
I read and recommend!

I read and recommend!

Leremita · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Son of War

By: YagamiNguyen

God of War + High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Crossover

Words: 135,770



My assessment: 78

At eighteen years of age, Atreus and his father found themselves in another realm, one that was filled with the less crazy, but unfortunately irritating versions of the gods they had slain. Can they live their life in peace? Or the supernatural world of DxD will be forced to know the full might of THE God of War? Atreus will try to make sure that won't happen anytime soon at least

Chapter 1


The sound of a hand smashing, almost breaking, an alarm clock resounded throughout the decent sized bedroom. A groan erupted before a head of brown hair poked out from underneath the white sheet, but the person immediately threw it back on in discomfort when the rays of blinding luminescence of the early morning sun hit them in the eyes, which flickered open very briefly.

It had been four months since he had arrived in this new world… and Atreus, known as Loki by the Jotnar, still couldn't get over how bright the sun was.

"Damn it Skoll, just catch the damn sun already…"

Also, it was clear that he was not much of a morning person.

Grunting slightly, the son of the former Greek god of war slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes as he stifled a yawn with one hand, before stretching himself out with his hands raising his hands high into the air. Slowly but surely, however, Atreus was able to get out of bed and made his way into the bathroom, to get himself ready for yet another day of his new life.

Atreus did not waste any time to get into the shower, not even bothering to wait for the water to heat up. The cold had never bothered him - at least not anymore after he had survived Helheim numerous times, and lived through Fimbulwinter.

Atreus stayed under the water for nearly five minutes, doing nothing more than simply standing there with his eyes closed as he let the cold water caress his form, scarred from the numerous battles he had fought. After he had collected his thoughts and felt that his body had fully woken up, the young god quickly got to the actual cleaning, which was fast. Once that he was done, Atreus turned the shower off and stepped out, grabbing a clean white towel hanging off the rack and proceeding to partially dry his hair, then his body, before wrapping it around his waist.

He then walked over to the sink, and grabbed a toothbrush to brush his teeth, staring at himself in the mirror. At 17 years of age, Atreus was honestly pleased with what he saw. Back when he had his first adventure with his father, he had been very short, with the Dwarven brothers Brok and Sindri being even taller than he was. In the past few years, however, he had hit a great growth spurt, and managed to grow to a nice height for a young man his age. Sure, he wasn't as tall as his father yet, but he was taller than the other kids in town, not to mention more muscular. That had to count for something.

Grabbing another towel, Atreus used it to clean his face and then headed out of the bathroom finally to get dressed in the uniform of a local high school, which – in his honest opinion – was one of the strangest things he had ever worn, consisting of a black blazer over a black, long-sleeved shirt with black highlights and a black ribbon on the collar and matching black pants.

"Well, time to go to school I guess." Saying that to himself, Atreus wasted no more time to make his way out of his room, grabbing his backpack along the way before walking down the staircase that led down to the first floor of his new house, skipping the final three steps of the staircase with a jump. Arriving at the kitchen, the young god/Jotnar smiled at the head of an old man with grey beard and horns sitting on the dining table poking a tablet with a pen he was holding with his mouth, a disturbing sight for those who did not know its story, and greeted him. "Morning, Mimir!"

"Ah, morning, lad!" Mimir, the smarter man alive – or at least what was left of him – greeted Atreus cheerily, dropping the pen in his mouth to speak with the young god as he walked over to the refrigerator to find something to eat for breakfast "How are you today? Ready to go to school?"

"I am." Atreus replied as he stood up with a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. "Did father leave already?"

"Why yes. He left ten minutes earlier. Our 'employee of the month' is a busy man these days."

Mimir answered, making them both chuckle at the humor behind his words. Who could have thought that Kratos, the mighty god of war and the feared Ghost of Sparta, was now working as a security guard at a local construction site, where he also occasionally helped out with the heavy labor work, doing such a fine job he was given the 'Employee of the month' award even?

"Well, I better get going then." Atreus said to Mimir as he quickly forced down the last bit of the sandwich and drank a full glass of water. "See you in the afternoon!" With that said, Atreus headed out, not forgetting to pick up the pen for Mimir and let him hold it in his mouth again. Without a body, it was the only way for the reanimated head of the smartest man alive to use the tablet, which he had been using to… 'surf the internet' for knowledge and information, something that had caused Kratos to look at him as if he had just grown a whole body.

"Ah! Don't forget to eat a proper breakfast later when you are at school, lad!" Mimir called, making Atreus nod his head in response with a grin before heading out, closing the door and locking it with a special rune magic that would keep any thieves from getting adventurous with their stuff, especially a talking head.

