
I will master this second life

boring life boring job only to get fired then killed really suffering sucks good thing i get a second chance only wait i was reborn as a catgirl really not only my gender but not even human but demihuman ok ill make this work my second life wont be a waste of time. fair warning starting new job on the 19 of april so no guarantees that this will be updated at any specific time i will update when i get more than three chapters and will do them at once because while some cant be avoided i hate cliffhangers so i will not post single chapters considering they seem to be around 400 words on average and this is my first time actually putting any of my writing out there for others to read so all i can say is im doing my best to find a writing style that fits me so please take that into consideration before you post your comments constructive criticism and the like are welcome but keep purposely hurtful comments to yourself and i hope you enjoy

MAG666 · LGBT+
6 Chs

New life in another world

I don't know how long I have stayed in this endless void of nothingness but if this is all there is after death I think id rather die again. It feels like i've been here for weeks I feel like my mind won't hold out if this continues forever. Then in the distance there is a White light I know wasn't there before but it's just there i'm not even sure how to move in this empty space. As I think of how to get there a force not brought on by me forces me closer to the light. As i move into the light all of a sudden I feel like i'm being stabbed by thousands of needles and it takes a few minutes to calm down. When the pain subsided i look around i'm in a unfamiliar room and there is a strange person staring at me. They look like a normal nurse but there is something going on with there eyes. They are a deep orange color but the Pupil is slitted instead of round. Freaked out by not knowing where I am I look around the room for clues as I do i See a mirror. But as i look into it there is a baby looking back. when I see this the thought lands home I guess I got reincarnated cool more suffering that I have to endore.The girl holding me starts moving snapping me out of my thought prosses and takes me to a bed Where a man and woman are the man is standing by the women who is lying on a bed. The man looks fairly handsome I guess but the woman is stunning. I guess if they are my new parents then it could be worse the women has long silver hair that almost has a blue glow to it spotless skin and ample hmhmhm other features the man has muscles I wouldn't say thin but not fat a burly beard and black hair. They both look at me and smile the women goes

to speak but I don't understand what she is saying. (what the hell aren't I supposed to get a skill or something to understand the language) The woman sits up and only then do I notice something's not right. She has cat ears on her head how could i have missed those?

Pain remains though the day has changed but who can say whose to blame life goes on seasons change can we say where still the same experiences forge who we are surroundings temper our lifes steel life moves on who has lifes game won none may say save for one

MAG666creators' thoughts