
In the DC world with Marvel Chat Group.

Schiller transmigrates into a professor at Gotham University. On the very first day, Bruce Wayne asks him, "What is the meaning of life?" Activating his Marvel Chat System, he asked the urgent question, "Someone is asking me 'What is the meaning of life?', an answer is needed quick!" Thanos: Killing is recommended! Charles Xavier: Don't listen to the one above, let me use my powers... So, this way, Schiller became the most famous psychology professor in Gotham. Batman likes to call him "Teacher”, Joker calls him “Sick Lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Slippery Loach”, and Nick Fury thinks he's a “Ghost.” Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel, and other comics do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. Do become a PATRON! Go to www.pàtreon.com/shanefreak Read over 60+ chapter in advance on patreon, 5+ chapter release on Pàtreon everyday... This is not my novel, I am just translating as I read. Have fun!

ShaneFreak · 映画
187 Chs

Chapter-32 | Old & New Generations...

If you like my translation, be sure you become a patron!


If you find any error, do comment!


"So you decided to take on an internship at Stark Industries?" Schiller asked.

Peter took a big gulp of porridge and bit into a sausage, chewing as he spoke. "Yes, that way I can explain where the money on my person came from. I told my uncle that Stark Industries wanted to buy out my employment opportunity and not only give me a large sum of money upfront, but also cover my college tuition. "

"Did your uncle believe you?"

"Actually, my uncle has always known that I have high grades and some genius level intelligence. Now that I finally have this opportunity, he's very happy for me."

"However..." Peter put down his bowl, a bit embarrassed. "Mr. Schiller, I was hoping to stay here for a few days. Our house is a bit run down and my uncle and Aunt May want to renovate it a bit with the money they received. The rain from a few days ago even caused the plaster on the outer walls to fall off. They're planning to stay with an old classmate of theirs, but I'm almost an adult now, so it's a bit inconvenient for me."

"I welcome you to stay here," Schiller said. "But doesn't the Stark Industries internship provide accommodation? It's still quite a distance from Stark Industries."

Peter sighed and said, "But Stark Industries is even further from the Parker residence."

Schiller chuckled and said, "I'll bet that you tried to stay at the Parker residence and failed, which is why you came here."

Peter's face turned red all of a sudden. "How could I make such unreasonable requests? I would never say something like that to the Parkers."

"You're not very American-like with your reserved behavior," Schiller added with a mouthful of porridge.

The two hadn't finished their breakfast yet when Steve ran in, his forehead covered in sweat, obviously having run all the way. As soon as he entered, he smelled the aroma of Schiller's porridge and touched his stomach, saying, "I have to say, buddy, your porridge is better than the food in SHIELD's cafeteria. I don't know where it gets its strength from."

Schiller pointed towards the kitchen and Steve walked to serve himself some porridge. Peter looked back and forth, munching away on something sweet like a hamster, sticking his head out to whisper to Schiller.

"Who is that? He looks really handsome, even more muscular than my high school's football team captain."

"It's obvious, he's the one who beat up Stark," Schiller said. "Of course, he was originally planning to beat you up, because you were always flying around New York."

Peter choked a bit. As Steve walked over with a bowl, Peter nonchalantly moved his chair a few inches to the side.

It was impossible for the current Spider-Man to beat Captain America, and Peter was clearly self-aware. He knew that his previous high-profile behavior had caused a lot of people to be unhappy with him, and there were definitely more than just a couple of people who wanted to beat him up.

And Stark, who had the ability to beat him up, counted as one. Now it seemed that this strong man should also count as one. After all, he was able to beat Stark. He must be a master.

As soon as Steve's gaze landed on Peter, Peter jumped up like he had been electrocuted and said, "I'm planning to pack some porridge into a lunch box and bring it to the hospital for Matt later."

"I advise you not to leave later," Schiller said. "You forget, last time when you came in the morning, you saw Matt and his girlfriend lying on a bed. How embarrassing was that?"

Peter's face turned red again and he mumbled, "That's a hospital, and Matt's injury hasn't healed yet. They're just a bit crazy..."

Steve silently drank a few mouthfuls of porridge and then asked Schiller, "Is that Matt also one of the good people you talked about?"

Schiller nodded and said, "I can't even describe him as a kind person. He's a hero, a true hero."

Schiller and Steve briefly talked about Matt's life. Steve said with a sigh, "Maybe I'm not as good as him, because when I was still a normal person, although I couldn't stand a lot of things, I didn't have the courage to stop them, because I knew I couldn't beat those people and getting injured would definitely hurt.

Schiller said, "The desire to seek advantages and avoid harm is human nature, so people who advance against the wind are even more worthy of respect."

After Peter walked to pick up some things, Steve asked, "This kid doesn't look like he has any superpowers at all. You know, even in my day, we wouldn't have turned red like pizza when talking about a girlfriend."

While Peter was not there, Schiller whispered, "It's not just the girlfriend that's causing him trouble. His father-in-law is the Chief of Police for the New York City Police Department."

Steve growled, "Didn't you say he was a lucky kid? I don't think he can handle a father-in-law like that."

When Peter returned after delivering food to Matt, Schiller was not in the clinic and Steve was sitting at the bar, fiddling with an old record player.

Although the record player was old for this era, it was still a new toy for Steve's era. Therefore, he was a bit unsure of how to put the record in.

