
Hired Love

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ShyLunaria · LGBT+
51 Chs


"My loving daughter Stella, I need to speak to you."

Stella awoke to simple but fear inducing words. Daughter in that sweetly poisonous tone could only mean one thing, an unwelcoming conversation. Quickly dawning her robe Stella scrambles to the door while mustering her best customer service smile.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit to my dear mother whom I love so much."

"Well little birdies told me my daughter was rather close to a certain someone."

Stella's eyes immediately shifted over to the panicking Annalise who was frantically waving in dismissal that it was her. Despite whatever doubts Stella had she shifted her gaze back to her mother who just gazed at her lovingly but with a smile that mimics a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Yes mother. I have grown rather fond of my girlfriend whom you met at the last charity event."

"Ah yes that random girl you brought to my event without prior notice."

"Did I offend you dear mother. I apologize for my insolence. I just didn't want to worry you with such a frivolous issue when you had more important matters to attend to."

"Oh daughter, I love you so much. Why would you wound me so? I would always make time for you and the woes of your spirited heart."

"You warm me dear mother. I will note that for the future."

"You should be my Stella."

"So mother, is there anything else you wanted to talk about on this early morning?"

"Well I would love to hear a bit more about the girl who has smitten my Stella."

"I would happily humor you my sweet mother but unfortunately I must get ready for my classes."

"Your classes aren't until much later in the morning though Stella. Is this just an excuse to get your caring mother out of your hair?"

"I would never! I just have a daily routine and other obligations other than my classes that I must attend to."

"What other obligations? I wasn't informed of such matters."

"Nothing to worry about mother, just little activities here and there that I decided to be held responsible for in order to provide myself with a more balanced life."

"One of which is visiting your girlfriend every morning before classes. Is another one of these obligations spending time with her before your class every day."

"You've been keeping tabs on me again." said Stella while maintaining her smile.

Stella's taste buds sense the all too familiar taste of iron as pain shocked through Stella as she bit on the inside of her lip.

"Well I wanted to make sure my princess was never in harm's way."

"Worry not mother but Mallory will not harm me."

"You claimed that about the last one as well didn't you?"

"Mallory is different!" screamed Stella as her mother had finally made the porcelain exterior of Stella crack.

"So you claim but how am I to know this?"

"Trust in your daughter for once~"

"Well trust needs to be earned."

"Mother I will show you that Mallory is indeed someone worthy of my affections."

"Then sweet Stella I will give Annalise here the reservation information and I will see the both of you tonight."

To punctuate her statement Amelia offered a smile to her daughter as her eyes stared deep into those ruby iris which mirrored her own.

"If that is what you wish for, mother, then I will take my leave."

"Please tell Mallory I said hi."

Without a further word Amelia places a letter in Annalise's waiting hands before turning and heading out of the town house. With a huff Stella returned to her room before slamming her door shut. Annalise had not seen the pair interact like this before and was scared to mutter anything.

Annalise instead just left Stella alone especially after she heard the muffled screams and sobs within Stella's room. To Annalise's shock Stella eventually came out of her room looking no different than any other day.

"Annalise if you are spying for my mother I will remove you from your position. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my lady I would do no such thing."

Another first came with those words as for the first time Annalise felt hostility from Stella. Those ruby eyes almost willed her crimson to coming pooling out of her until she would fall lifeless under Stella's feet. However the gaze soon faded into the indifferent warmth she had grown accustomed to allowing Annalise to take a breath of relief.

Upon inspecting Annalise's reaction Stella gave a small nod before returning to her normal routine and leaving the town house to warn Mallory of the upcoming storm they must brave. Stella knew her mother all too well and it would take a lot for Mallory to earn Amelia's approval.

Mallory had a perfectly normal morning. For Mallory the sun was brought and the day filled with joy or at least until the moment she opened the door to welcome Stella. Despite Stella work with makeup Mallory noticed the puffiness of her eyes and the cloud that seemed to rain over Stella.

"Hey Stella what's wrong?"

"Mind if we sit and have some tea? This may take some time."


The color of the world began to fade from Mallory's vision as she rushed off to prepare the tea and set the table. Mallory's heart raced from the moment of Stella's arrival up to the point they took a seat at the table. If it wasn't for Stella clasping her hand on Mallory's there was a chance Mallory would have spilled something for how shaky her hands were.

"Mallory this will change nothing between us but it will cause you distress. Mallory, I apologize in advance."