
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · 映画
34 Chs

Why's Magneto here

I seriously need some of yall to write a review(pls help and be honest) I need some feedback and stars.



After receiving the honors from King T'Chaka, Theon met with T'Challa and Shuri.

"Hi, guys, sorry if it is sudden, but I have to go."

"No hard feelings, Theon, but... could you take off your mask? We are dying to know how you look like."

"Ah, yes," said Theon, removing it and revealing his strange pupil and handsome face.

"What an unusual pupil color," remarked T'Challa.

"Yeah, it's a genetic trait," explained Theon. "But I'm not here to talk about my looks. I wanted to express my gratitude for the alliance and the honorary citizenship. It means a lot to me."

T'Challa nodded, "We value the alliance as well, Theon. You bring unique skills and knowledge that can benefit Wakanda."

Shuri chimed in, "And the Beskar alloy is a groundbreaking achievement. I can't wait to see what else we can create together."

"I'm excited too," replied Theon. "But I have some matters to attend to. I'll be in touch soon. Thank you again for everything."

Forge and Theon ascended onto the BlackFalcon, carrying the reserve of Beskar given to them by Wakanda, and set their course towards Xavier's School. While en route, a call from Professor Xavier alerted them to an unforeseen development.

"Forge, Theon, I must inform you that Magneto is at the school. Exercise caution upon arrival," Xavier cautioned through the communication link.

"Understood, Professor. We'll proceed carefully," replied Theon, his mind already racing to assess the situation.

'If Magneto's here the future already changed unpredictably... is he there to talk about Leech?'

"Forge let's land in a place away from the school, I don't want Magneto to get his hands on the Beskar.

As the BlackFalcon approached Xavier's School, Forge skillfully landed it in a discreet location, away from the immediate vicinity of the school grounds. Theon, holding the reserve of Beskar, couldn't shake off the sense of urgency. The alliance with Wakanda had brought about unexpected developments, and now Magneto's presence added another layer of complexity.

The duo disembarked, the Beskar securely stored. Theon's gaze was focused, his thoughts contemplating the potential motives behind Magneto's visit. The magnetic mutant was known for his strong beliefs in mutant supremacy, but the specific reason for his presence at Xavier's School remained unclear.

As they cautiously approached the school, Theon activated [Force Sight], enhancing his perception to be prepared for any surprises. The peaceful ambiance of the school grounds seemed at odds with the tension building within Theon.

Entering the school, they were greeted by Professor Xavier. His expression conveyed a mix of concern and readiness for the situation at hand. "Theon, Forge, I appreciate your prompt arrival. Magneto is in the main hall. He requested to speak with you both."

Theon nodded, his mind still calculating possible scenarios. They proceeded to the main hall, where Magneto awaited them. The room's atmosphere was charged with the magnetic energy characteristic of Magneto's presence.

"Ah, Theon Helix, the man of the hour," greeted Magneto with a sly smile.

"What brings you here, Magneto?" questioned Theon, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Magneto's gaze shifted to the Beskar in Theon's possession. "I've heard whispers about a powerful alloy, a fusion of Vibranium and another mysterious metal. It seems my sources were correct."

Theon remained cautious, "What is your interest in the Beskar?"

Magneto's tone became more assertive, "I believe mutants should have access to the most potent materials. This alloy, if as powerful as they say, could be a game-changer for mutantkind."

Forge, attentive to the conversation, spoke up, "Our intentions are to use it responsibly. It's not meant for any conflict or harm."

Magneto's eyes narrowed, "Responsibility is a subjective concept. I propose a collaboration. Let mutants control this alloy, and we can ensure a future where our kind is no longer persecuted."

Theon, sensing the underlying tension, replied, "I appreciate your offer, Magneto, but the Beskar is not for unilateral control. It's a tool for the greater good, not a means for division."

Magneto's demeanor shifted, his magnetic powers subtly crackling in the air. "You disappoint me, Theon. I thought someone with your abilities would understand the need for mutant empowerment."

"Yea, but I'm not stupid. Have you ever thought about what could happen if every single person became a mutant in this exact moment?"

"There will be freedom for us!"


"Then we just kill them."

"And who will run society by then? There are only a few million meta-humans on this planet."

"Your vision is short-sighted, Magneto. Empowerment doesn't come through chaos and destruction. It comes through understanding and cooperation," Theon retorted, his voice firm.

Forge, sensing the escalating tension, added, "Magneto, we're not here to create a world of mutants dominating others. We seek harmony and collaboration between mutants and non-mutants."

Magneto's magnetic powers crackled with increased intensity. "You're naive, both of you. The world has never been kind to mutants. We must take control to ensure our survival."

Theon maintained his composure. "There are better ways to secure our place in the world. Violence and domination will only breed more hatred and fear."

Magneto's eyes narrowed, "You speak as if you understand the struggles we face."

Theon's expression remained resolute. "I may not fully comprehend, but I believe in a future where mutants and non-mutants can coexist peacefully. Your path will only perpetuate the cycle of conflict."

Magneto, frustrated, raised his hand, manipulating nearby metal objects. "Perhaps you need a demonstration of power to understand reality."

"Try me," said Theon, tapping his wrist.

As soon as he did that, the metal objects hovering near Magneto fell to the ground.

"W-what have you done!? Why can't I..."

"Can't feel the fields? Magneto, did you really think that I didn't create countermeasures against your power? Yours is to generate and/or control magnetic fields. A pretty useful power, however, it's pretty easy to counter it. I just have to create a magnetic field stronger than yours."

"But that's not enough! My abilities are way stronger than what technology can achieve!"

"True, but I'm not using it to disable your power; I'm using it to destroy your control. It's not like I can't understand your views, old man."

'Old man? How dare he...' thought Magneto, taken aback.

Theon continued, "I understand the struggles mutants face, but your approach only perpetuates conflict. I won't let you manipulate the situation for your own gain."

Magneto, now stripped of his magnetic control, glared at Theon with a mixture of anger and frustration. Theon, unfazed, spoke sternly, "If you ever pull something like this again, if you ever threaten the balance we're trying to achieve, I won't hesitate to kill you. Remember that. By the way the dampening effect will last 30 minutes."

With that, Theon turned and walked away, leaving Magneto powerless and seething with resentment. Forge, who had been observing the confrontation, followed Theon out of the main hall.

As they left Xavier's School, Theon couldn't help but feel the weight of the encounter.

'I need to find a solution fast, killing Magneto is an option but I really want to avoid making him a martyr and potentially becoming the target of his sons and the Hellfire Club.'


Power:[Death Empowerment]


Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the deaths of others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the dying or even slow and even stop aging.