

Eastern Fantasy
連載中 · 6.3K ビュー
  • 21 章
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  • NO.200+


WebNovel で公開されている、flame_dragon_3513 の作者が書いた HYPERION PARAGON の小説を読んでください。The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand m...


The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

5 タグ

Betrayed God's Earthly Journey

In the realm of existence, AKHI was known as the god of everything, presiding over all aspects of creation. His power was unparalleled, and he was surrounded by loyal friends who shared his divine responsibilities. Yet, as time passed, envy and greed crept into the hearts of some of his closest companions. One fateful day, a group of these friends conspired against AKHI, fueled by their desire for his omnipotent power. They believed that by betraying him, they could harness his abilities for themselves and reshape reality according to their whims. Unaware of their deceitful intentions, AKHI continued to guide the universe with benevolence and wisdom. The betrayal came to fruition when AKHI was lured into a celestial gathering, ostensibly to celebrate their shared dominion over the cosmos. But as he stood among them, a sudden surge of energy enveloped him, weakening his godly essence. His so-called friends had ambushed him with a forbidden spell, shattering his divine form and scattering his consciousness across the cosmos. In the aftermath, AKHI's consciousness found itself drawn to a distant blue planet known as Earth. Here, he was reborn as a mortal, stripped of his memories and godly powers. He grew up with no inkling of his previous existence, living a humble life among humans. Despite the loss of his divine nature, remnants of his immense wisdom and kindness shone through. As he navigated the challenges of being human, AKHI discovered the beauty and fragility of life on Earth. He formed connections, faced hardships, and embraced the full spectrum of human emotions. Through his experiences, he learned humility, empathy, and the importance of inner strength. While AKHI's memories of his godly past remained elusive, he always retained a sense that there was more to his story. As he matured, his innate wisdom guided him to become a source of inspiration for others. Through his actions, he unknowingly sparked hope and change in the lives of those he encountered. Little did he know that remnants of his betrayers still lingered, attempting to locate him and reclaim his lost power. The stage was set for a climactic confrontation, one that would test AKHI's newfound humanity and the strength of the bonds he had formed on Earth. And so, AKHI's journey as a betrayed god turned mortal continued, weaving a tale of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of the human spirit against all odds.

DarkangeLofabyss · ファンタジー
20 Chs

I Will Be Popular After Being In A Coma

Alan Bennet was what you would call a regular teen. He had no redeeming qualities. Neither handsome nor ugly. Neither talented nor untalented. Neither fat nor slim. Neither good nor bad grades. Alan Bennet was always in the middle, and he was used to it.     Second of three siblings, he was used to being ignored the most. He got the less amount of gifts on Christmas or his own birthday. His parents had even forgotten to pick him up from school once, after which he began to walk back on his own.      To make things even worse he had, after two exhausting years, gathered enough courage to confess to his only friend. Of course, he was rejected.  "Why would I date someone who doesn't even try to better himself?"      Those words were played over and over on his mind as he walked the long way to his house. He didn't want to reach it, at least not so soon. He preferred to stay outside with nature and animals, which were the only two living things that seemed to pay any attention to him. The stinging words resounded in his head once more, but they were mixed with something akin to a truck's horn.  *HONK*     His sight, which had been lost looking at nothing, was suddenly filled with a white titan of 600 hp. That was the last thing he saw before his consciousness was lost. When he woke up the next time, everything would've changed.  *     For Convenience's Sake, you may just refer to this story as "iCOMA".  

WorkingAuthor · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Whispers of Power

Long long ago In the histor of human kind A group of witches flourish in their coven, not depending on the outside world but depending on one another. But what happened when they were all wiped out for no reason other than the fact that they were getting too powerful. No one could tell who took the attack, no one could tell if anyone survived. But someone did survive, the head of the coven, she survived, hid her powers, married a human and gave birth to a human. Not until Alexa ............... Alpha King Benji A man everyone fears, respect, and almost worship. He is a just and fair King but that doesn't mean he likes people. Everyone found their mate at the age of 18 but now he is 28 without a mate by his side. A soulmate, a very precious thing to the whole of werewolves existence, the other half of a werewolf's soul. It hardly ever happens for a person not to find their mate and the few that it happened to, with years they slowly lost their restraint, got depressed then enraged, the only cure for that is for them to find their other half. And now the Alpha of Alphas, King Alpha Benji remains mateless. He used be close and free with people but with time he became a shell of who he was, not able to take seeing other people with their mates, he started to hate people but that never affected his ruling. He was just a lot more cold not untill he met his warmth. What happens when two powerful entity clashes! It was a story to tell.

Z_A_1 · ファンタジー


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  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

very good start, I'm curious to see how this story progresses


AHH, new author here!, my writing quality isn't bad, and my updating schedule is a bit shaky, but I promise you a good read. ....... pls support me



General Audiencesmature rating