
HP: Whispers of the Wizards

In Ainsworth village, a boy named Rey, Awakens with no memory, hands astray. Crippled and burdened, he faces each day, Yet harbors magic, talent to display. In Hogwarts' halls, his struggles unknown, His hands betray him, a battle to own. Bullied and taunted, his spirit's not blown, For magic within him, a power unshown. With wand in hand, he defies the odds, Though hands falter, magic applauds. Through blood and tears, he finds his gods, Unleashing talents that defy all facades. Amidst the darkness, a light shall ignite, Rey's magic shines, a beacon so bright. Bullies retreat, their torment takes flight, His strength and courage, an inspiring sight. Through Hogwarts' halls, Rey claims his place, Mastering magic, with grace and embrace. His crippled hands, a challenge to face, Yet his talent soars, a magical race. In the end, Rey's story unfolds, A tale of resilience, as fate unfolds. From hardship, he rose, his spirit remolded, A shining example, his magic untold. ----- The cover is not mine. THERE IS NO MC CHEAT GAME SYSTEM. This is Harry Potter Fanfiction but explains a full magic system that actually has logic and some mysteries behind it. You will follow the main character as he learns new knowledge and how the world around him works, his struggles, and his courage.

Watertime · 映画
5 Chs

Acceptance Letter and Dumbledore

Rey's eyes widened with surprise as his mother mentioned the possibility of it being an acceptance letter. Excitement coursed through his veins as he tried to open the envelope with his hands but couldn't.

His hands were starting to limit what he could do. He couldn't even hold or grab something without letting it go a second later.

Rey quickly shot a look towards his mother, signaling her to come over and help him.

"Mom, Mom, open it," Rey rushed to his mother while she was inspecting the letter, making sure it was what she thought it was.

There was a red seal with four animals in each corner, making Rey's mother even more hopeful than she already was.

She carefully pulled the envelope open, revealing the contents inside.

There was a letter addressed to Rey.

Inside was an acceptance notice that an official from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had sent.

Rey's eyes shone with a blue light as he looked at the congratulations in the letter. He knew that he had been accepted to a magic school.

There were dates and even a ticket to a train with a specified time.

Rey's mother was already covered in tears as she looked at the letter, knowing what all of this meant.

Rey's face lit up with joy and disbelief. It felt like a dream come true. He couldn't believe that he, a boy who had just regained consciousness and lost his memories, was being allowed to learn magic at a prestigious magical school.

His mother's eyes shimmered with a mix of happiness and concern. She knew that attending Hogwarts would mean exposing Rey to a world of magic and potential danger.

However, she also understood the significance of this opportunity for him.

"Rey, it seems that you have been accepted into Hogwarts," she said, her voice filled with pride.

"It's a school where you can learn and master magic, just like our ancestors did. The magical world can be both wondrous and perilous. You'll have to be careful and make wise choices."

She then remembered something and added, "And be careful about Tim; he should have also been accepted there."

Rey nodded, his gaze fixed on the letter as he absorbed his mother's words. He knew that he was starting from a different place than others.

He couldn't properly control his hands, and he had lost his memory.

While memory could be gained anew, his control of his hands would be very hard to regain. But even though he knew that, he felt that he would be able to overcome all the hurdles and obstacles that people and fate threw his way.

"I understand, Mom," Rey replied, his voice filled with determination.

"I'll be careful, and I'll make you proud. I want to learn magic and discover who I am," Rey continued.

His mother felt like she was on a rollercoaster of emotions in the last few days.

From disbelief, grief, and depression to happiness, pride, and belief. All of this struggle could not only be seen in her eyes but she also felt like she had aged a little.

His mother smiled, her eyes brimming with love and support. "I know you will, Rey. You're a strong and resilient boy. Just remember, no matter what challenges you face, I'll always be here for you."

Rey's heart swelled with gratitude as he listened.

Rey felt glad that he had someone who cared for him. He didn't have too many memories with her, but over time, he would create new ones.

But then a new problem presented itself. Someone would have to go and buy the supplies for Rey since he could not go out.

Of course, his mother was the first choice, but then that meant that Rey would be alone at home for some time. Although bearable, she felt like it wasn't a good idea and that something bad might happen.

With that in mind, they waited until lunch when Rey's mother left the house with a gloomy expression on her face. She felt like she was leaving Rey alone again.

