
I confessed 100th times to cold madonna

Love confession is a form of expressing one's love for someone or something and can be done once or twice in a lifetime but there is one man named James selas a 17 years old boy that confessed his love over 96th times and he not giving up until the girl named maria say yes,but he promised to him self that in the 100th confession if he rejects one's again she's going to giving up the girl.what do think will happen?

ARK_CALIBER · Realistic
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June 3 2000

This is the day mom and dad met because of an arranged marriage

Susuki tanuki (mother of James)Katsuki Selas (father of James)

They said that's why they did it because the two adults are the same. They haven't gotten married yet and another reason is because they're in business.

It was successful and after 6 months they became a couple and after 1 year they got married .after that they get along well Everything was ok the problems only started when I was born.

May 13 2006

this is the day i was born in this world

"Katsuki is where our son?" Susuki asked

"This is it and He's so cute I hope you'll be like your dad hahahHahah and by the way what did you name the Child?"

"Of course, what else is Albert Einstein to be wise"


"Hey, of course what we talked about was just a joke, James, James Selas"

"I hope you'll be kind, kid, and now we're really a family. Leave it, son, I'll make you and your mother happy hehe"

And after 3 months when I was born, my father was promoted as a CEO in his father's company and because of this, one of the brothers Alfred Selas (eldest son of the Selas family) became jealous.

"Dad, why did you make Katsuki the heir to the company, isn't the eldest son"katsuki big brother said

"You know why? Because Katsuki is smart, kind and hardworking. Unlike you, you're still wasting my hard-earned money."

And because Dad's brother got angry and left their house. They thought he would come back in a few days, but it hasn't been back in months.

6 years later

Today is my 6th birthday Now and the whole family is happy and after the celebration dad called me and talked to me.

"Oh dad why?"

"Happy birthday son"

"thanks dad"

"Son, you know how lucky we are to have you because you are so kind and caring. Until you grow up, you will still be like that haha"

"ok dad"

"And James I'm gonna tell you something important"

"what's that dad"

"Your gonna have a little sister"

"Hah are you serious? Yeyy"

9 months later

I was at home with our housemates and I was sitting on the couch while I was nervous that my mother would be successful in giving birth to my brother and after a few hours the door opened and I saw that mom and dad came holding my little sister

"James were back"

"Oh dad wait he's my little sister"

"Yes, she is Claire's daughter"

"Wow He's so cute heheheh"

"Son take care of him haha and protect the men who value their loved ones in Life even if it means our Life ahh"


I was very happy during those days because one of my dreams of having a brother had finally come true, but like others said, all happiness comes with sadness.

April 16 2013

one time I peed so I went to the bathroom I was going to the bathroom I saw papa at the table. I saw papa bent over and crying.

"Dad, why did you cry?"

And papa immediately wiped his tears

"Ay No child"

And because of that I hugged dad

"Do not Cry"

"Thank you, son"

And dad hugged me and said

"Son, when I'm dead, can you take care of your mom and your brother"

"Huh, what are you talking about? Yes, I will take care of them"

"Ahh, no child, go back to your room and go to sleep"

Dad said with a sad face That's when I knew something good was never going to happen in the next few days.

A few days later

While I was playing outside with my childhood friend, Mari. I heard a noise in front of our house and because I was curious, I went and saw my father's brother and the policemen that they were taking.

"Hey, what are you going to do with what I'm going to do?"

And after I said that, papa's brother slapped me and said

"Hey, kid, shut up, you know that your father killed, stole, and raped, do you know that? It's me. Look, I've been beaten. I have wounds all over my body."

And after that, I didn't speak anymore because I knew that if I spoke, the problem would only get worse and I also knew that his wounds were fake and he was just acting to make the police believe me, so then mom took me away while cried and hugged Me and said

"Don't worry son, your dad will come back"

And after mom said that, I heard uncle whisper

"Good job secretary"

And because of that I got even more angry but I couldn't do anything because I was still young.