Peter said, "You can't pull on that door like that, it will break. Let me have the record and I'll help you put it in."

Steve handed the disc player to him and said, "That doctor decided to give that damned Stark some psychological therapy. How old are you this year? Are you almost finished with high school?"

Peter shook his head as he fiddled with the record player and said, "Not yet, I'm only in the tenth grade."

"I heard Schiller say that you're very lucky, that you've gained some special abilities."

But Peter scoffed and said, "Lucky? Maybe I thought that before, but now it doesn't seem like it's all good."

"You're more mature than I thought you'd be. I thought you would talk nonsense or be eager to show off something."

"If I had done that a month ago, fine. Here you go. You just need to press the button on top and it'll play. Not many people know how to use this stuff now. My uncle also has one, so I know how to use it."

Steve pressed the button and chuckled, "Then can you use a turntable? I know more about that."

Peter shook his head and said, "That thing is too old. I've only seen one at my uncle's colleague's house. But the vinyl record always gets stuck and no one can fix it."

"You can bring it to me, I'll fix it for you. I'm very skilled at this kind of work. In the army, these kinds of things are treasures. If they break, you'll definitely hear a lot of complaining."

"You're a soldier? But I can tell, you're really strong, you must at least be a sergeant." Peter said.

"Sergeant? Almost. I lead a special operations team and I take them on missions."

Peter became interested and said, "You're special forces? What unit are you with? The SEALs? Or the Green Berets?"

Steve laughed and said, "We like to call ourselves the Patriot Squad, but you should have heard of a more well-known name."

Peter was curious and asked, "What's that?"

"Captain America and his friends."

Peter's eyes widened and he gasped, "You were part of Captain America's team? Oh my God! That was over 100 years ago, you guys..."

"Oh, right, Captain America isn't just a normal person. There must be someone still alive on his team now. So you know Captain America? Wow..."

Peter ran into the inner room and dug through his backpack, pulling out a figurine and saying, "I have a Captain America's figurine here. Do you know him?"

"Look, this is the latest bottle cap figurine from their collaboration with the soda company. I had to drink two whole boxes of soda to get this one. It's the only one of all the styles that has a shield. The other day at a party, everyone was envious of me. It's much more impressive than doing a Pi Li dance or something. It's really catching attention."

Steve narrowed his eyes and looked at the small figurine. He picked it up and turned it around, noticing that the figurine's head seemed to move. He gently wiggled it with his finger, but it seemed like he applied too much force and the small person's head snapped off. Peter shouted and rushed to grab it back.

"Oh no, it's broken!! Glue! I need glue! It took me two whole months to collect this!"

"I'm sorry, um..." Steve said, "I've never played with one of these things before. I thought it was supposed to be movable."

"Oh, it's fine. If you were actually a person from the 1970s or 1980s, toys were definitely sturdier back then. Like Legos or something. Did they have Legos back then?"

Steve saw that Peter wasn't angry and he felt that Schiller's description of the kid wasn't very accurate. Although he was a bit explosive and childish, he was definitely capable of handling significant tasks.

He said, "I think you should take a closer look at the head of that small thing. Don't you find it familiar?"

Peter picked up the head of the small figurine with some confusion. Despite its poor quality, the carving was actually quite detailed.

Peter then looked at the big boy across from him, lowered his head to look at the sculpture, raised his head to look at him, lowered his head again to look at the sculpture, and then raised his head to look at him again. His eyes gradually bulged and his mouth opened wide enough for his jaw to dislocate.

Schiller just returned with Pikachu in his arms and came across this scene. Pikachu waved its short arms in his arms and said, "Looks like we came back at the wrong time, interrupting Jack and Lucy's long-awaited reunion..."

Schiller rubbed Pikachu's face and said, "Tell you to watch fewer romance films."

Peter turned his gaze to Schiller and awkwardly asked for confirmation, "He is...I mean...he...that..."

Schiller pressed the button on the record player and a soothing old song came out. He patted Steve's shoulder and said, "Captain, it seems he wants to ask you for evidence. Yes, I understand what he means."

The captain knocked on the table of the bar and said, "Where's my evidence?"

Natasha's pleasant voice came from inside, "It's coming."

Peter hadn't reacted yet when a shiny shield with a red and blue pattern and a star in the middle flew into the room. This was followed by a gust of wind. Steve caught the shield and Peter stared in amazement, saying "Awesome!"

Outside the door, Natasha lounged against the frame, saying lazily, "Welcome back, Captain."

Steve patted the shield and said, "Looks like you guys were prepared."

Schiller asked Natasha, "Okay, enough of the melodrama. We can chat later. Two days of treatment, a total of $5 million. When will the payment be received?"

Steve gave him a look and said, "You really plan on charging that much?"

"Otherwise, do you expect me to let you guys stay here, spying and freeloading, just because you're Captain America? I thought we were friends."

"Of course we're friends. Without our friendship, $5 million wouldn't even buy me breakfast."

"Is that the same price you charged Stark?" Steve asked.

"Next time I'll charge him double."

Steve immediately turned to Natasha and said, "Pay up and give me an extra 10% tip."


Helper of the day!

dragonNEET2567 : Thanks for pointing out mistakes!

heavenlyundead : Thanks man!