
I confessed 100th times to cold madonna

Love confession is a form of expressing one's love for someone or something and can be done once or twice in a lifetime but there is one man named James selas a 17 years old boy that confessed his love over 96th times and he not giving up until the girl named maria say yes,but he promised to him self that in the 100th confession if he rejects one's again she's going to giving up the girl.what do think will happen?

5 Chs


"Hello, I'm James Selas, 17 years old, a grade 12 student, an ordinary citizen with a normal life and face and today I came to our classroom and faced a woman named Maria Sheer or better known in this school that COLD BEAUTY that's why she is called cold beauty is because of her beauty and her cold personality so many people like it Here I am with you. Do you know why I am standing in front of Him is because at this time I will confess feelings for him Now in front of my classmates. I hope this will be successful.

And suddenly James gave the flower he was holding to Maria and said

"I love you"

"Please go out with me"

And the woman was stunned and said

"hell no"


And because of that, James' soul almost separated from his body.

"Why? I'm smart, kind and handsome"

"Huhh who said you're handsome? And I've been saying again and again that I'm not interested in relationships and I'm studyfirst person"

"Hah, what do you mean first study, you only scored 1/20 on the quiz earlier and test is true or false"

Yes, you are right, she is beautiful but she has no brain

"Ehh but is just it I'm not interested in relationships and I'm not interested in you and aren't you ashamed that you confessed to me in front of your classmates"

"what's is shame, can you eat that?"


"Yes, James, aren't you ashamed hahahahaha how many times have you confessed/rejected Maria" said her male classmate

"Hmmm 96th times"

"Huhhhhhhhhh" said the people inside the classroom

"Wow you're a legend man. I confessed to Maria one time and she rejected me after that. I didn't pursue her anymore. Where did you get the courage to confess to her?"

"Just say you're weak"

"Huhhh" Said the man's hostility

"And go ahead and tell me what you like about me," Maria said to James

"Hmmm because you're a dumbb"

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me huhh"

"Hehehe so what's your answer to my confession"

"No I'm not going out with you and not in a million years"


And then suddenly their teacher came in and said

"All of you sit down were going to start the class"

"Remember this, Maria, I will not give up on you until you fall in love with me," said James while smiling at Maria


Yes, I know I'm strong because I've confessed for the 96th time and everything rejects. because I believe in what Albert Einstein said "if there's a chance grab it" wait, did Einstein say that ahh All I have in my mind is that the my most beloved woman will like Me and appreciate/help her while I'm alive and I know I'm becoming persistent with Maria but I promised Myself that on my 100th confession to her I'll stop this I think why I'm like this because this is the first time I just felt it n

that you will do everything to make the person you love happy or what they call first love

lunch time

"Hello Maria baby girl, let's have lunch together,my treat," said James to Maria

Maria said "No,and I'm not your baby girl" and left the room.

Even though he never really changes because of his personality, none of his friends do

"Leave it alone. Let's go three have lunch," James' friend zenrus said.

This is ZENRUS and Nicolas is my only friend in this school

"As long as you treat me"

"Huhhh, when Maria is free for us,not be free" said Nicolas, another friend of James.

"You should treat me for free, I'm brokenhearted"

"Huh Come on zenrus Let's eat together"

"hey wait"

P.S:zenrus and Nicolas are only friend of James

And the three of them went to the canteen at the same time

And while they were going to the canteen

James' two friends noticed people looking at James and saying something

"There he is the attention seeker boy. He should leave here at our school."

"Yes, yes," said the people around them

"Haaaayss they never stopped destroying people"

"Yes indeed" James' two friends said

"Leave it to them, I'm already used to it hahahah" James said jokingly

"Yes, let's go to the canteen"

But actually, what they say still really hurts my feelings, but it's like what grandma told me, I shouldn't pay attention to them.

And they went to the canteen to eat

While they were eating, the three men talked.

"James, why do you like that cold girl so much?"

"Hah because he's nice"


"She's beautiful"

That's right, did I say that you also liked him because of his beauty hahah and also when are you going to stop confessing to him"

"Until He Likes Me hahah"

"Ahhh, than it's impossible to like you d


"Wait,Are you truly my friends you didn't support my lovelife huhuhh and"

"I know that, but there's nothing wrong with hoping, right?"

"Ahhh You're right about that and besides, James, the confession needs the right time and the right location and only the two of you should be in that place not announce it in the whole world and you need to know the person you love first""

"Why I'm not doing that "

"Huh, did you remember when you confessed your feelings for him for the 10th time, do you know what you did?"


James 10th confession

Morning ceremony

"Okay, thank you for listening and improve your studies," said the principal to the students

And after the principal spoke, James suddenly went to the stage and took the microphone and said

"Good morning everyone and to Maria I'm James and I have something to say in front of you"

"Maria I love you, please go out with me"

James said loudly

And suddenly the students were shocked because of what he did and because of him

"What's id he wearing"

"Why is your dress with Maria's picture on it and then your whole body has Maria's face painted on it?"

