
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


Hiccups Pov:


 The day has come for me to leave for the heir school. Again I made gifts for my friends and hid them under their decks, Astrid's though I hid in the hideout for reasons.


 Right before I leave I tell them. "Check below your decks." An they look a little surprised and go to do that as I board and leave.


 When I arrive on deck I go to sit by a scholar. I ask him. "What's your name, Mine is Hiccup." He responds and I am a little surprised. "I don't know, but just call me Scribbler. When I was younger on an Island, it was attacked and I lost my memory."


 I am a little concerned but I understand what he means a little bit. "There is someone else like me here, thou—." He gets cut off as a knife lands above my head and I don't React.


 "Aren't you going to see who did that?" Scribbler asks. "No because I already know who, It was Dagur." I say responding to his question.


 "How perceptive of you Hiccup." Dagur calls from across the deck. I look over and see him next to a kid sitting next to the mast who is very fit and has unusual white hair.


 "What do you think of him Mutism." Dagur says to the boy with white hair. The boy responds after he comes up to me and sniffs me. "Smells like a NightFury." He said it only loud enough for me, Dagur, and Scribbler to hear.


 "What do you mean?" Dagur asks Mutism. To stop them from asking more questions I say. "Because of this, I found it after a raid." and pull out a NightFury scale to show them, then quickly hiding it.


 After that they stopped bothering me and I looked around. I saw a few other people along with Camicazi.


 After a while I noticed that we were near my island hideout where toothless was. After a while we arrived at the island where school was. We unpacked and as it turns out there was a dorm system.


 I was in the same dorm as Scribbler, Mutism, and Dagur. We put all of our stuff on our beds, I was beside scribbler on one side and Dagur and mutism were on the other side.


 After we put our stuff down we were called to the Main Hall where we will be eating. The Headmaster calls. "SILENCE!!" and everybody quiets down. "We have multiple people here for this year, Heirs, Scholars, And guests that were recommended."


 By that I think he means people like Scribbler and Mutism.


 "For the next week you all can get used to the island, just don't cause trouble." The Headmaster boomed. From that I can see that my dorm members may find something in my stuff, best kept secret.


 "The rules are as follows, No killing fellow students, No leaving the island, and no stealing." The Headmaster said, at the no killing part me, Scribbler, and a few others sighed in relief. From that I can tell that they had problems with people like Dagur.


 I Liked the no stealing since that meant I couldn't lose something valuable unless it wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't like the no leaving the island because then I couldn't get toothless his prosthetic. I made it so he could take care of himself and fly.


 "That will be all, You will be given your class schedules 2 days before classes start. Breakfast at 7:00, Lunch at 12:00, Dinner at 19:00." The headmaster said before leaving us to ourselves.


 I head back to my bunk to unpack along with Scribbler. When we get back I notice that Scribbler has an unusual amount of Writing materials and books. "How come you have so many writing supplies." I ask.


 "Oh, it is because I come from a island where we study a lot and read. We normally don't get attacked by dragons so they are safe." Scribbler Responds.


 "I see." I say. I continue to unpack my armor and tools and Scribbler can't help but ask. "What is all that?" As he says that I notice that somebody is watching us so I take a knife and as I throw it at a window Scribbler is surprised. He must've thought I was attacking him.


 "Sorry I noticed someone watching, Back to your question this is armor that I made on a journey I did alone along with a shield and sword." I say to Scribbler calming him down and not showing him the Prosthetic for toothless.


 "Cool." someone says from behind us and I turn to see Dagur looking excited and Mutism just looking.


 "Can I help you guys?" I say to them.


 "No Mutism just said that you throw a knife at him for looking in the window so I came to see why. You know there's a rule about no killing." Dagur said to me.


 "Well I didn't see a problem since it hit wood and even if it hit him it wouldn't have killed him. Also why was he spying on his own dorm. Plus I didn't know it was him." I say to Dagur and this catches him off guard.


 Dagur walks off and mutism goes somewhere and I hide the Prosthetic and I Think about how long this school year will be.