
Shit just got real!

[Data transfer complete, AI chip fully connected to mind and soul.]

'Shit just got real!' Although was going to change his development plans and speed them up, even more, excitement gripped him.

'AI chip from now on your command name will be "Alf", create two folders. The first folder will be called "History" and the memories will be stored there without changing the body, the second folder will be "The Future" My experiences as Henry will be stored here' Henry commanded.

[Command name changed, folders created. Data transfer in progress estimated time: 3 seconds,

[Data transfer completed.]

'Alf estimated time will not be specified unless requested',

[Command executed.]

"man was too good to be true. There was no point in dwelling in his mind any longer, and he had remained in the meditation position too long." thought Henry.

The sun was starting to set when he left his mind. A few upper classes were walking around, and some first classes were exploring, but they were few.

The moment Alf began to work, he remembered his functions as if he had known them since the day he was born.

All of the analysis, observation, data transfer, simulation, and computer functions. That was Henry's goal anyway, but he was just beginning to understand what he could do with the creature.

'Alf checks my body, analyses and compares the body's owned data in the history folder,' Henry commanded.

[Command received. Data analysis and body scan are in progress, the process is complete.]

[Encounter result:

Henry Pearce, Age:11, Race: Mage, Strength: 1.5, Agility: 1.8, Vitality: 2.8, Magic: ???

There is insufficient data to determine the level of magic, more observation is recommended.]

With his hand still on his chin, he was examining the data projected into his eyes that only he could see.

'Now this is interesting, I was already guessing that my race would be different, but these data should be 1: average person, 2: human limits, then these data are ridiculous at this age.' thought Henry.

He pondered, and then enlightened, of course, that mages could be more durable and quicker. This was the case except for the rituals that could be done with magic, but most magicians were either unaware of this or thought they were not worth their effort.

'Alf studies and analyses the magic in the database and, with his current observational abilities, speculates the estimated calculation time,' Henry commanded in his mind.

[Command received, processing estimated calculation time: 2 hours]

Henry got up from his seat and stretched his body. He made his way into the great hall and pretended to read the book he carried with him to avoid attracting attention until dinner.

He had a plan in mind, and with Alf, he needed to expand his database, then make improvements through analysis and simulation, plus he needed a passive observation skill.

He needed a variety of observation haki, not just reflexively, he needed to examine his surroundings and have awareness. He wasn't thinking of adapting this ability because it would take too long, but not anymore.

Time passed, it was time for dinner, and the hall was full of students. He muttered "Axy" unnoticed as the food appeared in front of him.

He sent Axy when his meals were checked. While he was eating, he noticed that someone was looking at him, and when he turned his eyes to the viewer, he noticed that Cho Chang was sitting in front of him and he was smiling.

"Hello, I am Cho Chang, in all the first years it feels like I am seeing you for the first time so I wanted to meet you." said Cho.

"I see, it's Henry Pearce, I'm glad Cho," said Henry.

"Oh so you're muggle-born, don't worry, I'm half-blood. How was your first week?" Cho asked.

I was already reading her mind 'In his early years, he was the cutest in the house and he seems like the introverted and obscure type like the others, if I treat him a little nicer he'll fall in love with me and have my homework guy hehehe' thought Cho as she looked at me with a sweet smile on her face.

'I already knew this brat was a bit spoiled and stupid. These thoughts at this age, my friend, wizards are maturing faster than normal, I think.' Henry thought and after, replied to Cho.

"Cho, now that your request to meet has come true, you can leave me alone," Henry said and waved his hand for him to go.

It was really fun to watch her smile freeze on her face and then get shocked. Even the kids around were shocked. Cho was one of the prettiest, sweetest girls in the house, except for her second year was obvious that no one expected a freshman kid to react this way to someone like that.

"I see, Henry, be careful, Hogwarts is a great castle and it's full of dangers," Cho said, blatantly threatening.

Henry waved his hand under the table, Cho's feet tangled and he crashed facedown on the floor. The great hall fell silent, staring at Cho on the floor.

"Don't worry Cho, I can walk just fine," Henry said with a smile. It was quick for Cho to get up and realise that everyone was looking at her. she ran out of the great hall, leaving a laughing crowd behind her.

'Know your place, brat,' Henry thought, already full, and he wasn't going to tolerate a little girl threatening him. If any of Class 2 or Professors threatened him, he would reciprocate.

Of course, he wasn't going to pit himself against the professors, but he was done with hiding.