
Ch5: Call on the road

-------3rd pov----------

"he interesting right" Jasper nodded at Alice's question adding " And he kind of unique, I don't feel any deep effect of my empathy beside him, on contrary the moment I come closer I feel calm, I still can use it but it doesn't affect my emotion deeply around him"

Alice was surprised but nodded and give him a big surprise as well as the man in question "And by the look of it, he knows his way around cars and engines, he will definitely get along with Rose"

as he hears her, Jasper looks back with a surprised face "Don't tell me..." Alice nodded with a big smile "Yup, that's him, Rosalie Mate, but .... well I tell you all later."

as they keep chatting not notice Leo with surprised eyes and frozen movement, but after seconds, he starts to chuckle 'well that big surprise, a happy one at that's thinking he starts to get excited, and after a moment he sighed "Well, let's hope that her character is different than the movie

well simply put, in his past life although he wasn't a fan of the movie he kind of liked the character of Rosalie Hale, not as a woman no, but as the strong-willed character, the lady that with all of what happens to her, survived and strive to live.

but he honestly doesn't like her bossy and jealous interaction with Bella, but that could be fixed.

"....Ah! this is bad, she going to kill me after seeing what I did to her car!?" waking up by the scream of Alice, Leo looks to find Alice clinching her head and panicking

Jaspar looked at her and shake his head "You know, I told you to stop in the middle of the way, but you didn't stop and kept using it like nothing, so yeah you should bear the consequence"

she sighed before remembering something and look at Leo and nodded.

Leo moved his car to the front and attach a cable to the back of his car and the front f the car of the couple, after riding and starting to 'drag' the car alone.

he introduce himself and start to talk with Alice and Jasper until the pixy asked playfully "Hey, Leo can you help us fix this car, we will pay of course"

Jasper looks at his girlfriend for a moment before looking at Leo waiting for an answer.

Leo sighed "I don't know what your thinking but the whole engine needs a remake from scratch, and with just FROM THE FIRST look, I don't even know the condition of the inner part, add to the special parts, and it will take time to just find them as they are most customize parts, honestly I really feel sorry for you."

both Alice and Jasper look puzzled at the last part so he smiles and said "From the look of the engine... or what is left of it, the owner of the car worked on it piece by piece, hell most of the system is extremely rare and hard to find AND work with, so you need time, money and passion to customize a car like that one. and that only found in people who love cars, and honestly, if that was my car...."

he looks at them with a smile that made them shiver "I will probably end up beating the said person half death even if it is my brother" Alice looks away with a nervous look before breaking "But you can do it?"

Leo nodded "yea, and I love to work on cars like that but I won't. it's rude to play with the engine of someone's baby"

stopping to look at Alice puffing her cheeks, he smiled and was about to say something but stop thanks to a mechanical voice inside the car [Sir, you have a call]

this surprises both Alice and Jasper, but Leo answers "Who?" the voice answers [it is Mr. Jonson]

Jonson is a detective friend of his later father, and also the man that helps him the most in his NY days.

stopping that car he picks up his phone and looks at his companions "I will take this call real quick."

getting out and accepting the call "Hello how are you uncle?" on the other side of the phone a middle-aged man answers [I am great, how is life in Forks?]

Leo smile "Good, I like the calm atmosphere here"

the man let sighed [good to hear that, and from the noise around you you are finely leaving your cave]

Leo sighed "Well, not like I can close myself from outside forever, non of them want that, so anyway what is the call for?"

Jonson sighed [well I am actually in forks airport, I have something for you here, but I don't have your address]

Leo was surprised for a second "What, you are in Forks? at least tell me befour you came; anyway, I will come to pick you up, can you wait?"

Jonson answers [Sure, I won't be leaving her until night anyway]

ending the call, he got back to the car with a wary smile "Look like I need to send you home" they fake surprised faces as they have heard everything before Jasper asked "Everything ok?"

Leo nodded "yea, just a friend of the family has something to hand over so I have to head to the airport to meet him, so where are you going?"

they both look at each other befour Alice pouts "And here I thought you will help your friend hmph" Looking away from Leo and Jasper.

Leo looks at Jasper with a face saying "Is she always like that?" Jasper Cuold only sighs at that making Leo do the same in response.

after a moment of thinking about the car 'Well since she will be my mate, why not?'

starting the car "Sense I like your character, and my instinct telling me to help" Looking at Alice with a smile I will do you a great favor"

as he said, he start to head back home, after arriving he open the garage and parked inside.

the moment they got down, Alice and Jasper were shocked, as in the past couple of months, Leo have renovated the garage to his licking to become a giant car workshop.

as they were looking around Leo trow a card to Alice "Catch"

noticing the card, Alice catches it as he continue to walk back to the door "That card is the key to this garage, also 'Alfred' " [at your service Sir]

looking at Alice and Jasper looking for the voice source he smiles "That's my AI butler if anything is needed just ask him"

Alice was confused befour noticing something "Wait, you want me to have Rose work on the car here?"

Leo nodded "yea"

Alice look happy, but after seconds she calmed down as Jasper ask "Is it ok to let someone use your garage? especially someone you just meet?"

Leo looks at him with surprise and then starts to laugh "NO, no, if it's anyone else I will break ther legs if I found them inside here without my permission and they can only dream to work on here, and also Alfred is keeping an eye, so no problem."

at that, Alice and Jasper look more puzzled but he continues "This time is the first actually, and for 2 reasons, first the owner of that car has some skill, and second.... my instinct told me so"

as he said so his inner thought was 'And I can flex to my future wife so why not?'

his answer surprise them but Alice look like she had frozen for a second befour laughing and jumped at him with a hug and said "Then it's settled, you can leave your garage under our care, will be here until you do your business.

Leo rises an elbow "You quit the trusty aren't you? And it's okay to hug me in front of your BF?" Although he knows that she saw the future he didn't intend to make it known to others.

she smiles at him saying "That's because my instinct told me you will be akin to big brother to me"

he smile and flinched her forehead "Don't make jokes about something help me earn millions" Leaving this bomb, he start to head to his car in front of the shocked eyes of the couple.
