
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Ginyu versus Krillin

Welp glad we did this for the plan. I floated across from Ginyu with my power staying steady at 120k. Ginyu was slightly nervous at seeing me be equal to his power but he was putting up a front.

He noticed his men were all beginning their fights and I simply said, "Oy! My eyes are over here pal!"

Ginyu chuckles and is quick to correct my thinking, "Ah! Terribly sorry! But I was checking on my mens progress! After all it's not often we meet those who can actually challenge our power levels! And its so refreshing to see someone like you who could actually pose a challenge to myself! Best prepare to die to me though! You won't survive!"

I pick my ear with a pinky as I say, "I know by the way."

He stops at that, "Know what?"

I blow off the piece of ear wax I pick out then smirk at him, "That you can take my body if you get desperate."

Ginyu stutters in shock at that. No one but Frieza and his men should know about that power! "HOW?! HOW DO YOU KNOW?!"

I simply say, "Would you believe me if I said a little birdie named Toriyama told me?"

He racks his brain and goes, "But I never met any bird aliens named Torymiyama! And if I did then they should all be dead! No witnesses!"

I chuckle and say, "Tell you what. If I don't manage to kill in the next 2 to 3 minutes. I'll explain."

Ginyu yells out, "You dare mock me?!"

I smirk and simply say, "Yep!"

He roars and charges right at me. I power up to a shocking 200k making him panic as his scouter registers my power increase. He stops mid flight allowing me to shoot a barrage of ki blasts at him.

He desperately dodges each one. But unknown to him thanks to him being focused on dodging the ki blasts. I slowly get closer and closer to him each time.

Then once the ki blast barrage ends he turns to taunt me only to recoil in shock at seeing that I was right there in front of his face.

He gulps in fear as I raise and lower my eyebrows in a knowing look. Right before he tries his own blast to gain some distance. I deflect it at point blank range and begin to whale on him.

He endures as best he can as I beat him black and darker purple. He is now bleeding from his lips and from some bad hits he took on his arms and legs.

He floats there unsure of things until his scouter beeps a loud warning at him.

He looks to his squad to see a pile of ash where Guldo used to be with a smirking Vegeta flying off.

He sees Raditz and Goku high fiving each other over the last few pieces of armor that used to belong to Burta and Jeice. The brothers also fly off.

And he then sees Reccoomes implosion as Piccolo flies to join the others.

He stalls a bit as he goes, "All of my men... I'm the only one left... Please! Let me have one moment. I just need it to... Process how my whole elite squad is gone."

I give him that... Exactly one moment.

Then I double hammer fist him into the sea as a great big splash results of it.

He rushes up only to come face to face with a pair of destructo discs coming at him.

He gasps and turns to dodge. Only he fails to turn fast enough on one side. He screams in pain as one of my discs cut off his left horn... And left arm!

He carterizes the wound and looks to me with a pain filled glare of hatred for what has happened to his men and his arm. He huffs harshly and breathes out loud gasps through the pain as he goes, "You bastard! Without my arm! How will I do my poses for my future Ginyu Force!?!"

I deadpan as I ask, "Shouldn't that be a future you problem? After all... Pretty sure you're dying."

He grits his teeth and roars out in desperation, "Change now!"

His soul shoots out and I simply dive under it. It chases me a bit before I grin and head towards the fight with Frieza.

Ginyu is so consumed with rage he fails to check where we are going.

Bardock is at max power barely holding stage 2 Frieza in check with Vegeta backing him up in his full power. Frieza has his back to me as I fly under him then past him.

I shoot up right in front of him and stay there while asking, "You know I always wondered something."

Frieza being caught off guard asks, "And what is that midget?"

I point behind him with a shit eating grin, "Why Ginyu didn't try to betray you sooner!"

Frieza, in disbelief at my line, turns his head in shock to see Ginyus soul on his way to him. Ginyu notices too late where I am standing and tries to return to his body but Frieza falls for my bluff in the heat of the moment.

"You disreputable traitor! Die!" Frieza does his vaporization beam and literally disintegrates Ginyu. Soul and all. He barely even has time to scream.

Frieza huffs at that and turns to us where I have powered up to 400k to match my allies. He looks at our trio and goes, "My my my. Three of you to little old me? And even managed to convince my own elite captain to turn on me? You are full of surprises! But know that you still won't be able to beat me!"

I smirk as we are now in our end game here.

We all go into our combat stances while I throw a Senzu Bean at Bardock. Allowing him to heal, recover, and power up slightly. And we all ready ourselves to face Frieza.