
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

ch 10

Anikin took a minute making Carl think he was going to be stubborn and refuse but Anikin eventually nodded his head. "I'll cooperate." He then looks to Carl, "is there a way to save her?" Anikin asked, he doesn't know why he's asking Carl but he feels like he would get a real answer from him than anyone els right now.

Carl looked at Anikin and responds as carefully as he can, "that will ultimately be up to her and you. I will help with what I can. What I can tell you for certain is that if you follow the emperor she will die. but with you by her side, she will have a higher chance of survival." Carl waits for anikins response in a cold sweat as well as everyone els.

Anikin slumps down then says. "I'm ready" waiting to be taken.

In response Carl looked to Ahsoka and obiwan, "ok lets get him on the ship and I'll give you two a lift to padmes ship." Ahsoka and obiwan nod and Starts going tword the ebon hawk. Carl then lifts Anikin with the force and starts walking and floating anikin to the ship while talking to Rex. "If you could stay in the med bay with Anikin and make sure no problems occur that would be helpful." Rex nods and goes ahead of Carl to prep the med bay for Anikin.

As soon as Carl got on the ebon hawk and got Anikin situated he made his way to the cockpit. "Ok HK, lets make our way to the landing platforms." HK gave his confirmation and the ship took off. Not to long later out the viewport you could make out the landing platform that held the giant ship padme flew to get there. Good thing there was another pad that only held Anikins Jedi star-fighter leaving enough room for the ebon hawk to land.

Ahsoka and obiwan were already leaving as Carl turned to HK, "be as quick as you can and go to the main terminal here., it shouldn't be to far away, I want you to download all the information on any CIS base you can. focus on the unmanned automated ones and make sure to get any clearance codes as well. All the CIS droids should be all shutdown now besides a small few. I say it's a shame to let all those resources go to waist." He told HK-47 as he took out one of the hoi-poi capsule devices to take Anikins star-fighter, 'he wont be needing it anymore.' He thought to himself.

As carl exited the ship he could see HK running to the doors to get to the main complex. He saw obiwan and Ahsoka were about to jump down to padmes ship before they saw HK rush by to the main complex.

As they saw Carl exit his ship obiwan asked, "what's your droid doing." With a little suspicion in his voice.

Carl responded like it didn't matter, "he's going to hack the systems and get any data he can on the CIS."

Obiwan is confused, " why? Isn't the war over?"

Ahsoka also states, "and didn't you say we had to hurry."

Carl agrees, "ya I did that's why he ran. He should be back shortly after you guys are ready to take off don't worry." Obiwan and Ahsoka look at each other and shrug. They jump down to padmes ship were they meet up with the two famous droids C-3PO and R2-D2 . Carl seeing R2-D2 makes him think, 'I need to make sure to get an astromech droid before leaving this reality.' Carl then walks over to Anikins Star-fighter and promptly places and sticked the hoi-poi device into the side, pressed the button and it poofed into smoke leaving behind a capsule on the ground a little bigger than the one he used before. Carl guessed bigger the item, bigger the capsule.

After collecting the capsule off the ground Carl made his way back to the ebon hawk. Carl waited by the ramp of his ship for HK-47 and after some time he could see HK running back to the ship. Right on time too cause he heard padmes ship start to power on and when he looks back at it He could see threw the cockpit window obiwan and Ahsoka both letting him know they're ready to go. Carl nods at them and enters his ship with HK-47 and goes to the cockpit and opens communication with obiwan and Ahsoka, "I'll need the coordinates for were we are going."

After a sec obiwan could be heard on the channel, "sending the coordinates and hyperspace route now." After saying that the com shut off and looking out the viewport padmes ship was taking off.

"Ok HK set in the route and I'll take us out." Carl told HK-47 as he eased the ebon hawk to maneuver behind obiwan and Ahsoka. As they were making their way out of the planets atmosphere there was an explosion. Carl looked at the sensors and saw the facility they were at just exploded. Carl was confused till he heard HK chuckling to himself. "Was that your doing HK?"

HK answered carl, {affirmative master. After collecting the needed data I promptly activated the self destruct to the base to erase our presence there.} he finished beaming with pride with a mission well done.

