

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

flame_dragon_3513 · 東方
21 Chs

11. Resolve

Zilong watched this fight until it got to a distance that he could decern, the blurry images, only the tremors running through the ground were a testament to the sheer battle scale of these harrowing beings.

A long while after the batted died down, Zilong felt a slight tickle in his ear, "mortal come" these word were like a subtle whisper but also had a majestic authority.

Zilong could already discern who it was , 'the deity?', Zilong placed his hands on his ear and mindlessly walked towards the battlefield.


The battlefield, once a vibrant arena of clashing titans, now lay in a state of desolation and ruin. The ground was scarred with deep craters and scorch marks, remnants of the ferocious energy unleashed during the battle. Broken pieces of the landscape were scattered everywhere, mingled with the twisted wreckage of the executioner's advanced armor.

In the center of the devastation lay the lifeless body of the executioner. Its shining metal form, once so radiant and imposing, was now darkened and shattered. The golden veins that had pulsed with energy were dull and lifeless, the light within them extinguished. Its golden blood, which had once flowed with power, now pooled around it, adding a stark contrast to the surrounding debris.

Nearby, the deity lay on the ground, its massive form battered and broken. The once-mighty wings were torn and limp, their black feathers scattered like ashes. The purple glow of its eyes had dimmed to a faint flicker, and its scales, once iridescent and strong, were cracked and bloodied.

Three gaping holes marred the deity's chest, each wound a testament to the brutal power of the executioner's final assault. Dark blood oozed from the wounds, staining the ground beneath it. Every labored breath the deity took was a struggle, the air around it heavy with the scent of blood and the remnants of dark energy.

Zilong, still in the shadow of the pagoda, took in the scene with a mixture of horror and sorrow. The sheer scale of destruction was overwhelming, and the reality of the battle's end left him feeling hollow and numb. The awe-inspiring clash he had witnessed was now reduced to a somber tableau of death and dying.

With great effort, the deity turned its head to look at Zilong. Despite the pain and the inevitability of its fate, there was a spark of recognition and something akin to resignation in its gaze. It struggled to speak, its voice barely more than a whisper.

"Mortal... you have seen..much" it said each word a laborious effort, Zilong just looked at this deity, pity evident on hes face.

"I've...waited for a.... millon years for this opportunity... mortal" it said coughing out fragments of internal organs, Zilong just stood there in silence..not even moving, he could feel the sense of regret this being felt, he couldn't believe that this was the being that gave him a heart attack just by looking at him.

"I..simply can't perish..mortal you must understand", the beings voice sounded ominous a hidden light flashed across its eye as a yellow glow brightened up in Zilong's stomach.

Zilong looked at this thing in surprise, his mind wondered to that strange yellow ball that the being forced hi to swallow.

His eye widened in horror...

"See I can't die so please forgive me for taking your body.. but I won't be able to live long enough to accomplish my goal of I stay in this body".

A strange, malevolent energy began to emanate from the deity's body.

It lunged towards him, its essence seeping into his body like an invasive mist. Zilong gasped as he felt the presence attempt to take control, its cold, foreign consciousness pressing against his own. His vision blurred, and he could feel his limbs growing numb as the being's will clashed with his.

Panic surged through Zilong. The fear of losing himself, of being overtaken by this malevolent force, was overwhelming. He struggled desperately to resist, his mind a whirlwind of terror and defiance. The deity's presence twisted within him, searching for a way to dominate his consciousness.

In the midst of this internal struggle, Zilong became aware of another presence—the deity, who had been lying still and silent. The deity's body suddenly ignited with black flames, the dark fire consuming its already grievously wounded form. The deity's eyes snapped open, wide with horror and shock.

"So.... you have a divine curse?" the deity gasped, its voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and fear. The black flames licked at its scales, spreading rapidly and intensifying the pain of its injuries. The deity's once formidable presence was now consumed by the flames, its strength rapidly fading.

Zilong, still fighting against the invading presence within him, could barely comprehend the deity's words. The shock and terror in the deity's eyes were a stark reflection of Zilong's own fear. He could feel the shadowy being's malevolent glee as it realized the significance of the deity's reaction.

The deity's body convulsed, the black flames ravaging its form with relentless ferocity. It tried to speak again, but the words were choked off by the agony of the fire. With one final, shuddering breath, the deity's eyes closed, and its body went still, consumed entirely by the black flames. The once powerful being was now reduced to ashes, its life extinguished by the dark curse.

The beings presence within Zilong intensified its assault, feeding off his fear and the deity's final revelation. Zilong's mind was a battlefield, his consciousness teetering on the edge of being overwhelmed. He summoned every ounce of his willpower, refusing to give in to the malevolent force.

With a surge of determination, Zilong focused on his own will, pushing back against the invasive presence. The struggle was intense, but his fear transformed into a fierce resolve. Slowly, he began to reclaim control, forcing the shadowy being out of his mind and body.

The malevolent presence shrieked in frustration as it was expelled, dissipating into the air like a dark mist. Zilong, breathing heavily and trembling with exhaustion, collapsed to his knees. The silence of the battlefield returned, the black flames that had consumed the deity now smoldering into nothingness.

Zilong stared at the spot where the deity had died, the deity's final words echoing in his mind. 'A divine curse... what did it mean?' The revelation filled him with a new kind of dread, one that hinted at mysteries and dangers far beyond his understanding. Yet, amidst the fear, there was also a flicker of resolve. Whatever the curse entailed, he would face it head-on..well that was just a joke he would run as far away as possible, just as he wanted to when he had faced the malevolent presence that had tried to possess him.

Zilong grimaced, unable to find his voice. The weight of the moment pressed down on him, and he felt a profound sense of respect for the deity's unyielding will, even in its final moments.

"This guy just tried to kill me, yet I don't blame him..".

The deity's eyes, though dim, still held a trace of the fierce determination that had driven it throughout the battle. With one final, ragged breath, it closed its eyes, the flickering light within them finally extinguished. The massive form went still, the last remnants of its life slipping away into the silent aftermath of the conflict, the dark flames subsided revealing the perfectly carved scales, hinting that it was a soul attack.

The battlefield was now eerily quiet, the echoes of the titanic clash lingering in the air. Zilong stood in the midst of the destruction, feeling both incredibly small and profoundly changed. The lessons of power, resilience, and the relentless will to survive were etched deeply into his memory, a testament to the extraordinary beings he had witnessed and the monumental struggle they had fought.

As the dust settled and the silence enveloped the battlefield, Zilong knew that he would carry the weight of this experience with him forever. The clash of ancient powers, the devastation left in its wake, and the ultimate sacrifice of both the deity and the executioner were now indelible parts of his story, shaping his path in ways he could not yet fully comprehend.

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