"Oh my he crazy, you must have something wrong with your brain," said the student

"Oy zenrus and Nicolas, bring your friend down"

"Huh who's friend? We don't have crazy friend"

"Hey traitors"


"Maria I love you please go out with me"JAMES SAID IN THE ROOFTOP

"Huuuh , did her head bump into something, why is he screaming on the rooftop" Zenrus said

"Nope" Maria said



"Because you two told me and besides, I did that so that he would know how much I love him"

"And You did it hahahah"

"And besides, why do you always follow him? Aren't you tired?"


"You always talk to him even if he doesn't pay attention to you"

"Yes, real talk James, what do you really like about him and why do you always talk to him"

Because before When I had a problem, He helped me, so from then on I fell in love with him and I know what others are thinking, I only liked him because he was beautiful, yes there was a part that I liked his face but the other reason was this and because I also want to help him with his problems that's why I always talk to him, it's okay with me even if we don't become a couple or He doesn't like me for me I want the person I love the most to be happy.

And suddenly the bell rang which meant that lunch time was over

"Come on, let's go James and Nicolas"

"Come on"

And suddenly the three ran back to their classroom.

Science time

"Who among you knows the answer to this? No one"

And no one answered so the teacher decided that

"Alright, because no one will answer, I'll just call and the one I chose is James"

"Ehhh why me?"


And James didn't do anything so he just went in front of the board to answer the question

Just wait heheheh I will do something

And James wrote the answer and it was 1-4-3

Means "I love you". And looked at Maria with a smile

"Creep" Maria said in her mind

But Maria didn't pay attention to this and the teacher saw the answer and suddenly hit James

"Ouch why did you hit me ma'am"

"Do you know what you wrote huh"

"Yes ma'am it's 143"

"Ohh the Question WHAT PART OF BODY THAT USES FOR HEARING and your answer is 143"

And the whole class just laughed at James and Maria just said

"Stupid huh"

" you are even more stupider than me nohh?"

"Do you wanna pick a fight with me hah"

"Hey stop,So James come to the teacher's room later and I'll talk to you"



"James Let's go to the arcade"

"Ahh, sorry,I'm busy but next time, and by the way, Maria,do you want to go to the arcade together, I'm free."


"Ahhh you're a meanie Maria"

"Wow, when we ask for something to do,he's busy when maria he doesn't have anything to do, then it will be freed"

And then James went to his job at the convenient store

"Hello manager"

"Hello come here and work"

"Yes sir"

And after James got dressed and went to the store to work and he was working, another person who worked part-time at that store came.

"Oh hello Stephanie"

Stephanie is a woman who is smart but a nerd and anime geek but despite that she is kind

"Oh hello James, wait you look lethargic are you sick?"

And James came and held his head and Stephanie suddenly blushed

"Ohh Stephanie What happened to your heat ahhh"

"It's gone Let's get to work"


What happened there, why did she blush?

And while the two were in the middle of work at the store

"James, how are you doing with Maria's confession" Stephanie said

"Still the same as before, I was rejected"

"Thank you, he still rejected"

"Huh, are you saying something?

"Ahhh hehehhh Nothing"

What happened here to this girl?, ahh wait maybe she's having diarrhea.

"No, I don't have diarrhea"



"bye bye manager"

"Hey, that's it, I'm going to buy our food heheh"

And James went to the supermarket

"Hmmm hello mister can I buy it"

"Don't be angry mister, you're face will be become uglier although your handsome"

"Even if you praise Me I won't increase it"

"Ohh this and get out of here and don't come back"

And then the salesman throw at James what he bought, but even though he was treated like that, he picked it up smiling and said


"I'm not a tsundere"

And James quickly ran to go to their house

"Hello I'm here Grandma"

"Oh James how is school?"

Grandma Maring is 86 years old and a kind and caring Grandma.

"Is mom already there?"

"nothing yet"

"Ahh ok Tara Grandma I'll cook you your favorite food"

"Ahh wait it's that a steak"

"No, cup noodles"


"Hahahah sorry Grandma this is all that's left of my money and my other school tuition"

"It's okay, oh, your mom is already there"

"Hello, how is work?"

"Hello James, it's okay, and by the way, I brought a dish for us"

"Oh what's that?"

"Cup noodles"


"Hahahah it's okay Let's eat now"


While James was washing the plates, his Grandma and his Mother asked him

"James, how are studies and work? Don't abuse your body, rest when you're tired"James mam said

"It's okay, you and grandma should take care because you are old and besides, I won't stop working and studying because I want you and grandma's dreams to come true"

"Thank you so much son, even though we are poor and besides, how was your confession to your crush there?"

"Ahhh, reject"

"Haays, let it go son, Grandma and I will support you no matter what happens, because our family has a motto"

"Try and try until you die"

"Try and try, son, don't listen to those who criticize you"


After the conversation, James went straight to his room

Hayyyys, when will we be able to get out of the trouble and besides, mom i knows she's not okay I can see wounds on her arms She doesn't pay attention to it because what's on her mind is my happiness. It's just annoying because I can't do anything when they

are hurting mom that's why I want to become a lawyer so I can correct their accusations against our family if it's not just because of that man it's a good thing maria was there to support if it's not because of him for sure----

And because of work James was so tired he fell asleep

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