
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

The Saiyans arrive!

The two pods enter our atmosphere and begin to break through.

Once more we use Bulmas magnet to direct them to a wasteland area so we can control the fight in our favor with no civilians.

We all gather there. The full team. Bulma was watching over Gohan and Gine as they wanted to come watch their father and mother fight but we decided against it. Especially if Nappa marks them as targets.

We all get into our stances. Goku, myself, and Yamcha all in our classic orange gis. Raditz in his repaired and somewhat upgraded armor. Bulma and her sister do amazing work.

Roshi was there in his tank top and orange kung fu master pants. With his usual purple cane as well. He had a resolute face as he was in a half transformed state to make himself look younger and more intimidating

Tien in his usual green shoulder wrap gi. Chiaotzu in his white tank top and green kung fu pants. Chi chi was in her old blue and red battle dress while looking excited at the upcoming fight. Her saiyan instincts were hitting her hard. And I noticed a scar in the form of a bite mark peeking on the edge of Gokus neck hole in his gi. While Chi chi had a similar but bigger looking mark on her neck peeking out from her turtle neck length qi pao dress.

I chuckle as Raditz had noticed and explained it as a Saiyan mating bond. Now they are bound soul to soul forever. And will always be there for each other.

It only happens between couples that love each other.

I was astonished and asked if his parents did the same. Raditz nodded. And even explained that the bond can be expanded to have multiple mates. Such as when a really powerful saiyan warrior appeared and he managed to woo and have the hearts of 4 fenale saiyans. Thus, before their planet exploded at least. All of his descendants were either in the elite squad. Or were royal guardsmen.

I was shocked but happy that my future plan concerning Goku being not only a teacher but possible lover and husband to Kale and Caulifa would work out with that info under my belt.

I asked Raditz if he would have multiple mates. He shakes his head and says that one is enough for him. I chuckle while patting his back saying, "Just messing with you man. You do you."

He nods as we hear the falling whistle sound of the pods approaching.

As they fall nearby Piccolo comes over after removing his weighted clothing and shooting his power level up to 3500. We were all waiting at only 1000 each. Goku and Raditz were each holding a steady 5000. While I held steady at 3000.

We all stood stalwart as we heard the annoyingly loud voice of Nappa approaching.

They enter the rocky landscape we chose as our battlefield. Figured might as well follow as much cannon as possible.

They appear and Vegeta has his usual scowling smile as he smirks at us and sees Raditz. He widens his grin by asking, "Well well well. We have ourselves a traitor Nappa! Looks like we will need to kill us a full team of planet defenders to get our immortality wish huh?"

Nappa grins and brings out not one. But two vials of saibamen. I gulp at that as I was worried how the green was now a blue color.

Nappa plants them as Vegeta explains how they will use these enhanced Saibamen to test us and make sure we are too tired to put up a proper resistance against them.

I decide to speak. "Wow I thought you saiyans had more pride than that. Prince Vegeta. Of the fallen Saiyan race."

He grits his teeth and glares angrily at me while their squad of 12 enhanced Saibamen emerge from the ground. They are indeed enhanced. Each is a solid 2400 power.

I let out a quiet breath of relief. If they were triple their original power from the canon, we would have had to tip our hand early.

I look to Vegeta as he has spotted something behind me.

Standing behind me was Chi chi. Vegetas mouth is slightly agape as he sees the tail on Chi chi. He asks, "Is that a female Saiyan?"

I look back at Chi chi. Then back at him glad our next stalling and more over negotiating method was revealed like clockwork.

I answer, "Yep. Born and raised here. She is Kakarots mate. They even have a son and daughter. That's right Vegeta with the dragonballs we have a way to ensure your race will continue. But if you kill us all no way will you gain that ability."

Vegeta grits his teeth as Nappa is raving how they can take us all on before being shut up by a huge burst of ki from Vegeta. He asks, "What do you propose then?"

I smile as he takes the bait. And I then turn it over to Goku and Piccolo as they are our two strongest, (to their knowledge) fighters.

Piccolo opens up the challenge, "A winner takes all tournament. We face your group. One on one rounds. See who can take out the other team."

Vegeta thinks it over while Nappa tries to persuade him to just attack and rush us. Vegeta glares at him in an irate way making Nappa cow and back up a few steps. Vegeta thinks it over before smiling at the challenge. His pride would make sure he takes it to prove his superiority over us. Especially after he reads our power levels being 1000 for most of us and only near or at 5000 for our most powerful members.

He chuckles at this then asks, "What are the prizes?"

Goku comes up with a confident smile and lays out the terms. "You win? We let you use the dragonballs. You can wish for anything and we won't interfere with your wish. You can use them and leave or turn and kill us. We will fight back as best we can, but given your wish idea... we probably won't live through it. But if we win... You join us as an ally. A REAL ally, not a convenience ally, and we team up to take out Frieza and go to Planet Namek to ask if we can use their dragonballs for a few wishes we have in mind to help us on our training needs."

Vegets thinks it over. Either way he will gain something out of each condition. The last one is more favorable to the earth defenders. But he will still live and gain some powerful allies if they prove to be stronger than he thought.

He smiles widely and says, "I accept! Let the matches begin!"

Nappa comes back boasting how the saibamen will make short work of our weaker forces as we aren't past 1000. We all smile knowingly emulating a certain teacher. Nappa takes a step back out of growing fear.

Meanwhile back at the lookout Popo was watering the flowers and looks to the sky with a "Hm?". He checks the universe before smiling at how his students have learned well. He then ups them a rank in his pecking order. Right below Kami but above his stool. And this means he can train them harder next time they come. He laughs his creepy Popo laugh as we cut back to the fight.

At the fight everyone had a shudder run up their spines but manage to not show it as the first Saibaman comes out while Chiaotzu comes out as the first fighter from our side.

They ready themselves as I prepare to referee until my turn. Then I raise my hand high and yell out, "Ready? And... Begin!"

With a swish of my hand and the charging up of ki both fighters rush at each other and the makeshift tournament is on in full swing.