
Chapter 4


"YES, can I get two muffins and a hot chocolate?" I asked into the loudspeaker.

I couldn't stand fast food, but Priscilla had a soft spot for it, especially for breakfast. When she woke, I wanted something to show how nice a guy I was, so a muffin and hot cocoa run became a top priority.

When I left she'd been sleeping on her side, her leg twisted up with mine, but her torso was pushed back creating as much distance as possible. I figured I'd won over at least her lower half. The rest would come in time.

After four orgasms and one wild marathon sex session unlike anything I'd participated in before, we both passed out next to one another with my arms wrapped around her middle and her left breast cradled in the palm of my hand. She hadn't objected, which I found to be a promising note.

Priscilla acted like she was trying to remind herself that nothing could happen between us even though pieces of the ice surrounding her heart had begun chipping away last night. Each time I dumped my load into her sweet pussy, she'd thrust her hips high in the air and remind me this was for baby-making means. The position apparently helped the sperm find their way better. I thought she'd spent too much time on the internet, but I didn't argue.

The second time it happened, I stuck myself between her thighs and licked her clean, helping her to keep her legs held high. She moaned and thrashed through her third orgasm and held a different gleam in her eyes after that moment. I wouldn't go so far to call it love, but acceptance. I'd never taken my chance to ask Priscilla out in the past, but I wouldn't let this opportunity get by without giving it my all.

It would take a few weeks before we had the results of the night's productivity, but I hoped it took a few more times of our coupling. Each chance was another opportunity for me to show Priscilla how wonderful it would be to have me in her life. Plus I'd never been with someone whose pussy called me in the ways hers did. From the moment my shaft pierced her soft walls, it felt as if our hearts connected. Sadly, for me, I more than likely had super sperm and it would only take one time to put my baby in her womb. She'd end up with triplets and I'd be shit out of luck on a reprisal.

I snuck back into her house so as not to wake her up but found Priscilla propped up against a pillow in her bed.

"Oh, you're here?" she asked, as if she'd searched the house for me only moments before and came up empty-handed.

I held the brown bag and a small cup of hot chocolate in front of me. "I brought you breakfast."

"Oh," her face lit up brightly. "I thought you'd left."

I leaned down, kissing her on the cheek but not wanting to press my luck. "Sorry. Next time I'll leave a note." She'd need a lot of little reminders that there would be a next time.

Priscilla's cheeks were stained with red when she opened the bag and pulled out the chocolate muffin. "It's my favorite. How did you know?"

I shrugged. Now wasn't the time to let her in on my stalking tendencies.

"I don't drink coffee," she said, eyeing the small container I'd set on her nightstand.

"It's hot chocolate. You never have coffee in the break room and even brought in your own Keurig and pods so you can make your own drink."

She laughed ever so lightly. "I thought I was being sneaky. Everyone would judge me if they found out I drink hot chocolate rather than coffee."

I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and nodded because she spoke the truth. Priscilla had an image to keep as a big, bad, hard-as-stone doctor. Sipping on something other than coffee in her daily mug would turn heads.

"Your secret is safe with me. Once you're done eating, get dressed. We have someplace to go."

She hurried and swallowed the chunk she'd ripped off the muffin. "Why?"

"Because I have a surprise for you."

Did I plan to rush things with my afternoon activities?

Yes, absolutely.

It didn't matter, though, because my time to win over Priscilla had a deadline, and if that meant I had to throw the whole kit and caboodle of the Sacks clan at her, then so be it. She'd have so many Sacks in her life she wouldn't be able to see past us. I wasn't one hundred percent positive how last night would go, but I packed a bag, hopeful I'd get the chance to spend the night. My preparedness paid off as I didn't have to leave her to change my clothes this morning. I wouldn't let Priscilla out of my sight until I had her swooning.


THE DRIVE to my mother's house was quick since she lived in the next fancy neighborhood to Priscilla. I found the place rather pretentious, but I understood when you were in certain professions like medical, or investment finance like my father, keeping up impressions was important. Smart doctors made good money, and people with good money bought big houses. Therefore, a doctor who lived in a big house must be a smart doctor. The logic had flaws but patients fell into the lies all the time.

"We're here," I said as I pulled into the driveway.

Priscilla's mouth fell open. "This is your house?"

