[ 1018, we have reached the location. where are you? ]

'I am sitting in a restaurant near the company.' Sheyan replied.

[ Okay we are coming to you. ] Gensha replied.

Sheyan looked at Sarah.

"Okay they are coming, you go and sit somewhere else and don't look towards us when they come okay." Sheyan said.

Sarah nodded and got up to sit somewhere else.

Sheyan contacted his servant Mr. Woody.

'Protect Sarah until i come back.' Sheyan gives instructions to the terminator.

After a little while two guys entered the restaurant one small and skinny but very pretty, one tall and buff but with almost a bear head as his face.

They noticed Sheyan and came to him.

"Let's go, we don't have any more time to waste." Arthur spoke ruffly.

"Sit down first, we have something to discuss about." Sheyan said without getting up.

"You didn't hear what I just said!?" Arthur shouted at Sheyan's face.

Sheyan's eyes narrowed, a dangerous aura emanating from him. Arthur suddenly felt all his hair standing up, he quickly got away from Sheyan and looked around to see, where did the dangerous feeling he just felt came from.

Gensha's eyes flashed with a different colour looking at Sheyan, just now he clearly saw that a dangerous aura emanated from Sheyan. He felt that he could have died just now without even knowing how.

"Okay say what you want to discuss." Gensha sat down and spoke.

Arthur also took a seat and sat down, when he saw Gensha sitting down.

"I want you to tell me the details of your side mission." Sheyan spoke straight to the point.

"That's impossible, your job is to only stop terminators that will appear when we infiltrate it, other things don't concern you." Gensha said before Arthur could lash out again.

"Without knowing the complete details, i will perform only a bare minimum needed to not go back on the contract." Sheyan said calmly.

Gensha's eyes flashed a little, thinking about the pros and cons regarding this situation.

"Okay, i will tell you." Gensha said after thinking for a while.

"Gensha, what are you saying?" Arthur spoke at this time.

"Don't worry Arthur, this information isn't that much important." Gensha spoke to Arthur.

Arthur could only nod after looking at Gensha's eyes.

"You should know about Dr. Miles Bennett Dyson right? The one who made Skynet." Gensha spoke while looking at Sheyan.

Sheyan nodded and gestured to Gensha to go on.

"Although Dyson is the one who made Skynet, many other people also helped him, without those people, Dyson might still make Skynet but it will be much later than the original time of its birth." Gensha continued.

"We got a side mission 'Postpone Skynet's birth', to complete that we need to kill five people who helped Dyson very much in the skynet project. Killing them will postpone the birth of skynet but these guys almost never come out of Cyberdyne company. We can increase our stay period but they might never come out at all, so we can only infiltrate the Cyberdyne company and kill them inside." Gensha told all the details to Sheyan, although Sheyan guessed that he might be still hiding some crucial details.

"Okay, so what's your plan for infiltration." Sheyan asked.

"We bribed some guards, they will help us to enter the company and take us to the staff quarters." Gensha replied.

"After we reach quarters, we have to find those five targets as soon as possible and kill them, Skynet will send terminators to stop us and guard those people to stop its birth from postponing. Arthur will help you block Terminators while you will defeat them if you can or just block them until I kill all the targets." Gensha talked about the full plan.

"Okay this seems feasible, we can go now." Sheyan spoke after hearing everything.

Gensha and Arthur got up, followed by Sheyan.

Gensha and Arthur went out of the restaurant first while Sheyan paid the bill first and came out too.

Sarah saw Sheyan leave and felt a little uncomfortable for being left alone.

She forgot about Mr. Woody's existence once again.


Sheyan followed Gensha and Arthur to the Cyberdyne company's entrance. A shorty with a pot belly wearing a guard uniform was standing guard at the door.

Gensha went to him, said some things in a small voice and gave him 2 hundred dollar notes. Shorty took the money and smiled wretchedly.

He opened the gate and gestured at Gensha to follow him.

"Let's follow him." Gensha looked back and said to Arthur and Sheyan.

Three of them followed the shorty and easily entered the Cyberdyne company.

Just then a voice rang in their ears at the same time.

[ You have entered a sensitive storyline zone. ]

[ There is a risk of being attacked by Skynet. ]

[ You can interact with the people here and try to have a relation with Cyberdyne company. ]

[ Having a good relationship with the Cyberdyne company would be very beneficial. ]

They heard Nightmare realm's notification but chose to ignore it after all what they are going to do now will surely make the Cyberdyne company hate them.

After walking by many corridors and taking many turns and a lift to the 6th floor they came to a corridor which had many doors. There was a gap of 5 metres between each door.

"Okay we are here, now do what you want and leave soon." Shorty guard turned around and said to the three.

