
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · 映画
34 Chs

Does Santa exist?

Happy Christmas night!! (I hope Santa bring you gifts)

Congratulations to Filip_adamik for completing the challenge (He want Ashoka added to the story)

Laura won the poll, so the FL has been decided.


Theon had to abandon his dream of becoming the world's greatest inventor rather quickly.

Just two days after his realization, he met Forge, a mutant whose ability was to invent and construct virtually any mechanical or technological device he could imagine.

Adjusting his aspirations, he decided, "I will aim to become the second greatest inventor."

He sought Forge's help in comprehending the principles of mechanics and technology. Initially hesitant, Forge refused, but with Theon's persistent requests, he reluctantly agreed. Forge's opinion about Theon changed rapidly upon noticing how swiftly he absorbed information and applied it. He even referred to him as "Little Tony Stark" on several occasions.

While honing his mechanical skills, Theon approached Jean and Xavier for guidance in training his Telepathy and Telekinesis, both of whom agreed to assist him.

Logan started rigorous physical training and language classes, much to Theon's surprise, admitting their effectiveness.

A year passed in this manner, and the holiday season of Christmas was approaching.

While in the an hall Theon approached the food macchine and ordered his divine drink alongside some chocolate cookies.

Looking for Bobby, he found him talking to Anna, their relashiontip has improved considerably over time and even though they were not togheter, people could feel it.

Approaching them, Bobby diverted his attention to Theon.

"Hey, do you still believe in Santa?" Bobby inquired.

"Of course! What kind of question is that? I'm a firm believer in Santa," replied Theon.

"Are you serious? You sound like a six-year-old" teased Anna.

"Hey, I don't look like a six-year-old, do I?" chuckled Theon.

Indeed, Theon's physique had considerably changed over the year. He now stood at 1.71 meters, and his physique had developed noticeably.

'My estimate was wrong I already reached Captain America level of strength'

"I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook me for a 24-year-old man," quipped Theon.

"Yeah, yeah, keep flexing. So, why do you still believe in Santa?" Anna asked.

"I've seen him. He's an omega-level mutant." Of course, Theon hadn't actually seen Santa yet, but he was convinced of Santa Claus's existence in this world.

"In a vision?" queried Bobby.

Theon, who didn't entirely adhere to hiding his abilities, had disclosed some of them to Anna and Bobby (the ones he could use).

"Yeah," he lied through his teeth.

"Are you serious, or are you just messing with us? Because if it's the latter, I might have to call Logan over here," threatened Anna.

"Woah, woah, there's no need for that. I'm not lying; he does exist."

"If you say so," Bobby shrugged.

"Hey, Anna, how's the power nullifier going, by the way?" whispered Theon.

"It's been working well. I still can't thank you and Forge enough," Anna responded.

Indeed, during the year, Theon had meticulously studied mutant physiology and sought Forge's help in creating a power suppressor. He used it himself to confirm he wasn't a mutant, providing reassurance that his connection to the Force wasn't replicable. They maintained secrecy about this, as Theon suspected SHIELD/HYDRA had spies within the X-Men mansion.

"Let's go to Wolv class"

"You should really stop calling him like that Theon"

"What hes gonna do about it? Increase my training?"

/Combat class/

"You guys stay here I wanna teach you swordplay and how to counter it" said Logan while gesturing Theon to come at him.

"Can I use Vaapad?"

"Hell no!You almost killed Quicksilver last time" rebuked Logan

Shrugging Theon spoke: "He would have been able to dodge the attacks anyway"

"Man what do you have against me?!?" asked the silver haired boy in exasperation.

"You are annoying" responded Theon

'Just wait till I acquire Force speed; then I'll give you a run for your money.'

"Stop chatting and come at me"

In the vast training room, Theon squared off against Logan, their sparring session about to commence. Theon brandished his practice sword, poised for action, while Logan stood unarmed, relying solely on his combat expertise and natural abilities.

"Let's see what you've learned, kid," Logan's gravelly voice echoed across the training area, his muscles tensed and ready for the impending clash.

Theon, determined to display his newfound skills, lunged forward with a series of calculated strikes. His movements were swift, the sword swishing through the air as he aimed blows toward Logan's guard. Logan, relying on his exceptional reflexes and agility, dodged and weaved, deflecting Theon's attacks with agile evasions and calculated parries.

Theon's eyes gleamed with focused determination as he continued his assault, incorporating combinations and techniques he had practiced rigorously. His footwork was agile and swift, constantly adjusting to outmaneuver the seasoned fighter before him. Despite Logan's lack of a weapon, he used his experience to anticipate Theon's strikes, showcasing an almost preternatural ability to read his opponent's movements.

"Keep at it, kid! Don't hold back!" Logan's encouraging yet gruff voice cut through the sound of their clashing movements.

Undeterred, Theon intensified his attack, showcasing a blend of Form I technique and improvisation. He varied his strikes, mixing feints with genuine attacks in an attempt to penetrate Logan's defenses. Logan, utilizing his agility and close-quarters combat prowess, expertly sidestepped and countered Theon's onslaught, offering subtle pointers and suggestions amidst their exchange.

As the spar unfolded, Logan focused on redirecting Theon's energy rather than meeting it head-on. He evaded Theon's strikes with practiced ease, highlighting the importance of control, timing, and adaptability in combat.

Their duel was a testament to Theon's determination and Logan's expertise. Theon's breaths were measured, his focus unwavering, as he persisted in his assault, absorbing Logan's teachings with each move.

Despite Logan's lack of a weapon, his guidance and physical prowess challenged Theon to elevate his technique and strategy. The spar became an intricate dance of skill and learning, with every clash of their movements serving as a lesson, a demonstration of Theon's dedication to mastering combat under Logan's watchful eye.

"Let's stop here" said Logan after a few minutes of fighting

"What did you guys notice while we where fighting?"

"That Theon is verh good at using swords?"said Quicksilver

A vein appeared on Logan forehead:"Yes and what else?"

"You did not directly attack him you mostly used counter-attacks, kept your distance and used dodging tecniques" Responded Prodigy

"Thanks for your answer Prodigy and yes he's right, unless your power give you a physical enchantment or a good healing factor you should not directly attack someone with a weapon they..."

The lecture continued for a few more hours.

"Man, that was exhausting. Theon, how on earth did you become so skilled with the sword?"

"I don't know. I just picked it up and learned."

"Well, forget about that for now. Tomorrow, we'll find out whether Santa exists or not. Make sure you're ready."

"You can count on it."

That night, Theon prayed to The One Above All, hoping Santa would grant him a gift.


Power: [Psionics]

The users of this are psychics who possess a multitude of psychic abilities and powers in various forms such as; telekinesis, telepathy, extrasensory perception, teleportation, etc. The exact number of psychic powers a user can possess at once varies per user, level of powers they're able to generate, psychic family heritage, and natural evolution.

Form 1 originated from the use of normal swords.


Evandarcreators' thoughts