
Exponential growth

Another week passed unnoticed. Henry was now much more of reach, although he was ostracised by the children who were now at home.

The study of magic by Alf changed Henry's view of magic again. Magic was energy, yes, but it wasn't the limit of magic produced by wizards, as it was thought.

Although it does decrease the amount of production as it gets older, theoretically, wizards were supposed to be an energy battery, just like in the matrix. The problem was that the wizard limited the energy he produced. Here, the sensors/unknowingly found solutions of the wizards were very interesting.

The side effect of wand-cast spells was that the propagation-configured spell interrupted the extended propagation until it found a trigger, and as a result, the difficulty of wandless spells would increase several fold.

The science of the wand was really interesting, and that it had such an effect on wizards made science even more interesting. Henry had already limited the spread of magic and didn't need a trigger for it, leaving a lot of room for Henry to progress in wandless magic.

Thanks to Alf, he optimised his training exercises. Except for body exercises for a week, there was shuttle tissue between classes and libraries. Everything was to create a database for them to build.

Occlumency was to give the wizard excellent memory, emotional control, and mind protection. Henry's memory would have been sufficient, but not at the level of eidetic memory. Alf's presence had given him that, not just visually, but through all his senses.

Now the need was to adapt Observation haki to magic and create a passive battle mode in Alf for it.

'Alf adapts observation haki to magic, optimises it, and creates an ideal training method for the user, it uses 65% of the process limit for this, Alf can work passively on "Battle" users, through observation haki and sense organs, the user's boss spells/attacks Creates a real-time simulation mode that shows the highest probability defence and attack methods by shadow method, uses the remaining power for this and shows the estimated end time' Henry ordered.

[Receiving commands, starting processing… Prediction completion time of 1st command: 7 days, 2nd command's prediction completion time: 12 days.] said Alf.

"I'm already auto-optimising the spells I need to be in danger of this time, plus the battle mode will make me a man of action rather than thinking so I know I can focus more on planning and the road," said Henry.

'Although I can't use the room of requirement and the dark forest temporarily, I can only tolerate a 1-year delay.' thought Henry.

As he walked, he was walking towards the library after leaving class. He used to spend his breaks in the library, recording the books he took from the library during the lessons. Alf had brought him a lot.

As Henry walked down the hall, he noticed that Cho and her friends were following him.

'So they finally took action,' Henry will live to say. He knew exactly what they would do together. Children in this period did not receive warnings about what they did, they sought directions.' thought Henry.

Henry had already shown Cho that he didn't want to play this game with them.

Therefore, he strongly instilled in the girls the idea of "not noticing and not taking care of me". He didn't even feel the need to look into hers eyes while doing this. If you haven't read WMW, you can't understand what a broken tool Alf is.

Alf had the sum of the processing power of the mind stone, on top of the supercomputer processing power that Henry had created with his occlumency, apart from all the data processing power of the brain. He was collecting data 24/7 with all the data-receiving organs that Henry had, plus he had all the memory pieces he owned.

It was a huge dataset with nearly a thousand books added just last week, and it was growing day by day. With this data, he could produce simulations, analyses, and theories.

Henry had already added additional power to a very powerful tool, and he was using it as best he could.

Among this use was in planning. By his comparison, he was already leagues beyond what he should have been at his age. He began training according to the methods created by the processing power of Alf.

In the past, his abilities were like pieces of coal. Now he was turning them into diamonds with new training methods.

The girls lost their smug grins and passed Henry. Magic was such a dangerous tool, with its correct use, anything was possible.

'Halloween is approaching, I'm not at the level to let myself go yet. Harry man, good luck,' thought Henry.

His new plans were more proactive because he was rapidly gaining strength and this was just the beginning would experience exponential growth.

Hiding would slow him down as he progressed, and these were plans made, assuming he couldn't do magic during the summer holidays, and there was an alternative, a frightening alternative.

His will, 'There is no need to rush, I have already gone far beyond the point I wanted mentally, the rest will require waiting for biological growth until the age of 14, there are few things that cannot be accomplished with perseverance and opportunities' thought Henry, was as solid as an insurmountable mountain range.

The weekend was coming again. Now that plans were in progress for himself, it was time to move forward financially.

Thanks to Alf, he had complete memories of his past life. This situation brought with it a few opportunities, but he had to control the differences between worlds and do risk calculations.

By the time he was 11 years old, he had studied the world, and memories of his past life were not blurred, but the scale of comparison far exceeded even his massive processing power.

He reached the library and, after learning the time from Alf, proceeded according to the plan of the day. This day would store information about duelling spells and history. If he had access to the room of need, he would also record his dark magic and curses, but he wouldn't do that in public.

The sun was slowly descending, and the day was giving way to night. He left the library for dinner and headed for the great hall. His appetite was increasing day by day, not quite as much as the shounen protagonists, but he seemed to be heading there.

After glaring at a few children at dinner, he made his way to the main hall of his house. He moved from the main hall to the dorm room. He changed her clothes and completed the evening part of her daily workout routine. Henry murmured "Axy" after returning to his room and cleaning up.