Gensha fished out 3 more hundred dollar notes and gave it to the shorty, shorty smiled happily again and soon left the corridor.

"Okay Let's go search for our targets, we have information about three of them, they are in room 12, 21 and 28. The other two, we will have to find ourselves." Gensha spoke and quickly walked ahead.

Sheyan and Arthur followed closely behind.

They soon came to the door with 12 written on it, Arthur lifted his leg and kicked the door heavily. The door banged open and the person who was sitting inside hurriedly looked at the door.

It was a middle aged man with white hairs at his temples, he was wearing a formal suit and had a newspaper in his hands.

Arthur didn't wait at all and quickly lunged at the poor guy. He grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


A short click sounded and the middle aged man stopped moving, Arthur broke his neck easily, showing that Arthur's strength attribute is very high.


[ Skynet has noticed your actions to delay its birth. ]

[ Skynet has decided to send Terminators to your current location to stop your actions and kill you. ]

[ In 10 seconds, 5 T-750 and 3 T-800 will appear at your location. ]

All of them heard a warning issued by the nightmare realm.

Arthur and Gensha's face paled when they heard it.

"WHAT!!!! Eight terminators at once!" Arthur shouted.

Gensha broke down in sweat and didn't know what to say. The guy who sold information to him told him that there will be only three T-700 and one T-800 at most when they do this mission.

Sheyan looked at their faces and finally understood how these guys died in the original novel.

'They didn't know at all that skynet will send 8 terminators at once, and attacked Cyberdyne company thinking it would be easy since they are not attacking Dyson but just some small helpers, resulting in their miserable death in the original novel.' Sheyan guessed everything.

He looked at their pale faces and shook his head.

While Gensha and Arthur were still in shock, in front of them suddenly many large strands of blue electric currents started merging into a huge glaring blue light screen, it was so bright that the naked eye couldn't bear the view.

Sheyan took out the new pair of aviator style sunglasses he bought earlier and put them on.

Terminators crawled out of it one by one, a total of eight terminators, 3 looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger while the other five looked like Kevin Bacon.

Arthur and Gensha's backside got wet from sweat after they looked at the terrifying line up in front of them.

Sheyan took out two normal Glock 17s and unequipped the Machine predator title.

"What are you both waiting for, fight with them, we might be able to escape." Sheyan shouted towards Gensha and Arthur.

Gensha and Arthur came out of stupor and looked at each other. They both nodded at the same time.

Arthur took out a metal baseball bat which was a little thicker and bigger than usual bats.

Gensha took out an old yellowish scroll from his storage, Two Big spiders with long thin legs were drawn on it.

He tore it apart and instantly two black shadows rushed out of it.

Two big black spiders with long thin legs which were in the scroll just now appeared in front of Gensha.

They were 1.5 meters tall even with their legs bent, they instantly rushed towards the Terminators after coming out of the scroll.

Arthur also rushed at the Terminator with his baseball bat, his body suddenly glowed in golden light, A effect of him using some ability of his.

Five T-700s rushed at the spiders while three T-800s separated and rushed at Sheyan and others individually.

Arthur met a T-800 head on and attacked with his bat, T-800 didn't care about the attack from the baseball bat and punched back at Arthur.

But Arthur kept attacking like he didn't feel anything at all.

Gensha hastily ran behind Sheyan, as he didn't have much combat ability of his own.

Sheyan didn't mind it and kept firing at T-800s who were coming at him, but the two weak Glock 17s couldn't even tickle the two T-800s although T-800 didn't have the nerves to feel any tickle at all in the first place.

"What are you doing!? Didn't you say you defeated a Terminator in seconds." Gensha shouted from behind.

"I never said that." Sheyan turned around and said with a smile.

"Fucker!" Gensha shouted.

T-800 didn't wait for them to have a peaceful talk at all.

A terminator came and punched Sheyan's belly. Sheyan went back flying and crashed on a wall. Notifications rang in his ears.

[ You were attacked, resulting in 50 points of damage. ]

[ Your defence reduced the damage by 17 points, your innate ability Steel reduced the damage by 10 points, your innate ability Endurance reduced the damage by 25 points. Final damage received 1 point. ]

Sheyan smiled hearing the notification, even without his equipment these Terminators can't kill him, if his endurance ability didn't give one 1 point of overall damage then he would have been completely invincible here.

Another Terminator came to Gensha and punched his chest sending him flying back too, Gensha screamed and crashed on a wall too, he slid down the wall slowly and coughed up blood.


Extra chapter is here, there will be one more tomorrow. I am really gonna work myself to death at the rate aye, anything for you all though.