Four months, it had been four months since Atreus and his father, and of course Mimir, found themselves in this new world, one of advanced technology, and brimming with life. Adapting was what Atreus and his father did best, and it did not take it long for them to settle down in this country called Japan with some help, having decided that their current best course of action was to blend in and live among the humans, hiding their true nature and who they really were.

With his supernatural innate linguistic capabilities, it did not take it long for Atreus to learn to speak numerous languages of this world and taught his father and their bodiless companion to do the same, with Kratos having some difficulty but at the same time he had been incredibly patient. After a few weeks, Kratos was able to speak Japanese on an acceptable level, though Atreus believed he needed to work on his writing a bit more. Nonetheless, being able to speak their language had allowed the former Ghost of Sparta to find a job with the local construction crew, something that both him and Mimir deemed necessary for him to earn them a living in this new world.

It had been Mimir who suggested Atreus to enroll in academic study, something that had been an unfamiliar concept to him since he had never gone to school before, and everything that he knew had been taught to him by his mother. Atreus didn't know if it was really necessary, but he had always wanted to know what it felt like to study at a school with kids his age, and it's not like he had anything else to do, so he had enlisted himself into the high school division of Kuoh Academy.

Not much he knew about Kuoh Academy beside the fact that it used to be an all-girls private school but changed to coed a couple of years back and used a system that was called escalator, which made it a school for all grades from 1st-University separated by elementary, junior High, senior High, and college divisions. With the exception of the special entrance test that Atreus had had to do to enlist himself, there was no need for the traditional entrance exams so long as students maintain a respectful grade above average, something that Atreus had shown on his first day at the place that he would have no problem doing.

The academy itself was a breathtakingly beautiful campus, consisting of several buildings with the main one being a long, rectangular structure that was four stories tall, with slanted roofs, reddish brown tiles and built like some kind of traditional European architecture… or at least it was what he thought. His knowledge on the history of this world was still in development, and it's not like he would just sit still and spend all of his time every day 'surfing the internet' like Mimir to speed up the process.

"Ah! It's Atreus!"

"He's so handsome!"

"You think he is still single?

"Don't know, but I would still like to take my chance with him."

And of course, by the time that Atreus had arrived at the academy, he heard the girls whispering to themselves the same exact words he had been hearing almost every day, and did not need to look or use his sense to know that some of them were excited to see him... and some were even horny. His father wanted him to not cause unnecessary attention, but from the first moment he stepped foot into Kuoh Academy, a place where the girls outnumbered the boys by 8 to 1, he had become the very attention itself.

Not just from the female students, but also from the males…

"Damn Casanova, it's bad enough that Kiba got all the attention, now him too…"

"Go die, damn pretty boy!"

"Fuck off, you damn Gaijin!"

"Oi! I know what that word means, you know." Atreus scoffed, throwing the group of male students on his left a firm glare, making them back off away immediately in fear. Sighing and taking a deep breath, the son of Kratos continued to advance toward his classroom, ignoring the half fearful/ half hateful glare of the male students, and the adoring looks of the girls.

He did, however, feel someone eyeing him in a different manner from afar and turned his head toward the old school building to look. He did not see anyone, but the window of the room on the top floor was wide open, though he didn't really care if someone was there.

"That was close." Said Rias Gremory as she peaked her head up from behind the window frame. For a girl that was seventeen years of age, she had an hourglass body that surpassed even that of a top-class super model, with a large bust catching the eye of most hormonal teenagers. Her blue-green eyes were like the most beautiful crystals that had stolen many feeble hearts, but above everything else about her, her beautiful, flowing crimson hair that covered her back like a curtain of red silk, was no doubt her most beautiful and noticeable feature.

"Ara, did our new foreign student almost catch you staring at him again, Buchou?" Rias' best friend and the vice president of the Occult Research Club, a beautiful with an incredible voluptuous body and very long black hair with violet eyes, Akeno Himejima, asked with an amused smile on her face as put a cup of tea down the table in the middle of the room. Much like Rias, Akeno was an incredibly beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

Like her friend and most of the girls at Kuoh Academy, she wore the customary Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, along with black calf-length socks.

"I swear, if he suddenly does that again I will have to use magic to cover myself." Rias said as she stood up and walked over to the lounge to sit down, smiling at her friend gratefully before picking up her cup of tea to take a small sip "There's… just something weird about him, don't you think?"

"Ara, isn't that what you think all the boys are, Rias?" Akeno giggled softly into her hand.

