
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · アニメ·コミックス
68 Chs

The Results of the first meet up

Welp should have expected this.

Over the course of the last 2 months I was named godfather to Gokus child currently growing in Chi chis womb.

That's right, she is pregnant, with Gohan on the way. But at least it happened in time for us to be training together in the lookout.

Kami and Popo were happy to see their pupils child growing in his wifes body. Showing their love and bond was strong.

The others were all so happy to have Goku and his wife there. They had all missed him and were looking forward to training with them both.

Soon though everyone's attention was stolen by Piccolo.

As soon as he landed everyone got in front of Chi chi and was ready to defend her. None more so than Goku who growled possesively like an angry papa bear. Chi chi blushed at this show of possesiveness. While the others were shocked at Goku showing so much aggressive defensiveness for his wife.

They all smirked and renewed their vigor as they stared down Piccolo.

I walked up to him much to the shock of everyone there and said, "Ready to train buddy?"

Piccolo was swift to nip that nickname in the bud, "First I am no ones buddy! Second shut up! Third yes I am."

I turn and explain the plan and why Piccolo was there to a stunned group of fighters before Kami comes forward and explains how we will train.

We all gather and prepare to fight each other and train within the echoes of various worlds that we can die against in simulation but it will train us at least in some way.

We train hard over the next three months while Chi chi goes through the training that Goku endured when he was a teen as Popo was gentler with her and a good teacher while she was growing with child.

Kami over saw our training and of course, big surprise, Piccolo sparred with Goku and I exclusively.

He fought us at every sparring session but we began to build an understanding with him through it. He wanted power. We wanted a challenge. And we slowly built a comfortable rivalry with the big green guy over time.

Well to us it was comfortable. He still grumbled and complained how we were beneath him as a species. But it lacked the usual bite it had.

We managed to survive the training no problem for 3 months before we all went back home after the winter to continue our training.

I went back with Goku and Chi chi to check how things have been at home. I also noticed that during the free time Goku had been reading and studying his books. He said he appreciates what I got for him and he hopped to pay me back one day.

I also got the same promise from Chi chi. I simply said, "Hey make me the godfather to each one of your children and I'll gladly help out no problem."

They took that deal straight away.

While they got situated at home I sensed out with my ability to see how everyone was doing. And how far they had grown.

I noticed good growths around the board...

Goku 283 --> 356

Krillin 268--> 338

Piccolo 276 --> 350

Roshi 143 --> 210

Tien 198 --> 258

Chiaotzu 120--> 195

Chi chi 168 --> 238

Yamcha 160 --> 204

Except for the problem child. Yamcha. Still half assing his training thinking he was hot shit. He had grown the least out of us all. Heck Chiaotzu gained over 70 points! 70! That was comparable to my, Gokus, and Piccolos gains! But Yamcha had gained the least in his training.

Yeah. Nope. Not going to let that one slide.

Going to nip this problem in the bud before a second year of his lesser training happens.

I flew right to capsule corp. Telling Goku and Chi chi I would be back in time to help them with dinner.

Goku had been learning to cook for Chi chi (at my urging) so that he could take responsibility while Chi chi was carrying his child and wouldn't be up for cooking every day. He found he enjoyed it somewhat and was slowly taking control of more and more household chores.

Chi chi invited me to stay in a guest house to help them out too and to be there when their child was coming.

I didn't stop them. And I was glad for working plumbing again.

Don't get me wrong nature is great for training... Not so great at indoor plumbing.

So I land at Capsule corp and enter the lobby before calling out for Bulma. She comes to greet me and asks, "Hey Krillin! Woah what's got you on the war path?"

I look at her with my serious face on and say, "Yamcha isn't taking this seriously so I came to beat some sense into him. Where is he?"

Bulma directs me to their personal gym and I go in. Only to see something that makes my blood boil.

He was watching a video about martial arts. Meant for white belts. He was going through the motions. But not using ki. Or his muscles in each movement. It was literally copying and no heart.

He even looked bored!

I stomped right up to him and asked, "Okay Yamcha! What the hell!?"

He startles and turns the video off to give me his full attention.

"What man? Just going through the basics. What's got you so hot under the collar?"

I bristle at that, "YOU DO!!!"

He flinches back and asks, "Me?"

I roll my eyes fed up with his laid back approach. "Yes you! We invite you to train with us! To grow with us! To help us in our time of need! And how do you repay us? By half assing all the training you are doing! You work out with maxed weights but we graduated from those when we fought demons! You go through exercise video tutorials for beginners! We graduated from those from Roshis training! So tell me right now what makes you think you deserve to still be with our friends if THIS is how you train for a world ending threat!"

Yamcha stammers out before he looks annoyed, "Oh come on Krillin! It can't be that bad! After all we now have Goku and Piccolo on our side working together! And you are almost as strong as them! I can handle the riff raff that come. You guys can handle the big guns!

I chuckle darkly, "Oooooh hohoho. No. You remember what I said about this guy?"

Yamcha thinks back and says, "He's five times Piccolos strength? And he has an army?"

I face palm and yell out, "No! That he is part of the army! He is just a foot soldier according to the dragon!"

Yamchas eyes go wide. Then his face goes pale and then he looks at his body and realizes that he wasn't truly taking this seriously.

He looks to me as I go.

"Here, spar with me. To give you a taste of where we are in terms of strengrh compared to a foot soldier in this space army."

Yamcha quickly gets into a stance but I am already in his face and sweeping his legs from under him. He falls with a slam and goes to get up with a ki blast ready. But I just grab it and break it in his palm.

He cries out at the back lash before I slam my knee into his face and elbow strike his chest. He coughs out hard from those two blows and looks up at me from where he is gasping on the ground in pain.

I sigh in irritation as he gets up slowly. I look to him as he flinches, "That strength of mine you just felt? I am about 1.75 times stronger than you right now. You get that? Nearly double."

Yamcha nods, now properly ashamed of his weakness as I then carry on to say, "The guy coming? Based on my mental math. Is about 4 times stronger than the current me right now. So get your butt in gear. Or you won't survive. And I want all of us to have a future. Especially since the Dragonballs won't be able to revive me again."

Yamchas eyes widen at that as he realizes I am risking way more than the rest of them.

He goes to get patched up and recover. While contemplating my words and how he can actually help when he has wasted so much time already.