
I will master this second life

boring life boring job only to get fired then killed really suffering sucks good thing i get a second chance only wait i was reborn as a catgirl really not only my gender but not even human but demihuman ok ill make this work my second life wont be a waste of time. fair warning starting new job on the 19 of april so no guarantees that this will be updated at any specific time i will update when i get more than three chapters and will do them at once because while some cant be avoided i hate cliffhangers so i will not post single chapters considering they seem to be around 400 words on average and this is my first time actually putting any of my writing out there for others to read so all i can say is im doing my best to find a writing style that fits me so please take that into consideration before you post your comments constructive criticism and the like are welcome but keep purposely hurtful comments to yourself and i hope you enjoy

MAG666 · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Life before Death

Life was never what i had expected. Every day seemed to be the same thing days on repeat. My name is Theo Haskis weird name I know I hate it too No girlfriend, dead end job, and my parents always saying that i'm wasting my life away. Well i cant say i disagree with them. My point is i had nothing going for me. But never did I expect the last moments of my life to play out this way. Here's what happened on my last day alive hold on it's not a pleasant story. I woke up to go to work looked at my alarm great it's 9:30 already a hour late i'm most likely going to be fired. Since im late anyway may as well take my time getting ready. With that in mind i got in the shower

only to find out the water was shut off can this day get any worse. I got dressed went downstairs to the kitchen to make a egg sandwich to eat while I go to work. When i step out the door I put my key in to lock it as the door locks my key breaks off in the keyhole. Great now i'm going to have to call a locksmith when i get home. I head to my complexes Parking lot and my car has a flat and i have no spare. At this point i want to just go back to sleep but have to work to pay the bills so with that in mind I wait for the bus. I finally get to work at 11:15 but i'm sure you guessed it. Fired. But with my day so far I suppose i should have seen what happened next coming. I started walking home and as i turned a corner a man pointed a knife at me demanding my money. I told him ok just calm down he could have my money as I turned to grab my wallet to get my money out I guess he got spooked because now i'm on the ground bleeding out. I'm having a hard time

processing what happened my chest is on fire but I feel cold but strangely i feel calm. Wish i could say i lead a good life but man my life sucked guess i was just born unlucky. As that thought passed by I fell asleep and the final thing to pass my mind before I could no longer think. Who wants to die at 28 life sucks. Then nothing no noise no heat or chill no feeling the ground beneath me just nothing.

Metal wings covered in rust and in time they turn to dust memories of her and her face bring me back to a happy place as time flows on and days do past like sands through a hour glass

cities rise and countries fall but time dose catch up to us all surrendering us to our fate spend the time we have before its to late

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