Rey, on the other hand, didn't feel anything special. It was just a weird feeling to be in a place he had no memories of.

'If I have no memories of this place, I should just make new ones,' Rey thought as he was alone in his home.

The home wasn't big, but it had two floors. His room was on the upper one; there were only two rooms on the upper floor.

His room and a cabinet. Rey curiously tried to open the cabinet, which had black doors leading to it, but couldn't do so even with his elbows.

'It seems to be locked, and I have no idea where the key might be,' Rey sadly thought as he felt disappointed with his little adventure.

Rey quickly forgot about the closet as he went down the stairs into the living room. On the other hand, the first floor was quite spacious and had more rooms.

He looked around and saw that the living room was connected to the kitchen, and there were some doors leading somewhere. Rey only assumed they were the bathroom.

When Rey wondered what he should do next, he heard knocking on the front door.

His heart skipped a beat as he heard the knocking. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of who could be visiting him. His mother had just left, and he wasn't expecting anyone else.

As curiosity got a better hold of him, he forgot about the warning from his mother not to come into contact with anyone.

Rey cautiously approached the front door. He peered through the peephole and saw a tall figure standing outside.

Taking a deep breath, Rey mustered up his courage and opened the door. Standing before him was a man with a long, silver beard and twinkling blue eyes.

"Hello there, young lad," the man greeted Rey warmly. "My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore. I've come to speak with you about your acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Rey's eyes widened in surprise. He had read about Professor Dumbledore in the acceptance letter, but he never expected to meet him in person. He quickly stepped back, allowing the professor to enter his home.

"Please, come in," Rey said, his voice trembling with nervousness.

Professor Dumbledore smiled kindly and stepped inside. He glanced around the room, taking in the modest surroundings. Rey couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in the presence of such a renowned figure.

"I must say, young Rey, you have quite a remarkable story," Professor Dumbledore began to talk. "To survive a fall from a cliff and then receive an acceptance letter from Hogwarts is quite extraordinary."

Rey nodded, still in disbelief about everything that had transpired. He was starting to realize that his life was about to take a drastic turn, embarking on a magical journey he never thought possible.

"Your mother has informed me about the incident with Tim," Professor Dumbledore continued, his expression growing serious. "As there is no real proof about what happened, we won't be able to take any actions, but we can try to protect you from any further harm."

Rey felt a mix of relief and gratitude wash over him. Knowing that the school would be taking his safety seriously eased some of his worries.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," Rey said sincerely. Rey knew that it wasn't simple to be accepted into Hogwarts.

As Rey and Professor Dumbledore continued their conversation, discussing the logistics of Rey's enrollment and the upcoming school year, Rey asked a question.

"And Professor Dumbledore," asked Rey.

"What is it, young lad?" Dumbledore warmly responded.

"Can my hands be fixed someday?" Rey asked worriedly while showing Professor Dumbledore what he could and could not do with his hands.

"Oh my, this is really unfortunate for you, my boy. It will be troublesome since it might not only be a physical issue but even a mental block. You should go to the school infirmary once you get to Hogwarts; they should be able to help you."

Dumbledore said as he looked at Rey with pity in his eyes. This young boy was plotted against; he lost his memory and even lost control of his hands. He would not wish this fate on anyone.

He knew that healing Rey's hands would be really difficult and probably won't be possible, but he didn't want to break Rey's hopes anymore.

They slowly said their goodbyes as Dumbledore left Rey's house.

Professor Dumbledore also mentioned that Rey's mother wouldn't be able to buy a wand for him as the wand has to choose Rey itself.

With that, Rey contemplated his future in Hogwarts. He felt a little more secure now that he knew that Tim wouldn't be able to try anything against him.

A few hours later, Rey's mother returned in the evening carrying a big bag of supplies that Rey might need for school.

Rey didn't mention that Professor Dumbledore had come to see him because he felt that he had done wrong by showing himself to anyone else.

And just as Professor Dumbledore had said earlier, Rey's mother couldn't buy a wand for Rey.

That meant that Rey and his mother would have to go to Diagon Alley once more to choose a wand that fit Rey.

Rey and his mother planned how they could do this so that no one noticed them. They finally came up with a plan on how to do that a few minutes later.

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