
Impossible Tower

Without warning he was transported into a endless dungeon of trials and test, known as "Tower". With only his quick wits and determination to survive, will he be able to forge his legacy and find his path through his journey up the "Tower" *** Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. I would love to hear feedback and opinions.

Sheeper_Beeper3000 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


[Talent Unlocked - Spirit Spear Master! - Check your status for more information.]

The female robotic voice rang loudly in his ear, stunning him. The spear in his hand started to glow before shortly fading. Snapping out of his daze he decided to ask about Talent's.

"What is a talent?"

[Yo-o-u have a talent!?! A talent is great tool to help you in your journey to the top, a talent only shows up with people who have a very good future. What is your talent boy?"

The gruff voice was riddled with excitement, which made him hesitate to answer the question it asked.

"My talent is Spear Master."

There was a pause before another screen popped up, followed by the gruff voice.

[That is a mighty fine talent, boy. It seems your journey to the top is going to be a fun one. Before you check your status I will bestow upon you 2 skills."

[Skill Obtained - 3rd Person View (F)]

[Skill Obtained - Language Translate (?)]

[You best be on your way now, boy. I hope to see you again, I will be watching...]

As the gruff voice faded in his mind, his vision also started to blur, before he eventually passed out.


Groggily sitting up after fainting, he checked his surroundings to see a familiar endless white room, but this time it had walls.

[You have entered 1F 'Resting Room', Prepare as much as you can, before attempting.]

To his left a floating circle of colors hovered in the air, the beauty of it couldn't be described but the dangerous aura flowing out could be felt. He assumed that it was the entrance to the 1st floor and made sure to walk a distance away to guarantee he didn't accidently enter.

His memories of the talent and skills resurfaced into his mind and he thought of the way to check his Status.


[Player: James Summer]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Spirit Spear Master - You are to be the next Master of the Spear, who uses the control of spirits to further your combat prowess and to help you throughout your journey. {Perks: (Locked), (Locked), (Locked), ???]

[Skills: 3rd Person View (F) - Time freezes and your vision changes from your eyes to the sky allowing you to see everything around your body in a 10 foot radius. , Language Translate (?) - Any language spoken by creatures of similar species to your self will be translated.]


[HP: 10/10]

[MP: 0/0]

[AP: 0]

[Strength: 6]

[Vitality: 5]

[Agility: 9]

[Mana: 0]

[Spirit: ? - Locked]

[???] [Inventory] [???]

Everything was fairly self explanatory for him, as he had read many novels similar to the situation he found himself in now. The skills were the only thing that he had trouble understanding, there was no tutorial on how to use them and he was confused on what to do.

He decided to just focus on activating the [3rd Person View] skill, he focused on the words of the skill in his mind assuming it would activate, no luck. Next, he tried to say the skill name outload and nothing happened other than the reddening of his cheeks. Rereading the description made him think that maybe he needed to "use" the skill, instead of relying of the system he should just do the skill.

While he was attempting to use the skill he blinked and all of a sudden his vision changed to that of a birds in the sky, He could see his body still sitting in the crisscrossed position, nothing moved besides his view. After around 3 seconds, his vision in the sky returned to his body and a pain arrived behind his eyes, similar to the pain of a migraine.

'This could come in handy, if I was fighting something, but the drawback is probably equal to the usefulness the skill has.'

He closed his eyes, still in the crisscrossed position, and started to doze off.


A magnificent blue light appeared in my vision, its beauty was on par with the gate that I had saw when I entered the waiting room. The blue light was warm almost like fire and it felt quite familiar, as if it had always been with me. It was almost as if the light was my soul, and as I peered deeper into it the memories of my past all flooded into my thoughts. Every single mistake, every single triumph, every single loss, all of it overflowed my thoughts until his stopped and the blue light expanded, with what I could only describe as acceptance. It flowed through my veins, from my heart to my lungs, from my lungs to stomach, it reached every part of my bod, but it had stopped just before connecting my mind. While I was trying to understand this new feeling, the light penetrated my mind and jolted me awake.


He woke up drenched in sweat, but the feeling of the light was still there. consistently flowing through him like waves. He felt a sense of nostalgia, even though this feeling had never occurred with in his body before. His thoughts were still shaken up and he didn't get time to rest as multiple screens popped up in front of him.

[Talent Perk Unlocked: Power of Souls - As a future master of spirts you are able to use you own spirit to strengthen both your body and mind, but this power is not limited to just your own soul, souls of slain enemies can be used to increase the power of your soul.]

[Stat: Spirit has been unlocked.]

[Spirit has increased by 1]

[Spirit has increased by 1]

[Spirit has increased by 1]

[Spirit has increased by 1]

[Spirit has increased by 1]

[You have achieved the impossible, ??? has decided to break your natures limits and bestow you with mana veins. The pain is something a normal human can not withstand, you are being forcefully knocked out.]

Just as the pain of his flesh melting off thousands of times, started to cover his body, he lost consciousness.