"Not that kind of weird. He's… weird in our way, the supernatural way." Rias shook her head and said, correcting herself before her friend could tease her anymore "I mean… how many people can detect me the moment I look at them from a distance?" Akeno nodded her head in understanding "What have you been able to find out about him, Akeno?"

"Honestly, not much. He lives in a house not far from here with his father, who is said to be a security guard at a local construction site. The man is said to have caught three armed thieves just this week alone, barehanded." Akeno said with a small hum of amusement "Atreus is also doing exceptionally well in his class. Some teachers are even calling him a genius, and considering letting him take the graduation test early to move to college. He's doing even better than Sona-kaichou, I believe."

"Now that is something you won't be able to hear every day" Rias stated with a slight sense of amazement in her tone.

"Some girls also heard him speaking six different languages in just a span of a month." Rias widened her eyes at that, turning her head fully to look at Akeno as the black-haired girl continued "And I also heard he has also seen trying to learn new languages during break times between classes, all by himself."

"So, you are saying that he's self-teaching himself different languages?" Akeno nodded her head in confirmation at Rias, who had a look of surprise on her face.

"Some of his classmates also seem to think he's a delinquent because he has tattoos and scars all over his body." The black-haired girl then continued "I asked Kiba-kun to look into it, and he said Atreus did have a tattoo of words written in Northumbrian runes on the side of his neck."

"Northumbrian runes?" Rias asked with a thoughtful expression. "Is it possible that he is secretly related to the Norse gods in any way?" Given the fact that Kuoh was filled with supernatural entities, she wouldn't be surprised if the new student was one of them.

There's also the thing about his name, as it was obviously Greece.

"That's a million-yen question, Rias." Akeno said, and Rias couldn't help but nod her head in response before the black-haired girl walked to her bag and took out a stack of documents "Oh by the way, these are what I can find about the thing you asked me to look into a few days ago."

"Thank you, Akeno." Rias said gratefully at her best friend as she took the document and put it down before her.

Later on, that day, Atreus found himself walking home after school had ended, hands behind his head as he wondered which movies he should watch with his father that night after dinner. Kratos might not show it, but Atreus could tell that his father really enjoyed watching Spartacus, which also gave Atreus the opportunity to bond with his father in something other than life and death situations. Now that they had had a somewhat normal life, maybe the two of them could finally work together to become a normal pair of father and son.

But as if fate once again had decided to laugh in his face, Atreus suddenly heard a loud, painful scream coming from the park on his left, and wasted no time to run toward that direction.

"Hold on! I am coming!" Atreus shouted as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, even considering ramming through the trees to get there faster but decided to maneuver between them instead. Years of running in the wild and dodging deadly attacks in the most hazardous environment had made Atreus incredibly light on his feet.

Arriving at the fountain area of the park, Atreus widened his eyes when he saw a boy who was dressed in the uniform of his school kneeling on the ground, clutching his bleeding stomach. Standing before him was a black-haired young woman, who was dressed in an ultra-revealing outfit consisted of black leather that encircled around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots.

However, what surprised him the most, was a pair of black feathery wings on her back, and the spear of concentrated light she was holding in her hand.

"Hey! Get away from him!" Atreus shouted as he leaped into the air and came crashing down between the two with a knee, forcing the black winged girl to jump back in surprise. Quickly recovering, Atreus removed the backpack from his back, and threw it at the girl, aiming for her head. Surprised as she was, the black winged girl snarled and regained her composure, slapping away the backpack before it could hit her face only to see Atreus throwing a right hook at her cheek, punching her with so much force that he sent her away flying and crashing into the fountain several meters away.

"Oi kid, are you alright?" Atreus asked worriedly as he turned to the boy kneeling on the ground, lowering himself down to one knee to check his wound, where the black winged girl had probably stabbed him. He could see that the boy was losing a lot of blood, and he was slowly losing consciousness. He would be in serious trouble if he wasn't given medical treatment any time soon. "Hold on to it as tight as you can, I will call you an ambulance."

With that said, Atreus took out his mobile phone, an electronic device that would allow him to call and communicate with others from a distance, and wasted no time to dial the emergency number.

"You pick a bad time to try and play hero, boy!" Before Atreus could raise the phone to his ear, the evil angel girl had already picked herself up and flown at him at blurring speed, her hand holding a much longer, spear-like light weapon that she aimed to drive it through his chest.

But once again Atreus was one step ahead of her, as he spun around and grabbed the tip of her spear before it could pierce his chest, stopping her from advancing.

