
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · 映画
264 Chs

Chapter 203: Dealing with scum

The next day

Alex woke up from his sleep, still attracted to Rosalie. He couldn't help but think of her. He couldn't understand why he felt this way. He felt if he didn't do something about the mate's bond, he would not be able to control himself. He would eventually give in to his feelings for her.

He realized how powerful the mate bond is and how difficult it is to ignore it.

However, Alex steeled his resolve and was determined to forget Rosalie. He knew he had to find a way to control his emotions and his attraction towards her. Otherwise, he would commit something against his morals.

"Now let's try to find these system fragments."

Alex was currently in San Francisco and determined to focus on finding system fragments and not let his emotions get the better of him. He was determined to stay away from Rosalie and not let her distract him.

So, Alex searched for system fragments.

At the same time,

In Forks

Just the same in the plot, Bella arrives at Forks. Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day. However, he seems repulsed by her. He then took a week off in order to control his thirst for Bella.

After a week's absence from school, Edward returns and socializes normally with Bella.

After 10 days

During this time, Alex searched for system fragments. He travelled across the USA, flying across the country to find system fragments.

But he didn't find them, so he decided to take a break as he was tired of a continuous 10-day search.

He decided to just take a look around Fork's town since he couldn't ignore Mate's bond. He thought his feelings would calm down if he stayed away from her, but it was the opposite. Even before coming into this world, he had good feelings for her. But since the mate bond formed it has become worse.

The more he stayed away, the stronger his feelings became. After seeing her once, he decided to leave and continue his journey to find system fragments. He did not want to interfere with her life.

At night Alex arrived at Forks, seeing this small town nestled between the deep green of the Olympic Mountains and the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean.

He wore a black leather jacket and black sunglasses, feeling out of place in this small, quaint town.

Then he looked up to the sky and saw the stars twinkling in the night sky.

"Sigh, why did I even come here?" muttered Alex as he looked at the sky.

"This damn mate bond and this world's laws, how can it form a mate bond between me and Rosalie?"

"Since I came here I will just observe the main characters of this movie and also observe how much the plot has progressed," thought Alex as he walked beside the road seeing night falling, pondering over the laws of this world, and cursing the mate bond between him and Rosalie.

On the other side of the road, Alex saw a group of ruffians bullying a girl. Since it was night, he couldn't see the girl's face, but he could tell she was at least 19 or 20 years old.

"Whatever the world, the scum people never change "

"What a bunch of scum, since I'm here I will deal with them " said Alex He couldn't ignore it, since he saw this happening right in front of him.

"Hey girl why don't you come with us?"

"Yeah, we will show you a different world."

"Just come with us." Said the four ruffians as they surrounded the girl, their eyes gleaming with excitement. The girl looked nervous as the four ruffians crowded around her.

"Why don't I show you the way to hell?" a voice came from behind them, and the four ruffians spun around to see a figure standing there. A man was standing there lazily, his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face. He was wearing black glasses. He stepped forward, looking at the four ruffians with disdain.

"I think it's time you left this girl alone."

"Now, why don't you go find some other way to occupy your time?" Said Alex as he stood in front of four Ruffians.

"Hey why don't you just fuck off?" said a man who seemed to be the leader of the group. He stepped forward and yelled back at Alex.

"Yeah just ignore it and do your damn work." Said another ruffian. Splitting near Alex's feet, the group of ruffians laughed and mocked him.

"Hahaha, see someone came to be a hero in front of Beauty."

"What a loser ?"

"Yeah, just go and eat the shit you loser."

"Now I'm pissed," said Alex with a little angry expression, clenching his fists tightly

And he punched one ruffian in the face, and he flew across the road. Everyone was shocked as they stared at him. They couldn't believe what they saw.

"How dare you? boys beat him " said the another furiously.

The three ruffians moved towards Alex trying to punch him. But Alex caught two ruffians' hands and blocked their punches. He then kicked the third one, sending him flying across the road.

He then crushed two ruffians' hands, forcing them to drop to the ground in pain.

"Aaaaaaaaagh" x2

Tears welled up in their eyes as they couldn't bear the pain.

"Please ....please .....spare us" Begged the two ruffians.

"Please ....please .....spare us, we will never do this again. We were wrong and we are sorry"

Alex then twisted their hands and replied, "You should have thought of that before you committed the crime!"

"Please we...will not do it again" begged the two ruffians

Alex said in a warning tone, "Don't let me catch you doing this again."

Then he released their hands and looked down at them and said,

"If I do I will make sure you lose the most cherished part of your body so that you will never call yourself a man " said Alex with a cruel smile. The glasses he had been wearing moved down, revealing his red eyes, which glow menacingly. His expression was pure evil, and his cruel smile made him look like the devil.

Seeing that the ruffians were terrified, Alex's cruel smile widened and he said, "Now, I think you should leave fast or else I will change my decision."

The ruffians hurriedly stood up and ran away without looking back, scared of what might happen to them if they stayed any longer. They even left their comrades behind, fearful of Alex's wrath.

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