Carl thought to himself, 'well maybe this will make sidious think everyone died here, but I'll have to make sure I give specific orders from now on to HK. I forgot he's mainly an assassin droid.' After they cleared the planet's atmosphere, Carl could see the other ship go into hyperspace. As HK was pulling the lever for them to follow Carl could feel an overwhelming dark presence. He looked out to the right and for a split second right before going into hyperspace he could see what looked like an imperial shuttle just come out of hyperspace as they went in.

After going into hyperspace Carl let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. 'Holy shit that must of been the emperor. We got out of there just in the Knick of time, there wasn't any time for them to scan my ship so we should be good.' Carl thought to himself. After calming down he got to thinking, 'ok we got one hurdle down. Anikins cooperating and hopefully having him present will help padme live.' After making sure the systems were good HK let Carl know it would take half a day to reach their destination. Carl told HK to come with him to the holo table in the communal area to go over what he got from the mustifar systems.

After leaving the cockpit Carl went to check up on Rex and Anikin. Going into the med bay he could see Anikin asleep on the med bed and Rex sitting on the chair to the side. "Everything good here?"

Rex seemed to get out of his thoughts and looked at Carl, "ya kid. General Skywalker just passed out from all the pain meds. We'll have to get him to an actual medical facility to treat him better." Rex informed Carl.

Carl agreed with Rex, "well it will take about half a day to reach were we are going."

Rex nodded at that, "good, the sooner we get there the better."

Carl decided to leave rex to look after Anikin and head to see what HK was able to get. Upon entering the communal area he could see HK already hooked up to the holo table with a map of the galaxy projected on it. Carl walked up to the table and asked HK-47, "alright HK, let's see all you got."

HK-47 nodded, {yes master.} he then fiddled with some controls and the galaxy map highlighted 16 different locations. {I have been able to retrieve the locations of 16 different droid factories.} he then fiddled with the table some more and out of those 16 locations five of them changed to a green color. {out of those 16 only five were completely absent of meatbags. Two out of those five completely focus on droid fighters while the other three are focused on ground units.} after telling Carl HK-47 also brought up schematics on the droid starfighters, B1, B2, commando droids, and droidekas.

Carls looking over all the information HK-47 was able to obtain, "good job HK. Once we get everything settled were we are going we'll head out." Carl said, he then made an outline from base to base, "we'll hit the bases in a straight line, hopefully we can get them all before the republic shows up to clean house." Carl doesn't think palpatine will leave those factories alone. He'll probably try to repurpose them.

As Carl was going over his course of action Rex came up to the holo table looking over the information as well. "What's all this?" He asked.

Carl answered Rex still looking over the information and what the bases held, "information on CIS factories." Carl points at the five highlighted in green. "These five have no life forms overseeing them, they're fully automated, meaning they're all shut down now with no protection."

Rex putting the pieces together asked, "so what? You're going to destroy them? I don't see the point anymore."

Carl chuckled, " no. Im going to loot those facilities for all they got."

Rex raised an eyebrow and looked around the ship then back at Carl, "no offense kid, not saying it's not a good idea, but how do you expect to 'loot' anything with this big a ship." He did air quotes when he said loot.

Carl smirked at Rex, "well one thing I won't be taking everything. I mainly need what they use to manufacture the droids. Not saying I won't be taking a lot of the already made ones cause I definitely will. As for the space, I have a way to make items smaller. Don't ask me how not even I know the science behind it."

Rex then questioned, "and how do you have something like that?"

Carl responded, "it was a gift from someone to make up for a mistake his subordinates did."

Rex had more questiones but decided to leave it for now, he had a lot to think about. Rex made his way back to the med bay to look over Anikin and leave carl to what he was doing.

After finalizing everything carl and HK-47 went back to the cockpit to wait for their arrival. After so long the console started beeping, {we will arrive shortly master.} HK-47 told carl.

Carl gave a nod to HK and got up to tell Rex and anikin that they were almost there. Anikin was still asleep but Rex assured Carl that they would be ready upon arrival. As Carl went back into the cockpit he could see them exiting hyperspace.

After exiting hyperspace Carl could see the ship obiwan and Ahsoka were on not to far ahead of them going toward what looks like an asteroid field. Upon entering the field not to long later on one of the biggest asteroids almost the size of a small moon, in one of the craters carl could make out a base built in and some people in space suits patroling the edges of it. Obiwan made his way to one hanger bay and carl was directed to one just beside it.