"What… how did you…" the evil angel girl asked in shock, as Atreus' hand didn't even appear to be bleeding as he gripped the tip of her sword and forced her down onto her knee with it.



"None ya fucking business." Atreus scoffed and smashed his fist down the top of her head, sending her crashing face first into the ground so hard a large spider web crater was created, knocking her out cold and making the other boy stumble before falling forward, but Atreus was quick to turn back around and grab him before he could fall down.

Seeing that he had passed out, and there was no one else around, Atreus used a quick spell to heal the boy's wound to make sure that he would live long enough till he could receive proper medical treatment and stood up after putting the other boy on his shoulders. Seeing that the black winged girl was still breathing, the young god picked her up with one hand and hid her in a nearby bush, before hurriedly taking the boy on his shoulders to the nearest hospital.

"No… you can't be serious~!" Mimir, the smartest man alive or at least that had always been what he claimed to be, exclaimed in shock and amazement as he witnessed the greatest betrayal he had ever seen in his life, in a romantic/comedy/drama movie that he was watching on his personal tablet. "Girl, you just broke my heart… wait, that's not right." The head chuckled at his own humor and then turned his full attention back to the movie.

"MIMIR!" Just before he could fully indulge himself in the shocking plot of the movie once again, the front door of the house was suddenly kicked open and Atreus came rushing, causing the man to quickly close the movie tab and switch over to a science website to cover up his embarrassing moment.

"Ah, welcome back, lad! How's school…" Mimir greeted cheerfully, but stopped when he saw the blood on Atreus' shirt and unconscious girl with black wings on her back that the young god was carrying on his shoulder, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise before asking worriedly "Oh dear, are you okay, m'boy? What happened? And who's that on your shoulders?"

"I found this woman trying to kill a kid from my school at the park nearby." Atreus answered as he put the black winged girl down the table while Mimir looked at him to see if there were any wounds. "I'm alright, Mimir. This is not my blood. I carried the other kid to the hospital. The doctors there are taking care of him now."

"I see…" Mimir said. He would have nodded his head at Kratos' son in approval as the young god had once again shown his best qualities if he still had a neck.

"Mimir, is she what I think she is?" Atreus asked as he washed his bloody hands at the sink and cleaned himself up a bit using a clean towel.

Of course, the first thing that the three of them had done when they first arrived at this world was doing research on the supernatural world, to see if it had one much like his own. To their surprise, and slight disappointment, it did, and existed with each other at the same time, alive and very well. There were the Greek Pantheon, the Aesir and Vanir gods of Asgard; Zeus and Athena, Odin and Thor… and many, many other pantheons of divine deities, who had fortunately been spared from the same fates as their counterpart from Atreus and Kratos' world.

Mimir would like to believe that the gods of this world were less evil and more reasonable, as they had lived to the day humans had advanced so much in technology and culture, but Kratos' opinions about them continued to remain.

But at the same time, they had discovered that this world also had other supernatural factions.

"Quite possibly, m'boy." Mimir said as he looked at the unconscious girl on the table, studying her features with his glowing golden eyes "Your father is going to be pleased if he sees her."

"Where do you think I should take her? The police station?" Atreus asked as he walked down the stair with a clean new shirt, having headed up to his room to change "I gotta make sure that when she wakes up, she isn't gonna finish what she started, considering that the other boy is possibly still alive."

"I see. How about we tie her up and dump her in the nearby river?"


"Ahem, sorry, lad. I was just joking." The head of the smartest man alive chuckled and then gazed longingly at Atreus for a moment before he asked "You have another reason to bring her back here, don't you, m'boy?"

"Well, yeah… I mean…" Atreus shrugged, scratching the back of his head as he tried to avoid Mimir's gaze "I just thought that if we knew more about the other supernatural factions of this world, we would be better at defending ourselves if they, for some reason, wish to pick a fight with us. We already know about the gods of this world, but what about the angels, the devils, or the fallen angel there?"

"I see. I can understand why you decided to do that, m'boy." Mimir said, humming thoughtfully at Atreus' words. He had expected the boy to have decided to do just that, and could agree with his logic. "So what do you want to do now?"

"Let's wait for father to come back or…"


Before he could finish, the doorbell of his home suddenly ran, making Atreus turn his head and look at the front door cautiously. Who could be coming to their home at this time of the day? His father had his own key to the front door and would just walk in without needing to say a word, so it couldn't be Kratos.

"Be careful, m'boy."

Mimir said in a low tone after Atreus as the boy slowly walked to the front door and put his hand on the doorknob, waiting patiently for the doorbell to ring again to open it.

The person that was waiting for him wasn't who he had expected, but they did not make him feel surprised either.

