
Chapter 6


PRISCILLA HESITATED while looking at the asshole Grant. Had she considered agreeing to go on a date with him? He was a doctor, after all, and I was only a lowly nurse. But she chose my sperm as superior for baby-making and not Grant's, so I had to believe she saw something in me.

I couldn't sit around waiting to find out what happened. If I stayed hidden in the corner listening for her answer a second longer, I'd end up looking like a stalker. So I took a hearty step into the hallway with my head held high.

"Priscilla, your gynecologist called about that med you needed," I said between clenched teeth with one finger pointing down below to my nether region.

Was it a low blow?


Did I regret it?

No... But only because she didn't kick me in the balls.

Priscilla's face turned red, and she stormed at me walking right on by headed to her office. It wasn't the best way to handle things. A little juvenile, but I got her moving and that's what I wanted.

"What did you just do?" she shouted the accusation at me as she slammed her door locking us in privacy.

"Me?" I asked angrily with a hand to my chest. "What are you doing? Are you planning to accept Grant's date?"

"No, of course not. I... I was just being nice."

Shocker, but Priscilla wasn't known for being nice on the floor. "It doesn't take that long to be nice. What are you playing at here?"

"I don't understand what you mean," she took a hard seat in the chair behind her desk. "I'm not playing at anything."

"It didn't look that way to me. It looked like you were considering Grant's offer."

Priscilla rolled her eyes and searched in her top drawer for the protein bars I'd been hiding there, but I hadn't made my daily visit yet. I grabbed the bar out of my scrubs and threw it on her desk a little harder than was necessary.

"I couldn't fault you. He's a doctor, but I thought we connected."

Priscilla's face softened. "Kenton, it's not like that. You are amazing and we've connected. Grant caught me off guard and I didn't know what to say." She ripped the wrapper off of the protein bar and bit off the edge, standing from her desk and pacing in her small office.

Could I trust her when she said it didn't matter that Grant was a doctor? I'd never felt so insecure in my life. How is it that one beautiful woman made me question all my life choices?

"Do you like Grant?"

That's the root of the problem. She'd hurt my feelings. Why had she considered going on a date with Grant but hadn't given me the time of day?

We'd been together multiple times during the week, so if she hadn't gotten pregnant the first time, she likely had by that point. I sensed I was breaking through her walls because Priscilla said we'd only do it once and then take the test to see what happened, but she let me in her bed every night. She'd eaten three muffins from my early morning runs.

Grant didn't get her a chocolate muffin and a small hot chocolate before she'd even woken. Plus I'd heard the other nurses talking. He was not anything special in the man bits. They'd apparently even gotten saggy, and he was only forty-two.

"No. He's a good doctor but I don't have any extra feelings for him."

Her words eased a few of my fears. Priscilla didn't get it yet, but she was mine, and I had a shit time sharing. I didn't plan to start now when dealing with the most precious thing I'd ever have in life. I waited until she finished chewing and then took her in my arms, sharing a sweet but soft kiss that tasted of chocolate.

She moaned and pulled me tighter, my tongue sweeping across her lips before parting them.

When I stepped back, I met her eyes and knew we'd reached the time to put all my feelings on the line. Priscilla needed to realize what was at stake.

"You're mine, Priscilla. It's been true a long time. I love you." I could have gone on listing all the reasons but her mouth fell open and she covered it was a hand.

"That can't be, Kenton. We just met. It's lust."

"No," I shook my head in denial. "The sight of you makes my cock jerk, yes, but we are so much more than that. Everything I feel is true, Priscilla. You are my Juliet."

Her forehead furrowed. "They all die in that play."

Ugh. It would be my fate to fall in love with a difficult and logical woman.

"My baby is growing in your womb now, which means you're keeping a piece of my heart alive." They were words that would have anyone else in the medical profession or beyond wooing their hearts out.

But not Priscilla.

"Well, even if I am pregnant, the fetus hasn't developed a heart yet. But I'm taking very good care of your cells," she said smiling and subconsciously rubbing her belly a fraction.

I stopped just short of sticking an annoyed finger in my eye while trying to think of a way to make her see how special she was. I couldn't come up with anything, and I shook my head, staring across from her. "Shut up and kiss me, Pris."

That got her attention. First her eyes flashed angry at being told what to do, but it took less than a second before she stepped into my grasp and our lips met again. Her leg hitched over my hip and I pulled her pussy tightly to me, letting the heat of her core raise my dick. I wanted nothing more than to sink two fingers deep into her cunt and take her against the desk, but a knock at the door halted our movements in a flash.

"Priscilla, is everything okay," my new archnemesis Grant said through the wooden door.