I shook my head. Not mine, although I owned a home in another pretentious neighborhood a few blocks to the other side. What could I say? People fell for the idea. As stupid as it seemed, the theory got the best of us. "No, this is my parents' house."

She gasped, sucking in a breath. "You brought me to your mother's house?"

"Don't worry. It's not like that and besides she'll love you." I considered my mother the nicest person on the planet. She'd love anyone I brought home, but I refused to tell Priscilla that. I'd let her think her sunny disposition won her heart.

Mom met us at the front door with a big smile on her face and then wrapped us both into hugs even though she'd never met Priscilla. I introduced them and then stepped in past the foyer.

"I thought we'd head over to the lake," I said, reminding my mom of why we were here. None of the cousins filled the living room, which meant they hadn't yet arrived for Sunday brunch-a Sacks family ritual.

Damn. I planned to pass her around the family and let Pricilla see how successful my family was. As it turned out, we'd arrived too early.

My mother smiled. "Your father told me all about it. I packed you a lunch because we moved brunch to one today because your cousin Jessica is getting her law degree today."

"Oh yes, I forgot. I hope she won't be upset I miss it." I had planned to attend since the Sacks family were a close-knit group, but when given the opportunity to leave my baby-making juice inside Priscilla, my other plans had been forgotten.

My mother patted me on the shoulder as if she sensed my guilt. "Don't worry. I'll make sure she knows you're sad to miss it."

Priscilla stood in the foyer watching our conversation. "What area of law is she going to practice?" she asked as if she were interested. Score another point for the Sacks family.

"Environmental. I suppose if she wants to be a bloodsucking lawyer, at least she'll stick it to the big corporations," my mom said, sticking her fist this out like she had Walmart in a boxing ring.

Priscilla nodded as if she understood what my mother said, but she hadn't grown up around here and didn't understand the true hatred the Sacks family had for corporate lawyers. As my father said, they always ruined the best business deals.

"Let me grab the basket and you two can head out to the lake."

Priscilla leaned close. "I haven't been in Vegas long, but I don't remember them having lakes."

My mother returned before I could answer and she passed off a wicker basket, giving us each a hug goodbye and then standing on the front porch as she waved to us as we drove away.

"The place is named Lake Las Vegas. Man-made by a bunch of investors in the seventies, I think. It has a few hotels and other things on it, but it's gone bankrupt more times than I can count. My father just bought into the most recent renovations." I explained about the lake once we were back in the car and on our way.

"Ohhh that lake. I thought regular people weren't allowed on it."

I smirked. "We're not regular people." The Sack family had never been normal.

One side of Lake Las Vegas had been semi-developed with tall buildings and resorts cut into the middle and around the edges, but the far side was still desert, and that's the area I took Priscilla.

A small boat with three seats and paddles waited for us, and I balanced the picnic basket in the center. I helped Priscilla get in before pushing the boat into the water and taking up the paddles. I then rowed us into the middle of the water.

"This view is amazing," she said as we floated while staring all around us. It was a sight to behold, so much water in the desert even if it was created from a man-made damn.

"Yeah it is. When the last business filed for bankruptcy my father bought into it. It's a beautiful part of Vegas that more people need to see." Technically, we were in Henderson, not Vegas, but if you weren't local, nobody gave a damn.

"What does your dad do?"

"Venture capitalist, finance guy. Now that he's getting older, he likes to tinker with things, but he can't quite retire. He has too much hustle and bustle in his blood."

Priscilla laughed. "I'm the first person in my family to go to college, so the fact I went all the way to med school was astounding."

In truth, I was the person who had the least amount of education of the Sacks clan and I had a masters in nursing. In another year or two-after Priscilla had the baby-I would step into more of a management role in the hospital. They'd been asking me to take on more leadership for years, but the truth was, I liked the craziness of being on the floor. Once I had children and needed a better schedule, though, a management position would be more fitting.

"My mother is a therapist. She moved her private practice closer to home when we kids were born, but can you imagine growing up with a therapist for a mother?" I asked with a laugh, but it was anything but funny. Let's just say I didn't get the same birds and the bees talk as other kids did in fourth grade.

Priscilla laughed and waited as I opened the picnic basket before we continued sharing facts of our childhood and crazy relatives. I'd wait until the third date before I told her about my cousin, Holly Danger, the super successful drag queen on the Vegas strip.