After landing carl told HK to look after the ship and he went to go assist Rex with Anikin. They got Anikin on a floating stretcher. As they were moving down the ramp with Anikin they could see obiwan and Ahsoka come out of their ship with padme being carried by obiwan. Senator organa came out and seeing the state of both padme and Anikin he gestured for them all to take them to the medical facility as fast as they could. Carl expressed that they should be in a room together or at the very least able to see one another. Senator organa was wondering who Carl was, but obiwan and Ahsoka voiced for Carl. The senator told them they would be in separate rooms but there would be clear glass so they would be able to see one another.

They got to the medical area and upon entering they could see two rooms set up separated by glass. Medical personnel came and took both Anikin and padme to a room each and began running scans and started working on them. No one talked as the medical staff did there thing then After so long a medical droid came up to them all, " the male is simple enough to treat. No abnormal wounds except for his missing limbs witch we are in the process of synthesizing replacements now. The female on the other hand." The droid paused trying to find the right words to describe her condition.

Obiwan comments, "I-Is she dying?" Carl pales thinking he still didn't change anything and if padme dies Anikin is going to flip out.

The droid looks at obiwan, "technically no she is not. Tho she isn't recovering either. She seams to be in a state of what I can best describe as limbo."

Ahsoka is confused, "limbo?" She asked.

The droid nodded, "correct, she could go either way as far as my analysis goes. I suggest we operate quickly if we are to assure the baby's health."

Carl already seeing a change in what was suppose to happen is elated. Padme knowing Anikin is here didn't outright cause her to lose her will to live.

As obiwan and the senator are questioning the droid about there being two babies instead of one. Yoda senses carls mood and turns to him, "happy about this outcome, are you" he asked out of curiosity.

Obiwan and the senator look at yoda then at Carl and have a look of disapproval. Carl quickly explains before there's a misunderstanding, "wait wait, I'm happy about things I've seen changing for the better, not about the outcome itself."

Obiwan was confused before he remembered the conversation he had about carl with Ahsoka, "Ah, yes I have the general understanding from Ahsoka but just to confirm, your not from our reality but your reality can see into ours and you know what's going to happen in the future?"

Carl shrugs, " more or less correct tho I would say my reality can look into a reality's timeline, cause now that we have Anikin here that will change things that I know." Carl tried to let them know that things are likely to change now.

Obiwan pondered on what Carl said and rubbes his temple, "by the force this is troubling." He looks at Carl, "so what changes are you happy about?"

Carl looked at the medical droid witch just tilts it's head in confusion, "that droid, from what I know, was suppose to tell you all that padme was losing the will to live and the only thing to do was to operate to save the babies. NOW it says she's in a state of limbo witch is better than losing the will to live to me." They all ponder on this and can't help but agree that logic makes sense.

Obiwan ponders and looks at Carl, "so…what would you suggest we do?"

Carl is wondering why there asking him when they just met, "I'm not trying to be a boss or anything, just cause I know future events doesn't mean I would know the right thing to do." He states.

Yoda pipes in and asked knowingly, "but a plan you have already hmmm?"

Carl looks at yoda and slowly nods, " I mean yes I do…doesn't mean I know what's right."

Yoda hums in thought, "your plan, we'll hear. If good it is, execute, we will." Obiwan nods to yodas words and the senator looks a little reluctant but nods in approval. Ahsoka already knows Carls plan to use force heal on padme while they give birth to the babies which she already gave her approval of. Carl conveys his idea to use force heal on padme and hope that, and with being able to see Anikin, will be enough to keep her alive. At first obiwan and yoda were astonished to learn of force heal but after that, The three men look at one another and seem to have a silent conversation.

Eventually they all nodded and looked at Carl with yoda speaking, "your plan, try, we will."

Carl couldn't help himself, he smirked and commented, "do or do not, There is no try."

Obiwan and Ahsoka paled and before they could tell Carl off for being disrespectful, yoda was bursting in laughter, "hmmm true, your words are." Yoda answered then looked serious, "then fail, you must not."

With all those words said they all got ready for the operation for padme to give birth. Carl couldn't help but be nervous but he's confident in succeeding. He's already tipped everything in his favor, now he just need to execute it.