
Chapter 5


IT'D BEEN a week since I had called Kenton into my office and asked him to be the father of my baby. I was a planner, and this whole thing had gone off the rails. Frankly, it scared the shit out of me. I thought he'd give me his sperm, and I'd see a doctor. Instead he'd thrown me for a loop and wanted to do things the old-fashioned way. Since he made that demand, we'd been together not once, but three times. I wasn't sure how it happened, but he kept ending up in my bed, and I was starting to want him there.

It wasn't easy for me to process those feelings either. I didn't want to like Kenton. I had planned for it to be me and my baby. That had always been what I'd seen for my life. After being with my baby's father and spending time with him outside the bedroom, I wasn't sure that would happen anymore. I'd been learning that Kenton was a family man, and there was no way he'd not want to be in his child's life. He might say he was okay with it, but when push came to shove, he wouldn't be happy without being there. It was even more crazy that I was starting to want it too. I didn't have a father and at first didn't see the point, but after being around Kenton's family, I saw the appeal.

"Doctor Montgomery?"

Kenton's voice made my core clench. This man had given me more orgasms in the past week than I'd had all year. It's like he was a pussy whisperer. I wasn't sure how he did it, and I really didn't care. All I knew was my body wanted more every time he was around... dirty traitor.


Kenton slipped into my office and closed the door behind him. When I heard the lock click, my core flooded with my arousal.

"I have fifteen. Brought you this," he said as he pulled a protein bar from his scrubs pocket. Not just any bar, it was my favorite that was only available online.

"Thank you." He had been doing all these little things for me, and all I'd done was spread my legs and let him fill me with his seed. Maybe it was time to change that.

I stood from my chair, walked over, and ran my hands up his chest and around his neck.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow and a sexy smirk. Bastard understood damn well I was up to something.

"You'll see."

Instead of going in for the kiss, my fingers slid down and pulled at the drawstring on his pants. The best part of scrubs was the easy access. Pushing my hands into Kenton's underwear, I shoved them down his hips and to the floor.

"Pris-" the rest cut off when I sank to my knees and wrapped my mouth around his cock.

"Oh fuck," he muttered.

I pulled free from his large member and looked up at him. "I'd love to, but we don't have time."

Kenton was so big that I couldn't get him all in my mouth, so I wrapped my fist around the base of him and worked him as I went to work. Saliva pooled in my mouth making it easy for me to bob up and down on his thick shaft.

When he fisted my hair, my core clenched. I needed a release as badly as he did so I slipped my free hand down into my pants and rubbed myself.

"That's right, rub that pussy as you suck my dick. God your mouth is heaven."

His praised turned me on more, causing me to moan around him. There was a sharp tug on my hair pulling me back.

"You gotta stop," he pleaded.

I sensed he was close and doubled my efforts. When his hot seed slid down my throat, I found my own release.

I licked Kenton clean, pulled up his underwear and pants, and stood, smiling at him.

"You look awfully pleased with yourself."

That made me smile more. "I am."

"I don't want to go back to work."

Kenton took my mouth in an erotic kiss, making me wish we didn't have the rest of our shift.

"Later," I promised.

"I'll bring Chinese."

"It's a date."


THE DAY HAD GONE to hell since I left my office after being on my knees. I'm sure it was due to karma. I'd done something at work I shouldn't have, and now I was being punished, but I'd do it all again.

A child had come in, and I'd just finished the case. I both loved and hated cases with kids. It was why I hadn't gone into pediatrics. I could only handle sick children so much before it took a toll on me. I loved helping them and being able to do something important in their care, but for those times when nothing could be done, it wrecked me.

"Good work in there, Priscilla."

The girl had come in with abdominal pain. In the end it was determined she needed surgery.

"Thanks for all your help, Grant."

"Anytime. You know that."

"I do. I hate cases like that. The kids in pain... it eats at me."

Grant pulled me into a hug. "That's because you care. It makes you a good doctor."

I leaned into him, seeking comfort. Grant and I had worked together for a few years now and we'd grown close, always having each other's backs. I needed someone like that in this field.

I pulled out of the hug and smiled up at him. "Thanks. I needed that."

"I'm here. Always."

"Me too."

I was turning to head back to my office when Grant stopped me. "Hey, Priscilla?"


"You look good today."

It was the first time Grant had ever given me a compliment on something other than our work. We'd always been friends, never anything more.


"I was thinking, maybe we could go out... after work."


"Hear me out, okay? We've been working together for a while, yeah? I think we get along great and think it'd be nice to explore that. You're amazing, attractive, and I'd love to get to know you outside the hospital better. What do you say?"

"Grant," I wasn't sure how to tell him it was one-sided. I wasn't sure I wanted a relationship with anyone, but if I did try with someone, it'd be with Kenton.

"I think we'd be great together. We have so much in common." He was coming toward me now, reaching for me.

This is why it wasn't smart to mix relationships and the workplace. Shit like this went down and then it got awkward.