
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

ch 26

Both Carl and yamcha were making their way onto the stage. Carl could see off to the side that Goku was stuffing himself in a buffet the staff put together. He would be joining Goku after his match to keep up his strength. Looking around he was expecting to hear launch yell at him again but when he caught sight of the dragon crew he could see that launch was in her blue hair form so she must have sneezed at some point. Catching eyes with Bulma, Carl gave her a wink which caused her to blush and avert her gaze making Carl chuckle.

Yamcha hearing Carl chuckle thinks he's laughing at him. He's already in a bad mood thanks to Tien and having someone he doesn't even know laugh at him caused him to frown. "What's so funny" Yamcha asked, not even noticing he was looking at Bulma.

Carl refocusing replied to Yamcha, "sorry, it was nothing." They then arrived at the middle of the arena, "let's have a good match, and may the best man win." Carl said as he got into the fighting stance he developed on namek. Carl thinks this will be a good warm up match because truth be told Yamcha isn't as strong as him. Carl won't let his gard down tho knowing thats how you lose.

Yamcha narrowed his eyes at Carl thinking he was still making fun of him, "don't worry, I will." He then got into his own fighting stance.

The announcer then came up onto the stage to introduce the fighters, "ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome you all to the start of the 22nd world martial arts tournament. Our first round is about to begin." He points over at Yamcha, "on one side we have a returning fighter Yamcha. He is one of three disciples of master Roshi and You may all remember him from our last tournament. this year he has returned to try once again for the title. Will he make it or will this be another year of defeat." He then points over to Carl, "on the other side we have a new contender, Carl Dearman. Will this young man go the distance, or will his journey end right here." He then makes a pose. "We will find out right now." He then went off the stage and drums started playing faster and faster till a gong was heard then the ref said, "let the match begin."

Yamcha started off by running at Carl and jumping for a flying kick. Carl redirected the kick to the side then went for a punch to yamchas exposed side. Yamcha was struck and went over to the side but as soon as he hit the floor he sprung up with little damage. Carl didn't hit him that hard, just a small jab.

Yamcha this time ran up and started throwing a flurry of punches at Carl who avoided or deflected most of them. Some of yamchas attacks were grazing Carl but that was it. Carl may be stronger than Yamcha but he has more fighting experience than Carl has and because Carl was geting a little overconfident, Yamcha was able to create an opening at carls chest. Yamcha seeing the opening yelled out, "wolf fang fist." And was able to hit Carl with a stream of attacks, with the last one causing Carl to skid across the ground creating distance between them both.

"Simply incredible. We have seen a great display of moves and our fighters seem to be evenly matched." The announcer yelled through his microphone. Yamcha was panting and Carl refocused on the battle cracking his neck.

Yamcha yelled out "Wolfe fangs blowing wind technique." He then got into a pose almost like a Crane with his arms in front of him and his hands like claws. He then rushed Carl who narrowed his eyes as Yamcha approached. They both exchanged punches for a bit then Carl went for a jab which Yamcha ducked and maneuvered to carls side and was able to grab Carls arm with one hand. Once Yamcha got a good grip he started to climb carls arm with his hands one after another till he was close enough to go for his head, which he did.

Carl tilted his head back and watched as Yamchas hand went right over him. He then punched Yamcha right in his exposed stomach causing him to let go and fall back onto the stage, clutching his gut.

"Oh and Yamcha takes a heavy blow and is down, is this it? We will start the countdown now. 1….2….3…" as the announcer was counting Yamcha was trying to catch his breath and stand up at the same time. Carl just waited not wanting to kick someone while they're down. When the announcer got to five he stopped because yamcha was finally up and standing tho was still trying to get the air back in his lungs.

Once Yamcha stood back up he looked at Carl with a hard gaze. "Looks like I'll have to take this up a notch." He said as he cupped his hands by his side and started charging a kamehameha.

Carls eyes widen a bit and a grin comes across his face, 'oh oh oh a beam struggle? But what should I use. I shouldn't use the kamehameha, I wouldn't know how to explain me knowing it. Oh I know I'll use the riot Javelin bardock uses. I don't think that was a beam but I'll just turn it into one.' Carl thinks as he raises his hand behind his head as if he would throw something. At the same time Yamcha had a blue ball of energy in his hands as Carl had a white ball in his.

At the same time Yamcha released his kamehameha, Carl threw his riot javelin. Both attacks flew at one another till they met in the middle where a beam struggle commenced. Yamcha had a face of grimace on his face while Carl had one of pure excitement and joy as he pushed more. Yamcha was being pushed back till he was at the edge of the arena. He pushed more energy out but Carl just pushed further causing Yamcha to lose the beam struggle and tumble out of the ring.

Yamcha was laid out on the grass outside the ring on his back, staring at the sky and panting trying to catch his breath. He sat up and looked at Carl, who was still in the ring and his eyes went wide in shock. Why you may ask? Yamcha could see Carl standing there, with his arm stretched out that just shot the his beam, and a huge smile on his face. But what Yamcha and the rest of the dragon crew were staring at was Carls brown monkey tail that was waving back and forth in excitement. During the beam struggle Carl lost focus on keeping his tail around his waist and it unraveled accidentally.

Lowering his hand and calming himself down Carl could hear goku from the side yell out, "hey! He has a tail like I do." Carl, hearing goku, looks down and sees that his tail was exposed. He quickly wrapped it back up but it was already too late. Carl could only smile wryly. It's not like he cares if they find out because it was bound to happen sooner or later but he thought he could hide it for a little longer.

Shaking his head he made his way over to Yamcha who was still looking at him in shock and confusion. Once Carl reached Yamcha he extended his hand to help him up, "good match. I had fun." Carl says to Yamcha with a smile.

Yamcha, geting out of his shock, smiled wryly back as he took his hand and got up, "ya it was. Where did you train at?" Yamcha asked as they started to make their way back inside.

Carl walking along with Yamcha smirked, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you cause it's 'out of this world.'" Carl grinned as he said the last part causing Yamcha to raise an eyebrow at him.

Yamcha then started to chuckle, "aww come on. You say it like its actually not on earth or something." Yamcha continued to chuckle till he hears Carl not saying anything. He looked at Carl who has a shit eating grin on his face. "WAIT WAIT WAIT, you mean….."

Carl started to laugh, "I told you that you wouldn't believe it" he then walked ahead of Yamcha who stopped in his tracks, looking at carls back.


Author note: first fight done. I'm not confident in my fight scenes but I hope it good. I try to make it as engaging as I can without sounding redundant in areas. Let me know your guy's thoughts.