
Impossible Tower

Without warning he was transported into a endless dungeon of trials and test, known as "Tower". With only his quick wits and determination to survive, will he be able to forge his legacy and find his path through his journey up the "Tower" *** Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. I would love to hear feedback and opinions.

Sheeper_Beeper3000 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Nature's Limits?

Opening his eyes, he could instantly tell his body was different. His legs and arms had both grown and his somewhat chubby face and stomach had thinned out leaving a sharp jaw and a small 6 pack. When he went to stand up he fumbled his first few steps while realizing his center of gravity had changed.

[You are the first of any race to have their limits racial limits broken! Reward: ??? - Locked until 5f]

[Stat: Mana unlocked]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

[Mana has increased by 1]

The abundance of screens had surprised him, but the changes to his body because of the mana were even more surprising. His recently attained flow of soul had entangled with his new mana veins. His mana veins had better flow then his regular veins.

[Your mana has hit 10. New Skill Unlocked: Mana Manipulation (F) - Your body is able to use mana naturally as if you were born with it.]

While reading the description of his new skill he accidentally activated the skill and unleashed a uncontrolled spurt of mana, scaring him. It felt as if he had complete control over his mana. He formed a ball of mana, it had a deep sea blue color. His instincts got the better of him and he decided to see how far he could through it.

He pulled his arm back and proceeded to launch the ball at the wall across from him. It only took 2 seconds for the ball to hit.

After seeing the astonishing display from his mana he started to wonder how powerful his spirit would be. Like mana he tried guiding it out of his hands and forming a ball, but nothing happened. He tried two more times, but nothing happened. When he looked at his spear he felt something click, he picked it up and attempted to flow his spirit into the spear. To his astonishment the spear started to glow a violent blue and he felt as if the spear could pierce anything.

His short testing time came to an end when another system screen popped.

[You should now enter the entrance to 1F.]

The gate started to make a whirling noise and expanded leaving a giant open hole in the middle, which he assumed was the entrance. Before he went into the entrance he decided to do a once over his status.

[Player: James Summer]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Spirit Spear Master - You are to be the next Master of the Spear, who uses the control of spirits to further your combat prowess and to help you throughout your journey. {Perks: Power of Souls, (Locked), (Locked), ???]

[Skills: 3rd Person View (F) , Language Translate (?), Mana Manipulation (F)]


[HP: 10/10]

[MP: 20/20

[AP: 0]

[Strength: 6]

[Vitality: 5]

[Agility: 9]

[Mana: 10]

[Spirit: 5]

[???] [Inventory] [???]

He felt very equipped to take on any challenge the tower would throw at him. He made sure to keep a tight grip of the spear, holding it slanted in front of his chest.

'Let's do this, I've read plenty of novels so I believe I'll be able to survive anything it gives me.'

He walked into the black abyss in the middle of the gate. For a second it felt as if 1000 years had went by, but at the same time it felt as if time stopped similar to his [3rd Person View] skill.


He opened his eyes and was surprised that he couldn't see, but the damp stench that flooded his nostrils had given him a good understanding of where he was, a cave. He held the staff horizontally and used it's ends to guide him to the cave walls.

James rested his back on dank wall, he could feel the moss release water as he leaned more of his weight on the wall. He kept his eyes opened and decided to wait until his eyes adjusted to the dark.

3 minutes after he started waiting he got an idea.

'What if I use the glow from my spirit to light the way.'

His spirit instantly flowed into the spear, the effort used was minimal, and the cave lit up with the vibrant blue shadows dancing off the walls like a fire does in the dark. He could see a good 30 feet in front of him, enough to prepare himself to fight if need be.

'What if the first isn't fighting but traps?'

The thought shook him as he visualized the first floor from his favorite novel. If this tower was any similar he would most likely die.

As he was lost in thought a 2 foot tall coyote crept its way through the darkness staying just out of the range of the light and waiting to surprise the bipedal animal that was invading its home.

The hair's on James' back stood up and he knew that something was near him. His spear switched from its horizontal position to a spear stance that could both attack and defend. He stopped and waited making sure he checked behind occasionally.

On one of those occasions the coyote had started his sprint and was almost about to pounce towards his calf, right as James noticed its shadow on the wall. He put weight in his foot closest to the coyote and leaped back. The coyote missed its target and stumbled to get back up. He thought that is would be an easy chance to pierce it, but was sorely mistaken as it's agility was not something he had ever seen.

The coyote watched as the spear missed because of its swift roll, it ran towards him while his spear was still mid thrust leaving him open. He thought fast and swung his spear around giving his leg enough momentum to kick it away and buy him sometime to re-stance. Surprisingly, his kick had enough power to stun the feline and gave him just enough time to slash down cutting the large cat in two.

'The power of Spirit is insane, this spear is just sharp enough to cut through bone but it was able to cut a full grown animal in half with almost no effort!'

His excitement was short lived when he heard the growls of more coyote's.