
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

ch 30

After the break the ring was fixed up and both Carl and Jackie could be seen in the ring. The announcer then came up, "alright everyone, I hope you're ready because our next match is about to begin. On one side we have Jackie Chun who showed us a hair raising display in his last match. Then on the other side, we have Carl Dearman, a newcomer this year. Will Carl defeat the champ, or will Jackie continue to protect his title." He then exclaimed to begin while saying, "we will find out right now, begin."

Both Carl and Jackie got in their fighting stances and both were still, observing the other. After so long of nothing happening, Carl made the first move and rushed at Jackie who tensed up. Carl appeared with a left jab right in front of Jackie, who took the hit in his shoulder, but barely budged an inch. Jackie then used the momentum of carls punch to quickly spin around and land a kick to carls side, sending him skidding across the ground till he sprung up then rushed back in exchanging punches with one another.

One of the blows Jackie dodged and use the momentum to slam Carl on his back, momentarily putting him in a daze. Jackie then proceeded to spin Carl around, gaining speed, then let go trying to toss Carl out the arena.

Carl re-oriented his position then it looked like he landed on a solid surface in the air for a split second, causing everyone's eyes to go wide in shock, he then jumped right back at Jackie with a fist cocked back for a punch.

Jackie Chun jumped out of the way with carls fist colliding with the ring, causing it to crack from the impact. Jackie Chun then used his after image technique, making it looked like there were multiple Jackie's surrounding Carl. Carl tried to stay vigilant but Jackie was moving too fast to keep an eye on.

After a minute Jackie went and grabbed carls tail, that unraveled due to all the excitement, and squeezed hard. He remembers that if gokus tail was grabbed he would loose all his strength so he assumed Carl had the same weakness.

Carl used his acting ability and acted like he was weaken. In confidence Jackie squeezed tighter, "sorry lad. You put up a good fight. You should be pro-"

Jackie didn't finish his sentence because Carl instantly sprang back to life and pulled Jackie in with his tail that he was holding as Carl turned around saying, "psych!" Then proceeded to punch Roshi in the face making him bounce off the floor, but he soon went right back into the after image technique surrounding Carl once again.

"Oh and Jackie Chun takes a massive punch but he seems to have Carl surrounded. How will he get out of this." The announcer said to the crowd to get them riled up.

Carl thinking to himself, 'I can't keep track of master Roshi, he's too fast. He's waiting for me to make a move so he can counter attack.' Carl then got an idea from a different show he's watched and thinks he can replicate the move. Carl smirks as he gets in a horse stance with his arms crossed in front of him as he gathered energy. "Almighty" Carl says then he spreads his arms out wide releasing the energy as he yelled, "PUSH!" Then a wave of pressure comes off Carl. He tried to lessen the damage to the ring but tiles were ripped out as the wave passed over. Jackie was knocked back skidding across the ring almost to the edge.

Carl keeping up the pressure rushed him. Carl jumped and did a spinning axe kick with a manic smile on his face. Jackie seeing the attack instantly rolled out the way but Carl kept trying to punch him causing Jackie to keep rolling making Carl punch the ground in pursuit of him.

Jackie was able to jump up useing his hands and gain some distance which he use to jump up high and have the sun at his back. This made the sun go in carls eyes making him lose track of Jackie. The next second a punch could be felt on carls jaw making him skid back a few feet.

Jackie Chun could be seen with his arm out stretched that just gave the punch. His body had a few bruises from the fight and he was breathing heavily. Jackie let out a huge sigh as he relaxed then said, "alright then." Then to the amazement of everyone he slowly walked to the edge of the stage and jumped off, eliminating himself.

Everyone was stunned silent for awhile till the announcer finally remembered he had a job to do, "ladies and gentlemen, you saw it here, Jackie Chun has just eliminated himself by jumping out of the arena. This makes Carl Dearman the winner and will be going on to the final round." The crowd goes wild at the turn of events. "We will now take a half hour break for repairs for our last semifinals match, goku versus Tien."

Carl was a little stunned but then remembers, 'oh ya, Roshi did the same thing against Tien. I kinda forgot during the excitement.' He thinks as he walked back in.

