
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Eastern
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25 Chs

10. Awe inspiring

As the battle between the deity and the metallic executioner intensified, their conflict ascended into the heavens. Zilong watched in a state of awe and trepidation as the two powerful beings clashed high above the clouds, their silhouettes occasionally illuminated by bursts of energy and light. The sky itself seemed to tremble with their ferocity, the clouds swirling and parting around their forms.

Zilong's emotions were a tumultuous mix. He felt a profound sense of awe at the sheer scale and intensity of the battle, marveling at the display of otherworldly power and skill. Yet, intertwined with his admiration was a deep-seated fear, an acute awareness of his own fragility in the face of such overwhelming forces. The dread he felt inside the pagoda had not diminished; if anything, it had grown, fueled by the realization of how insignificant he was in the grand scheme of things.

He also felt a strange connection to the deity. Despite its terrifying presence and immense power, the deity's defiance against its executioners stirred something within Zilong. It was a fight for survival, a struggle against inevitable doom, and Zilong couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for the ancient being.

Suddenly, a deafening crash echoed through the sky, followed by a blinding flash of light. The ground shook violently, sending shockwaves that radiated through the landscape. Zilong stumbled, struggling to maintain his balance as the earth beneath him quaked.

With a massive bang, the deity crashed down to the ground, creating a deep crater on impact. The force of its fall sent debris flying in all directions, and the ground around the crater cracked and splintered. Dust and smoke filled the air, obscuring Zilong's view for a moment.

As the dust began to settle, Zilong saw the deity rising from the crater, its once-majestic form now battered and wounded. The iridescent scales that covered its body were scorched and broken in places, and its wings hung limply, one of them clearly damaged. The purple glow of its eyes had dimmed, but the fierce determination in its gaze remained undiminished.

The deity limped towards Zilong, each step heavy with exhaustion and pain. Despite its grievous injuries, it moved with an unyielding resolve, a testament to its indomitable spirit. The ground trembled with each step, the immense weight of its presence palpable even in its weakened state.

Zilong's heart pounded in his chest as the deity approached. The mixture of emotions within him grew even more complex. He felt an overwhelming fear, a primal instinct to flee from the powerful being, but also a sense of awe and a strange kinship. The deity's struggle mirrored his own in some incomprehensible way, a fight against overwhelming odds and an uncertain fate.

As the deity reached him, it paused, standing tall despite its wounds. The sheer force of its presence was almost too much to bear, and Zilong could feel the weight of its gaze upon him.

The deity's voice, though weakened, carried a profound gravity. "You have witnessed much today, mortal," it said, each word resonating with an ancient power. "Remember what you have seen, for it is a testament to the power and will that exists beyond your understanding."

Zilong, unable to speak, could only nod. The weight of the moment pressed down on him, and he knew that his life had been irrevocably changed by what he had witnessed. The deity, a being of immense power and defiance, stood before him wounded but unbroken, a symbol of a struggle that transcended the mortal realm.

In that moment, Zilong felt a surge of determination. He was a mere human, but the battle he had witnessed inspired a resolve within him to seek understanding and strength. The deity's fight against its executioners was a reminder of the potential for power and resilience that lay within even the most unlikely of beings.

Just as Zilong began to absorb the gravity of the situation, another tremor shook the ground, followed by a golden light emanating from the crater where the deity had fallen. The metallic executioner, battered and injured, began to rise. Glowing golden blood seeped from its wounds, creating a stark contrast against its shining metal frame.

"Tch, you are a lot harder to deal with than I thought"

The executioner's eyes, blazing with golden light, locked onto the deity. Despite the damage it had sustained, the executioner stood tall, its movements still precise and calculated.


The deity's eyes narrowed, confusion and disbelief evident in its expression. "How are you still alive?" it demanded, its voice echoing with a mixture of frustration and awe.

In response, the executioner's body began to glow with an intense golden light. The patterns of golden veins on its surface pulsed rhythmically, growing brighter with each pulse. The air around it shimmered with energy, and Zilong could feel the immense power radiating from the executioner.

The golden light intensified until it became blinding. Zilong shielded his eyes, peeking through his fingers to witness what was happening. The executioner's form seemed to dissolve into pure energy, and from this golden radiance, a giant avatar began to manifest.

The avatar was a colossal figure, towering over everything around it. It was a humanoid form, similar to the executioner but magnified in size and presence. The golden veins glowed brilliantly across its immense body, and its eyes shone like twin suns, casting a radiant light over the battlefield. The sheer scale and power of the avatar made Zilong feel like an insignificant ant in its presence.

Zilong's breath caught in his throat, and a wave of dread washed over him. The ground beneath him seemed to sink under the weight of the avatar's overwhelming aura. The sky darkened, the golden light from the avatar creating a stark contrast against the stormy backdrop.

The deity, despite its wounds, stood defiantly before the towering avatar. The determination in its eyes burned even brighter. It was clear that the deity was preparing for one final, desperate clash.

Without a word, the deity gathered its remaining strength. Its wings, though damaged, unfurled with a renewed vigor, and the purple glow of its eyes intensified. The ground beneath it cracked and splintered as it launched itself towards the avatar, its claws and tail glowing with dark energy.

The avatar responded in kind, its movements precise and devastating. It swung a massive arm, the force of the motion creating shockwaves that rippled through the air. The deity met the attack head-on, their clash producing an explosion of light and energy that sent Zilong sprawling.

The battlefield became a storm of raw power and fury. The deity's glowing claws slashed through the air, each strike leaving trails of dark energy. Its tail, sharp and lethal, struck with deadly precision. The avatar, with its colossal form, countered with crushing blows that shattered the ground and sent shockwaves through the landscape.

Zilong watched in a mixture of awe and terror. The clash of these titanic forces was beyond anything he had ever imagined. Each collision sent tremors through the earth, and the air crackled with the energy of their battle. The sheer scale and intensity of the fight were overwhelming, a testament to the immense power of both beings.

The deity and the avatar moved with incredible speed and agility despite their size. Each attack was a blend of lethal grace and raw power, their movements creating a deadly dance of light and shadow. The sky above them roiled with energy, reflecting the chaos below.

As the battle raged on, Zilong realized that he was witnessing something extraordinary—a struggle that transcended the mortal realm, a clash of ancient powers that would shape the destiny of their world. And despite the fear and awe that gripped him, he felt a deep sense of resolve. He would remember this moment, and the lessons it held about power, resilience, and the indomitable will to survive.

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