
HP: Whispers of the Wizards

In Ainsworth village, a boy named Rey, Awakens with no memory, hands astray. Crippled and burdened, he faces each day, Yet harbors magic, talent to display. In Hogwarts' halls, his struggles unknown, His hands betray him, a battle to own. Bullied and taunted, his spirit's not blown, For magic within him, a power unshown. With wand in hand, he defies the odds, Though hands falter, magic applauds. Through blood and tears, he finds his gods, Unleashing talents that defy all facades. Amidst the darkness, a light shall ignite, Rey's magic shines, a beacon so bright. Bullies retreat, their torment takes flight, His strength and courage, an inspiring sight. Through Hogwarts' halls, Rey claims his place, Mastering magic, with grace and embrace. His crippled hands, a challenge to face, Yet his talent soars, a magical race. In the end, Rey's story unfolds, A tale of resilience, as fate unfolds. From hardship, he rose, his spirit remolded, A shining example, his magic untold. ----- The cover is not mine. THERE IS NO MC CHEAT GAME SYSTEM. This is Harry Potter Fanfiction but explains a full magic system that actually has logic and some mysteries behind it. You will follow the main character as he learns new knowledge and how the world around him works, his struggles, and his courage.

Watertime · 映画
5 Chs

Diagon Alley

It was a calm summer evening. A gust of wind flew over the trees that surrounded the Ainsworth village.

Rey and his mother felt refreshed when they felt this gust of wind, as it reminded them of what they were doing.

They were currently sneaking out of the village using a secret passage that was created by Professor Dumbledore, thanks to Rey's mother's request. Thanks to that, they would be able to get into Diagon Alley as soon as possible.

It was quite important for them to get there on time and not get caught. It might become trouble for them if people discovered that Rey wasn't still in a coma, and his mother was deceiving them.

Wasting no time, a small child with pure white hair, and a large woman compared to the child, left the village.

An hour later, they found the Leaky Cauldron, which appeared to be unnoticed by the passers-by. Rey's mother went first and opened the door since it would be quite embarrassing for Rey to do that, especially since he couldn't do it with his hands but had to use elbows.

They entered the Leaky Cauldron, a little wary about what might be expected of them there. There were only a few people and Tom, the innkeeper. Tom, quite short and half-bald, welcomed them.

Although Tom welcomed them, Rey and his mother already made sure not to waste time and went straight to Ollivanders since he would be closing his shop soon.

Other people didn't mind them as they didn't even look at them; some of them appeared to be busy talking about something in their dark cloaks and hoods.

Rey and his mother quickly directed themselves to the entrance of Diagon Alley, and his mother used a stick that was on the ground to knock on one of the bricks in the wall.

Rey couldn't understand why she would just take a stick from the ground and smack the wall. But a few seconds later, his jaw fell open as he opened his mouth wide. You could even feel the amazement that Rey felt.

His eyes started shining with blue light, probably because he saw something incredible. There were brooms in the shop windows, and some wizards were around using their sticks to make things fly or move. He even saw an old witch summon her cloak.

All of this was pretty fascinating to Rey, as he had never seen something like this before.

Although Rey's mother understood Rey's fascination and curiosity, she also knew that they should get going really fast. She took his hand and led him through all the people.

Even though most of the shops in Diagon Alley were closing soon, there were still many people around.

Most of these people were looking at brooms as if they were children. It might be because the streets were a little narrow, but it was still difficult for Rey to arrive at the Ollivanders store.

They then stood a few seconds before the shop as Rey prepared himself for what might come. His mother had already explained how he would get his wand and that the first few wands might not choose him.

Rey was a little worried that no wand would choose him, but he tried to believe otherwise. He knew that it might be a little challenging with his hands, but he hoped for the best.

They entered the store as a duo; Ollivander already stood there like he was expecting their visit.

Rey was once again a little anxious, as this was the first time he would talk to any other person other than his mother, at least since the time he lost memory. Rey glanced around first, examining all the boxes that were placed everywhere.

Ollivander didn't talk for a while as he let Rey look around first. Rey's mother wisely stood on the side, not interfering in their upcoming conversation.

"Hello, Rey, are you prepared to get your wand?" Ollivander started, looking right into Rey's eyes. He saw Rey's cowardly expression and added, "You don't need to be scared, your mother already told me about your situation when she tried to get your wand."

This made Rey feel a little better, but it still felt weird for him. Despite that, Rey finally said, "H-Hello, I came for my wand."

Rey said awkwardly. His mouth crooked a little when he saw that he stuttered.

"Oh, young man, you don't have a wand yet. A wand has to choose you first. Come here." Ollivander explained to Rey as he motioned for him to come closer.

He then looked into his drawer and took something from it. He then used his wand to cast something Rey assumed to be a spell.

The thing Ollivander took out seemed to be something similar to a rolling meter, but also not that similar. It flew to Rey's side and started to float rapidly around him, measuring everything, well some parts were left alone.

"What is your dominant hand?" asked Ollivander, and Rey responded by lifting his right arm up in the air. Ollivander noticed how his hand was trembling but didn't say anything about it. Instead, he sympathetically looked at Rey.

He then waved his wand once again, stopping the floating meter. Rey was now curious about what wand would choose him.

