
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · 映画
82 Chs


Raj, Deepthi, and Sathya listened intently as Geetha recounted her last interactions with Kiara.

"The last time I saw Kiara," Geetha began, "was when the hostel warden came to ask to donate blood. They were looking for someone with O+ blood type, but i had a fever, so i couldn't help. I remember the warden checking with other students after i refused."

Geetha's expression turned more serious. "But something felt off. I checked the database and found out that Kiara's blood type was B+, not O+. That immediately raised my suspicions. Later, I saw them taking Kiara away in a car. I was watching from the balcony, and I recognized the driver—it was Kottai Veeran."

Raj leaned in, his brow furrowing. "Kottai Veeran? Who is he?"

"He's a local gangster," Geetha explained, her voice trembling slightly. "He does all sorts of illegal stuff for Chairman PK. If he's involved, then Kiara was definitely in trouble."

Deepthi's eyes widened in shock. "Kiara never mentioned anything about this. She wouldn't have gone with them willingly."

Sathya nodded. "We need to follow this lead. If Kottai Veeran is involved, then this is bigger than we thought."

Raj took a deep breath, formulating a plan. "Geetha, thank you for this information. It gives us a clear direction. We need to find Kottai Veeran and get him to talk."

Deepthi, still shaken, added, "And we need to be careful. If he's dangerous, we can't just confront him directly."

Raj agreed. "We need to gather more evidence and maybe get some backup. Let's start by finding out where Kottai Veeran operates from."

Geetha nodded. "I can ask around discreetly. Some of the students might know where he usually hangs out. But be careful. He's a dangerous man."

As they left the college, Raj, Deepthi, and Sathya felt a renewed sense of determination. They knew they were getting closer to the truth, but they also understood the risks involved. They had to tread carefully and gather solid evidence before making their next move.

Raj pulled out his phone and made a call to Daya, informing him about their findings. "Daya, we have a lead. A local gangster named Kottai Veeran might be involved. Can you look into him and see what you can find out?"

Daya promised to investigate and get back to them as soon as possible.

Raj turned to Deepthi and Sathya. "Let's head to a safe place and wait for Daya's call. In the meantime, we'll keep a low profile and gather more information about Kottai Veeran."

They agreed and found a quiet café nearby to discuss their next steps. They knew they had to act fast but smart. Kiara's death was no accident, and they were determined to bring those responsible to justice.

raj thought " this like the plot of bhairavva , but kaira is victim here and this geetha was not in plot it was someone name malarvizhi.

how to approch pk ,it going to take a lot of planning from here ."


Raj was seated at a restaurant, enjoying his lunch, when he noticed a thug-like person approaching him nervously. The thug greeted him with a hesitant, "Hello, sir."

Raj, surprised by the unexpected greeting, looked up and responded, "Hello." He studied the man's face but couldn't place him.

Seeing Raj's confusion, the thug introduced himself, "Sir, I am Rajen. You might not remember me, but I've had several run-ins with you."

Raj raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? Do tell."

Rajen began recounting their encounters. "I was the one who knocked you unconscious when there was ambush on you on engagment when you escaped from Tripthi Naidu you knocked me down. Later, you beat me up when I was catcalling a girl in Vijayawada. And more recently, I was working for Veeru Bhai when you intervened to save Sathya and Deepthi on that bus. You thrashed me again there."

Raj's memory started to piece together the incidents Rajen was referring to. He recalled the times he had to fight back against thugs and realized this man had been involved in several of those confrontations.

Raj leaned back, his expression stern. "You've been on the wrong side of things a lot, Rajen."

Rajen nodded, looking genuinely nervous. "Yes, sir. And I've realized that following these people has only brought me trouble. I'm tired of this life. i have decided to follow you drom now on."

Raj softened a bit, sensing an opportunity. "So, what do you want, Rajen?"

Rajen swallowed hard. "I want to change. I don't want to be part of this criminal world anymore. I know a lot about these people and their operations. If you help me, I can give you information that might help bring them down."

Raj considered the offer. Having an insider could be invaluable in their quest for justice. "Alright, Rajen. But understand this—if you cross me or lie to me, you'll regret it. Are we clear?"

Rajen nodded vigorously. "Crystal clear, sir. I just want to make things right."

Raj took a deep breath. "Fine. Meet me tomorrow at this location." He scribbled an address on a napkin and handed it to Rajen. "We'll talk more then."

Rajen took the napkin, thanked Raj, and left the restaurant quickly, leaving Raj to ponder the unexpected turn of events. This new ally could be the key to uncovering more about the criminal activities linked to Vishakapatnam. Raj finished his lunch, now more determined than ever to see justice served.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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