
Chapter 14: The Demon Slayer

It's been two day since Luffy defeated the true demon and his name has spread though out the land as Luffy the Demon Slayer. However while his fame has been up turning the lands, he's currently reading a dark book that looks like a gremoire, however it wasn't it was...

Luffy:"The bible of Darkness." said Luffy who's wearing reading glasses. This is something he found on the corpse of Albertrass.

'This is the story of how I the God of Darkness |>}]\~`}~ was betrayed by my brother /\>}|[<}|{.'

Luffy:"What the hell is the names written like that? And what does he mean betrayed." He narrowed his eyes as he continued to read.

'My Father A True God +\|/|>{\}] went into his slumber as he's one of the only few Primordial Gods still in this realm, we were still recovering from the war which my father fought a fellow Primordial God, and was badly injured it would take billions of year to recover.

However before he left me and my brother in charge to take care heaven, he created a system which would make it easier for the creation of angels and other functions without his help, which to our horror only increased his recovery time. When we learned this he told us.

"I don't care about myself, as long as my precious children are safe it doesn't matter to me, /\>}|[<}|{ and |>}]\~`}~ please watch over mortal kind, I know the different races are still in their infancy but they have the potential to be better than us, I hope once I recover I can achieve peace with the other pantheons." He was the best father we could've ask for.'

Luffy:"I see so he really cared for his children what a nice guy!" said Luffy as he continued to read.

'After a few thousand years we were watching over humanity as it's my father's favorite race so far, they have even started to gain more sapients and their numbers has become quite large.

My brother and I unfortunately grew apart with re-populating our race, and meeting with other factions we were over worked and turn was starting to take its toll, one day the both of us had a bit of free time my brother invited me to go somewhere to relax, so we could catch up so we went to an umarked part of the Underworld, it was quite beautiful. However before I could-'

Skipper:"Luffy let's go you'll miss your own ceremony!" he's going through a rank ceremony they are held when an S-rank finally reaches

Luffy:"Oh! Okay?" he stored the book and took off his glasses.

Skipper:"Luffy keep the glasses." said Skipper monotone.

Luffy:"What why? These are just my reading glasses?"

Skipper:"You look hot in them!" She licked her lips as her face took a complete 180.

Luffy:"You wanna go a round before I go." She sighed an controlled herself.

Skipper:"No I'm fine....We'll be late." however she lookd down.

Skipper:"Luffy when are we gonna start officially date?" Luffy was silent he knew she had feelings for him so did he somewhat. They have just been having sex without a real thought it was fun but Skipper wanted to be in a more serious relationship and Luffy didn't know but he wanted more too.

Skipper:"I'm tired of this brother sister act we have, I don't give a damn if you follow the footsteps of your fellow reincarnaters and start a harem, all I know is I want to be with you." She had tears in her eyes, for years she kept showing him the signs and it seems as if he just completely ignores them, she was frustrated she wanted to know why he hadn't returned his feelings as well. Luffy said nothing and walked upto Skipper, he cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears.

Luffy:"I'm sorry Skips, I knew I shouldn't have ignored you like that, I was scared...sacred I'd hurt you I haven't been in any relationships in my past life, I was...scared. Sacred I'd hurt you I'm sorry Skipper, can you forgive."

Skipper:"Only if you promise to take me on a date."

Luffy:"I'm promise. Let's go we're gonna be late." She nod and the two went off.

Luffy:'I guess I was being an idiot.' The two then went on to the guild with Skipper holding on to Luffy's arm on the way they got plenty of odd looks. The two went into the guild and one of the adventurers ask the question.

???:"What's with you and Skipper?"

Luffy:"We've started dating and if your worried about incest then don't bother we aren't blood related."

Everyone:"OH!" they all went back to their business like nothing happened and out stepped an old man with monocle, he was wearing a robe with slippers and he had bags under his eyes. This was this branch guild master Guilo

Guilo:"Luffy let's start your rank up ceremony hand me your status card." the strawhat wearing teen gave the man his card and with few words he swiped his fingers over the card and handed it to Luffy.

Guilo:"There your now S-class." he took a sip of his coffee.

Luffy:"That's it."

Guilo:"Yep also throw this heart in the Volcano a few miles away from here." he tends to give out shady quest to adventurers. Luffy normally use Observe on the objects he wants to dispose of and their all called cursed, hell the oldman even gave him a quest to get rid of the necronomican a book that can plunge the world into chaos. Luffy couldn't help but think that this world would've ended if he werent sent here.