Once inside he was rushed by goku, "that was an amazing fight. I can't wait to fight you." He said as he looked up at Carl in excitement.

Carl merely chuckled at goku, "you first have to make sure to win your next match. Focus on that then we can fight in the finals." Carl told Goku who nodded his head in agreement with a serious face when Tiens name was brought up. 'Ah yes. Insted of Yamcha, Tien hurt Krillin.' Carl thought to himself. Carl then suggested, "let's meet up with everyone. You should get something to eat before your match, and I'm starving." Goku, after hearing about food, perked up and readily agreed.

After getting out the building talking with Goku, out of nowhere someone jumped onto carls back and he could feel two something's pressed up against his neck as he hears, "I knew you could beat that old geezer. I Wasn't worried for a second." After stabilizing himself due to the suddenness of the situation, Carl looked to the side and was met with blond launch inches away from his face as she smirked at him.

Carl couldn't help but get a slight blush as he looked ahead, "uh ya. Thanks for the confidence but what do you think you're doing?" Carl asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Launch got an annoyed face. "What? You got a problem?" Carl thought on it and really he didn't. It's not his fault a hot girl wants to climb all over him so why can't he enjoy it. Carl shrugged his shoulders makeing launch nod her head, "that's what I thought." She said as her hold tightened a little.

Not even a second later they could hear someone els, "LAUNCH! What do you think you're doing?!?" Looking at where the voice came from they could see bulma running up to them. She then proceeded to try and pry launch off Carls back. "GET…" pull, "OFF…" pull, "HIM!" At the last pull launch finally got off and fell on top of bulma. The rest of the crew joined up at this time.

Launch then shot up, "yo, what's your deal, don't you have your own boy toy to deal with already? Why you bothering me?" Launch asked bulma looking down at her. Carl doesn't know if she was calling him a boy toy and if she was he doesn't really know how to feel about that cause he ain't no toy.

Bulma shot up this time with a blush on he face as she stammered out, "wha- I- thi-this has nothing to do with that. I'm sure you're bothering Carl by climbing all over him."

Launch just smirked at her, "oh really? It seams like someone might be jealous because." She then grabbed her Brest lifting them a bit showing them off causing Yamcha to have a slight nose bleed and master Roshi to pass out from one. "He didn't seem to mind these puppy's on him." Carl got a blush from that comment because that wasn't a lie.

Bulmas face got even redder in a mix of both embarrassment and anger. "Well- you- grrrrr" Bulma ends up growling at the end and stomps her foot in indignation.

When it looked like it was about to end up in a fist fight, and no one els was going to step in, Carl rushed in between the two, "ok ok, let's calm down now."

They then both looked at Carl, pointed at one another and said at the same time. "but she-"

Carl cut them off, "no buts." They both quieted down and he could hear oolong snickering because Carl said buts. Carl gave him a glare and he shut up. He refocused on bulma and launch. He first addressed Bulma, "now Bulma, launch does have a point. From what I understand you have a boyfriend right now." He looked over at Yamcha who seemed surprised. He looked back at Bulma, "like I said you have a boyfriend and have been clinging onto me all day. I know I wouldn't like it if my girlfriend did that. And even if that wasn't the case. We haven't known each other that long and I'm even from another reality." Carl won't lie he is interested in both launch and bulma, but he doesn't just want a relationship with them cause they're hot and they're main characters. If he gets into a relationship, Carl wants it to be something that's real and not something out of lust.

He then addressed launch, "and you. Kinda the same thing, if you're serious, we haven't known each other long and I'm from a different reality."

Launch cut him off, "I can go with you and we can get to know each other."

Carl paused but smiled wryly, "yes that is an option, but one, you arnt really able to answer for all of you right?" Launch looks away with a pout knowing he meant blue hair launch, "and two, my reality will be facing a lot of difficulties in the future. Difficulties that have world ending threats. That's why I'm hopping from reality to reality, to gain strength for what's to come." Both launch and bulma go quiet with everyone els also staying quiet. Gokus stomach rumbles loudly with him saying he was starving. Everyone els smiled at Goku for easing the tension. They all then went to go eat something before gokus match. Both bulma and launch were deep in thought thinking about things.