
In Pacific Rim with the Ultimate Tech Resources System

In Pacific Rim with the Ultimate Tech Resources System. *** Dr.Emery, a tech genius and a polymath, suddenly finds himself in a dangerous world, a fictional reality, dominated by Kaiju Monsters. Stemming from a world that was constrained by the damnable laws of physics, how will he manage to survive in a world that didn't follow the norm by outrightly giving zero fuck about something like Square cube laws. Watch him bring his ingenuity to play and with the Ultimate Tech Resources System, he will dominate the Kaijus and Jaegers and eventually, the universe beyond. *** Tags - [MonsterVerse] [Pacific Rim] *** If you wish to support me, check out my Patreon for 15 advanced chapters: Patreon.com/MisterMushroom *** I own only the OCs. I don't own the image. All rights of production go to its creator. I found it at Pinterest. Here's the link - https://pin.it/72ngXAR I will be additionally posting my story on only Royalroad and ScribbleHub.

OneArmedImmortal · 映画
43 Chs

An Expected End Note

The novel was so-so and I lost interest in it ages ago. The chapters I have been posting were those in stock and I remember not writing anything since March, haha.

If you liked it and hate on it, sadly this one is a big drop from me. A failed project from a failure of an author. Far into the story, I realized that I didn't feel anything for the characters I was writing especially Kal. And I honestly sucked at trying to write a cool evil MC.

So yeah guys, I am sorry to disappoint you yet again.

Officially dropped with a big blue stamp!

And as for KOG fanfic, I am still lazy to even write it but funny enough, I have all the necessary plot points laid out.

I will try another Pacific Rim fanfic in the foreseeable future but for a nonhuman mc. Hopefully.

Sigh, all things in the end must come to an end.