And after a few days I found out that my uncle is dead and one of the people to blame is my father and because of this news my father was removed from the position of being a CEO and also because all the close family are there/ friends and my childhood friend are Angry with Us that because they are so Angry with Us, Our house is always pelted with stones and when we go out they throw water/sand on us and laugh at us and say-

"You deserve that, killers and thieving families"

I wanted to take back/retaliate but mom stopped me and said

"Don't james, just let them go"

It's just sad because they hurt my parents.

And after a few days, my father was sentenced to life in prison and after a few months, my father died in prison. My mother cried when she found out about this, and of course I was hurt too, and it hurt even more. At my father's funeral, there's no one person attend. I was just attending and I was told to my self

"Let me take care of them and protect them mom and I will make sure that you get justice"

And this is one of the reasons why I want to be a lawyer in the future

AFTER a few months after my father died, my little sister became very ill and because my brother's illness was severe, my mother decided to go to the hospital, but when we got there, we were not admitted and said

"a murderer like you should be no longer helping you"

and because of that my little sister died and because of so much anger I became delinquent to avenge those who oppressed our family even though my mother stopped me.

And because of this, my mother always gets called to school and also because of this, I keep failing in exams.

"What, James, aren't you going to stop? Please, have you changed? Go back to the kind James you used to be," said James' mother.

"You know mom if only kindness and mercy in this world you wouldn't live many people have no kindness and mercy" James said.

And then I left home and from here I changed and learned to love

December 25 2013

I fought with one of the strong delinquent groups and I won but my body was full of blood and because of this I fell on the side of the road

"Hahahahaha I'm going to die but that's okay haha"

And after saying that I passed out and when I woke up I was surprised to be taken to another person's house

"Wait where am I ouch ouch"

"Can you lie down first, there are still wounds all over your body"

And this is where I met Maria for the first time.

"Hey ugly where am I?"

"Huhh What's ugly? You should thank me first haha but it's not because of me, you might be dead now outside in the extreme cold"

"That's good, I'm going to die"

And after saying that, maria suddenly slapped me and said

"What are you saying, I know you have a problem but all of that is just a test and all problems have a solution"

"Wehh what is the answer of 789×39"

"and you will always remember. You don't need to hurt people or anything, prove to them that what you are being accused of is not true, so if you need to of listening to your problems I'm just here to listen to your problems" said maria to James while smiling.

Wait, what's this, why did water come out of my eyes?

"Alright, my shoulder is here, cry if necessary to reduce the pain you feel"

And this was the first time I cried

25 minutes later

"Yes, you seem to know what my problem is"

"Of course your family is famous here because of the issue there"

"Do you believe it?"

"Huh hmmm No, I will only believe it when I see with my own two eyes what happened. Only then will I believe it"

"What do you think there is still hope for me to change or So there is still hope for people to like us again in this place"

"Yes, it's like you help a person in need, or you can volunteer to clean our place so that people will think that you are not that kind of person, then to stop feeling sad, have a dream or a goal in life," said it is said that love is different that cures people's sadness"

And when James heard this he stood up and said

"You're right, I'll do that and about the goal, I want to become a lawyer so that I can protect people who have no sins and so that I can also provide justice for the death of my father and my other goal is"


"I love you" James said while looking at Maria

"Ehhhhhhh what are you talking about, your brain is broken"

"Huh, of course my other goal is to be able to make you happy and help you when you have a problem and in order to do that I need to be your girlfriend and wife first and also because of what you told me I will fall in love with you"

"Stop after you rest, go home and don't come back" Maria said as she stormed out

Hahahaha I'm sure I'll apologize to mom when I get home heheheh

And since then I have started flirting Maria or helping her

"Hello baby girl"

"Huh, what a baby girl, get out of here, you're right in front of our house," Maria said as she left

And this is the reason why I confessed to him again and again

"Hmmmm it's morning I'm late"

And hurried to eat, James took a shower and went straight to school and as he was going to school Maria was with him. He immediately approached her and told

"Ohh you're late too Maria"

"Yes why is there a problem"

"Ehh Because you're always not late in class, ehh ahh wait don't say you're waiting for me that's why you're late"

"Crazydump, go away and I'll be late"

"Hahah just wait for me. I'll carry your bag baby girl"

"What?baby girl I'm not and stop, stop Me"


And this is where my love story begins

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