Luffy:"*Sigh!* Fine you lazy oldman." he grabbed the heart and which was pitch black and was radiating a cold aura, with a sigh Luffy walked out the guild.


Luffy:"Finally some rest " he said with a smile however before he could even take a look the door -slammed open.

???:"Guys the Knights from Church of Light aren't here!" said a random guy.

???:"We're not falling for that one Douglas!" the adventurer who just came is name Slippy Tooth Douglas, he's a lier.

???:"But wait didn't he say 'aren't here'?" A cold realization ran throughout the building, if Douglas the guy known for lying said 'aren't here' then that definitely means they are here.

Everyone:"Shit!" said everyone at the same time, the church is not only well respected but also very feared, of course they are scared shit less.

Luffy:"I heard about those guys why are they here?" said Luffy with his mouth stuffed with food, that question was answered when four people in silver armour came in.

???:"Is the demon slayer Luffy here? We Knights of the holy light would like an audience with him."

Luffy:"PISS OFF I'M EATING!!!" shouted Luffy busy with his food, the entire adventurers roboticaly turns there head towards Luffy who's currently fat as all hell, still stuffing his face. The adventurers at that moment thought 'YOU DUMBASS!!!!!' as dread began to fill them along with tears running down their eyes.

???:"How dare you!" said a female voice, who's one of the Holy Knights she was about to draw her sword, but one of the men stopped her.

???:"Stand down Carlamine. You, can you tell me where he is the Demon Slayer." he asked an adventurer who pointed to Luffy.

???:"That fatso is the demon slayer laughable!" said one of the other Knights as Luffy who is still fat turned to them and in an instant slimmed down suprising them.

Luffy:"Now whaddya want?"

???:"How did you do that?"

Luffy:"Family secret, now please answer my question." said Luffy.

???:"My name is Sorenson Fitzonleone, and these are my allies and fellow Knights, Madam Carlamine Walsh, Sir Douglas and Sir Percival." Luffy said nothing.

Sorenson:"Rejoice Sir Luffy, as we from the church of Light are here to recruite you, I'm sure you won't turn down this chance." he said confidently working for the church of Light was a huge honor for most.

Nobles would have to lick your boots and not only that you can use the status from the church to get whatever you want and, the pay you get from it is even more than what an AA-rank normally makes. Anyone in their right minds would jump to chance for this, however our protagonist wasn't just anyone.

Luffy:"I'm good." he turned around back to his food.

Carlamine:"What how could you refuse this is the chance of a life time!"

Luffy:"I don't wanna, it sounds like too much work!"

Carlamine:"What!" She was about draw her blade again but was stopped by Sorenson.

Sorenson:"Why not you'd be hailed as a hero, your fame is spreading like wild fire even now, not only that you'd be able to help so much people save some many lives, you'd be a hero of justice!" he said frustrated.

Luffy:"*Gulp*! Simple *Burp!* I'm no hero." this confused the Knights while those who heard him say that before perked up a bit.

Luffy:"A hero is someone who'd be able to simply use his words and make the demon king himself strive to be a good person. A hero is someone who would save everyone regardless of their past actions against them, that and to be a hero of justice I'd have to be willing to kill the small amount to save the many that's an hypocritical existence, I can't do that I refuse to do that."

The place was silent, no one knew the cheerful and air headed Luffy had difficult thoughts like these. Douglas stepped up.

Douglas:"Then what about these people, you've saved them didn't you, you also helped around town and took quest no one would, why is that?"

Luffy:"Cuz I felt like it, and it seems you didn't understand what I said a minute ago, so I'll put it into simpler terms, a hero is someone who would share their meat, I don't like to share mine." Everyone who heard this again though 'THIS AGAIN!' as they all slapped their foreheads.


Sorenson:"Douglas let's go there's no way we're going to be able to recruite him." The four of them then left the building.

Anna:"Luffy why didn't you go, the pay is alot better than working here?"

Luffy:"Simple someone once said 'I may believe that there is a God but I don't believe in the church'." They kept silent.

Luffy:"Tell me when they came in here, what did you feel, happiness, respect or was it admiration?" they didn't answer, of course they couldn't.

Luffy:"From everyone of you, I could feel fear radiating off of you, the church of light is an organization to be feared because of what they do to so called 'heretics', not only that if you have a clashing ideologies than the church, you'd be beaten and stoned and tortured in a number of ways before being killed." They kept silent they couldn't say anything they knew he was right, Skipper held tightly onto his arm.

Luffy:"Anyway let's get rid of these thoughts and let's celebrate me finally reaching S-rank! Drinks and food are on me!"