
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

ch 19

Not long after the reveal that Tony stark was iron man, the reality portal fully charged and was ready for a trip to a new reality. Carl did message Ahsoka and Rex but they told him that he should just go with HK because they have just been able to find where the nova corps are located and are on there way to Xander to make contact. Carl wished them luck and they did the same for him.

Seeing as Carl was going with just him and HK-47 Carl packed up everything he would think he would need. He had his ship and car capsuled up along with the crates he got from mars. He also decided to take 5 of his modified commando droids and 5 droidikas capsuled as well for support. He wore his modified clone wrist gauntlet, his portable shield, some clone chest armor, and his lightsaber. HK had a blaster rifle and vibroblade strapped to his back as well as two blaster pistols on both his sides. Most of his other equipment is hardwired into him so he's good to go.

Both Carl and HK were standing in front of the reality portal all ready to go. After Carl did his last minute checks he went up to the console to activate it. After activating it the console came up with some tex.

[rift fully charged….scanning at random…..destination found and set]

[would you like to open?]



It displayed similar tex just like the first time except for the destination not being preset. Carl pressed the yes option and the portal came to life once again ready for them to walk through. After doing a final check both Carl and HK walked through the portal as ready as they will ever be for the new adventure ahead.

Coming out of the portal HK and Carl were on a cliff on a planet that had blue grass and green waters and sky. Before Carl could even turn his head to look around he felt through the force an attack coming from his back. He pushed HK out of the way of the attack as he dodged to the side. A green fist could be seen followed by a green skinned teenaged person.

After he passed by and seemed to go over the cliff the green skin boy defied gravity and hovered in the air turning around facing both Carl and HK in a battle stance. Carl could now get a better look at their attacker. 'Green skin, tribal looking clothes, slug like antenna, isn't he a namekian?' Carl thought to himself. HK at this point has activated his shield and has aimed his blaster pistols ready to fight and the namekian looks like he's about to go for round two.

Before things could get out of hand Carl raised his hands at both HK and the namekian and yelled, "STOP!!!" Due to the anxiety he was feeling he accidentally accessed the force making both HK and the namekian freeze in place like how Kylo Ren used it to freeze Ray in the Star Wars movie 'the force awakens'. HK doesn't seamed bothered but the namekian seems to be struggling and saying something to the both of them in the namekian language. Carl then says to the namekian, "I don't understand you. If you understand me Can you please calm down? We haven't come to fight."

{I would most definitely like a fight master} HK decided to clarify his stance on the subject.

Carl gave a side eye at his murder happy companion, 'thankfully he at least listens to orders…." Carl then remembers how HK activated the self destruct at the facility on mustafar in the Star Wars reality. '….at least loosely follows orders' Carl thought again.

The namekian hearing the language Carl and HK spoke replied, " release me outsider. What do you want on namek?"

Carl hearing the word namek just got confirmation on what reality he just wound up in. 'The dragon ball reality? This can be either really good or really bad' Carl thought to himself. knowing the power scaling dragon ball has Carl hopes he came early in the timeline, where things arnt as crazy yet.

Carl replied to the namekian, "I'll let you go as long as you don't attack us. We arrived on your planet by accident. I'll explain more when we're all more relaxed alright?" Carl then looked at HK, " and you, stand down. We are not looking for trouble. Remember the main focus, we need intel, and resources. How do we get that if you fight everyone." He gave a stern look at HK.

HK thought on carls words and nodded his robotic head while lowering his pistols and deactivating his shield. {you are right master. Tho I must inform you it was not I that started the said trouble. It was this meatbag that attacked us and I merely acted accordingly.} HK affirmed but also defended himself. Carl did acknowledge and express to HK that he was right and thanked him but he didn't need him escalating things.

The namekian, still slightly frozen in carls force hold, relaxed a bit seeing as the outsiders that just appeared didn't seam to be hostile…at least the one in charge isn't. Calming himself down the namekian answered Carl, "release me and we can discuss your arrival on namek and your intentions." Seeing as the namekian calmed down Carl released him causing the namekian to stumble from being suddenly released but recovered right after. He then lowered himself to Carl and casting a wary glance at HK for a second before refocusing on Carl he asked, "now why are you on namek and how did you get here? All I saw was a strange rift appear then you both walked out."

Carl listened to what the namekian said and was surprised the portal would appear near someone. Apparently he will have to take this into account for the future. Good thing he had the force or he could be dead now. Carl answered, "well first my name is Carl Dearman and this is my companion HK-47." He pointed his hand to HK who nodded. "And as I said before it's accidental that we ended up here. We're travelers from a different reality and the method we used to travel picked somewhere at random which happened to be here." Carl didn't care about revealing his reality hopping here because, one theirs nothing they can really do with that information and, two they already have the concept of other universes in this reality, he's just introducing it now if it hasn't already.

The namekians eyes widen at the mention of being from a different reality. His face then looks down and goes into contemplation. He stayed silent for a good while making Carl wonder what he was doing before he was doing before the namekian nodded then looked at Carl. "My name is Nail. Elder Guru has agreed to meet with you and he will be able to see if your words hold true or not." He then looks over at HK. "Your…..companion, must stay here."

Carl was surprised when he learned the nemekians name, 'Nail? He looks younger from what I remember. That either means I'm before the frieza saga or I'm just remembering wrong. He must have been using telepathy to contact guru.' Carl thought to himself then he replied, "that's fine I'll just bring out my ship so that he can wait in there." Nail, being confused on what Carl meant by bringing out his ship, simply nodded his head because he didn't see a ship. Carl then brought out the capsule for his ship and tossed it causing it to *poof* into existence and also surprising Nail and causing him to get in a battle stance for a second till he saw the ship then he relaxed again. Carl addressed HK, "HK you wait on the ship while I follow our friend here."

HK nodded, {affirmative master} he responded then opened the ramp to the ship and walked onboard.

Carl looked back over to Nail, "ok then. So where are we going?" He asked.

Nail pointed somewhere behind Carl. "Up there." He responded.

Carl turned around and the first thing he sees is that not too far from where they are at was a small village. That village was nestled under a rock pillar that shot up high. On top of that rock pillar was a lone namekian house where Carl knew guru lived. 'Oh so there is a village under where Super Kami Guru lives? It didn't show that in the tv series.' He thought to himself.

Nail floated up and said to Carl, "follow me." And he flew off in the direction of gurus. Carl not knowing how to fly took his car out of his capsule and drove it following behind Nail a little nervous about his meeting with guru.