Ollivander approached Rey holding a simple-looking box in his hands. He carefully opened it to reveal a wand inside. The wand had an elegant design with a sleek handle and shimmering core.

"Let's give this one a try," Ollivander said as he handed the wand to Rey. Rey, with a smile on his face, took the wand with both of his hands, using elbows to stabilize his grip as well as he could.

He could feel the tingling sensation as he held it, as if the wand was responding to his touch.

He raised the wand slightly and tried to make a simple swish, but instead of that, he let go of the wand. The wand fell to the ground with a small thump.

Ollivander was a little surprised, and a small frown appeared on his face. With each wand he made, he treated it the best he could.

Rey just dropped one of these wands. Since Ollivander knew it was an accident and it wasn't Rey's fault, he didn't say much. But the frown that appeared on his face was really scary for a kid like Rey.

"No worries, young man. Wands can be quite picky. Let's try another," Ollivander said, bringing out a second wand.

Rey tried the next wand, but again, it didn't respond. Ollivander continued to bring out different wands, one after another, but none seemed to choose Rey.

Rey focused really hard to make sure that none of the wands fell again, but none of the wands responded to his touch.

Only slight tingling and sometimes an uncomfortable feeling were the only responses.

As the pile of rejected wands grew, Rey's hope began to wane. He felt disheartened; Rey thought that he was talentless and he wasn't fit for magic.

Such emotions didn't escape Ollivander's eyes.

He soothed Rey and then went for another wand.

This time he took a black box and took a wand that had probably the simplest design he saw yet. There was no design at all. It was just a piece of wood shaped into a wand, just a plain wand.

Ollivander approached Rey with a nervous face. It seemed that the wand was still a little different from others.

He then handed the wand to Rey, expecting something to happen. When Rey took the wand into his hands, he felt some kind of connection with the wand appearing.

A golden light, similar to sunlight, appeared all around Rey's body. It seemed like the wand was celebrating choosing a wizard.

As the golden light covered Rey, he felt an overwhelming sense of warmth and belonging. The wand's response was completely different from what he experienced with other wands.

It was as if the wand had chosen him just as much as he had chosen it. It was a perfect fit for both of them.

Ollivander's eyes and even wrinkles widened in amazement. "Remarkable," he muttered under his breath. "Truly remarkable."

Rey's mother looked at Rey with tears of joy pouring down her face. She was worried about the possibility of Rey not finding a wand, but now her fears were for nothing.

Ollivander said still looking in awe at Rey.

"It chose you, Rey," he said. "It means you have something special within you."

Rey felt a surge of confidence now that he had his wand; he was finally sure he could become a wizard.

Ollivander smiled kindly at Rey. "You have a unique gift, young man. Embrace it and let it guide you on your magical path."

With the wand now chosen, Ollivander carefully wrapped it in soft velvet and placed it in a box.

Rey took it with his elbows, making sure not to let it fall; this was his wand after all.

Rey didn't think too much about the unique gift Ollivander mentioned; he just thought it was his personality or something similar. He would have never thought that it might be something so special that it will make him famous in the future.

They slowly paid as Ollivander wanted to talk to Rey more, but his mother insisted that they should return as soon as possible.

Mother and son slowly left Ollivander's shop.

They then continued to go back using the same route they took to the Ollivander shop.

The difference was that this time they didn't have to hurry, and Rey could look at all the different shops.

There was currently going around one store that didn't close yet, unlike other stores near it.

It was a pet store that had many magical animals inside it. There was a poster on the window of the store that said:

"Hogwarts notice: All animals bought from the Pet Store are allowed to be taken inside Hogwarts as pets."

Rey's eyes flickered as they went around this store. He knew that he had no pet yet, and that was why he looked at his mother expectantly.

She understood what he meant and said, "Well, we could get you a pet as a celebration." She said with a smile.

Rey was glad that he would have a partner with him from now on. He was happily jumping while they went into the store.

The store wasn't big, but it had a lot of animals inside, most of them were owls and cats. There were some frogs here and there but not many.

The store lady instructed them about what animals they should choose but let them choose by themselves.

Rey's mother waited near the store lady so she could pay for the pet later, and Rey went around all the animals inside the store, inspecting each and every animal there was.

A while later when he was looking at a white owl, he noticed that there seemed to be an animal that was different from others, a crow.

A crow that looked like it was painted with fresh black ink. Rey thought that it looked really cool, especially its eyes that showed wisdom and judgment.

Likewise, the crow was looking at Rey like it was some kind of animal as well.

Rey was surprised by the wisdom as he called his mother to come to him, saying that he had already chosen.

The store lady and Rey's mother were surprised by his choice, but the store lady said, "Good choice, this is the last one we have here, no one wanted to buy it since it was quite unreliable to its owners before. Although it could deliver letters, it often displayed anger and injured the hands of its owners."

The store lady added, "Well, it seems that she isn't angry with you. It will be probably fine."

It seems like she really wanted to get this crow out of the store, but Rey didn't care as he was happy with his choice.

Rey's mother once again paid with a little frown appearing but showed a smile when she looked at Rey's smiling face.

They got out of the shop with now a little crow sitting on Rey's shoulder.

Both the mother and son looked happy as they walked down the route they went before.

But then, Rey's mother's smile froze as she said, "Oh no..."

What or who do you think Rey's mother saw?

Watertimecreators' thoughts