"Yoo hoo! Atreus! Your scary old man isn't home yet, is he?"

The one who asked that was an otherworldly beautiful and erotically voluptuous woman, with long and wavy flowing blonde hair and large and sky-blue eyes. She was dressed in what could have been an elegant evening dress, if the upper half wasn't leaving her enormous breasts on an almost clear display, each one was larger than her own head and standing high on her chest with gravity defying weight. The dress also featured a high slit on the side, showing off much of her mile long legs and thighs, even a portion of her flat and toned stomach as she stood before him on a pair of killer heels with a heart melting smile on her face.

"Aphrodite, what the hell are you doing here?" Atreus asked, in slight annoyance as he looked at this world's Greek goddess of love and beauty, completely unfazed by her obvious sex appeals. His father had warned him to be not that much different from the one that he knew in their old world, which basically meant that she was more or less the very embodiment of trouble itself.

"Aw, why so cold? Have you already forgotten who is keeping you and your father out of the other gods' radar?" Aphrodite asked playfully, placing her hands on her hips and making her tits wobble at the sudden movement as she gave Atreus a halfhearted glare, which he just scoffed a little back in response. "Eh, no fun. Is it just me or are you starting to become more and more like your old man? Old and grumpy?"

"I am not in the mood for game, Aphrodite." Atreus said simply to the love goddess, before widening his eyes and shooting his hands out to catch a bottle that Aphrodite tossed at him after making it appear from thin air "What is this?" He couldn't help but ask, shaking it a little and feeling the movement of liquid inside.

"A gift… of goodwill." Aphrodite answered as she pushed pass Atreus and invited herself into his home, leaving the young god to pull the cap of the bottle out to take a sniff.

"Oh." Immediately, he had to rear his head back at the incredibly strong smell of alcohol coming from inside the bottle "What the hell is this stuff?"

"Nectar, the drink of the Greek gods." Aphrodite answered simply "You will die with the bones being melted inside out if you drink it as a mortal, but since you are a god, it'd only get you so wasted you won't know who you are going to fuck stupid in the next twenty-four hours." Atreus just gave her a blank look "Geez, I am only kidding."

"Well, thanks anyway." Atreus said, making Aphrodite wink at him playfully as he put the cap back on the bottle of wine and walked past her to head back into his house, pausing when he was about to enter the kitchen as he suddenly remembered the fallen angel girl on his dining table "Wait… come with me Aphrodite. There's something… uh, someone I want you to help me with."

"Oh sure, please lead the way." Aphrodite smiled and walked with Atreus into his kitchen, the farthest she had ever gone in his house ever.

"Ah, good evening, lady Aphrodite!"

"Oh, hey Mimir, how are you… oh my, what is going on here?" the Greek goddess of love said with a light gasp when she saw the unconscious girl on Atreus' dining table.

"Before you get any wrong idea, it's not what you think it is." Atreus spoke up, clearing any possible misunderstanding.

He had known Aphrodite for only a few months, but she had immediately appeared to him as an incredibly creative woman when it came to teasing, so it's best that he said it before she started to remind him why while she was helping them concealing their natures from the rest of the world, knowing full well how much chaos it would cause if they found out there were a god and another Loki from another world living right under their noses, both him and his father did not want her to just show up at their house uninvited.

"This fallen angel tried to kill a kid from my school, so I beat her and took the boy to a local hospital for medical treatment." Atreus continued as Aphrodite walked over to the unconscious fallen angel and examined her "I didn't know where to take her after coming back, so I took her back here."

"I see. Don't want her to go back to her friends or try to finish what she started, do you?" Aphrodite asked, before she used her thumb and index finger to pick up the girl's wings, raising it a little up before saying "Two wings huh. She's a low ranking fallen angel, so for whatever reason that she decided to kill that boy from your school, it can be from Azazel."


"Leader of the fallen angels. Used to be quite cool back in the day, but he's a pain in the ass nowadays." Aphrodite answered simply as she put the wing down "So yep, she must be following Azazel's order or something like that, though It can be one of the other three leaders too. One thing I know is that it's rare for fallen angels to just go around and kill off humans nowadays."

"Interesting." Mimir said.

"Are you sure that the other boy didn't insult or offend her in any way?"

"I honestly don't know. I came in when she stabbed him with a light spear." Atreus answered, making Aphrodite nod her head in understanding "Let's ask her. Can you use your magic and wake her up?"

"Oh sure. Piece of cake."

It appeared that the days of peace in this new world for Atreus had finally come to a stop.

End of Chapter 1