
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · 映画
34 Chs


Im playing too much roblox.



/Secret human trafficker base/

A group of 4 youngster was stealthily browsing trough the cages where the people have been put, freeing them.

"Prodigy, have we already found one of the targets?" asked a person that was wearing adeep blue leather jacket adorned with intricate silver metal plates.

The jacket, tailored with a rugged yet stylish design, exuded an adventurous flair. Underneath, a dark hood framed his face, casting a shadow of mystery. His hands were encased in fingerless leather gloves with subtle metal accents, while matching leather pants boasted a blend of flexibility and durability.Iceman.

"No, Quicksilver, could you scout around while we save these these people" responded the probabile leader, he wore a hooded cloak of midnight black, adorned with subtle crimson details that whispered of unseen dangers. The chestplate, etched with an embled showing a stylized amalgamation of a sleek hood and an eagle's outstretched wings. His vambraces and greaves seamlessly blended form and function, providing protection without hindering his swift movements. Fingerless gloves and leather boots completed the ensemble.

"Yes sir" answered a silver-haired boy that was wearing a futuristic silver-hued suit that seemed to hum with energy. Its sleek design, accentuated by intricate patterns, hinted at a fusion of technology and style. As he moved, the suit emitted a subtle glow, mirroring the speed and grace with which he navigated his surroundings. The metallic ensemble, complete with a cutting-edge visor, portrayed a seamless blend of form and function, making him a visual spectacle in motion.

"These armor that Revan left for us are very cool" said a girl, she was wearing a form-fitting, midnight black leather bodysuit that seamlessly blended flexibility and stealth. The hood gracefully framed her face, casting shadows over her eyes. A sleek mask concealed her features, adding an air of mystery to her identity. Silver-accented armor plates adorned her shoulders and shins, providing a subtle yet effective layer of protection. Fingerless gloves with hidden blades and thigh-high, laced leather boots completed the ensemble.

"True, Rogue did you learn assassination tecniques?"

"Yea, not that I have that much of a choice"

"True, I-"

Before Prodigy could finish his words he got interrupted by the speedster.

"Prodigy, I found both of the targets.Already knocked out the guards."

"Then we will proceed with the extraction"

"??What bout the other people cages here?"asked Iceman

"The mission was to rescue the meta, not all the people here... besides they can get out of there themselves. Let's go!" responded Prodigy coldly.

"Not so fast!" screamed a voice.

Stepping out of the shadows, a man with long, silver hair flowing around sharp features emerged, his tall and lean stature draped in a distinctive black ensemble – a captivating figure that resonates strength, grace, and an unmistakable air of mystery.

Behind him, there was a kid with a diminutive stature, smooth, pale skin, and expressive, round eyes. The child wore an outfit reminiscent of traditional Chinese martial arts attire, a rosy-cheeked face portraying innocence.

Furrowing his eyebrows behind the suit helmet, Quicksilver asked: "Who are you?"

"Someone that want to fight you guys, you can call me Sephirot" said the mysterious man before picking a greatsword from his back and lunging toward him.

'Stupid' Thought Quicksilver before activating his speed mode in a attempt to dodge the strike.

However much to his surprise the man immediately redirected the swing, hitting him.

As Quicksilver staggered back from the unexpected hit, Sephirot, wielding the greatsword with ease, advanced with calculated precision. The kid, standing beside him, observed the unfolding confrontation with a mixture of excitement and concern.

"You're not as fast as you think" he remarked, his eyes shimmering with determination.

Quicksilver, slightly disoriented, attempted to leverage his speed again, but the opponent anticipated every move. The greatsword swung gracefully, its movements seemingly in sync with the anticipated path of the speedster.

Rogue, Iceman, and Prodigy watched in astonishment as Sephirot displayed a level of combat prowess that defied conventional understanding.

"Who is this guy?" muttered Rogue, her eyes widening.

"He's not just an ordinary opponent," replied Prodigy, analyzing the unfolding battle. "We need to figure out his abilities and weaknesses."

As Quicksilver struggled to find an opening, Sephirot spoke again, "Your speed won't save you if you can't change the outcome." With a swift and well-timed maneuver, Theon disarmed Quicksilver, leaving him defenseless.

"What... how did you..." Quicksilver stammered, clearly surprised by the turn of events.

"Speed alone is not enough. It's about predicting movements, understanding patterns" explained Theon, his voice calm yet authoritative.

"Can we talk about this? I mean, who are you, and why are you attacking us?" Quicksilver attempted to negotiate, hoping to buy time.

Theon, however, remained focused. "Actions speak louder than words."

Seizing the opportunity, Quicksilver attempted a desperate dash to retrieve his dropped weapon. Yet, with a swift motion, the mysterious individual used the force to pull the greatsword back into his hands, keeping the advantage firmly on his side.

"Enough!" Iceman finally intervened, creating an ice barrier between Theon and Quicksilver. "Let's figure out what's going on here."

The man paused, eyeing the barrier, and then turned his attention to Iceman. "If you insist on interfering, be ready to face the consequences."

With the ice barrier in place, Prodigy signaled to Rogue and Iceman to be on guard.Sephirot stared at the trio with an unwavering determination. In a swift motion, he lifted his greatsword, ready to face whatever challenge awaited.

"Alright, let's see what you've got," Prodigy declared, preparing himself for the impending clash.

As the man advanced, Rogue took a defensive stance, her gloved hands at the ready. Iceman generated an ice javelin, his eyes fixed on the hooded figure. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they braced for the unknown abilities of their enigmatic opponent.

In a sudden burst of movement, Sephirot lunged forward, swinging the greatsword with incredible precision. Prodigy skillfully dodged the attack, demonstrating agility honed through various missions. Rogue attempted to grapple with the individual, but he deftly avoided her grasp.

Iceman retaliated by launching ice projectiles, attempting to create a strategic advantage. However the opponent effortlessly anticipated the trajectory of the ice projectiles, sidestepping with ease.

"His awareness is absurd. We need to coordinate our attacks," Prodigy shouted to his teammates, analyzing the situation.

Rogue, undeterred, made another attempt to engage Theon. This time, she managed to make contact, however much to her surprise she couldn't feel nothing.

"My ability doesn't work on him!"


Archetype: [Dark Lord]


The user is a Dark Lord, a being of darkness usually seeks to rule or destroy the universe around them. A powerful evil being who viciously rules over lesser evil beings and desire to rule their respective existence and corrupt as well as destroy everything they touch. They possess malevolent abilities and often command fiendish minions. These individuals also love to seduce others to join their side and then use them for their own hellish purposes. Anyone can be a Dark Lord; some are human, many have demonic natures and certain holders of the title are actually manifestations of the Devil himself.


Evandarcreators' thoughts