
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs


<outskirts of New York> 

   Carl wakes up slowly on a bed, "what a dream." He looked around and noticed he's not in his room. He's in a plain room with a single bed, desk, a walk in closet and a connected bathroom. He gets up and dresses in the clothes in the walk in closet. He sets on a simple black t and jeans. After he's dress he walks out into the rest of the house. 

  As he makes his way into the living room he noticed a piece of paper with writing on it sitting in front of a coffee table in front of a couch. Carl picked it up then began to read the paper and it appeared to be a note. It read, " all the documents here is proof of your ownership of the land and there's a bank card in the envelope on the side." Carl glances and sees the said envelope. He continues reading. " you will have one week to get yourself situated to your new life till you're able to jump realities and if you haven't already notice your age has been reverted to 17. In the basement you will find the machine that will warp you between reality's. It will usually be random but as a favor I preset your first destination with some extra gifts. And don't worry about messing up timelines just live your life." 

  After Carl was done reading he to went over to the couch that was next to the coffee table to sit down  and contemplated on his  next course of action. He is  now 17 does that mean he should go to school again? He will have a week till he can jump to a new world so he should probably prepare some things to take with him just in case.  He can go into the city tomorrow and scope out whats around and also find out when in the mcu timeline he came in.

   With a game plan in mind Carl gathered all the documents and found a study room in the house and placed them in the Desk drawer in the room. he explored the property that was now his the house was a 4 bedroom house with a study room and a living room. It also had a courtyard with a fire pit in the middle. The yard was huge and fenced off showing his property line. You could see New York not to far off in the distance. 

he then went to the basement and there he saw what looked like a mini stargate with a console to the right of it. he whent to look at the console panel and could see a timer indicating one week till charged. Other than that the basement was empty even tho it was spacious. 

 After exploring his property a bit more not finding anything els of note besides the garage with nothing inside. he called it a day and decided to explore the city and get what he would need tomorrow.

The next day Carl woke up and after looking around his rooms he found a wallet that had his drivers license. He's thankful he has physical  documentation of his existence or he would have been in a little trouble. he saw that the 'rob' or whatever that sent him here gave him a background that he was an orphan. He was adopted by a couple that died not to long ago witch is why he moved to New York and would explain were he got the money he had to start out with, he is suppose to start attending Midtown high school at the end of summer witch is 4 months away. 

  Carl has a vague memory that midtown high school is important but he can't remember clearly. 

   After Carl get situated he used the house phone to call a cab to take him into the city. his first stop was a phone store to pick up a cell phone cause you basically  needed one to do anything. After that he went to the library to get information on the timeline he ended up in. 

After searching for a while he found out that he had arrived before the events of the first iron man movie cause tony stark is still selling weapons. Carl contemplates on this knowing this gives him time to come up with a plan for the upcoming events but that also depends on what realities he will go to.

All he can do is plan for the future and hope for the best so after he was done in the library he decided to go to an electronic store and purchase a high end computer to be delivered to his house same day along with someone to set up internet.  

    After he was all done he returned home and after everything got delivered and set up he was ready to order everything he may need for his first jump. He ordered a large backpacks along with a bullet proof vest, a machete, survival tools, and a gas mask. As for clothes besides the bullet proof vest, he decided to wear  dark blue jeans with steel toe boots and his black t shirts with a leather jacket over top. he also carried street shoes in the bag. 

  After the week was up Carl was as ready as he was ever going to be. he  got his gear ready made sure the house was secure then he made his way to the basement. Once there he saw the the panel on the console had something different on it. Once he was at the console he could see what was written. 

[rift fully charged destination preset] 

[would you like to open rift?]



After reading the prompt he fiddled with the panel seeing if he could  figure out we're he was going. After finding nothing carl pressed the yes option which had  the stargate thing hum to life and in a split second a blue portal spiraled into existence. It look just like the portal from stargate. Before carl could leave the console a compartment opened up and what was in it was a thick bracelet. The panel showed what the bracelet was used for, it was for one: to open a portal for him to come back and two: they had a function that they could make hoi-poi capsules with the right materials. the bracelet came with 5 hoi-poi capsules to start. There small disc shapes devices that will suction on what you want to capsule and once you push the button on the disc it turns into the capsule. 

He then put on the bracelet and once he had it on it tighten and  conformed to his   wrist making it impossible to get off by force. Once ready he walked to the portal and with a glance at the room he steps threw.